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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
    I thought Kindred was good and Sam was in the role she came over to do. I thought she did good last night ...

    I hate that sciFi ruined the last 5 minutes of it. That would have made it even better if I had not known he was going to be there... He was in the previews for cryin out loud.
    I enjoyed the ep last night, but I agree! Sci-Fi messed up with those promos. And I knew Michael would be involved. Spoiled or not, I saw Conner's name in the opening credits. But Sam was very cool, and I love the convo she had with Teyla. I've been waiting for a moment like that!

    As for Mac's...every time I attempt to use one I just...can't. We're incompatible. I have XP on my desktop which will be...4 years old this summer. It still does everything I need it to, but I'd like to get a laptop for when I go places. Though, I'll wait until Vista irons out more of its issues before I touch it!


      Originally posted by Miss_Izzy View Post
      I thought so too! I wanted to say something to the person with whom I was watching the episode, but I don't think he would've cared.
      Funnily enough, I *did* say just that to my companion (No.1 Son). I thought she looked absolutely stunning.

      Originally posted by Miss_Izzy View Post
      My thoughts exactly. The only other episode in which they wrote her as the commander of the city was in The Seer. In Kindred, we saw her in a mission briefings and making a significant decision regarding Teyla. I really like how Teyla gave her respect as a commander, and that whole scene in general, what with Sam saying, "Call me Sam." I only wish they had that scene earlier in the season!
      Again, I must agree. I have been having quite a heated exchange on another group about the abysmal writing of Sam's character so far in Atlantis. She's getting a much better deal lately. Lets hope it carries on.

      and I was so surprised at the revelation at the end, not having been spoiled for a change. I really didn't see that one coming!

      Last edited by SWMBOTGSG; 23 February 2008, 02:35 PM. Reason: Futzing with spoiler box
      For details of AT10 go to


        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        I think the fact that my initial reaction to that pic has nothing to do with appreciating the technology, or seeing the actual people behind a Hugo-winning fanzine, but was "ooh, look at all the shiney!" says something about me, doesn't it? Not that you didn't know that already FF especially, as you had to experience my flakiness firsthand, poor soul
        We is sad. We know we is sad. But we lurve our Macs.
        You're not as flaky as you think, that night watching the end of SG1 was splendid and it was great meeting you.
        Besides, Sam would appreciate teh shiney. (She typed, desperately groping for the topic - I grew up on Rassef on Usenet, where off topic was an art form...)



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          the issue i have with office 2007, you need a gig of ram to make it run right. It's so bloated that it's horribly slow. In fact, i frequently outtype it when i use it. and i have a fairly decent processor and 512 of ram.
          err, there's your problem. 512mb of RAM is not decent and I doubt your processor is up to scratch either.

          btw, nothing wrong with Vista. The only reason people hate it is because it's different and they're not used to it. Remember all the 'omg XP sucks I'll stick with win98 kthx' when XP was first released? yeah

          PS, the whole 'MAC is better than WINDOWS!!1!!' is a self-inflated ego boosting catch-cry of the Mac individual who needs to keep reinforcing to themselves that 'mac is better' despite that opinion being a self-induced belief backed up by drug induced visions of a Utopian Macintosh World. Mac works for you - fine, but who really cares?

          At any rate, people who are writing off Vista are selling themselves short. There's nothing really inherently wrong with it, and there are a whole heap of improvements over XP. In fact most of the issues with Vista are third party problems - manufacturers of peripherals and hardware who haven't released vista compatible drivers for the products or people who haven't downloaded and installed them. Or are trying to run vista on a 1.4ghz celeron with 512mb ram, shared ram video card and 10gb harddrive. That's like fitting a new interior, body kit and a turbo to a Trabant P50 and wondering why you have a crap car. Well duh because its a Trabant, not a crap turbo and body kit.

          So you are probably all about to post 'Wow Agent Dark, you are so awesome. Please have my babies and teach me all about Vista' (I actually get that alot, or variations of. Usually along the lines of 'omg your leet can u teahc me how to pwn noobs like u do? lol'. Or 'omg fsck hacker stop cheating fagg0t' after I've just owned the noob in question, which amounts to the same thing really.). Unfortunately, that will not be possible since I haven't actually upgraded to Vista yet. Far be that from destroying my argument though, since I have had a bit of a play around on Vista on other PC's and haven't experienced the rage that I see; and really don't see why there is so much rage. I haven't upgraded because I haven't actually needed to install it, don't have a copy of Vista to install in the first place (there's something I will deduct points for, as with all Microsoft OS's - why are they so bloody expensive?) and don't have a directX 10 video card to utilise the biggest feature of Vista anyway.

          Of course, by the time that this is released for viewing you've all probably moved on a few pages and no-one will read anyway. If some kind soul could find it in themselves to bump this insight to the current page then that would be much appreciated. Now, I'm off to pwn some computer games. gl hf all.


            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            We is sad. We know we is sad. But we lurve our Macs.
            You're not as flaky as you think, that night watching the end of SG1 was splendid and it was great meeting you.
            Besides, Sam would appreciate teh shiney. (She typed, desperately groping for the topic - I grew up on Rassef on Usenet, where off topic was an art form...)

            Thank you, midear. It was an great evening indeed

            I'm a Classicist. On-topic off-topicism is not merely an art form for us, its an unavoidable pact you make with our equivalent of the devil (Seneca maybe, nobody I knows likes him really).
            One conversation led to me describing the eruption of Vesuvius as involving "big black scary-a*** pyroclastic clouds" and the other conversation in which we invented voices for Socrates and Plato, or the frequent ones I have with E in which we've decided that Cicero is the ultimate *****y queen and the other one I had about him with G when we decided that the DNA offspring of him and Kenneth Williams would be just the most terrifying but awesome thing ever.

            Forget flaky. I might be mad. Blame it on my father, SG-1 and the Greeks

            On-topic (sort of). May any Samandans help me? This pic...

            Shared it with my friend on MSN just because I love their expressions in it. Only thing is, we then spent the next twenty minutes narrowing down what episode it could be from We know what season (Sam's hair...Teal'c and the face...S1, we think ), and we had a shortlist of eps, but I'd like confirmation just to prove whether or not my friend is right (and therefore totally awesome). Please?

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Originally posted by suse View Post
              That's nuttiness. Vista needs to be backwards compatible to *at least* XP.

              Er, on topic: I don't think AT needs to worrry about Vista. I'm pretty sure she and Alan have a Mac. She mentioned something about it on her site...

              ETA: waves to donamac.

              Just one more thing to lurve about her Hooray Macs!

              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
              Thanks guys, I did notice Macs are more expensive, suse that's a good idea about trying it first, I don't know anyone with a Mac but maybe someone going to AT3 will have one with them that I could look at? (bats eyelashes sweetly at Samanda's AT3 attendees) then I can think about what lappy to buy when I get home.

              My MacBookPro will be there. It's my work lappy, but since it runs a lot faster than my old iBook, I use it as my main lappy now.

              And for those of you concerned about windows programs not being compatible with Mac, there is always the option of Parallels or Boot Camp (dual boot you machine with OSX and Windows).


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

                On-topic (sort of). May any Samandans help me? This pic...

                Shared it with my friend on MSN just because I love their expressions in it. Only thing is, we then spent the next twenty minutes narrowing down what episode it could be from We know what season (Sam's hair...Teal'c and the face...S1, we think ), and we had a shortlist of eps, but I'd like confirmation just to prove whether or not my friend is right (and therefore totally awesome). Please?
                Might it be Thor's Chariot from S2?


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  Might it be Thor's Chariot from S2?
                  That was what she came up with, yep. I thought it might be from S1, she thought it might still be from S2 (just in there with the Sam hairstyle window ). The amounts of leather and fur involved in the costumes formed a large part of the reasoning

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    <<iz amoozzed>>

                    Mac people tend to be rabidly Mac people. It's a very stable computer. Unless you put 75 programs and widgets and RSS feeds and... and.. and...

                    It's no wonder she's managed to fill up her hard drive. And an external.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by suse View Post
                      I'm gonna miss Sam on SGA.

                      Still, I wish the best for Amanda and am looking forward to Sanctuary.

                      Same here. I just hope that Sanctuary will be showing on a channel that I have access to, and that it'll be out on DVD in the near future.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        i didn't have a choice with office 2007, the morons at my office forced us all to migrate to it...even though 80% of the building doesn't have fast enough computers to handle it

                        tehn again, i shouldn't frelling NEED a gig of ram and 3 gig processor to bloody well use a word processing program.

                        I'm beyond sick of the 'oh cool, it's shiny' philosophy and 'screw writing it better, just make people buy a new puter'
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          lol AD... Hey I was perfectly happy with vista... sure it was a pain finding drivers compatible with vista but I did it.... knowing when I bought the computer I would have to do that... And my computer had to able to do all the renderings and run all the graphic programs I use for work... so it's not the Graphics cards, memory, amount of space on the hard drive that's causing the problem. It's vista and the bugs they still have to get worked out. They are aware of the problems and are working on them... Will it be as good as XP ... yeah some day.


                            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                            lol AD... Hey I was perfectly happy with vista... sure it was a pain finding drivers compatible with vista but I did it.... knowing when I bought the computer I would have to do that... And my computer had to able to do all the renderings and run all the graphic programs I use for work... so it's not the Graphics cards, memory, amount of space on the hard drive that's causing the problem. It's vista and the bugs they still have to get worked out. They are aware of the problems and are working on them... Will it be as good as XP ... yeah some day.
                            Does this mean you don't want to have AD's babies

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              Does this mean you don't want to have AD's babies
                              Oh is AD a hot Irish guy living in the States?

                              *smacks Mandy*
                              Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 23 February 2008, 07:28 PM.


                                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                                Oh is AD a hot Irish guy living in the States?

                                *smacks Mandy*
                                Ummm.. who's AD??? I should probably know this one... *ducks so no one starts throwing rotten fruit*

