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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    Don't worry Mumsey, this Leo will protect you *grrrowl*

    ETA: Oops looks like another Leo jumped in before me
    I forgot that you were a Leo too! D'oh!
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
      I was thinking Beatrice too. I've not had chance to see the NT production, but it did catch my eye when I saw it in this month's What's on Stage (and yes, I do check out the website. It's very handy indeed!).

      I would like to see her as Mrs Lintott, actually, in the History Boys. I thought of her on Saturday. She could potentially pull off that acerbic, feminist character quite well.

      Blanche DuBois could potentially be an interesting role for her, following the journey into madness, and Queen Gertrude in Hamlet, perhaps Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest (I can quite see Amanda pulling off the snobbery with the unintentional comedic speeches).

      How about Rebecca Nurse in The Crucible? Or perhaps even Elizabeth Proctor (though I think Rebecca more suited).

      Just a few ideas.


      As for Stuck, I do think it would work in a small theatre, but you could even pull it off in a medium sized theatre, using sliding sets such as those in History boys to create the walled effect.
      I think you're right about all those characters. She could be a 'young' Gertrude, Imogen Stubbs pulled it off brilliantly at the Old Vic, and she's probably only a few years older. Yes, Mrs Lintott would be fantastic, though if I remember there was one line when she was discussing what nicknames the boys had for the teachers, and she said something like "They call me Tott... or Totty. Some irony there I feel," which was fabulous when Frances de la Tour said it in the production I saw, but I fear Amanda may be too attractive for that line to be funny, unless they made her up to look dreadful!

      Josie in Moon for the Misbegotten is another killer part she'd be wonderful in, though again they'd have to try to make her look plain.
      "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
        So, Ames is a Gemini? Nice. I'm sure Amanda loves Geminis!

        (For those who don't know, a Gemini is the Canadian equivalent of an Emmy)
        Yupp. She is.

        Taken from Wiki and the true ones bolded (I'm so getting whipped tonight!)

        Gemini is prone to;

        * unreliability
        * fickleness
        * duality
        * insincerity
        * self-focus
        * restlessness
        * changeability
        * shallow
        * impulsive
        * over-talkative (can I triple bold this one?)

        * Over-stimulated
        * insecure
        * self-centered
        * over-stimulated sexually (*cough* not going there)
        * vain
        * critical
        * devious
        * too playful
        * never take things seriously
        * plays mind games
        * boastful

        * ego-oriented
        * trickster
        * too-curious
        * absent-minded
        * immature (told ya I'm getting whipped)
        * gossip-oriented
        * sore-loser (but really only when I'm rubbing it in)
        * superficial
        * temperamental
        * can't pay attention (long running "joke")
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          Yupp. She is.

          Taken from Wiki and the true ones bolded (I'm so getting whipped tonight!)

          Gemini is prone to;

          * unreliability
          * fickleness
          * duality
          * insincerity
          * self-focus
          * restlessness
          * changeability
          * shallow
          * impulsive
          * over-talkative (can I triple bold this one?)

          * Over-stimulated
          * insecure
          * self-centered
          * over-stimulated sexually (*cough* not going there)
          * vain
          * critical
          * devious
          * too playful
          * never take things seriously
          * plays mind games
          * boastful

          * ego-oriented
          * trickster
          * too-curious
          * absent-minded
          * immature (told ya I'm getting whipped)
          * gossip-oriented
          * sore-loser (but really only when I'm rubbing it in)
          * superficial
          * temperamental
          * can't pay attention (long running "joke")
          So I don't get TOTALLY whipped, here are the POSITIVE Gemini characteristics....

          The Gemini person is:

          * active
          * adaptable
          * ambitious
          * articulate
          * brilliant
          * creative
          * inquisitive
          * intellectual
          * kind
          * leader
          * nimble
          * theatrical
          * upbeat
          * versatile
          * whimsical
          * witty
          * workaholic
          * thoughtful
          * straight-forward,
          * social
          * talkative
          * mercurial (ummmm... I need a dictionary)
          * open-minded
          * experimental
          * joyful
          * eloquent
          * brave
          * free-spirited
          * attention-loving
          * playful
          * out-going
          * adventurous
          * broad-minded
          * mind oriented
          * spontaneous
          * verbal
          * risk-taker
          * friendly
          * dynamic
          * enthusiastic
          * flexible
          * lively
          * wild imagination
          * perceptive
          * eccentric
          * witty
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by wibbling View Post
            I think you're right about all those characters. She could be a 'young' Gertrude, Imogen Stubbs pulled it off brilliantly at the Old Vic, and she's probably only a few years older.
            I think Amanda's getting to the age now where Gertrude would be a good role. Amanda is blessed with looking young for her age, but I agree that she could pull off a young Gertrude. Hamlet is only supposed to be 18 or 20, so she could quite easily play a young Gertrude.

            Yes, Mrs Lintott would be fantastic, though if I remember there was one line when she was discussing what nicknames the boys had for the teachers, and she said something like "They call me Tott... or Totty. Some irony there I feel," which was fabulous when Frances de la Tour said it in the production I saw, but I fear Amanda may be too attractive for that line to be funny, unless they made her up to look dreadful!
            Yes, I have the playtext in front of me now, and you're right. However, in the production I saw, it was not Frances de la Tour, but Elizabeth Bell. She has a mature beauty about her, and the line came across more as self-deprecating, but it still worked.

            Josie in Moon for the Misbegotten is another killer part she'd be wonderful in, though again they'd have to try to make her look plain.
            One of the problems with female roles in theatre is that they are often either aimed towards the very young 20-something, towards the older woman, or towards a "plain" or less attractive actress. I find them, generally, far more restricting than the equivalent male roles.

            (and Amy is fast asleep next to me)
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
              I think Amanda's getting to the age now where Gertrude would be a good role. Amanda is blessed with looking young for her age, but I agree that she could pull off a young Gertrude. Hamlet is only supposed to be 18 or 20, so she could quite easily play a young Gertrude.

              Yes, I have the playtext in front of me now, and you're right. However, in the production I saw, it was not Frances de la Tour, but Elizabeth Bell. She has a mature beauty about her, and the line came across more as self-deprecating, but it still worked.

              One of the problems with female roles in theatre is that they are often either aimed towards the very young 20-something, towards the older woman, or towards a "plain" or less attractive actress. I find them, generally, far more restricting than the equivalent male roles.

              (and Amy is fast asleep next to me)
              David Hare and Edward Albee are writing more, and better, parts for the over-50s (thinking particularly Amy in Amy's View and Martha in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf), so there's some hope. Alan Bennett too for some of them, I could see Amanda attacking Lady in the Van with some relish in ten years' time!

              .. you'd better not wake her up, she might see what you wrote about Geminis!
              "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                David Hare and Edward Albee are writing more, and better, parts for the over-50s (thinking particularly Amy in Amy's View and Martha in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf), so there's some hope. Alan Bennett too for some of them, I could see Amanda attacking Lady in the Van with some relish in ten years' time!

                .. you'd better not wake her up, she might see what you wrote about Geminis!
                I love Martha in Virginia Woolf, but Amanda has a few years to go yet before she hits the over-50 category. She seems to be in the "black spot" for meaty characters, to a certain degree. Not saying there aren't characters out there (as our discussion above has proven, and more that others contribute, I'm sure), but I still think it's restricting by comparison to male counterparts.

                I think Lady in the Van would be good fun. I would love to see Amanda do Alan Bennett things. His characterisation is so fantastic, he writes well-rounded, believable people drawn from every day life. I love his Talking Heads monologues. I can see Amanda in thirty years doing A Cream Cracker Under The Settee.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                  I love Martha in Virginia Woolf, but Amanda has a few years to go yet before she hits the over-50 category. She seems to be in the "black spot" for meaty characters, to a certain degree. Not saying there aren't characters out there (as our discussion above has proven, and more that others contribute, I'm sure), but I still think it's restricting by comparison to male counterparts.

                  I think Lady in the Van would be good fun. I would love to see Amanda do Alan Bennett things. His characterisation is so fantastic, he writes well-rounded, believable people drawn from every day life. I love his Talking Heads monologues. I can see Amanda in thirty years doing A Cream Cracker Under The Settee.
                  Oh that would be wonderful, I've got that on DVD, it makes me cry every time. I was lucky enough to see Margaret Tyzack and the wonderful Maggie Smith in a double bill of Soldiering On and Bed Among the Lentils, respectively, at the Comedy Theatre about 13-ish years ago, and they were amazing.

                  I'm logging off now, thanks for the theatre chat, I could go on for days so it's probably best I disappear! See you again soon!
                  "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                    Speaking of plays doesn't Amanda have a theater background too? I thought I read somewhere that she did and she even directed some plays? hmmm may have to try and find those articles.
                    Damian referenced Amanda's directing skills in a recent interview. She only directed one episode of Stargate, but she had directing experience in and after university.

                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.


                      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                      Meep! (looks around in a panic) A Gemini! ANOTHER GEMINI!! A husband, Father-in-law,son-in-law and brother-in-law - all Geminis. I don't think I can take another one.
                      (Runs off to hide in a dark corner. Makes a space for Becky to join her)

                      Hey! I resemble that remark! Gemini's are cool, right, ames? You guys are just jealous cuz we're...all that stuff that Tracy wrote. The good stuff, i mean. not the mean stuff--which is all completely untrue. babblebabblebabblebabblebabble...

                      "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                      SG-1 FanFiction
                      Sanctuary Fanfiction


                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        Damian referenced Amanda's directing skills in a recent interview. She only directed one episode of Stargate, but she had directing experience in and after university.
                        The episode she directed wasn't one of my favorite stories, but she did a good job on it. She even won an award for it, didn't she? I don't think I would have particularly noticed the directing (which to me is a good sign--you don't want to be pulled out of the story saying "what a clever shot!") but knowing it was her and watching it again, you can see some really good choices being made.

                        on another note, in the interview she mentioned
                        that she had to tell JM to let Sam do some science stuff, that she wouldn't just sit there and say nothing. Good for AT! Bad for JM! You bring Sam on & then you won't let her be herself? You need AT to remind you? But she's been more like herself in the last few episodes. Probably after "the talk."


                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          Thank you Frostfox!!!

                          Yay!! Thank you Cel!!! That's the one...and I love the Cantina too...woohoo...Brilliant!!!

                          I gotta say...that was so beautiful to read...sad and lovely...thank you CG!

                          I loved that chatter about Olivia too...and family true!!

                          I agree...these last 2 interviews we've had have been the most just sit there and listen with this huge grin on your the time it finishes your face hurts!!!

                          Happy birthday Tittamirre!

                          I was you think we could make another "Red Book" for Amanda?...there are a few more Samandans in the kingdom who don't have titles or roles and I thought that maybe we could do something like that again...for all of us Samandans that are here today...or would that be too difficult to do???...just thinking is all.
                          I loved the interview...just wish there was more...that 28 minutes just flew!!
                          Best be off to allow hubby to get some sleep.
                          Night all, take care and have fun!
                          I'm in

                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          I'd love to be as brave as Amanda and dye my hair dark...thats what I wanted to do last year but my hairdresser thinks I should stay blonde...but if I go dark and don't like it...does it really take a lot of work to get rid of it???
                          I think Amanda looks great with any hair colour or style...I hope Helen gets a blue streak next time...a really nice vivid blue!! match her eyes!
                          So did your sister learn from her mistakes??
                          I was thinking about you today Eileen...they've been talking about Wicked a lot on the radio...I think tickets go on sale soon...sounds like fun!
                          YAY im dying my hair dark to, from Strawberry blond to Chocolate Brown

                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          The episode she directed wasn't one of my favorite stories, but she did a good job on it. She even won an award for it, didn't she? I don't think I would have particularly noticed the directing (which to me is a good sign--you don't want to be pulled out of the story saying "what a clever shot!") but knowing it was her and watching it again, you can see some really good choices being made.

                          on another note, in the interview she mentioned
                          that she had to tell JM to let Sam do some science stuff, that she wouldn't just sit there and say nothing. Good for AT! Bad for JM! You bring Sam on & then you won't let her be herself? You need AT to remind you? But she's been more like herself in the last few episodes. Probably after "the talk."
                          Yeah I thought that was kinda sad that sehe had to actually tell them that, but good on her for doing so.



                            In the letter I sent Amanda through Sky I told her not to listen to anything Martin had to say about dead kittens, because we have the mini crash carts ready. She can direct guiltfree
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              In the letter I sent Amanda through Sky I told her not to listen to anything Martin had to say about dead kittens, because we have the mini crash carts ready. She can direct guiltfree
                              ROFL - now we need someone to mock up a photo of that

                              Hey! How big are your kittens now??


                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                In the letter I sent Amanda through Sky I told her not to listen to anything Martin had to say about dead kittens, because we have the mini crash carts ready. She can direct guiltfree
                                Dude. Martin's line about kittens was the bestest!

