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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
    This is very off topic, but my mother did one of the most awesome things ever, and I just have to tell all of you about it. I am so proud, I can barely contain it.

    Last Sunday, my parents were on a naval carrier with various family members and crew members, including the captain of the ship, when my father collapsed. His heart had stopped, and he had stopped breathing. So my mom dropped to her knees and gave him CPR until the medics came. If not for her, there's no question but he would be dead now.

    She'll be 71 tomorrow.

    We almost lost Dad three times this last week. He's stable and out of the hospital now, but he's a very sick man and will be for the rest of his life. Thanks to Mom, he will have a rest of his life now.

    Oh, she divorced my father 24 years ago.
    Your mom is awesome!

    It's a good thing for everyone to take at least the basic Red Cross first aid classes.

    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
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      and, honestly, if all you know of cpr is off the tv....hey, if the person's heart isn't beating, like myh cpr instructor once told me 'If they need cpr, you can't hurt them'

      Bad cpr is better than no cpr

      Just make sure that the person isn't conscious and doesn't have a heart beat

      that's why cpr is done on TV wrong all the time, if they did it right they'd kill the actor
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        I learned CPR in school a couple of decades ago. The second time it was taught to me, the counting and site for checking the pulse had changed. I still remember the first way best.

        I wasn't there, but there were a bunch of younger people-and some unrelated people-who should have stepped up to the plate. My mom is still pretty freaked out by the whole thing. To be honest, I am too.

        In memory of Deejay.
        May we all be so well loved.


          If they push you away, that's a good indicator they are conscious

          Remember, if you do get first aid training the most likely person you're going to use it on is a family member or someone close to you. And like Sky says, if they need CPR you're not going to hurt them if you're not doing it perfectly. A big reason for people not getting help is bystanders who are waiting for someone else to do it or are worried they will stuff up or look stupid. The first step in first aid is always deciding to act.
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            I learned CPR in school a couple of decades ago. The second time it was taught to me, the counting and site for checking the pulse had changed. I still remember the first way best.
            It has changed a lot. When I took it last month they had dropped the pulse checking completely because it was an extra step that people rarely got right in an emergency situation. If you tilt their head back to clear their airway and they still don't breath the current training is to jump right in with 30 chest compression to 2 effective breaths. But really- as long as you can get some oxgygen in and circulate it the ratio of compressions and breaths really doesn't matter too much.

            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            I wasn't there, but there were a bunch of younger people-and some unrelated people-who should have stepped up to the plate. My mom is still pretty freaked out by the whole thing. To be honest, I am too.
            I would be shaken too if I were her. There's no telling how people will react in an emergency but you would think the captain would have first aid training.
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Love that photo of AT in the pink scarf in Rocky's sig & on the GW home page. She looks so cute. How come for her a scarf is a cute accessory I look like I'm going out in a blizzard? Oh, because I usually am and I'm not AT.
              Why thank you for noticing my sigs , and thank you for admiring the fine beauty of the art that is Amanda Tapping , and the sig itself is also pretty cool too . As we've all noticed, a lot of what Amanda' wears looks cute, from hats to scarfs, even, well, anything . And I'm sure you look good in a scarf jckfan . But yeah, Amanda in a scarf, she looks so warm (spirit-wise ), cute and beautiful in it .

              Re: AT's brother's comment re: Requiem. One more way she keeps her feet on the ground. I hear brothers are good for that. And it makes me want to watch the ep again... Oh, the Sanctuary withdrawal--must schedule an infusion of Elixir of Magnus..
              From what Amanda's said interviews, her brother's were Sci-fi fans, and she was a Little House on the Prairie girl. But if Amanda's the way she is today because of anything her brothers did, than they did something right, and for that I owe them a big thanks . I think we all do .


                OMG, OMG, that's awesome . She looks so beautiful, and... young, that's the youngest I've seen her. Can you believe that this unknown girl in a Tim Horton's commercial would one day become Sam Carter and Helen Mangus, become the Queen of Sci-fi and loved and cherished by so many? Wow, I can't wait to see where she'll be in another 20 years .

                That's also cool because 89's the year I was born. I never thought about how old Amanda was when I was born, 26. Thanks a lot for that Parsifal. *High five*

                Originally posted by antoa View Post
                OMG that was brilliant! I tried to green you, but I apparently need to spread the love around more.
                Don't worry, I gave him green for you. *Thumbs up*

                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                LOL, now I remember that commercial

                Oh and that's one of the comedians from Air Farce
                Lucky you, ay least you can remember things from 89.

                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                Thanks for that! I'm with my Sanctuary girlies right now and they went "Cool, so she was what? 16?" and I told little Ellie that she was my age in that commercial, and they were going "No way!"
                close, you were only 10 years off. But yeah, she does look like a teen .

                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                I had the worst afternoon, we had to call an ambulance for a co-worker (thankfully all is OK) and I screwed up my back trying to help him. This made me smile, thanks.

                Love Don. What is more Canadian than Tim Horton's, the Air Farce and Amanda Tapping ?(maybe if they sold beaver tails)
                I had a bad day too, but seeing this *made* my night .

                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                The legendary Tim Horton's ad! Yay!

                There would be nothing better than going into Timmy's and having Amanda as your cashier . Could you imagine if Amanda did that for real now as a side job? I'd be going breakfast, lunch and dinner .

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                she's just so cute.
                Yes, yes she is very cute. Hehe

                You must really love this Sally , since you work at Starbucks, that must be like a dream come true for you seeing Amanda doing something you do, even if it's just for TV . Like I just said, if Amanda really did do that for a while, I bet you'd leave Starbucks and join Timmy's for her . Or better yet, if Amanda joined Starbucks with you .

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i now have this insane desire to speak to amanda's brothers... away from amanda's ears.
                What would you say or ask him Sally? Why he has the coolest sister in the world? .

                i thought i heard that too, about the giggling in the background. i'll listen again.

                and YES, i heard the congestion in her voice.

                I think I may have heard a bit of giggling in the background, maybe it was person or something. And I didn't pick up on any congestion in her voice, I'll have to listen to it again, but again, any specific times where we hear these things?

                Get well soon Amanda.



                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  This is very off topic, but my mother did one of the most awesome things ever, and I just have to tell all of you about it. I am so proud, I can barely contain it.

                  Last Sunday, my parents were on a naval carrier with various family members and crew members, including the captain of the ship, when my father collapsed. His heart had stopped, and he had stopped breathing. So my mom dropped to her knees and gave him CPR until the medics came. If not for her, there's no question but he would be dead now.

                  She'll be 71 tomorrow.

                  We almost lost Dad three times this last week. He's stable and out of the hospital now, but he's a very sick man and will be for the rest of his life. Thanks to Mom, he will have a rest of his life now.

                  Oh, she divorced my father 24 years ago.
                  Your mom is amazing, thanks for sharing!

                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  It has changed a lot. When I took it last month they had dropped the pulse checking completely because it was an extra step that people rarely got right in an emergency situation. If you tilt their head back to clear their airway and they still don't breath the current training is to jump right in with 30 chest compression to 2 effective breaths. But really- as long as you can get some oxgygen in and circulate it the ratio of compressions and breaths really doesn't matter too much.
                  What I've been taught (EMS-Basic class) is that breathing for them doesn't matter as much as compressions. They've got a lot of oxygen already in their blood, and since they're pulseless and not breathing, they're not going to be using up that O2 anytime soon.

                  So if you can't remember the right ratio, just keep doing compressions. That will perfuse the O2 they already have, which is really the most important part of CPR.



                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    I think I may have heard a bit of giggling in the background, maybe it was person or something. And I didn't pick up on any congestion in her voice, I'll have to listen to it again, but again, any specific times where we hear these things?
                    i noticed it at the beginning part of the interview. she doesn't sound sick, just like she's nose congested.



                      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                      This is very off topic, but my mother did one of the most awesome things ever, and I just have to tell all of you about it. I am so proud, I can barely contain it.

                      Last Sunday, my parents were on a naval carrier with various family members and crew members, including the captain of the ship, when my father collapsed. His heart had stopped, and he had stopped breathing. So my mom dropped to her knees and gave him CPR until the medics came. If not for her, there's no question but he would be dead now.

                      She'll be 71 tomorrow.

                      We almost lost Dad three times this last week. He's stable and out of the hospital now, but he's a very sick man and will be for the rest of his life. Thanks to Mom, he will have a rest of his life now.

                      Oh, she divorced my father 24 years ago.
                      Oh wow, that's an amazing story . You're right to feel proud, I would be .

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      and, honestly, if all you know of cpr is off the tv....hey, if the person's heart isn't beating, like myh cpr instructor once told me 'If they need cpr, you can't hurt them'

                      Bad cpr is better than no cpr

                      Just make sure that the person isn't conscious and doesn't have a heart beat

                      that's why cpr is done on TV wrong all the time, if they did it right they'd kill the actor
                      Agreed, my med teacher, Mrs. Richardson *sigh* told us the same thing. She taught us what do in a situation where the person needs it, even how to do it on baby's, which I hope I never have to do.


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        i noticed it at the beginning part of the interview. she doesn't sound sick, just like she's nose congested.
                        I'll have to listen to it again, besides, I was more focused on listening to her awesome voice, not her nose .


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          It *was* funny! And it was lovely! I just couldn't get over how hysterically bizarre it was! I ran straight round to my friend's house to show her and we were wetting ourselves! It was so damn funny! And I care where it came from, because that's half the beauty of the whole thing... the fact that it came all the way from the other side of the world! I love it!
                          Cool. I kinda thought you thought I was nuts or something!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            I have a friend who lives in Noosa, in Queensland Australia. She was out on her back deck having a beer when she heard someone several houses down sneeze. She automatically yelled "BLESS YOU!" across the neighbourhood and got a hesitant "THANK YOU" yelled back. Heh.
                            You gotta love that! Very Australian if i do say so myself!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                              This is very off topic, but my mother did one of the most awesome things ever, and I just have to tell all of you about it. I am so proud, I can barely contain it.
                              Last Sunday, my parents were on a naval carrier with various family members and crew members, including the captain of the ship, when my father collapsed. His heart had stopped, and he had stopped breathing. So my mom dropped to her knees and gave him CPR until the medics came. If not for her, there's no question but he would be dead now.
                              She'll be 71 tomorrow.
                              We almost lost Dad three times this last week. He's stable and out of the hospital now, but he's a very sick man and will be for the rest of his life. Thanks to Mom, he will have a rest of his life now.

                              Oh, she divorced my father 24 years ago.
                              OMG! That is so beautiful and so very lucky and so very very amazing.
                              Go scifithinker's mum!!!

                              What an amazing woman. I'm so glad that your dad is home. I'm so sorry that he is not a well man.
                              (((scifithinkers dad)))

                              That is an amazingly inspirational story...thank you scifithinker for sharing that with us.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                That's also cool because 89's the year I was born. I never thought about how old Amanda was when I was born, 26. Thanks a lot for that Parsifal.
                                Ok...I'm either more pooped than I give myself credit or you're math isn't as good as you'd like it Rocky...because if the add was made in 89 then Amanda would have been 24 years old, not 26....coz IIRC Amanda was born in 1965 so in 89 she would have been 24. Can someone check that for my sleep/coffee deprive brain please!!!

                                Speaking of which...if i don't pop back later, goodnight folks!! Hope you're all having a lovely weekend wherever you are! (((Samandans)))
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

