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Jack O'Neill/ Sam Carter - Part of a team, not a ship

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    Here's to Anti-Shippers and Shippers finally coming together to simply enjoy the relationships within the show for what they've always canonly been expressed as: Deep friendships and commitments equaling that of a family.
    *Raises Glass* Oh wait, it's still morning. *Adds OJ to champagne* I'll drink to that!

    I LOVE the friendship/family feel of SG-1. These people have been to hell together (literally). I think they all love each other. Period.

    Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
      I'm sorry, you must have this thread confused with the Ship Discussion Thread. This is the ANTI S/J ship thread. Thus, people here DO NOT want to see Sam and Jack together, That's the entire point of the thread. Hence the ANTI in the subject line.

      So no, that sounds like an incredibly stupid and lazy solution to an already bad problem. Why do we have to see their personal lives at all? A touch now and then is fine, but we don't need whole eps devoted to what they do when they aren't saving the world.
      No, Shadow. I do get it, (the point). And I was creating a lazy way for the writers to "Jump the Shark," as it were. I know sarcasm can be a difficult thing to detect on a read. I am on the 'Spaz train'.(of thought)

      See me?

      *tilting glass with spaz*

      "We'll keep the light on for you."


        Originally posted by Ancient 1
        No, Shadow. I do get it, (the point). And I was creating a lazy way for the writers to "Jump the Shark," as it were. I know sarcasm can be a difficult thing to detect on a read. I am on the 'Spaz train'.(of thought)

        See me?

        *tilting glass with spaz*
        I have a TRAIN?!?! Sweet!

        *tilts glass to Ancient with a knowing wink*


          Shippers 47.72% Non Shippers 52.28%

          Total of 1043 votes cast. 177 invalid votes. Leaving 966 cast over the 6 days the poll was online.

          Invalid votes were either multiples (I.E: Multiple dial up connections, same building with PC's side by side, same time frame, same vote ), or public proxy's etc. Lot's more, but you get the picture. These were all triple checked by me, manually, and came from both sides of the debate. I will not give out percentages of invalid votes from both sides, as this serves no purpose.

          This poll was fairly run and advertised. No poll can be 100% infallible, but this is as near as you can get it, at the present time.

          These results simply state the percentages between what the shipper/non-shipper sections of the online fandom think. It does not represent the entire viewership of Stargate in general (I.E: Those without PC's, or those who don't care either way.) It represents the views of those Online Fans, who feel their enjoyment of the show is being spoilt, one way or the other.

          Remember guys! No matter who has won the most votes, there are obviously a lot of people on both sides of the equation. Maybe we can all try and understand each others viewpoint, a little bit better. Disagree with someone's viewpoint by all means. But don't disagree with their right to have it.

          If anyone has any ideas for the next SDF poll, then please forward them to the site.


            Wow, that was slightly unexpected for me. Although I went to the site and it looked like it would be frequented by more non-shippers than shippers. But I think it's still too close to really be able to tell anything from that poll besides the fans are basically split down the middle. Plus, there's a ton of people who just don't care- that would have been a good option to put in the poll.
            Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
            RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

            And to the Sci Fi Channel...


              oh well. I still can't even get that site to load.
              The opinions of KorbenDirewolf do not necessrily represent the opinions of other male U.S. residents between the ages of 18 and 25.


                You'll forgive me if I don't believe that the poll accurately represents online fandom. It represents the people who heard about the site and who were interested enough to vote and who were ABLE to vote. I'd wager that's a very small percentage of the whole. I can't be bothered to vote in things like that because it IS utterly meaningless and the way it is geared did not, in my opinion, make it sound like a fun, fluffy poll. You shouldn't take it so seriously, Suz, and the more you go on about how "infallible" the voting is, the greater the chance of people finding ways around it, just for the sake of proving you wrong.

                They called the Titanic unsinkable. This may be a ship of a different nature, but I hardly think one poll constitutes an iceberg.


                  Originally posted by Suz

                  After the comments made by AT in the interview below the following has been started on SDF.

                  As a side issue to this interview, apparently a poll was held a while ago,
                  by TPTB, to let them know how many people were for ship, and how many were
                  against it. Who wanted to see the kiss between S/J and who would be reaching
                  for the sick bag. A lot of people seem to have no knowledge
                  of it. It seems that the poll results were evenly matched, and the kiss was
                  shown. Anyway, it's about time this was cleared up once and for all. I've
                  set up a poll where you can vote either for or against. IP's will be logged, extra safeguards are in place and you won't be able to vote more than once. I'm well aware of proxy's and alll proxy lists will be checked once the poll is complete. Let's make this the real deal. Let's find out once and for all where the fandom stands.

                  Whether you're a shipper or a non shipper, make your vote count. It takes a
                  second, and as it appears this is an important topic for most people, every
                  vote counts. Although this is a Daniel friendly site, this is first and foremost a Stargate site, and you'll find that there's probably more Jack on there than Daniel. I'm posting here, because I want to make sure that all sides get a fair and equal opportunity to vote. I've also posted it in the J/S shipper thread. So far in the last few hours there have been over 270 votes cast. The balance is changing all the time.

                  are there really people out there who need this so much that they'd use all these web tricks to make the vote go their way! that can't be healthy!


                    I voted, because I like voting in polls. But, ultimately, the results of the poll mean nothing to me. Bottom line, I hate J/S ship. I will always hate J/S ship. Any sign of J/S ship that I detect brings an episode down a few notches. There's no way the producers can strike a balance with J/S ship and make me happy. If I see even the smidgen of J/S ship in the ending of the series, I'll hate it. And, I feel no need to back away from this position, or to smooth it over, or to think of the people who want ship. Because ultimately, it doesn't matter if I'm willing to compromise (which I'm not). It won't affect the show one way or the other.
                    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                      Originally posted by Dani347
                      I voted, because I like voting in polls. But, ultimately, the results of the poll mean nothing to me. Bottom line, I hate J/S ship. I will always hate J/S ship. Any sign of J/S ship that I detect brings an episode down a few notches. There's no way the producers can strike a balance with J/S ship and make me happy. If I see even the smidgen of J/S ship in the ending of the series, I'll hate it. And, I feel no need to back away from this position, or to smooth it over, or to think of the people who want ship. Because ultimately, it doesn't matter if I'm willing to compromise (which I'm not). It won't affect the show one way or the other.

                      hrm. you misunderstood me! I oppose all jack / sam romances also. i want science fiction


                        That wasn't directed at you, personally. Just stating my opinion in general.
                        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                          A little Anti Sam/Jack ship - reflection about that scene in Sacrifices.

                          Spoilers for said episode:

                          And the scene I'm talking about is that whole hands on her shoulder thing, then that awkard look between them and an "uh, oh what's *that* supposed to mean" - glance before letting go abruptly.

                          I'm so upset that shippyness on the show have made moments like that between Jack and Sam into something else entirely, for me. I wanted so very much to like that scene, I really did. But all I could think was, "oh, here we go again". I feel bad that something that I otherwise would have interpreted as a nice little friendship moment was in the end ruined for me, by the thwacking of ship on my poor and fragile head from previous episodes and seasons. It bothers me more than I would like it too. I wish I could react to that scene with the same joy I felt when Daniel and Sam had their friendship-scene of the same variety in the gate room.

                          And I *still* can't see even a smidgeon of the attraction that someone raved about in the Sacrifices - thread. Destined for each other?!? Were we even watching the same episode? What I saw was two people completely at ease with each other, who joked around and simply had fun together. Had I been blissfully unaware of the shippyness already established between them by the writers I would have seen the hands-on shoulders moment only as an *extension* of that friendship. But I don't have that luxury, unfortunately.
                          Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


                            A little Anti Sam/Jack ship - reflection about that scene in Sacrifices.

                            Spoilers for said episode:
                            And the scene I'm talking about is that whole hands on her shoulder thing, then that awkard look between them and an "uh, oh what's *that* supposed to mean" - glance before letting go abruptly.

                            I'm so upset that shippyness on the show have made moments like that between Jack and Sam into something else entirely, for me. I wanted so very much to like that scene, I really did. But all I could think was, "oh, here we go again". I feel bad that something that I otherwise would have interpreted as a nice little friendship moment was in the end ruined for me, by the thwacking of ship on my poor and fragile head from previous episodes and seasons. It bothers me more than I would like it too. I wish I could react to that scene with the same joy I felt when Daniel and Sam had their friendship-scene of the same variety in the gate room.

                            I would have been fine with that scene, except for "the look" *start cueing violins of dread* Up to the look, I could see the same scene being played with Jack and Daniel, or Jack and Teal'c. But, I just know the look was supposed to be something vomit worthy like, "Our flaming passion is so strong, that the brief touch we shared just made our hearts beat in unison. But, we must resist, because we are star-crossed lovers, destined for a rocky road on the path of tru luv!!"

                            *Dani passes vomit buckets, and apologizes for conjuring up such an indecent image*
                            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                              Inserted Spoiler Space for Sacrifices

                              Originally posted by Dani347

                              I would have been fine with that scene, except for "the look" *start cueing violins of dread* Up to the look, I could see the same scene being played with Jack and Daniel, or Jack and Teal'c. But, I just know the look was supposed to be something vomit worthy like, "Our flaming passion is so strong, that the brief touch we shared just made our hearts beat in unison. But, we must resist, because we are star-crossed lovers, destined for a rocky road on the path of tru luv!!"

                              *Dani passes vomit buckets, and apologizes for conjuring up such an indecent image*
                              Arg! I didn't see the whole hands on shoulder thing as shippy in the first airing, but then when I watched it again I noticed the look on their faces. I still don't understand the attractiveness of this ship! I don't see any major shippy chemistry between the two even during that scene! The "look" could have meant anything if I hadn't known anything about S/J ship before that it could have just been "Oh, someone had a pretty nasty lunch" or something like that.
                              Last edited by GateGipsy; 13 September 2004, 03:25 AM.
                              Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                              RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                              And to the Sci Fi Channel...


                                Inserted to say what the spoiler is for: Sacrifices



                                Originally posted by NightGloom
                                Arg! I didn't see the whole hands on shoulder thing as shippy in the first airing, but then when I watched it again I noticed the look on their faces. I still don't understand the attractiveness of this ship! I don't see any major shippy chemistry between the two even during that scene! The "look" could have meant anything if I hadn't known anything about S/J ship before that it could have just been "Oh, someone had a pretty nasty lunch" or something like that.
                                And, there's the problem right there with making ship overt. If I didn't know the agenda of the writers, I might have been able to view the look any number of ways. But, the option was taken away from me.
                                Last edited by GateGipsy; 13 September 2004, 03:25 AM.
                                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate

