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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Happy Valentine's Day, shippers!

    Originally posted by iiradned View Post
    a. loquita has posted a cute little one-shot Wavelength
    Loved it!

    Originally posted by ladydeadlock View Post
    Hey Sam/Jack shippers! I'm a lurker but decided to come out and say hello. I'm currently in rewatch mode...again. Started season 4 and just finished "Divide and Conquer" *sigh* I. LOVE. THEM.
    Welcome, ladydeadlock!

    Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
    Okay, I watched Death Knell a few days ago and it inspired me to make something. I'm really not happy with the lighting, but it's been so misty the last few days, I had to use flash and my editing skills are like non existing so... ah, I will post it anyway:
    That's fabulous!

    Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
    Continuum Fic Rec:
    Yesterday's Life by Kedd. (Finally completed! <3)
    Thanks.... Will put it on my reading list.

    And, now, I'll go back to lurking mode....


      Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
      It's on, called Revlations by Ti Rhyse. Each chapter is a different short story centered on how others found out about Sam/Jack.

      Chapter 8 is the one with Jack's clone.
      I'll have to add this to my reading list, too....


        Hlndncr - Take some virtual green please. GW won't allow me to give you anything else. The first one is really beautiful! I. Love. It. <3

        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        Can you believe I've been so busy today I forgot it was Valentine's day until JackandSamAddict mentioned it?
        *huggles for business*

        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
        It's on, called Revlations by Ti Rhyse. Each chapter is a different short story centered on how others found out about Sam/Jack.

        Chapter 8 is the one with Jack's clone.
        Thanks for that! Will definitly read it. I love fics that tell how others found out about Sam & Jack. Anyone has other recs for those?
        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


          Happy Valentine's Day Shipper Family!


            Someone linked to this report on AT5 over on the Samanda Thread and I thought I'd pass it along because it's really good (and we're still waiting for the shippers who went to stop by with their own reports *taps foot impatiently*).

            sar101 AT 5.

            I'd just like to highlight one of the interesting things Amanda said:

            "When asked who was a better kisser Jack (RDA) or John (CH), Amanda said John as the kisses were allowed to be more passionate and free where as the Sam/Jack kisses were always restrained even in alternative realities they felt they couldn’t let loose."

            So this is restrained:

            Can't wait for that confirmation!


              You left out an important part of that paragraph!

              That Amanda would be seeing Rick soon so she'd do her research and get back to the fans.

              I was more excited about that than hearing her flip flop back and forth as to who was the best kisser. It was RDA during her last con.
              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                Someone linked to this report on AT5 over on the Samanda Thread and I thought I'd pass it along because it's really good (and we're still waiting for the shippers who went to stop by with their own reports *taps foot impatiently*).

                sar101 AT 5.

                I'd just like to highlight one of the interesting things Amanda said:

                "When asked who was a better kisser Jack (RDA) or John (CH), Amanda said John as the kisses were allowed to be more passionate and free where as the Sam/Jack kisses were always restrained even in alternative realities they felt they couldn’t let loose."

                So this is restrained:


                Can't wait for that confirmation!
                I'm still trying to recall in which episode(s) CH and Magnus kissed, much less kissed passionately.

                I can't remember anything remotely resembling the kiss in "Grace".


                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  I'm still trying to recall in which episode(s) CH and Magnus kissed, much less kissed passionately.

                  I can't remember anything remotely resembling the kiss in "Grace".
                  The only kiss they shared was in the webbies...

                  And I completly agree on the Grace kiss.
                  But if AT feels that THIS was restrained, I can't wait to see an 'unrestrained' kiss between the two of them. (Let's hope for movie 3! <3)
                  Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                  My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                  Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                    You left out an important part of that paragraph!

                    That Amanda would be seeing Rick soon so she'd do her research and get back to the fans.

                    I was more excited about that than hearing her flip flop back and forth as to who was the best kisser. It was RDA during her last con.
                    Well I don't keep track of the score. But that was a funny line. I'm sure everyone at AT5 got a kick out of it.

                    Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                    The only kiss they shared was in the webbies...

                    And I completly agree on the Grace kiss.
                    But if AT feels that THIS was restrained, I can't wait to see an 'unrestrained' kiss between the two of them. (Let's hope for movie 3! <3)
                    See that was my point. What a squeeeee worthy kiss that one will be.

                    Come on PTB get with the program and make the movie already!!!!


                      Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                      The only kiss they shared was in the webbies...

                      And I completly agree on the Grace kiss.
                      But if AT feels that THIS was restrained, I can't wait to see an 'unrestrained' kiss between the two of them. (Let's hope for movie 3! <3)
                      It's been awhile since I saw the webisodes. guess I'll have to go watch them again.


                        Just finished "Affinity"! Good thing you are talking about the Grace kiss at the moment! Lucky me.


                          Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                          Just finished "Affinity"! Good thing you are talking about the Grace kiss at the moment! Lucky me.
                          Wow, you watched Affinity. Voluntarily?!

                          You clearly need a hug for that . . . a long one.


                            Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                            Continuum Fic Rec:
                            Yesterday's Life by Kedd. (Finally completed! <3)
                            Another fic for my list! Wooo Hooo!!
                            by Sapphire_Jade


                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              Wow, you watched Affinity. Voluntarily?!

                              You clearly need a hug for that . . . a long one.

                              Thanks! I'm rewatching SG-1 at the moment and I got to season 8 without skipping even one episode. I just didn't want to start now, so I took a deep breath and just watched it.


                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                OH. MY. Beautiful and so is the other one.
                                by Sapphire_Jade

