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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    Are we the only country that has an official 2nd Christmasday? We have Christmas eve, and then 2 chirstmasdays (everyone is free from work for those 2 days). So for me it's still Christmas Yesterday we spend with the inlaws, today we'll spend with my family.

    And thanks Uber for the game And the more cats the merrier
    its called boxing day here (26th of Dec) and its a public holiday. known for 3 things - start of the sydney to hobart yacht race, first day of the Boxing Day Cricket Test Match and drinking alcohol (usually while watching one of the two sport events).


      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      Are we the only country that has an official 2nd Christmasday? We have Christmas eve, and then 2 chirstmasdays (everyone is free from work for those 2 days). So for me it's still Christmas Yesterday we spend with the inlaws, today we'll spend with my family.

      And thanks Uber for the game And the more cats the merrier
      It's right back to work here in the States...unless you take some vacation days...which I did.

      Have fun, Lies!


        Heeee, comparing our Christmas stashes? Yesterday I got a watch (it's just like Weir's one! I love it!), clothes, lots of yummy smelling shower gel and creams, lots of blue jello and other stuff from the US, incense sticks, salt and pepper shakers, a set of 4 metal sporks (yay! *sporks*), chopsticks, a cushion with frangipani on it (my favourite flower), cinema vouchers... other stuff... Wow, I'm going through my stash now, but I honestly enjoyed handing out my gifts even more! I gave out 6 paintings which people just loved! I spoiled all the kids rotten with awesome presents, I gave my cousins parker pens...

        We had 30 people in the house We spent hours and hours opening all the gifts because there were just so many! Wheeeee! I love my family. Apart from the wee feud going on. *sporks sister-in-laws*

        I got today (boxing day) off, but I'm heading back to work tomorrow... so I tried to pack as much as I could into this one day with my Australian cousins and everyone. My highlight was definitely when I spent over an hour kneeling on the floor in front of my Aunt with my hands pressed against her 7 month pregnant belly, feeling the baby doing somersaults or something
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          I hope everyone had a nice day.
          I had fabulous fresh salmon, marinaded in lemon and white wine with new potatoes and asparagus for lunch, followed by berry terrine with cream.

          Some fabulous presents, two sliver necklaces from my Mum, both wonderful, plus Life on Mars 1&2 and Heroes 1, clothes, smellies, random stuff. An embarrassment of riches.
          Then over to a friend's house, we watched Dr Who Xmas special and drank very fine red wine all evening.

          I hope Amanda and family had as good a time; her little girl is at the magical age where it's all sparkly and special and new.



            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
            Are we the only country that has an official 2nd Christmasday? We have Christmas eve, and then 2 chirstmasdays (everyone is free from work for those 2 days). So for me it's still Christmas Yesterday we spend with the inlaws, today we'll spend with my family.

            And thanks Uber for the game And the more cats the merrier
            i think only the UK and her present and former terrotories celebrate boxing day

            we don't here in the us
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              just chiming in randomly to wish you all a merry christmas. Well in terms of presents, all I got was a card and 20 dollars from my mother (nothing from my father he's bitter towards me this year) and that isn't much by itself but it led to something that really made my day and probably turned a bad day into a good one at the end.

              I was supposed to meet up with my friend (both of us were having bad days with our families)for Alien vs Predator Requiem, due to bus issues, I never did meet him and thought I was watching it alone but later found out at home that he was sitting in my row, but the opposite side from me (he was at the 1st seat on the left and I was at the last seat on the right).

              When I came home, I walked right into another gift and you just have to thank those kind of people that really make an effort to please other people in any way possible. I'm not at liberty to discuss that one into detail but it really made my night. I also watched Celtic Woman: Live at Slane Castle,Ireland on DVD which I bought last december and for those of you are willing to try new things, I highly recommend checking it out. I'm making it a tradition to watch every year (as well as their Christmas Celebration concert DVD when I get it) because I just love the music, I love the group, the performances, everything about it is epic in scope and you will never hear a more beautiful harmony than from these gorgeous ladies. My friend who is into rap and all that stuff complimented them on how wonderful they sound together and wondered what was this random music I found and listen to haha.

              Onto Sam/Amanda Tapping, I think that she is wonderful fitting into Stargate Atlantis and probably is the most desired cast member from SG-1 that I wanted to continue seeing. She looks so amazingly hot with her new hairstyle and I'm glad that they let her keep it on Atlantis AND the upcoming movies if anybody's keeping track. I just read the Carmen Argenziano interview and learned a little more about Amanda. I watched the SG-1 behind the scenes, read interviews and such and I from that I thought she was kind, down-to-earth intelligent woman and that little piece I read earlier today reaffirmed what I believed. That to me makes her even hotter in my eyes

              Finally, (sorry for wall of text crit and I hope its not a TLDR) I'm still reppin Samcarter the best that anyone ever can on World of Warcraft. I always get people who compliment the name, Sam herself, how hot she is, and how they love the show, even got that from a GM one time. I am still THE ONLY person out of 9 million people that has the best Samcarter character out there and Armory proves this, everyone else isnt max level, doesnt have epic gear, and so on so forth...


              and yeah I know her hair isnt the right color, initially I just wanted to create what qualities my dream girl would have, but I couldnt think of a good name that wasnt already taken so I chose my favorite Stargate character. Come Wrath of the Lich King I will change her hairstyle and color to match the real Sam.
              I had fabulous fresh salmon, marinaded in lemon and white wine with new potatoes and asparagus for lunch, followed by berry terrine with cream.
              That sounds delicious! Mustve been cooked perfectly from the way that you're putting it. I just recently started cooking a month ago and I absolutely love it. Average to Bad food turned into really really good food and with the variety out there in the world theres a lot of new flavors and meals that I'm finding out and enjoying. About 2 days ago I made my first basic risotto w/ pepper and swiss cheese, to go along with oven roasted chicken that put my brother's meal (which he was serving to his guests) to shame. They were eyeballing my food every chance they got lol.

              ETA: I snipped the url for a reason. Inline images cannot be wider than 700 pixels and yours is waaayyy too big. Please do not reinstate the img tags unless you make that picture 700 pixels or less wide
              Last edited by Skydiver; 26 December 2007, 06:53 AM.


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                Merry Christmas!!!! Today I got the 2008 Guinness Book of World Records. Amanda and Sanctuary are in there, with a pic and everything! Are there any other records SG/AT related that someone knows of? I know last year's had one or two, but I didn't get it.
                Cool. Well, I know for sure that SG1 is in the 2007 book, but I'm not sure about the others. But yeah, now I'm going to chapters to by both. Thanks for letting us know.


                  I got a cool pad for my laptop (one of those fan things) that i'm not sure if i'm gonna keep or not cause it's awful noisy, atlantis s3, stardust, a sweater and a cute pic of the niecelet
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                    It's right back to work here in the States...unless you take some vacation days...which I did.

                    Have fun, Lies!
                    well...Christmas really lasts for 12 days and all we celebrate is the first day of Christmas....every day until epiphany is a day of Christmas is you want to celebrate it *g* which I don't think is too bad an idea.

                    And....I miss boxing day being here in the states...and how Christmas is over after the one day...I wore my Santa hat on boxing day last year and got told repeatedly 'Christmas is over you know' bah!

                    and welcome coffeerox! get comfy!
                    Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                    My Fanfic~My Femslash


                      Christmas was quiet for us. Just my mom and me. To be honest I don't mind. My flight out of Heathrow was delayed, so much so that they held the plane at Madrid because there were 50 other South Africa goers on my short haul. I only left Spain at about 2.30am on Christmas Eve and landed at 13.00-ish. We then all learnt that our luggage was still in Madrid I missed my next connecting flight but because I was already checked in they rolled me over to the next flight. I was literally travelling for more than 24 hours.

                      So Christmas was quiet but good. I spent much of it swimming and my mom roasted a lamb. I wasn't expecting presents because my mom paid for my trip out here and I wasn't too fussed because I know her, when we go out shopping she buys things for me anyway. Still she bought me a few clothes as well as a digital camera which thrilled me beyond belief. The thought of AT3 looming and of once again having nothing but a croopy film camera had been on my mind. Now I can be a happy snapper.

                      It's also a holiday here today.. although technically I am on holiday for the next 3 weeks.

                      Now if only my luggage would arrive


                        Originally posted by coffeerox View Post
                        just chiming in randomly to wish you all a merry christmas. Well in terms of presents, all I got was a card and 20 dollars from my mother (nothing from my father he's bitter towards me this year) and that isn't much by itself but it led to something that really made my day and probably turned a bad day into a good one at the end.
                        I'm glad that a less than happy Christmas turned out better for you in the end. It's what I'd wish for anyone.

                        Originally posted by coffeerox View Post
                        Onto Sam/Amanda Tapping, I think that she is wonderful fitting into Stargate Atlantis and probably is the most desired cast member from SG-1 that I wanted to continue seeing. She looks so amazingly hot with her new hairstyle and I'm glad that they let her keep it on Atlantis AND the upcoming movies if anybody's keeping track. I just read the Carmen Argenziano interview and learned a little more about Amanda. I watched the SG-1 behind the scenes, read interviews and such and I from that I thought she was kind, down-to-earth intelligent woman and that little piece I read earlier today reaffirmed what I believed. That to me makes her even hotter in my eyes
                        Couldnt have said it better myself. Welcome to Samanda btw and I hope you have tons of fun here!

                        Love your WoW aviatar too! I played for awhile myself but stopped when the fees were a bit much for me combined with the fact that I wasnt around much to take advantage of it. Perhaps later I'll pick it up again. It's definitely an awesome game. *nods*


                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                          its called boxing day here (26th of Dec) and its a public holiday. known for 3 things - start of the sydney to hobart yacht race, first day of the Boxing Day Cricket Test Match and drinking alcohol (usually while watching one of the two sport events).
                          It's called "Back to work you lazy so-and-sos" here.


                          My brother gave me the new CSI game-which he knew wouldn't play on my computer because of the outdated vid card. So, he's also getting me a new vid card. Yay!


                            Hi Everyone,

                            Happy Boxing Day (to everyone celebrating)

                            Are we telling what we got for Christmas? I got some great presents, I got The Void DVD (Amanda is great in it of course ) I got the brain training game for my Nintendo DS, an ipod touch (my Mum is sending it home with my Granddad, Mum lives in Boston, US) I can't wait to get it after New Year

                            But the present I wanted to tell you all about was this, I got a penguin (Squeeee!) with a label attached saying "Shining Stars official product of the international star registry" Basically I get to name a star! So I wanted, if its OK, to give the star to Samanda I thought we could choose a name together, something that represents us as a group and as fans of Amanda! So what does everyone think? Is it OK to do this together as a Samanda project?

                            EDIT: Welcome to Samanda coffeerox Couldn't agree more with what you said Amanda too

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              I have no issue with it. It's your star, and if you want to let us choose a name, that sounds great.

                              Let me know if you need any help organizing things
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                I have no issue with it. It's your star, and if you want to let us choose a name, that sounds great.

                                Let me know if you need any help organizing things
                                Thanks Sky help to organize would be very very much appreciated

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

