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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    *huggles Pol* Good luck with the second surgery

    *waits patiently for Campfire*
    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      *hugs Pol* Good luck with the second surgery! Hope everything goes okay! Keep us updated!

      So quiet again in here today...perhaps later today we should have a viewing of some sorts or so... Watching Threads together?


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        So quiet again in here today...perhaps later today we should have a viewing of some sorts or so... Watching Threads together?

        . . .

        Wait. I need to work on my school assignements today!

        Threads? School? Theads. . . . Or school. Both? Hmmm.
        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
        My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


          Interrupting our S/J ship to comment on confirmation. Or shipfirmation. Or...whatever we want to call it. Bear with me, I promise this is not off-topic

          I am grading papers this morning while watching (loosely speaking) the last X-Files movie on tv. Now...I was a M/S (Mulder/Scully) diehard shipper. Wrote my fair share of fanfic, read some fabulous fanfic, etc... and like all shippers was clamoring for resolution.

          Not that half-a$$ed stuff we got with maybe-babies that were given up, not halfway-hallway kisses (but sexy as all getout in the outtakes of movie 1), no. We wanted 100% "I fell in love with you" dialogue.

          And we got it in movie #2.

          Now...the next bit should be read with the understanding that not only was I a fan of the show, I worked on the show. My screen name used to be "setmedic," so that should tell you what I did. <smile> I worked hard to work on the show, because I loved the show. I tell you this so you can understand my next statement.

          Movie #2 was total and utter rubbish. Start to finish.

          Fragmented script, go-for-the-gore storyline with no real premise, no characters in which we could put our faith, or commit to, we certainly didn't care about M/S as characters, and they lost all cred (for God's sake, Scully **Googled** stem cell research in looking up treatment options (and seriously...a pathologist doing "cutting-edge" cancer treatment? Really?)). But, I digress.

          But. Earlier in the movie we got a scene in which (strangely reminiscent of the Jack/OTHER scene) in which the camera lifts over Scully's sleeping body to reveal...Mulder. And, just five minutes ago, Scully looked deep into Mulder's eyes and said "This is why I fell in love with you."

          Woo. Freaking. Who.

          A small, throwaway line that meant...NOTHING.


          No feeling. No chemistry. By this point neither actor was invested in any way in doing the movie other than for financial reasons (yes, I do know this). It wasn't about futhering the story, or the mythology, or an homage to the fans. And it showed in the dry, passionless, "I love you," which may as well been, "That's why I bought cabbage with you."

          I do not want our Sam/Jack confirmation to come in the form of a throwaway line in a crappy movie. I would much rather have fanfic and the end-of-the-series-as-we-knew-it Season 8 "Let's not dwell" pier fishing (and we all know it's not about the fishing) scene than a sarcastic, stick-it-to-the-fans tossed-off line.

          I, and many of you, have brilliant imaginations and we know the actors love and respect the characters -- nearly as much as do we. I don't believe Brad would put us in the same position Chris Carter did with X-Files, but just in case, I'm laying it out there:
          Dear Brad,

          Please give us our unequivocal shipfirmation in a lovingly respectful way that enhances and celebrates our characters and does not make them caricatures of themselves or the genre. If that's not possible, please leave it as-is. I'm good with that.

          With deepest respect,
          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


            Originally posted by Pol View Post
            Interrupting our S/J ship to comment on confirmation. Or shipfirmation. Or...whatever we want to call it. Bear with me, I promise this is not off-topic

            I am grading papers this morning while watching (loosely speaking) the last X-Files movie on tv. Now...I was a M/S (Mulder/Scully) diehard shipper. Wrote my fair share of fanfic, read some fabulous fanfic, etc... and like all shippers was clamoring for resolution.

            Not that half-a$$ed stuff we got with maybe-babies that were given up, not halfway-hallway kisses (but sexy as all getout in the outtakes of movie 1), no. We wanted 100% "I fell in love with you" dialogue.

            And we got it in movie #2.

            Now...the next bit should be read with the understanding that not only was I a fan of the show, I worked on the show. My screen name used to be "setmedic," so that should tell you what I did. <smile> I worked hard to work on the show, because I loved the show. I tell you this so you can understand my next statement.

            Movie #2 was total and utter rubbish. Start to finish.

            Fragmented script, go-for-the-gore storyline with no real premise, no characters in which we could put our faith, or commit to, we certainly didn't care about M/S as characters, and they lost all cred (for God's sake, Scully **Googled** stem cell research in looking up treatment options (and seriously...a pathologist doing "cutting-edge" cancer treatment? Really?)). But, I digress.

            But. Earlier in the movie we got a scene in which (strangely reminiscent of the Jack/OTHER scene) in which the camera lifts over Scully's sleeping body to reveal...Mulder. And, just five minutes ago, Scully looked deep into Mulder's eyes and said "This is why I fell in love with you."

            Woo. Freaking. Who.

            A small, throwaway line that meant...NOTHING.


            No feeling. No chemistry. By this point neither actor was invested in any way in doing the movie other than for financial reasons (yes, I do know this). It wasn't about futhering the story, or the mythology, or an homage to the fans. And it showed in the dry, passionless, "I love you," which may as well been, "That's why I bought cabbage with you."

            I do not want our Sam/Jack confirmation to come in the form of a throwaway line in a crappy movie. I would much rather have fanfic and the end-of-the-series-as-we-knew-it Season 8 "Let's not dwell" pier fishing (and we all know it's not about the fishing) scene than a sarcastic, stick-it-to-the-fans tossed-off line.

            I, and many of you, have brilliant imaginations and we know the actors love and respect the characters -- nearly as much as do we. I don't believe Brad would put us in the same position Chris Carter did with X-Files, but just in case, I'm laying it out there:
            Dear Brad,

            Please give us our unequivocal shipfirmation in a lovingly respectful way that enhances and celebrates our characters and does not make them caricatures of themselves or the genre. If that's not possible, please leave it as-is. I'm good with that.

            With deepest respect,
            I agree completely!

            Especially with the letter.

            I'm glad you're feeling better, and happy Campfire writing!
            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              Pol I completely agree and that is why I rather see nothing than lousy confirmation. I love the ship as it is, and I'm so afraid that it will be ruined because the actors/writers etc. won't be invested enough in it. So I prefer nothing above lousy confirmation.

              Plus for me the team has always been number one; because IMHO that was what the show was about: the connection that SG-1 had. Ship mustn't IMHO come first to that on screen As much as I love the ship, I can still imagine/read that in fanfics. For me, like I mentioned before, I see S8's fishing as S/J resolution.

              LadyGJ if you want to do a viewing we can set a time...I got a skype chat soon with home so after that would be 5/6 PM EST....or in the evening if that is easier


                Pol, I have to respectfully disagree...

                As a fan of the show (I wish I had worked on it ), I have to say that I absolutely loved the second movie and I thoroughly enjoyed the Mulder/Scully scenes.

                In fact, the second movie saved me from not buying The X-Files at all. I was so disappointed with that series finale that I couldn't even watch the show without cringing. Movie #2 was my way back to my love for TXF, so I can't really say I would hate a confirmation similar to it.
                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  Lol! Pol! That's such a fab statement!

                  I agree wholeheartedly with all of it. I recently rewatched movie#2 myself after being disappointed with it in the cinema. I thought I'd give it the benefit of the doubt.... nope... still awful! I'm glad you've confirmed it was for money reasons as that's totally what it reaked of! No passion, no semblance of reality (the Scully the Surgeon thing totally bugged me too) and I won't even mention the misplaced casting of Billy Connolly... DD was even stated as saying he thought it did badly because it was released in the summer... Hello movie#1 was a huge summer hit!!

                  Yeah I don't want that for S/J confirmation either!


                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    Interrupting our S/J ship to comment on confirmation. Or shipfirmation. Or...whatever we want to call it. Bear with me, I promise this is not off-topic

                    I am grading papers this morning while watching (loosely speaking) the last X-Files movie on tv. Now...I was a M/S (Mulder/Scully) diehard shipper. Wrote my fair share of fanfic, read some fabulous fanfic, etc... and like all shippers was clamoring for resolution.

                    Not that half-a$$ed stuff we got with maybe-babies that were given up, not halfway-hallway kisses (but sexy as all getout in the outtakes of movie 1), no. We wanted 100% "I fell in love with you" dialogue.

                    And we got it in movie #2.

                    Now...the next bit should be read with the understanding that not only was I a fan of the show, I worked on the show. My screen name used to be "setmedic," so that should tell you what I did. <smile> I worked hard to work on the show, because I loved the show. I tell you this so you can understand my next statement.

                    Movie #2 was total and utter rubbish. Start to finish.

                    Fragmented script, go-for-the-gore storyline with no real premise, no characters in which we could put our faith, or commit to, we certainly didn't care about M/S as characters, and they lost all cred (for God's sake, Scully **Googled** stem cell research in looking up treatment options (and seriously...a pathologist doing "cutting-edge" cancer treatment? Really?)). But, I digress.

                    But. Earlier in the movie we got a scene in which (strangely reminiscent of the Jack/OTHER scene) in which the camera lifts over Scully's sleeping body to reveal...Mulder. And, just five minutes ago, Scully looked deep into Mulder's eyes and said "This is why I fell in love with you."

                    Woo. Freaking. Who.

                    A small, throwaway line that meant...NOTHING.


                    No feeling. No chemistry. By this point neither actor was invested in any way in doing the movie other than for financial reasons (yes, I do know this). It wasn't about futhering the story, or the mythology, or an homage to the fans. And it showed in the dry, passionless, "I love you," which may as well been, "That's why I bought cabbage with you."

                    I do not want our Sam/Jack confirmation to come in the form of a throwaway line in a crappy movie. I would much rather have fanfic and the end-of-the-series-as-we-knew-it Season 8 "Let's not dwell" pier fishing (and we all know it's not about the fishing) scene than a sarcastic, stick-it-to-the-fans tossed-off line.

                    I, and many of you, have brilliant imaginations and we know the actors love and respect the characters -- nearly as much as do we. I don't believe Brad would put us in the same position Chris Carter did with X-Files, but just in case, I'm laying it out there:
                    Dear Brad,

                    Please give us our unequivocal shipfirmation in a lovingly respectful way that enhances and celebrates our characters and does not make them caricatures of themselves or the genre. If that's not possible, please leave it as-is. I'm good with that.

                    With deepest respect,
                    Pol, I would have greened you, but I have to spread some around first. I totally agree with you. I was a fan of XF, and was never and M/S shipper. I still find it revolting. That said, I too HATED the second movie. I could not follow it and found it unintelligent.

                    Like you, I would rather leave S/J as it is if it meant our confirmation was put into a crappy movie that made no sense, whatsoever. I would give up my dream of a confirmation scene and live with our hints and speculations. Especially, if it meant instead we had to live with a disjointed, disconnected confirmation scene between two characters who were just shadows of their former selves.


                      Originally posted by yessika View Post
                      *huggles Pol* Good luck with the second surgery

                      *waits patiently for Campfire*
                      I second that...

                      *squishy huggles to Pol*


                        Pol, I've never watched X-Files (it's on my To Watch list for this summer though! My friend has been telling me about it for years ;P), but I totally get what you're saying. I have nothing to add, but you make a good point and I agree.

                        Originally posted by starlover View Post
                        LadyGJ if you want to do a viewing we can set a time...I got a skype chat soon with home so after that would be 5/6 PM EST....or in the evening if that is easier
                        That could work. Anyone else in?
                        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                        My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                          Originally posted by Pol View Post
                          Interrupting our S/J ship to comment on confirmation. Or shipfirmation. Or...whatever we want to call it. Bear with me, I promise this is not off-topic

                          I am grading papers this morning while watching (loosely speaking) the last X-Files movie on tv. Now...I was a M/S (Mulder/Scully) diehard shipper. Wrote my fair share of fanfic, read some fabulous fanfic, etc... and like all shippers was clamoring for resolution.

                          Not that half-a$$ed stuff we got with maybe-babies that were given up, not halfway-hallway kisses (but sexy as all getout in the outtakes of movie 1), no. We wanted 100% "I fell in love with you" dialogue.

                          And we got it in movie #2.

                          Now...the next bit should be read with the understanding that not only was I a fan of the show, I worked on the show. My screen name used to be "setmedic," so that should tell you what I did. <smile> I worked hard to work on the show, because I loved the show. I tell you this so you can understand my next statement.

                          Movie #2 was total and utter rubbish. Start to finish.

                          Fragmented script, go-for-the-gore storyline with no real premise, no characters in which we could put our faith, or commit to, we certainly didn't care about M/S as characters, and they lost all cred (for God's sake, Scully **Googled** stem cell research in looking up treatment options (and seriously...a pathologist doing "cutting-edge" cancer treatment? Really?)). But, I digress.

                          But. Earlier in the movie we got a scene in which (strangely reminiscent of the Jack/OTHER scene) in which the camera lifts over Scully's sleeping body to reveal...Mulder. And, just five minutes ago, Scully looked deep into Mulder's eyes and said "This is why I fell in love with you."

                          Woo. Freaking. Who.

                          A small, throwaway line that meant...NOTHING.


                          No feeling. No chemistry. By this point neither actor was invested in any way in doing the movie other than for financial reasons (yes, I do know this). It wasn't about futhering the story, or the mythology, or an homage to the fans. And it showed in the dry, passionless, "I love you," which may as well been, "That's why I bought cabbage with you."

                          I do not want our Sam/Jack confirmation to come in the form of a throwaway line in a crappy movie. I would much rather have fanfic and the end-of-the-series-as-we-knew-it Season 8 "Let's not dwell" pier fishing (and we all know it's not about the fishing) scene than a sarcastic, stick-it-to-the-fans tossed-off line.

                          I, and many of you, have brilliant imaginations and we know the actors love and respect the characters -- nearly as much as do we. I don't believe Brad would put us in the same position Chris Carter did with X-Files, but just in case, I'm laying it out there:
                          Dear Brad,

                          Please give us our unequivocal shipfirmation in a lovingly respectful way that enhances and celebrates our characters and does not make them caricatures of themselves or the genre. If that's not possible, please leave it as-is. I'm good with that.

                          With deepest respect,
                          I loved the X-Files, but the second movie...mmmm....don't get me started. I hope that if we ever get confirmation for Sam and Jack, it will be done well. Do it tastfully, or just leave it up to our imaginations.


                            Originally posted by Pol View Post

                            (respectfully snipped)

                            I, and many of you, have brilliant imaginations and we know the actors love and respect the characters -- nearly as much as do we. I don't believe Brad would put us in the same position Chris Carter did with X-Files, but just in case, I'm laying it out there:
                            Dear Brad,

                            Please give us our unequivocal shipfirmation in a lovingly respectful way that enhances and celebrates our characters and does not make them caricatures of themselves or the genre. If that's not possible, please leave it as-is. I'm good with that.

                            With deepest respect,
                            your last two sentences - "If that's not possible, please leave it as-is. I'm good with that."

                            ooh, i so don't feel that. there's absolutely, positively, no friggin reason why we can't get confirmation for sam and jack. none. so, for me, if all i'm left with is that ambiguous 'threads' fishing ending, that is not good enough for me. especially considering that a bunch of the other ships on the stargate shows got much more 'confirmation' than ever.

                            i can't talk myself into settling for less. i won't. but i respect and understand those that do, and i mean that.

                            i've been waiting a long time for resolution/confirmation, and i'll be danged if i'm going to settle. :/




                              I could be completely wrong, but I'm of the opinion that if we do get a third movie with confirmation, it will be done properly and while it may be only a minute of the movie, many of us will be delighted with the results. I don't think BW is going to do anything to diminish any of the characters. And I'm pretty sure all the main actors/characters will thoroughly enjoy doing another movie and will give it the best work they can. Mostly because I just think that's the kind of people they are.

                              (*But I suppose I could be deluding myself, too ... wouldn't be the first time* ... )


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                I could be completely wrong, but I'm of the opinion that if we do get a third movie with confirmation, it will be done properly and while it may be only a minute of the movie, many of us will be delighted with the results. I don't think BW is going to do anything to diminish any of the characters. And I'm pretty sure all the main actors/characters will thoroughly enjoy doing another movie and will give it the best work they can. Mostly because I just think that's the kind of people they are.

                                (*But I suppose I could be deluding myself, too ... wouldn't be the first time* ... )
                                just reading that bolded statement...

                                this scene popped into head, where jack's sitting at his desk and someone comes up to his office door and says his wife is on the phone. jack nods and picks up the phone and says 'hi, sam'.' they chat for a short bit, jack says he hopes to see her soon, because they have some celebrating to do or something. sam jokes, says 'bye, hon', and...

                                there's confirmation.

                                ONE scene of confirmation, but look how easy that would be to be done.

                                but i'd still LOVE a hot kiss, and the kiss itself could do all the talking that need be for the confirmation!

                                i just can't settle. :/


