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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Pol View Post
    Super-wildly OT but I'm wondering if
    there are any attorney's in the house? I do *NOT* need legal advice, it's for a project in my doctoral program. If you're a J.D., shoot me a PM?


    I believe that would be hlndncr...

    btw, loved the new campfire!!


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      It is! It shows Sam from a different perspective than what we are used to! I like seeing Sam like that! It's a bit rebellious which is sweet IMHO!
      That's why I like her comment in Foothold to Harry Maybourne. It's not Sam to be insubordinate but it is funny when she is!

      IMHO, they killed that ship, but that's just my perspective.

      OT why I haven't been here the rest of the week
      Was rushed to the hospital on Tuesday because of appendicitis. Tuesday evening it was removed and since I also had some infection around it they had to be extra careful! Now doped up on pain meds, but liking them and it helps! I hope I recover quickly! Got some small stitches on my belly now, but hopefully when it all heals no apparent scars so I can still wear a bikini.
      Gosh kid. Heal well and quickly.

      Thank God they got you there in time.

      The thread wouldn't be the thread without 'Starlover'
      sig by Mada
      As a matter of FIC


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        It is! It shows Sam from a different perspective than what we are used to! I like seeing Sam like that! It's a bit rebellious which is sweet IMHO!
        That's why I like her comment in Foothold to Harry Maybourne. It's not Sam to be insubordinate but it is funny when she is!

        IMHO, they killed that ship, but that's just my perspective.

        OT why I haven't been here the rest of the week
        Was rushed to the hospital on Tuesday because of appendicitis. Tuesday evening it was removed and since I also had some infection around it they had to be extra careful! Now doped up on pain meds, but liking them and it helps! I hope I recover quickly! Got some small stitches on my belly now, but hopefully when it all heals no apparent scars so I can still wear a bikini.
        Hugs - look after yourself


          Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
          I thought the way she snapped at him was a sign of the drug from the armband. Remember, she snapped at him in a similar fashion when they were addicted to the Light. Carter on drugs... brings out the insubordination in her!
          I wish we could have seen way more instances of "insubordinate Sam" or just Sam loosening up more than she got to. I think there's a bit of a wild child tucked away inside her just begging to be set free, and she's not really the stuffy person lots of people seem to think she is.

          (*Substitute any other word for "stuffy" that seems more appropriate.*)



            I hope you heal quickly

            I needs to work on my Valenship vid, I'm falling behind
            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              I wish we could have seen way more instances of "insubordinate Sam" or just Sam loosening up more than she got to. I think there's a bit of a wild child tucked away inside her just begging to be set free, and she's not really the stuffy person lots of people seem to think she is.

              (*Substitute any other word for "stuffy" that seems more appropriate.*)


                Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                Gosh kid. Heal well and quickly.

                Thank God they got you there in time.

                The thread wouldn't be the thread without 'Starlover'
                Aww *blushes* Thanks for the hugs everyone!
                It was especially scary since I've never had anything in my life and this happens on the moment I'm in a different country without any family here! Luckily I'm now staying at an uncle and aunts place of a friend of mine and they're a nurse and doctor so they're taking good care of me.
                and forcing me to eat since I haven't eaten ...much... since last Sunday

                Back to S/J ...anyone already started on their Valenship stuff? Can't wait till next week!


                  Ahhhh! I haven't been here for two weeks! (A week in a half? Whatever, it seemed like two LONG weeks.) RL has been a PAIN.

                  But I just read around 12 pages of shippyness and now have a giant grin on my face. Some of your discussions made me laugh so much. I needed it. I've missed this place. <3

                  Just want to mention this. I know it's been a while for you, but I'm bringing it back for a moment.

                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  Just realized the most stupidist thing while I was doing a game on GW.

                  All the names of SG-1 have an A in them, and it's usually the second letter.

                  So to save the world...have an A in your name...preferably as a second letter.

                  And that was my addition to learning today's "learning random things"
                  Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                  OT Names
                  While we're on the topic of names, I've always thought it's funny how many "J" names we have on this thread. There's me, Jess, Jess (atlantis_babe), Jann, Jenn, Janice, Jas, just to name the people at the top of my head.

                  Kinda fits considering how many "J" names SG has too. Jack, Janet, Jackson, Jacob, Jonas (Hansen & Quinn), Jonah, John, Jolinar, Jennifer (Hailey & Keller), Johansen, Jay, Jeannie, and Junior the Symbiote, of course.
                  Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                  Lots of J names in Science Fiction, esp. variations of Jonathan.
                  Jonathan Jack O'neill, Jonathan Archer, John Crichton, John Shepard, John Sheridan, John Druitt, Jean-Luc Picard, Capt. Jack Harkness, Jack Sheppard (Lost) Jack Bauer (24)... James T. Kirk, Jeffrey Sinclair, Janeway, Geoffry Rush. I'm sure there are more out there, these are just off the top of my head.
                  I've spoilered it because you probably all know what these posts contain. ;P
                  All I wanted to say is that I fit into into every single category mentioned. Seriously. o.o

                  My name's Jakie. I mean, the A, the J and the variation on Jonathan/Jack...
                  When do I get my spaceship?

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  a friend asked me today what i'd do if sam/jack was ever confirmed. i said i'd celebrate! but how?

                  so if/when it's finally confirmed, HOW will you celebrate?

                  And squee.

                  Follwed by squeeing.

                  Probably will then squee.

                  Did I say I'll be squeeing?

                  Originally posted by Catygirl View Post
                  Have just decided to brave the world of forums. And seem to have arrived at an opportune moment.
                  Welcome here! Congratulations on delurking! ^^

                  Originally posted by Catygirl View Post
                  Well 'MY GOD' it's nice to know that you catch on, I have to say I am a little lost in the amount of forums and stuff at the moment.
                  What I can say on that is to just find a few threads were you're comfortable and stay there. Personnaly, I sometimes go take a peak into other threads but always end up running back here. ;P

                  Ahhhhh.... Valenship! I need to start working on some stuff! I can't wait for next week. <3 I will run back home from work (and not stay to talk with other people for close to an hour like I did for the past two weeks LOL ).
                  Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                  My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                  Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                    HELP!!! I need Sam/Jack pics, but it looks like stargatesg1971 is down and that is where I usually get my pics does anyone else have a site with good Sam/Jack pics???


                      DO You guys think Jack's Clone is still alive? i mean it's only been 8 years so you gotta wonder what's he upto?


                        Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
                        HELP!!! I need Sam/Jack pics, but it looks like stargatesg1971 is down and that is where I usually get my pics does anyone else have a site with good Sam/Jack pics???
                        Jade, you could try here I don't know about quality - just because I don't know about such things. But it's a start!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          DO You guys think Jack's Clone is still alive? i mean it's only been 8 years so you gotta wonder what's he upto?
                          I think they could have done a huge amount with that but they bundled him off to school with kids who would have been the same age as Charlie - not convincing.

                          Fanfic authors have had a lot to say about him. I would personally like to see him pop up on the Hammond under Sam's command without Jack knowing first. That would make for a very interesting story/fic


                            Originally posted by Catygirl View Post
                            I think they could have done a huge amount with that but they bundled him off to school with kids who would have been the same age as Charlie - not convincing.

                            Fanfic authors have had a lot to say about him. I would personally like to see him pop up on the Hammond under Sam's command without Jack knowing first. That would make for a very interesting story/fic
                            Maybe you should write it then. LOL. After all it was your suggestion kinda.


                              Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
                              HELP!!! I need Sam/Jack pics, but it looks like stargatesg1971 is down and that is where I usually get my pics does anyone else have a site with good Sam/Jack pics???
                              There's also

                              Some are good quality on this site, but some are not. It depends on who capped it. But you should be able to find some stuff to tide you over until the stargatesg1971 is back up!


                                Just a reminder about this weekend's party!

                                See you there!!!

