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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    Just get a Mac, it makes life so much more Zen.

    i know, but all my cool 'work at home' software isn't mac compatible. and i'd have to have an external mouse cause i simply can't STAND their 'control click'

    i edit on a mac and love it. mac ROCKS with video and photos. just not always that good for your random average surfing
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      Tracy, my old one was falling apart after 2 years. I'm hoping this one will last a wee bit longer, and splurged on the 5 year warranty.
      my dell is 4 years old now and is doing fine. my M key sticks a bit, but that might be simple grunge (a house with a cat and 3 dogs....killer on the electronics)
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        I have a dell, My hubby loves dells. And he wouldn't let me have vista. Dell are one of the few compaineis that give the option of XP over VIsta.

        I do have office 2007 which is just different enough to be annying when you KNOW what you want to do but just can't find the command to do it. The 2007 excel has some nice features but you do have to remember to save things as 2003 versions (.doc vs docx and .xls vs xlsx) but other wise not too bad. Of course if I can just figure out why the thing keeps crashing... I must do that factory re-set, but I really don't have time.

        My dell Isn't like Sams... The flashy blue glowy one... Its just a normal inspiron 1501. (see I can be on topic!)



          the issue i have with office 2007, you need a gig of ram to make it run right. It's so bloated that it's horribly slow. In fact, i frequently outtype it when i use it. and i have a fairly decent processor and 512 of ram.

          my new one wont't be the fancy XPS ones like sam uses. those are 2K minimum and way more than i'd need for what i use it for. I think inspiron 1520's are the ones that can come with XP so those are what i'm looking at.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Re: Kindred Pt 1 (no spoilers)

            Didn't Amanda look gorgeous last night? She was luminous. Great makeup, but the skin underneath was incredible.

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              i feel, with midway and kindred, they FINALLY got around to writing Sam as the commander of the city.

              she was very much in charge and in command
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i feel, with midway and kindred, they FINALLY got around to writing Sam as the commander of the city.

                she was very much in charge and in command
                But she had such a small part in Kindred part1. Hope to see more of her in part 2.


                  but what she DID so in kindred was necessary. it wasn't like Outcast...a 20 second snippit that anyone coulda done

                  talk about 'wasting' an appearance
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i feel, with midway and kindred, they FINALLY got around to writing Sam as the commander of the city.

                    she was very much in charge and in command
                    Yeah, it's too bad it took so long. For what the part is supposed to be she was used well.

                    I'm gonna miss Sam on SGA.

                    Still, I wish the best for Amanda and am looking forward to Sanctuary.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      but what she DID so in kindred was necessary. it wasn't like Outcast...a 20 second snippit that anyone coulda done

                      talk about 'wasting' an appearance
                      Yes, though I must admit I was a little afraid the antis would blame Sam for Teyla's disappearance.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        but what she DID so in kindred was necessary. it wasn't like Outcast...a 20 second snippit that anyone coulda done

                        talk about 'wasting' an appearance
                        Looking at it from a coldly financial standpoint... boring *generalized* contract stuff ahead for anyone interested
                        From what I understand they'd have to pay her for 14 eps whether she's used or not. *But* if she not in the ep at all she gets no residules (pay for each repeat) she was in. So that 20 second snippet will pay off for years.

                        While it's a disappointing use of the character TPTB were taking care of their actor nicely.


                        **Gotta love all that time spent reading jms usenet posts 10-15 years ago.**

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Please leave the other fan factions out of this thread. they don't matter here.


                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            i've used vista once and hated it so much that my next lappy is goinog to come fromdell...cause they still sell some makes with XP on them.

                            vista is like Office 2007, a bloated, slow and boggy program that looks pretty but you almost need a super computer to make it run right.

                            I don't need flying floaty stuff, i just want simple and clean and dependable
                            Actually mine is a dell. I was told I didn't have an option I had to use Vista they didn't provide XP anymore. On the flip side the unit I have was on sale (because they produced too many - which is probably why the vista only comment) and was for small businesses. I want XP back ... but at this point it might be just as much of a headache to change it all over.

                            Oh and I don't have nice flying floaty stuff anymore either... the crash did away with that (now it looks like XP)... and it will not keep my changes to the desktop (i.e. the color scheme, fonts, etc.) That is the most frustrating... well that and the fact it forgets my password and won't let me on the dang thang and it deletes stuff without asking!

                            You know someone once said the computers will take over the world... well I'm convinced my computer has a mind of it's own, and I must have ticked it off at some point

                            This is how the replicators started wasn't it lol Sam!!


                              I feel like I'm the only one who has Vista working without a problem.

                              I have my (Dell) laptop for about a year now, and have no problems. I don't have much programms on it, but IE, Photoshop, a couple of media players all work fine.
                              I have also lots of files on my desktop, and they've been there for that whole year without a problem.

                              Just saying


                                I thought Kindred was good and Sam was in the role she came over to do. I thought she did good last night ...
                                She is commander of the city. They ran things by her rather than just going off world. It seemed Teyla and Sam were becoming friends. And lol at McKay's baby gift for Teyla lol that is sooo McKay!

                                I hate that sciFi ruined the last 5 minutes of it. That would have made it even better if I had not known he was going to be there... He was in the previews for cryin out loud.

                                I was glad Teyla had big part in it. She has been absent as of late. And wow for her people to be wraith hybrids? Is huge! Since S3 episodes I wondered if Michael was the one that had Teyla's people... she seemed to have the most to with him and he seemed destined on revenge in s3. So I was glad they revisited that story arc. It should be interesting! Also I am wondering since Teyla and the baby's father both have wraith DNA if that means the baby will be a wraith hybrid or if he will be a normal?

