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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
    Ummm.. who's AD??? I should probably know this one... *ducks so no one starts throwing rotten fruit*
    hmmm.....well so much for AD being so hawt and wanted

    *hands John_and_teyla_for_life some blue jello*


      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
      Ummm.. who's AD??? I should probably know this one... *ducks so no one starts throwing rotten fruit*
      Check his post on the previous page

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        Ummm.. who's AD??? I should probably know this one... *ducks so no one starts throwing rotten fruit*
        Look one page back and you will see how this all came about lol


          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
          hmmm.....well so much for AD being so hawt and wanted

          *hands John_and_teyla_for_life some blue jello*
          *accepts jello happily* Thanks!!! yummmmy... But really, who is AD? You can feel free to smack me for probably being the most ignorant person on the planet right about now.


            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            Look one page back and you will see how this all came about lol
            ohhh, I got it, sorry! I've been a little light-headed since I was sick the past week...


              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
              ohhh, I got it, sorry! I've been a little light-headed since I was sick the past week...
              No need to apologize, none of us do

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                ohhh, I got it, sorry! I've been a little light-headed since I was sick the past week...
                No worries! and nice sig


                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  Re: Kindred Pt 1 (no spoilers)

                  Didn't Amanda look gorgeous last night? She was luminous. Great makeup, but the skin underneath was incredible.

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  i feel, with midway and kindred, they FINALLY got around to writing Sam as the commander of the city.

                  she was very much in charge and in command
                  i very much enjoyed seeing sam last night.

                  (i know, coming from me, duh )

                  'the kindred pt 1' spoilers

                  i also very much enjoyed seeing sam and teyla interact!

                  if i'm remembering right, this was THE first time they interacted together, and i'm not talking about just being in the same scene together or speaking to one another. this was one-on-one and i liked it. and sam telling teyla at the end of their convo to call her sam was nice.




                    Kindred was a good episode and I am looking forward to next weeks! More Sam in command would be cool!


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      but what she DID so in kindred was necessary. it wasn't like Outcast...a 20 second snippit that anyone coulda done

                      talk about 'wasting' an appearance
                      the timing of 'outcast' airing and the news of amanda not being a cast member for season 5 happened on the same night, (if i'm remembering right) so i wasn't in the mood to watch 'outcast'. BUT, if i had watched it, i would have mentioned the super lacking of sam's time in that ep to joe on his blog. not that it would have made much of a difference, only that i would have aired my opinion.




                        Originally posted by suse View Post

                        I'm gonna miss Sam on SGA.

                        Still, I wish the best for Amanda and am looking forward to Sanctuary.

                        me too. (only i'll miss sam VEEEEEEEEERRRRRY much)

                        but with amanda and sanctuary... just look at this show. it's LOADED with hit potential!! it's got everything that makes a viewer want to come back for more. and with amanda headlining the show (and her smarts behind the scenes)... it's going to be a huge hit!!

                        is anyone else excited about when scifi starts advertising it? can you imagine... the commercials, magazines, maybe even tv guide highlights and interviews... BIG stuff is coming!!




                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          the issue i have with office 2007, you need a gig of ram to make it run right. It's so bloated that it's horribly slow. In fact, i frequently outtype it when i use it. and i have a fairly decent processor and 512 of ram.

                          my new one wont't be the fancy XPS ones like sam uses. those are 2K minimum and way more than i'd need for what i use it for. I think inspiron 1520's are the ones that can come with XP so those are what i'm looking at.
                          But when you out type it, don't you just grin and say ooooh Upgrades! That's what I did with my old computer all the time.

                          This is my computer:

                          Teh shiny!

                          It doesn't have a graphics cards, but I can't see me needing one And the price! (In NZ$) with $200 cash back.... sweet! Because the special brought it under $1k, the warranty was cheaper

                          My last one:

                          budget... ;P

                          Big step up

                          So uh... Sam. I can't see Kindred for a while
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            i've used vista once and hated it so much that my next lappy is goinog to come fromdell...cause they still sell some makes with XP on them.

                            vista is like Office 2007, a bloated, slow and boggy program that looks pretty but you almost need a super computer to make it run right.

                            I don't need flying floaty stuff, i just want simple and clean and dependable
                            Apparently the new Office 2008 for the Mac is also unnecessarily bloated. I'm still using the Mac version from 2001 (I won it in a raffle--if I hadn't I'd probably still be using 5.1--the best version ever) which opens quickly and whizzes along on my G5. (I don't have the Intel chip.) I haven't any use for all the new bells and whistles which seem to cause "weirdness" others complain about. And Amanda isn't the only one with a Mac problem--today my girlfriend's old Mac died of frostbite--it won't stay going--just freezes every time it is restarted. So we visited the Apple store. Boy they've got some beauts!!! The little MacBook starts at 1099.00 US now and is loaded with software!


                              Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                              Just get a Mac, it makes life so much more Zen.

                              Lot's of folks are switching now that the prices are a bit less.Love my MAC!!!!


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                But is Mac stuff compatible with PC stuff....

                                We know Amanda uses Mac *how's that for being on topic*
                                The software isn't but there are versions of the common apps like the Adobe products which can often be upgraded to Mac versions from the PC ones. And Macs come with a lot of Basic Apps--really cool ones like Garage Band, iMovie and iPhoto as well as iTunes (which is free). The Mail program is nice and simple. I can open most PC documents such as Word and Excel in the Mac version. I've been able to do that from 1990 on.

                                Guess I'm a Mac Evangelist

