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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
    I haven't met AT in person yet, but I'm hopeful for gabit event next year ! Anyway I have a new game ! What would you say to amanda if you meet her ? (One sentence)
    My choice "Thank you for 8 wonderful years of Sam Carter !"
    Theres a lot i would like to ask, but i probably wouldnt be able to form a sentence or say anything at all to be honest.

    sig by starlover1990


      Originally posted by zuz View Post


        Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
        I haven't met AT in person yet, but I'm hopeful for gabit event next year ! Anyway I have a new game ! What would you say to amanda if you meet her ? (One sentence)
        My choice "Thank you for 8 wonderful years of Sam Carter !"
        Wow just one sentence, mmmmmm... there's so many things I like to say/ask but when I met Amanda at AT2 last year I tried so hard to talk to her but I was completely unable to say anything to her but if I got another chance, it sounds corny but I'd say "Thank You for saving my life" because Amanda really has saved me

        And completely OT

        My electric wheelchair broke last night, I was stuck in the middle of my living room for an hour on my own, so when my carer came in I just had to go to bed because I am stuck without my wheelchair, but this morning the repair guy came and fixed it for me so I am all happy now YAY!

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          Ummm.... that's what I'm here for. Samandan Royal Bartender at your service! Hiccup Comatose Regime! Hic!
          D'oH!!! I missed the party again!!!
          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
          Hey all...check out the home page for a special message from Amanda.
          I know...isn't she just gorgeous...that woman is the best!!! Which is why we love her sooooo much!!!
          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          Doesn't play for me über...all I get is a small blingy thing that says FLV
          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          Just reported the same problem on the sanctuary thread. Glad it's not just me, Eve!
          (((Eve and TJ)))...let me just say this about it....Amanda is so COOL!!!!
          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
          ROFL. The thing is, AD's line actually inspired a whole section of the fic I'm writing, particularly the following interchange

          “The lady requires proof?” questioned John with a smile. “Then I shall offer you a wager, my dear Helen. We shall fight and if I should win, my proof shall be you as a bride.”

          Helen laughed again at his brashness. “And if I should win?”

          “If you should win, then you may take me as your husband and make an honest man out of me,” he responded, a glint in his eye.

          “And if I did not wish to marry you, my dear Ripper?”

          John smiled as he spun gracefully and clashed his blade against Helen’s, bringing the two of them close to each other. “Then it would not be my persuasions under scrutiny.”

          AD's little comment has been playing in my head all day!
          I can't wait to read it...are you gonna put a link here for us when you're done???
          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          Thanks to Starlover for sending me the FLV file I was able to watch it don't know why I can't play it on the site though

          and Sally I think she says to the guy off screen: 'but not you'

          Edit: what is she holding in her hands??? is that a polar bear
          No polar bears!!! Amanda doesn't hug polar bears...unless she was strangling it!!!
          I think it was a cushion or a blanket!!
          Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
          It was a documentary that aired on Sci-Fi before season 10 and 3 premiered last year. It's really quite a funny doco, hosted by Amanda
          Oh cool...thanks space!! how does one get to see said doco???
          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          but i don't understand the numbers.

          the road not taken got this:
          - 1.352 million viewers (up 0.12 million from last week)
          - 0.9/2 HH
          - 0.5/2 A18-49

          and it ended up being a 1.1 rating. where this 1.1 came from is what i don't see. so what was 'the shroud' numbers?

          the shroud:
          - 1.402 million viewers (up 0.05 million from last week)
          - 0.9/2 HH
          - 0.6/2 A18-49
's all I's all greek to me!!! I can't read or decipher ratings in a pink fit!!
          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          Just done with a new fic and some icons...

          Title: Receiving a memo
          Author: RepliCartertje
          Spoilers: It is set after Rites of Passage, season 5
          Pairing: Sam/Janet
          Rating: K+
          Summary: Sam and Janet need to tell Cassie something, but the teen doesn’t react the way they thought she would.
          Word count: 1560 words
          Warning: Femslash
          A/N: This fic started out as a promt for a Sam/Janet-o-thon, but I never finished it in time. I used a prompt Sam/Janet & Cassie, custody problem…
          Thanks to Brooke and cess525 for beta'ing.
          I love reviews, or comments...they make me improve...


          1. 2. 3.

          all are snurchable
          Cool Eve...those icons are great!! My fave ones are the smiling ones...I love Amanda's smile!!
          I bookmarked the fic for later...much later coz I can't stay here long tonight!!
          Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
          I haven't met AT in person yet, but I'm hopeful for gabit event next year ! Anyway I have a new game ! What would you say to amanda if you meet her ? (One sentence)
          My choice "Thank you for 8 wonderful years of Sam Carter !"
 sentence....let me have a go at this......big breath.......
          "Hey Amanda, I love you, I think you're great, fantastic even and I want to personally thank you for being such a great inspiration to not only me but many other girls and women all around the world and I wonder if it is at all possible for you to come back to Australia and visit us and I love your smile and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching you play Sam Carter and I can't wait to see Sanctuary because I honestly believe that whatever you do you make it work so well coz I think you're one of the most talented and beautiful people on this planet if not in the entire universe and I can only wish you all the best in everything you do because you are so totally AWESOME!!!!!!
          Ok...that was just one sentence...and you know what...I would say that to her if I could meet her in person...simply put...that's me in a nutshell...I just blurt it out as I see it...I hope Amanda doesn't think I'm totally wacko!!
          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          what would i say?

          "would you get me rda's phone number?"
          D'oH!!! Good one Sally....maybe I should add that to the end of my sentence!!!! Nah...I'd ask for her phone number or email addy instead...or I'd do what I did to Carmen and David Nykl....I'd invite her to my house for tea!! (I did you know...I invited David over for afternnon tea coz it was Niki's birthday and I asked Carmen if he wanted to come over for dinner...I know, I know...totally wacked!!!)

          Ok...gotta choof...I put more stargate stuff on the scrabble board at far I haven't been sprung!!!...hehehe....I even took a photo on my phone!!
          Good night all...take care, be safe, stay happy and hug your loved ones!!


          I have so got to get in here when the bar is open...if you think I'm nuts now...wait til I get a few Heini's into me!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            I have a question for the big Sam Carter fans. Has anyone written up a time-line of sorts for Sam's life? Something that would have her current age in season 10 and how old she would have been when she flew in the Gulf War?

            My husband is writing a fanfic about Sam's struggles to fit in as a female pilot during combat time when she was younger. (He's correct about her flying in the Gulf war, right? I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but I don't read as much Sam fic as he does.)

            THe one thing he's not sure of though, is her current age in sea. 10 and how it would fit in with: when she earned her PHD, when she completed Academy, when she worked on the Stargate for the 2 years prior to the Stargate film, and when she would have been in the Gulf. Was a birth year ever given in canon, or has it all been just guess work?

            I'd be thankful if anyone could link me up to a site or perhaps could give me what the commonly agreed-upon ages were for these things! Thanks!


              I think Sam was born in 1969 ("Entity" ?), We know she flew in Iraq from CTOG


                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                lol, no way, I'm looking forward to it already! And we're all the same... get us on the subject of our bairns and we can go on and on and on...
                Tell me about it! And onnnn and onnnn.... Scari and her bairns (hee hee!! kidding luv!!!)

                I talk about my KIDS all the time, too. Who doesn't? Next year, everyone bring THEIR OWN brag book!!

                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                  D'oH!!! Good one Sally....maybe I should add that to the end of my sentence!!!! Nah...I'd ask for her phone number or email addy instead...or I'd do what I did to Carmen and David Nykl....I'd invite her to my house for tea!! (I did you know...I invited David over for afternnon tea coz it was Niki's birthday and I asked Carmen if he wanted to come over for dinner...I know, I know...totally wacked!!!)

                  Haha! What did they say? I can just imagine them trying to politely decline to avoid offending the crazy lady

                  They did decline right? *Imagines Don sprawled out on Chelle's sofa* I'm sure Ruby wanted him back!

                  *ETA* You didn't even say Don! I'm twisting my own experiences into it with my lack of sleep!
                  Last edited by NZNeep; 08 May 2007, 06:00 AM.
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by swallowcliff View Post
                    I have a question for the big Sam Carter fans. Has anyone written up a time-line of sorts for Sam's life? Something that would have her current age in season 10 and how old she would have been when she flew in the Gulf?
                    This is something I wrote up a year or so ago,

                    Sam’s Background History:

                    According to Entity, Sam was born in 1968 which would make her 40 years old next year. However, Entity states that she was born in December while Ascension suggested that she was born in May. While the month that Sam was born is not a huge issue, it does alter when she would have been allowed to join the Air Force Academy.

                    Air Force Academy Requirements state that:
                    • All candidates must be at least 17, but less than 23 years of age by July 1 of the year they would enter. The age requirement is public law and cannot be waived.
                    So if Sam were born in May 1968, then she would have been eligible to enter the AirForceAcademy in 1985; however, if she was born in December 1968 then Sam would not have been eligible to join the Air Force Academy until fall of 1986, the same year as the Challenger accident. So Sam could have joined the Academy in 1985 or 1986 and graduated in 1989 or 1990. The evidence is unclear due to the fact that we do not know what month she was truly born.

                    According to COTG, Sam holds a PhD in either Astrophysics or Quantum Mechanics.

                    It has also been stated in Prodigy that Sam graduated at top of her class at the Academy, getting the highest marks in every class and winning pretty much every award -- she's still a legend at the academy for which most bright cadets are compared.

                    If Sam is in fact the genius and the national treasure that people claims she is, then it is quite conceivable that she was a child genius and had already completed her Master’s and perhaps even her PhD well before she ever entered the Air Force Academy. If you don’t believe this is possible, then check out the following website about Alia Sabur.

                    Alia Sabur
                    She is the youngest person ever to receive a PhD fellowship from the Pentagon at the age of 15. She should complete her PhD in 2007 at the age of 17.

                    NY Post Article about Alia Sabur

                    Therefore, if Sam had already obtained her Master’s and/or PhD, it is also conceivable that Sam had much more time to pursue her own interest while at the Academy as the Academy clearly states that many electives are offered and cadets who receive transfer or validation credit may substitute electives for those particular courses. Cadets with a prescribed Grade Point Average (GPA) may also overload during most semesters, allowing them to take other non-prescribed courses. Every cadet, however, must remain at the Academy for four years, no matter how many extra course credits are earned. Every cadet must also take a certain number of classes each semester – usually six academic courses (except for Fourth-Class cadets who only take five courses their first semester).

                    We also know from CoTG, that Sam clocked more than 100 hours in enemy airspace during the Gulf War, which took place between August 2, 1990 and July 31, 1991and has flown an F-16 (CoTG).

                    Many people doubt that Sam could have had adequate time to earn a pilot’s license during her time at the Academy and the Gulf War. Per the Academy website, this is the information they have regarding flight training courses and extra curricular activities offered at the Academy.

                    Cadets do not earn Air Force "wings" at the Academy; however, cadets who complete several airmanship and navigation courses during their four years can gain sufficient flight experience, which serves as excellent preparation for pilot or navigator training after graduation.

                    Qualified cadets who wish to attend pilot training after graduation are required to complete the Introductory Flight Training (IFT) Program during their first-class year or prior to attending Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT). While attending IFT, individuals earn their Private Pilot License. Cadets may also enroll in additional courses in avionics, astronomy, special topics in aviation and Air Force operations.

                    Cadets may participate in flying through extracurricular programs such as soaring, parachuting and the Cadet Aviation Club. Soaring training is held on a year-round basis and is available to every cadet. The basic course includes dual and solo instruction involving approximately 15 flights. Upper-class cadets can compete for selection to Soaring Instructor Pilot Training. Once qualified, the cadet instructors, who are supervised by rated Air Force officers, instruct other cadets. Some selected upper-class cadets who have completed advanced flying programs may earn a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificate through the rating of flight instructor and join the Soaring Society of America. All soaring is conducted in either Academy sailplanes or powered gliders. Parachute training is also available to selected cadets who volunteer and meet stringent physical requirements. The basic parachuting course involves five free-fall jumps. Some selected cadets from the basic course will take advanced courses to become parachute instructors for other cadets. These instructors, known as jumpmasters, may become members of the "Wings of Blue" parachute team and may qualify for a U.S. Parachute Association rating. The Cadet Aviation Club is open to all cadets who are interested in pursuing flying as an extracurricular activity. As members of the club, cadets can earn FAA ratings from private pilot through instructor pilot. Also, selected cadets may become members of the Cadet Competition Flying team.[2]

                    According to another website I found, all Air Force pilot candidates begin their flying training with introductory flight training (IFT). Civilian flight instructors at fixed base operations around the country conduct this training in aircraft such as the Cessna 152. Students receive 50 hours of instruction and must qualify for their private pilot certificate to successfully complete the program. I’m not positive, but I believe Sam could have obtained this training during her time at the Academy.

                    The next step in the process is joint specialized undergraduate pilot training, which prepares student pilots for the full spectrum of aircraft and flying missions. This training takes approximately 52 weeks to complete.

                    In order to have flown an F-16 aircraft in the Gulf War, Sam would have to have completed Phase 3 - Advanced Aircraft Trainingon the T-38 Talon - Fighter / Bomber Track as each type of aircraft requires a different type of training.

                    Now if Sam did in fact graduate from the Academy in 1989, then it is quite possible for Sam to have received the necessary flight training in order to fly solo during the Gulf War. However, this still does not explain why she does not have her wings as all pilots who complete this training receive their silver wings.

                    For more information about Undergraduate Pilot Training

                    Sam later spent two years at the Pentagon working on the Stargate Project before Daniel got the Stargate to work the first time. (CoTG, Secrets). According to CoTG, Daniel got the gate working in 1996; therefore, Sam would have been working at the Pentagon from 1994-1996. After the first Abydos mission, she researched alternative applications for the gate, including time travel (1969), which we can assume was from 1996-1997 before Sam was transferred back to the Stargate project.

                    In 1997, Sam was a Captain in the USAF.

                    In 1999, she was promoted to the rank of Major.
                    She must have joined the Air Force no later than 1989, as she had to have been in the AF for at least ten years to make Major, which she was promoted to in 1999. She has also received the AF Longevity Ribbon, which is given for four years of service, with a bronze star, which represents the second awarding -- so she's been in more than eight years, but less than twelve, as of Fair Game [1999])[1].

                    In 2004, she was promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel.

                    She must have had fifteen years time in service in order to be promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel.

                    According to USAF eligibility requirements, Sam would not be eligible for the rank of Colonel until the year 2010; however, these requirements can often be overlooked by the promotion committee if the candidate is deemed worthy of early promotion and she will have had three years time in grade as of July 2007.

                    [1] Adruinna’s Stargate Handbook

                    [2] United States Air Force Academy

                    Hope this answers some of your questions.
                    Last edited by ForeverSg1; 08 May 2007, 06:43 AM.


                      Kat is awesome.

                      (and she makes damn fine enchanting bags )

                      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                      Tell me about it! And onnnn and onnnn.... Scari and her bairns (hee hee!! kidding luv!!!)
                      Mini, on the other hand, is downright incorrigable


                        Wow, great post Kat

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                          Kat is awesome.

                          (and she makes damn fine enchanting bags )

                          Mini, on the other hand, is downright incorrigable
                          Yet you lurrve me anyway. Ain't that the sweetest

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            I just made some icons with the screencaps i yesterday made while watching Moebius...

                            Here ya go(snurch them if you want):

                            It's only part 1 i still have to watch Part was a little bit late for that already


                              Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                              I haven't met AT in person yet, but I'm hopeful for gabit event next year ! Anyway I have a new game ! What would you say to amanda if you meet her ? (One sentence)
                              My choice "Thank you for 8 wonderful years of Sam Carter !"
                              One sentence?

                              "You best not cry on me this time, woman!"

                              In all seriousness, I probably wouldn't say that to her, though I got rather paranoid at Gabit - first time I met her, I made her cry. Then second time I spoke to her, Julia ended up passing the tissues. So yeah, if I saw the tears, I'd probably joke about it. (ETA: Actually, I forgot the cocktail party! I didn't make her cry at the cocktail party. YAYness!)

                              But to be honest, I don't know what I'll say at London Expo. At Gabit, I had pretty much planned the question I wanted to ask and what I wanted to say about a year before hand! It sounds a bit silly, but it's totally true.

                              The thing is, what I wanted to say then (and to ask) was something really important to me. Now, although I really look forward to meeting Amanda again, there's nothing I can think of that I would be absolutely dying to say to her. Nothing that would involve me clinging on for dear life going "I promised myself I'd say this and I'm not going to chicken out (or even pause for breath, it seems) so...."

                              I think that's a good thing, though.
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                                But to be honest, I don't know what I'll say at London Expo.
                                Okay, I'll help...just ask her if she knows who Mandy is

                                my fanfic

