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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
    Just finished watching Trio--

    Major Trio spoilers!!

    I loved it!!!!! Yay for action Sam, whumped Sam and "Shut the hell up McKay" Sam!! Very fun to watch-- I was literally on the edge of my seat! And next week we get Chris Judge!! But I'm mad cuz they didn't have the little hint of Sam's personal life they were promising. But she looked awesome throwing that grappling hook! They really should have showed her in the end scene though. It was weird that they didn't. Even if I wasn't mildly obsessed with her, it would still have felt awkward.
    I was sooo waiting for Keller to have to set her leg and Sam say "This is sooo payback for Antartica" or something like that. Yeah I was so WTG SAM when she got the grappling hook up there! Yeah, JM said they left that bit about her personal life on the cutting room floor...which sucks!!
    Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
    &=AWESOME &Forever
    No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


      Just finished watching Trio!! And my 2 cents on the episodes so don't read if you don't want to be spoiled... that means you Suse

      Just couldn't resist could you Suse

      It was funny.
      It has Sam whumping and a brave McKay!
      A new ship was born and I don't mean the vehicle variety.

      Loved Sam's reaction to some of McKAy's comments.. I love their banter!

      I love brave McKay who when in a bind doesn’t run away, but actually stays to fight or in this case holds the rope despite badly cut hands to save Sam. His snarkiness was funny.

      The game they played … Sam listing the physicists her first round lol sounds very much like Sam... lol at McKay joining them... it was just a good episode for the three characters.

      The beer trick was a nice added touch indicating how much alike Sam and McKay really are. Keller knowing the beer trick indicated the kid genius actually partied a little in school.

      Each came up with an idea how to get out. Each failed for one reason or another. Loved how Sam put herself in danger attempting each way out until ultimately she paid the very heavy price of broken leg and internal injuries. Leaving it up to McKAy and Keller to get out in the last 15 mintues or so, but Sam was still in the scenes encouraging McKay or talking to Keller. Over all a very good stand alone episode. Giving us more characters interaction that I enjoyed between all three.

      Oh and the ship that I mentioned earlier. I believe McKay has met his match
      Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 08 February 2008, 07:50 PM.


        Originally posted by 1speed4Sam View Post
        Sam: Tell me again your joke again, Teal'c.

        Teal'c: What is long, brown, and sticky?


        Teal'c: A stick.

        [long pause]

        Sam: Nope, still don't get it...
        I don't get it either. Could someone explain it to my little innocent brain?

        Originally posted by bossluna View Post

        I'm not crazy! Am I crazy? When did you first notice?
        To quote Jack: "When we met!"

        Originally posted by bossluna View Post
        dang girl! well, teeth are overrated anyways. just get some grillz. myself, i'm going to get some FaSho-Gold Grillz. 6 teeth, semi invisible set, 2.5 krt diamonds, 14k white gold....

        You like?
        Um, Ew?

        Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
        I hope I haven't missed too much in the last week. I've had that nasty virus that's been going around. Coughing so hard you nearly faint, high fevers...just ugh. Hope no one else gets it!

        So anything new happening in the land of Samanda?
        What??? You mean you weren't here when Amanda popped in to tell us how much she appreciates us?? I can't believe you missed that!!

        Just kidding. Sorry, I'm in a really snarky mood tonight.

        "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

        SG-1 FanFiction
        Sanctuary Fanfiction


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          Couldn't get the link to work. Is there another way to get there?
          yes try then go to
          if the links don't work go to scroll down till you find free stuff link click on it then once you get to the free stuff page scroll down some more till you find a link for the writer's room. You can download the Quicktime movie it is so funny. The Christmas thing is kinda funny as well Damian and Amanda are quite funny actually she has a good sense of humor and seems to love making funny faces.l That is so cool to me because most actresses would try to act all prim and proper during an interview but not Amanda lol she figets like Jack.
          Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


            Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
            Did this thread transform into an IM board while I was gone????
            ROFL just have to say I love your sig. I am looking forward to seeing Magnus again in Sanctuary and bonus some Sam in Atlantis - I totally understand Amanda not wanting the schedule of trying to do both series --yikes it would be tough and not fair for either show to divide her loyalties.
            Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
              Yeah! It worked. Thank you Funny interview. It makes you wonder how they get anything done.

              And I agree, where is the 'moon' shot?!?!
              Slightly off topic for the Amanda thread but anyway

              The moon shot is in Webisode 2 when you get a complete shot of Robin in the shower very drool worthy he has a thunk thread on Sanctuary forum he is a crackup his interview on is very funny as well.
              Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                I agree. What I *really* hated in S9 and S10 were those awful, blatantly obvious, trying to be sentimental, "we're all together" scenes when Sam returned in Beachhead. They made me sick. I'm not sure exactly what TPTB were trying to do but it sure as hell backfired on me at least.

                There's only one SG-1 team in my mind and that's that group of people I watched for the past 8-years and that includes when Jonas was part of the team in S6 and even when Jack became the SGC C.O. in S8 he still felt a part of SG-1.
                Oh they weren't all bad in fact I love the somewhat shippy part where Landry is talking to Jack and Sam walks in reporting for duty Sir. They so planned that it was so obviously a Jack thing to do.

                Why could Landry have a conversation with Jack but never Sam ---still didn't understand that and in unending they could have at leat mentioned him although I did like how Sam played it being very unhappy for a long time ---yep so married.
                Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


                  Off Topic beta request:

                  Hey, does anyone wanna beta for me? I have a Sanctuary story i wanna post, but it's a bit abstract-ish and I need to make sure it's not going to be too odd. I don't really know where else to ask about this since this is the only thread I frequent on a regular basis.

                  "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                  SG-1 FanFiction
                  Sanctuary Fanfiction


                    two things. first, a quickie review of 'trio'.

                    LOVED it!!

                    we got action sam! leader sam! banter-with-mckay sam! science sam! whumped sam!

                    it was wonderful to *see* so much sam for this starving sam fan!!

                    second, here's something joe mallozzi said about amanda in his current (2/8) entry.

                    Pam writes: “One thing I have noticed at both Stargate & Star Trek conventions is that other actors (and others associated with the shows) are always full of praise for the attitude of both Amanda Tapping and Robert Picardo to their work: knowing their lines, being on time, respect for other actors, etc. Is this one of the factors that led to both being on the shortlist for the position of base commander in the run up to Season 4?”

                    Answer: Fans can say what they like about their respective characters but, on a personal level, you’ll be hard-pressed to find two more hard-working and pleasant individuals. In an industry where productions are often saddled with jerks and self-centered whiners, actors like these two are a delight to work with.

                    that was a lovely thing for joe to say (going along with the other lovely things he's said recently), and it was wonderful to hear how respected and loved she is.




                      Originally posted by KatG View Post
                      I shall add it to my list of things to do instead of watching S9.
             season may be pleasantly surprised!!
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      as to the ficathon, yep, the assignments are all out - with the exception of one person that never replied to my mails.
                      T'wasn't me was it Sky??
                      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                      Well I remember seeing it on the yahoo group for Sanctuaryforall....

                      Hi everyone!
                      With apologies for the cross-post, and permission to forward on where
                      you think Sam fans might wish to see it...

                      A few years back now I was part of a project showing our appreciation
                      for Janet, and thanking Teryl for all her work on Stargate, by
                      showcasing everything we loved about the character in a music video
                      featuring contributions from many of her fans. The finished video was
                      played at Wolf's SG8 and seemed to go down well!
                      Jumping back to the present, and we're a few months away from another
                      fabulous Gabit weekend with Amanda Tapping - AT3! This being the
                      first of these events to occur since the final episodes of Stargate
                      SG-1 aired, what better time than to showcase everything we have
                      loved for ten years about Samantha Carter?! This has been discussed
                      with some of Gabit's fantastic staff, and subject to final approval
                      once the video is made I am sending this e-mail out now with their
                      So, what is the project and how does it work?
                      The idea is that a video is made using scenes chosen by as many
                      different people as possible, to go with text saying something they
                      have loved about Sam. Since illustration by example is probably the
                      easiest way, the Janet video can be found here:
                      Obviously for Sam we're looking at more of a celebration than a
                      tribute! But the principle is the same. It may also be possible to
                      include a section about what we're looking forward to (or have
                      already been enjoying!) in Atlantis, so do feel free to include ideas
                      in that direction.
                      To make this work, I need your help! And this is not in any way
                      exlusive to those attending the event, everyone is welcome to
                      contribute! So, it'd be great if as many people as possible contacted
                      me with the following information:
                      1) Your name and location (country)
                      2) What you would like to say about Sam (character trait or similar)
                      3) Your top three choices of Stargate scene to illustrate this point.
                      I will then compile as many of your contributions as possible into
                      the video, with text subtitles with what you tell us in (1) and (2)
                      put over one of your scene choices from (3). Obviously we don't want
                      to be repeating ourselves, so try to be as original as you can!! And
                      do keep in mind when you write your submissions that the text needs
                      to fit on the video, without obscuring the picture underneath. Please
                      don't make it too long!
                      The information should be sent to: [email protected] (Please do not
                      send replies to any of the lists this goes out on!!)
                      The closing date for submissions is Thursday, February 14 2008. That
                      gives you a couple of weeks in which to think and send me your ideas.
                      So get thinking! With your help this can hopefully be a great
                      celebration of a fantastic character.
                      Thank you!
                      Thank you so much're my life saver!! (((Jan)))
                      Just a quick question though...with regard to the clip (scene of choice)...does that mean we have to download a clip that we like and send it to them coz I have no idea how to do that!!
                      Thank you!!!
                      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                      Just finished watching Trio--
                      Major Trio spoilers!!
                      I loved it!!!!! Yay for action Sam, whumped Sam and "Shut the hell up McKay" Sam!! Very fun to watch-- I was literally on the edge of my seat! But I'm mad cuz they didn't have the little hint of Sam's personal life they were promising.
                      Oh bummer...
                      though I have to say...we were warned that it wouldn't be in it..I was kinda hoping that they would have relented though...bummer!

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      two things. first, a quickie review of 'trio'.
                      LOVED it!!
                      we got action sam! leader sam! banter-with-mckay sam! science sam! whumped sam!
                      it was wonderful to *see* so much sam for this starving sam fan!!

                      second, here's something joe mallozzi said about amanda in his current (2/8) entry.
                      Pam writes: “One thing I have noticed at both Stargate & Star Trek conventions is that other actors (and others associated with the shows) are always full of praise for the attitude of both Amanda Tapping and Robert Picardo to their work: knowing their lines, being on time, respect for other actors, etc. Is this one of the factors that led to both being on the shortlist for the position of base commander in the run up to Season 4?”
                      Answer: Fans can say what they like about their respective characters but, on a personal level, you’ll be hard-pressed to find two more hard-working and pleasant individuals. In an industry where productions are often saddled with jerks and self-centered whiners, actors like these two are a delight to work with.

                      that was a lovely thing for joe to say (going along with the other lovely things he's said recently), and it was wonderful to hear how respected and loved she is.

                      Well I can't wait to see's the one ep I've been waiting for since I first heard about it!!
                      It's always nice to hear such wonderful praise for Amanda...but then again, I can't think of any reason why one wouldn't highly praise her!

                      Well, it would seem that a lot of people must be off enjoying the's quiet here so I'm going to go finish my letter to Amanda which has thus far taken me 3 days to's not long, just hard to write!
                      Night all, take care and be safe!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by atfan View Post
                        yes try then go to
                        if the links don't work go to scroll down till you find free stuff link click on it then once you get to the free stuff page scroll down some more till you find a link for the writer's room. You can download the Quicktime movie it is so funny. The Christmas thing is kinda funny as well Damian and Amanda are quite funny actually she has a good sense of humor and seems to love making funny faces.l That is so cool to me because most actresses would try to act all prim and proper during an interview but not Amanda lol she figets like Jack.
                        Thanks for those links. I will be downloading and watching it later. When I need an Amanda fix


                          lol I just watched the sanctuary writer's room vid I LOVED IT, too funny. Especially the end is hilarious!!! I needed some cheering up, been feeling a bit weird today.. whenever I see Amanda I smile that's such a great talent of hers!!


                            HI SAMANDAN FAMILY !

                            I've just been doing some channel surfing on foxtel and i found that REMEMBERANCE is on tommorow

                            AMANDA ROCKS !!!!!!!!
                            (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                              Just in case you're lurking,



                                ^...ditto from me too...happy birthday Mick!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

