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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Happy birthday JanSam!!!

    And yay for 100000 posts!!! I think it's a good moment to post this little poster again



      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      Happy birthday JanSam!!!

      And yay for 100000 posts!!! I think it's a good moment to post this little poster again
      That poster is REALLY nice!

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!

        Mandy....huge don't expect him back anytime soon right

        PengYn thanks for the...


        Toys ...friends.

        Sam would try to find another way into work and if she couldn't find a snow mobile then she's tinker with her bike.

        Congrats Samandans on 100000!!!


          Prior to Ascension, I think Sam would be out riding her snowmobile or cross country skiing down the streets. Gotta keep up with the PT. A girl is always prepared with seasonal toys

          After Ascension, she would be trying to build a stargate in her basement since she already has most of the parts! She would also be trading stocks on E-trade to make enough money for the other parts

          Well done on the 5000 pages and 100,000 posts. Woo Hooo!!!!

          Go Sam

          P.S. I'll have to disagree with Sky about the Kansas weather being really variable. If I recall correctly, the wind ALWAYS seemed to blow (Just kidding. I would have to agree with the wide disparity and quick changes when I lived there.)

          P.S.S. Happy Birthdays all around
          Last edited by hisg1fans; 03 February 2009, 02:34 PM.


            Originally posted by petite_stars View Post
            Thanks for reccing me I was a bit worried as I didn't get much feedback, it's a pity that not as many people read Sam-focused fic! Friendship fic is so much fun to write, and I love to explore the relationship between Sam and her boys!
            I loved that fic! I always regret that Sam never got to see Daniel while he was ascended and that it was never addressed on the show after he came back. Friendship-fics are my favorite, please post more!

            Happy Birthday JanSam, hope you had a great day!

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            There's been many a time that a storm system or heat wave is totally ignored until it hits the east coast,t hen they go on and on and on about it like it never happens and ignore the fact that we've already been dealing with it.
            Heh, I remember a couple of years ago that my area in North Carolina got completely crippled by only 1 inch of snow/ice. Schools were canceled, motorists were stranded for up to 10 hours on the highways, it was a mess. I've had to walk to class during a tropical storm, but the slightest bit of falling frozen water and everyone freaks out.

            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            In honor of our milestone:

            S SAM--our reason for being here
            A AMANDA--our other reason for being here
            M MAJORSAL--our lovely founder
            A AMAZING--a word for Amanda Tapping
            N NOBLE--is our Sam
            D DELIGHTFUL--is our Amanda
            A ASTONISHING--is the community we have here
            Well said.

            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post

            And yay for 100000 posts!!! I think it's a good moment to post this little poster again

            Wow, that's a gorgeous poster! Great job, and congrats to everyone for reaching 100,000 posts! I'm munching on some chocolate right now in celebration.



              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              In honor of our milestone:

              S SAM--our reason for being here
              A AMANDA--our other reason for being here
              M MAJORSAL--our lovely founder
              A AMAZING--a word for Amanda Tapping
              N NOBLE--is our Sam
              D DELIGHTFUL--is our Amanda
              A ASTONISHING--is the community we have here
              Hey that's cool, let me try .

              S SAM -- The greatest Sci-fi TV character of ALL time
              A AMANDA -- The queen of Sci-fi
              M Majorsal -- The creator
              A Admirable -- Which Amanda Tapping is
              N Nostalgic -- Which she is, and we all are in our own way
              D Dedicated -- Poor Amanda, has to do what she has to do for her fans
              A Attentive -- We all listen to each other, and Amanda-- of course

              A Angel -- Well, she does come close
              M Marvelous -- Just look at her *sigh*
              A Adorable -- Well, she is
              N Nice-- Just ask her fans
              D Devoted -- To her family, friends, fans and work
              A Awesome -- Speaks for itself

              S Special -- She's special to all of us
              A Adventuress -- She does travel to other planets
              M Magnificent -- She'll never let you down

              H Heroine -- A woman of courage, strength, heart, passion, will, and-- she looks good for an old lady
              E Ecstatic -- Loves her job
              L Lovely -- Still beautiful and graceful a 157 years young
              E Eager -- Always eager to learn more about the world around her .
              N Normal -- In her own way


                Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                Happy Birthday JanSam!!!

                YAY for 1000000000000000 posts!
                Shouldn't that read:

                Happy Birthday JanSam.

                YAY for 100000000000000 birthdays?

                hiding behind Mandy's cat
                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  Shouldn't that read:

                  Happy Birthday JanSam.

                  YAY for 100000000000000 birthdays?

                  hiding behind Mandy's cat
                  Well suse, it was nice knowing you

                  *sorry but not even Sarge can protect you!*

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    Well suse, it was nice knowing you

                    *sorry but not even Sarge can protect you!*
                    <<Rubs cat dander all over in an effort to make JanSam allergic to me>>

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                      Are you implying something?

                      I was just being a dork though, fyi.
                      Moi? Never.
                      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                      William Shakespeare

                      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                        Originally posted by suse View Post
                        Shouldn't that read:

                        Happy Birthday JanSam.

                        YAY for 100000000000000 birthdays?

                        hiding behind Mandy's cat
                        HAHA! I'm SO not helping you.


                          (Picture by Hermiiod)

                          MY ARTWORK -- ALL SIGNATURES BY HERMIIOD


                            Hippo Birdie two Ewe JanSam
                            ... and many hippo returns


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              what would Sam do if snowed in?
                              and, just to make it interesting, how about avoiding the 'she'd snuggle up next to jack'....cause we do that all the time.
                              sam is stuck all by herself at home during a huge snow let's say she got home from a mission, crashed, didn't even know the storm was coming, woke up to 8 inches.....what would she do?
                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              I thought you said no Ja-
                              So, how's things?
                              ......good one Neep...but remember Sam is all by while it's not' Jack......
                              I'm gonna play it safe...and clean...and say that Sam might just stay in bed and watch Jerry Springer or Dr Phil...coz she left her work in her lab!!!
                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              In the six years I lived in Southampton, I saw snow once and that was less than a centimetre.!
                              Living in Australia is kinda cool when you think about it...we get the hot weather that we like to b*tch about but we also get snow.
                              I've picnicked in a blizzard and had to put snow chains on our tyres to get to the top of Hotham where the chalets are...very cool...pardon the pun!
                              So while I sit and complain about our record breaking heat that has buckled pout train lines and caused numerous deaths to people and pets, we also have the beauty of snow where we go to every year to bbq and toboggan down the slopes. Last year it even snowed here at home...which isn't as unusual as it may's even snowed in the city of Melbourne many moons ago (1986)...but we've yet to have our schools and cities close down.
                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              I know that weather can be crippling....but as a person that lives in a state that can - theoretically - go from -20 - +109 (that's real temps not wind chills or heat indexes) i just have to sigh when people in other parts of the world experience such extremes and it's national news. We deal with it year to year and no one seems to give a fig until the storm hits the east coast, THEN it's news.
                              But Sky, I don't think any would sigh if we knew what was happening in your neck of the woods. I tend to get *issy in the hot weather coz I just hate it but it's news here simply because of the extreme...if you could see the damage to the roads and train lines and see how it's killing people and animals and trees...we've got limbs down every where and the power companies are struggling to supply electricity to the's news...can't help that I'm afraid. I guess it's news more so because it's record breaking and an event that we don't see very often...much like the snow in London...I'd much rather watch the snow in London that hear about another case of a child being murdered or another bomb blast that claims the lives of innocent people...and while I understand that that is news too, I just like the good stuff too. The weather is a great conversation it not? Sometimes I feel like Jonas Quinn with my fascination for the weather!!
                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              You know, I just really have to take a moment to go "wow". Seems like only yesterday we were on 40,000 posts and look how much has happened since then! New friends, new shows (Atlantis and Sanctuary), new events and lots of fun.
                              I look forward to dropping in here every day to see all the birthday wishes, read the conversations about Sam, about Amanda and all the "off-topic" stuff that's as much a part of our community and story as the Stargate-y talk.
                              (((TJ))) too Tracy, me too!!
                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              oh look, it's post
                              ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND
                              for the thread
                              CONGRATULATIONS SAMANDANS!!
                              CONGRATULATIONS SKY FOR MAKING THE 100,000TH POST!!

                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              Yes. I just have to say out loud what everyone else is thinking.
                              I can just see you now...looking like Sam in your sig...thinking...then just blurting it out!! .And we wouldn't have you any other way!!
                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              the posts were there, i saw them
                              dunno what kind of a glitch it was, but i saw the posts appear then disappear
                              Did they ascend???
                              Gotta choof...I'm late to pick up daughter from dance classes...she's teaching on Wednesday nights's so nice to have them back at school...and Tom has started high school...he's enjoying it thus far...I think it agrees with him...I'm so happy for my kids right now that I could burst!
                              Night all!!(((Samandans)))

                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANSAM!!!

                              *I didn't forget!!*
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                thanks chelle, but i didn't make the 100K post.

                                there were two others and then posts vanished, so i have no idea what's going on, but it doesn't matter who did it, just that WE did it

                                yay us!!
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


