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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    *quickly runs in, keeping an eye out for her taxi*

    Ok, just a quickie, will reply later, this came to me when I was in the shower - don't ask - it's silly I know, but I hope it puts a smile on your face

    So this is Jack's internal monologue ten minutes after he's promoted to General and alone in his office.

    I think it went like this:

    Wohoo! I’m a General.

    I'm the man!

    So what am I gonna do first?


    Oh, look I have a sparkly grey desk.


    And a nice leather chair.


    Great, more papers.


    Where is my Homer pen?


    Why do I need to sign those?


    I’m not getting my memos.


    Oh, I know!


    I have to try the donuts.


    Or maybe the blue Jello, makes your tongue go blue.


    The first thing I’ll do is-


    So they went to this cabin….
    And then he promoted her.

    *sees taxi, runs out*


      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      Another striking thing forme was that after the pod is activated, instead of cutting to his best pal Rodney or any of the others he's known for a while, the cut is to Sam's face. Her expression just screams flashback and pain to me.

      Very cool, very subtle, and very shippy to me.
      I agree absolutely. I've always found it to be so, too. The cut to Sam is too deliberate to be a coincidence. I even wrote this: Stasis which, unlike many of my Peripheral Visions, isn't totally made up

      It's this shot, I think, we're all talking about:

      And I capped it because that scene is also an excellent example of the new not-afraid-to-show-who-she-really-is Sam we see after Threads. Shortly after this, she drops her head as though overcome with emotion.


        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        I was watching SGA tonight- which I only catch when Rick or Amanda are on. Anyway, I caught something I've missed in the past. At the end of The Kindred, as Beckett is being wheeled in, the piano bit was *very* reminiscent of the music in Lost City just before Jack steps into HIS pod.

        Another striking thing forme was that after the pod is activated, instead of cutting to his best pal Rodney or any of the others he's known for a while, the cut is to Sam's face. Her expression just screams flashback and pain to me.

        Very cool, very subtle, and very shippy to me. That took ages to type on my iPhone.
        LOL - it take forever to type anything on my iPod So I sympathize. Makes me happy for my keyboard.

        Very cool catch.



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            Isn't there a rumour the original script said "Sam?" but RDA changed it (which is why some of the foreign translations go with Sam and not Sara).

            I hate to say it but if Jack had said Sam it probably would have come across as just Jack recognising Sam had returned rather than anything shippy.

            Perhaps it's just me but I find it more shippy that he says Sara. Because, fair enough he's hypothermic and delusional, but subconsciously he's equating Sam's presence with a woman who has significant value and meaning in his life; who he loved.

            And makes Sam's reply much more personal too as she pretends for a moment to be his wife and calls him 'Jack'; to give him that comfort of being the woman he loves.
            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

              Isn't there a rumour the original script said "Sam?" but RDA changed it (which is why some of the foreign translations go with Sam and not Sara).

              I hate to say it but if Jack had said Sam it probably would have come across as just Jack recognising Sam had returned rather than anything shippy.
              Good point, and I think you're right about the meaning. I'd also find it interesting if it were RDA who changed it, because from what I've heard, part of his perception of Jack included great loyalty and faithfulness, and Jack's still saying 'Sara' here reinforces those traits.

              Jack isn't a man who loves lightly, and once he loves, he keeps loving. Which is, of course, important later on.


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Good point, and I think you're right about the meaning. I'd also find it interesting if it were RDA who changed it, because from what I've heard, part of his perception of Jack included great loyalty and faithfulness, and Jack's still saying 'Sara' here reinforces those traits.

                Jack isn't a man who loves lightly, and once he loves, he keeps loving. Which is, of course, important later on.
                Another significance to him calling her Sara is the recognition of her as a woman without it making her appear "unequal" (if that makes sense). In what is thought to be his dying breath he calls out for the woman who he loved for years and had a child with - *needing* her and I don't think he would have called that out if Teal'c had been all snuggling up to him. I think it's evidence of that chemistry that turns into more in later seasons.

                I do find that an interesting thought about RDA - considering the man himself has never been married (and from what I remember AT saying, got a little freaked out with pretend wedding pictures) - I thought i read somewhere that he's not with his partner Apryl anymore, but who knows - he's not exactly a publicity hound


                  woww, I great discussion was born from our dubbers' mistake!

                  My latest vid, OT cos it's a team vid:

                  My vids Sig made by me


                    Good point, and I think you're right about the meaning. I'd also find it interesting if it were RDA who changed it, because from what I've heard, part of his perception of Jack included great loyalty and faithfulness, and Jack's still saying 'Sara' here reinforces those traits.

                    Jack isn't a man who loves lightly, and once he loves, he keeps loving. Which is, of course, important later on.
                    Another significance to him calling her Sara is the recognition of her as a woman without it making her appear "unequal" (if that makes sense). In what is thought to be his dying breath he calls out for the woman who he loved for years and had a child with - *needing* her and I don't think he would have called that out if Teal'c had been all snuggling up to him. I think it's evidence of that chemistry that turns into more in later seasons.
                    His calling out for Sara (or Sam--whoever it was) also shows just how vulnerable he was in that moment. Also, it's like being in labor (not that I'm trying to re-start the conversation we had a few days ago), in that you focus on one thing in order to take your mind off of another thing. He's a Special Ops guy, too, so he was probably trained to choose one thing to concentrate on in the case of interrogation or stress. My guess is that he was reverting to that training.

                    BUT I love the shippy angle and the loyalty angle--that's much more satisfying for this devoted shipper!

                    And i wonder if he ever used the "side arm" line on his ex-wife--women have fallen for less impressive banter. . . . ;D
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                    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      there's a thread for a stargate movie campaign. if anyone's interested, here's the link:

                      I'm up for trying.

                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      And just to add to the mix ... what about the influence Sam had on Jack all those years as well. It works both ways. He had an influence on her throughout those eight years. I'm of the opinion that she had just as much influence on him and how he changed because of her being in his life.

                      Jack wouldn't have been the Jack we know now and neither would Sam have been the same woman.

                      I think Sam focused a light at the end of the tunnel for Jack. Seeing her awe of everything in the early stages of the program, her genuine love for the life she had and his eventual feelings for her I think, made him realize that his life wasn't actually over, but that there were still reasons to want to be alive.

                      I think Sam gave that to him.

                      I also think Jack struck a balance in Sam. Because she battled through her feelings for him, and made it out of that experience, accepting the strength of her love for him, it caused her to realize there was more than work to keep her going.

                      Had she not had Jack's influence, I think Sam would have married a man who loved her, had the 2.5 kids but the main focus of her life would still have been the job.

                      Jack showed her that at the end of the day there just had to be more to it and she found that in him.

                      That's just my humble opinion.

                      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                      woww, I great discussion was born from our dubbers' mistake!

                      My latest vid, OT cos it's a team vid:

                      sig by Mada
                      As a matter of FIC


                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                        His calling out for Sara (or Sam--whoever it was) also shows just how vulnerable he was in that moment. Also, it's like being in labor (not that I'm trying to re-start the conversation we had a few days ago), in that you focus on one thing in order to take your mind off of another thing. He's a Special Ops guy, too, so he was probably trained to choose one thing to concentrate on in the case of interrogation or stress. My guess is that he was reverting to that training.

                        BUT I love the shippy angle and the loyalty angle--that's much more satisfying for this devoted shipper!

                        And i wonder if he ever used the "side arm" line on his ex-wife--women have fallen for less impressive banter. . . . ;D
                        I think the side arm line was definitely a Sam/Jack thing
                        sig by Mada
                        As a matter of FIC


                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          His calling out for Sara (or Sam--whoever it was) also shows just how vulnerable he was in that moment. Also, it's like being in labor (not that I'm trying to re-start the conversation we had a few days ago), in that you focus on one thing in order to take your mind off of another thing. He's a Special Ops guy, too, so he was probably trained to choose one thing to concentrate on in the case of interrogation or stress. My guess is that he was reverting to that training.

                          BUT I love the shippy angle and the loyalty angle--that's much more satisfying for this devoted shipper!

                          And i wonder if he ever used the "side arm" line on his ex-wife--women have fallen for less impressive banter. . . . ;D
                          And I'm not saying it wasn't a training thing, but had he been curled up with Teal'c, I'm saying I don't think he would have called for Sara and if he did, T was most certainly not going to respond to him as Sam did LOL. Sara was his heart for getting him out of Iraq - so it's only natural he would focus on her again. I'm just saying that it brings out Jack and Sam's chemistry. Am I making sense?


                            And I'm not saying it wasn't a training thing, but had he been curled up with Teal'c, I'm saying I don't think he would have called for Sara and if he did, T was most certainly not going to respond to him as Sam did LOL. Sara was his heart for getting him out of Iraq - so it's only natural he would focus on her again. I'm just saying that it brings out Jack and Sam's chemistry. Am I making sense?
                            Absolutely--we're really agreeing here--I'm saying that his choosing her as a focus--a woman that he trusts and feels comforted by--is showing the depth of his feelings for both women. And I'm of the opinion that he doesn't NOT love Sara anymore--he's just capable of loving her in a different capacity now. I think that Sam fulfills the needs that he's presently finding himself in. And his love for Sara bodes well for his future relationship with Carter. Once a man shows that he's willing to commit once--and besides, that he's not resentful of her, nor hates her--shows that he can see when he's done things wrong in the relationship and he acknowledges that part of the reason for the failure was him, too.

                            Am I making sense?

                            Basically, if he can maintain that relationship with his first wife, it means that he's not a hate filled, resentful man who carries that kind of baggage. Now, he's got baggage--just not the kind that would make him incapable of loving again. (It'll just take him a little longer to figure it out .)
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
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                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                              I do find that an interesting thought about RDA - considering the man himself has never been married (and from what I remember AT saying, got a little freaked out with pretend wedding pictures) - I thought i read somewhere that he's not with his partner Apryl anymore, but who knows - he's not exactly a publicity hound
                              A bit OT:

                              You are correct. RDA and Apryl broke up in about 2001-2002 (after about 4 years together) and Apryl married for the first time last summer or the one before.

                              In reading a lot of the recent posts, there've been comments about how Sam put her arm around the injured airman in the gateroom in "Search & Rescue" and how (if I'm interpreting correctly) comfortable with herself she would have to be in order to do that. Somehow I don't agree with that. There've been numerous times throughout the series where she touched or hugged somebody in the SGC and didn't seem at all uncomfortable doing so.

                              Many times she touched Jack when he was injured. She hugged Daniel in the gateroom when he came back from the dead in "Serpent's Lair". She's hugged Teal'c a time or two. She's hugged Hammond at least twice that I can think of. Even though he's her father, she never appeared uncomfortable hugging Jacob at the SGC. She even kissed McKay on the cheek in a corridor at the SGC. I'm pretty sure she's at least patted several people on the arm or shoulder in a comforting sort of way. Not that there was anyone else to do it, but she's the one holding and comforting the dying Lt. Elliott in "Last Stand". She was the one sort of cradling and holding an injured Reynolds in "Evolution". She hugged Jonas Quinn when he left at the end of "Homecoming". I think she probably didn't do it more often simply because of being military and realizing what people would have thought of her and why she was doing it rather than her being uncomfortable with herself in any way. I've never thought of her as being all that repressed a person throughout the series; it's just been because of being military and surrounded by mainly men that she held back emotionally. If she'd been a civilian and in other circumstances, I'm pretty sure she'd have been a more "huggy" (is that a word?) person.
                              Last edited by hedwig; 20 February 2010, 12:39 PM.


                                I agree Hedwig. Sam wore her heart on her sleeve, so to speak. That is one of the things that drew me to her character. Sure she is a scientist and has an insatiable curiousity about technology and all that goes with that, but you could always tell she was a very caring person--and not just with children. I never thought she was not a touchy-feely kind of character. And remember how she held Jack's hand as he was pinned to the wall (was that Message in a Bottle?).
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