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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
    Chiming in late: Jadis the White Witch of Narnia was one of my childhood heroes (yes, you may call me a deviant; it happens )
    You? Deviant? I would NEVER have guessed

    There are a lot of not-so-closeted softies here. Very cute
    Soft and proud

    AT: her generosity of spirit (and her eyes )
    Sam: her selfless dedication (and her eyes )
    The eyes, the eyes, look into the eyes, not around the eyes, look into the eyes...!
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by tagger View Post

      Honesty, shares the blame - i.e. when Folger messed with the Stargate virus and she shared the responsibility. Told O'Neill about her flub-up on Red Sky, accepted blame for 5th's moral decline - she was the first to deceive him.

      Keeps up or exceeds abilities of "the boys" - when isn't there an example of this? Yet is feminine and kind.

      Won't be put down or disrespected, but tactfully speaks her mind, holds her own. McKay, Emancipation, many others.


      Generousity - generous with her time and money -charities, fan events.

      Humility - shares her success with her peers, her parents, her family and still allows herself to be accessible, hasn't let success go to her head.

      Kindness - multiple accounts here and elsewhere, this is what actually made me a fan.

      Humor - no specific example, seems like she regularly makes people she works with crack up!

      i thought before i enter this game i will think about it...but after reading a few post(and as example the one i quote now) i think i don't have to add anything the most things already have been said
      so...i was to late...again i'm slow *as always*

      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
      For a Sam trait: Intensity.

      I've never had the pleasure of meeting Amanda, so I cannot give an example from real life.

      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
      Teal'c: As senior officer Colonel Carter, should you not inform Colonel Mitchel of his condition?
      Daniel: I'm with Teal'c on this one Sam.
      Sam: Not gonna do it, not gonna look...
      Cam: What is everybody's problem?????
      ....hmmm...when does there come a smiley with sam holding the 'lol' bord

      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
      Morning everyone,

      How's everyone today? I have a question for you, does anybody know if the pal S8 DVDs have special features on it? Because I was going to buy the box set with my Christmas money
      Thanks in advance guys

      hi...see i don't know with version you exactly mean...but in here we have extra's on the box set(something like 3 hours..atleast i have it)
      But i think that they are also on other boxes..otherwise it wouldn't make any sense to me
      And just buy it...there are a lot good episodes on it...Threads, Moebius, uhm Gemini

      See ya later...have to go now


        Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
        I was capping somethings for somebody tonight and caught this one - that it would be fun to Caption:

        Sam: Thank GOD it wasnt' Commando Friday.


        Sam: I swear to God, we're gonna super glue his trousers on.


        Daniel: Mmhm, is THAT where my sock went?????
        Teal'c: I beleive so, Daniel Jackson
        Daniel: Repeat to myself, barefoot is good, barefoot is good
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

          Daniel: Mmhm, is THAT where my sock went?????
          Teal'c: I beleive so, Daniel Jackson
          Daniel: Repeat to myself, barefoot is good, barefoot is good
          Sky, that's hilarious, love it! ROTFLMAO

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            Sam: Thank GOD it wasnt' Commando Friday.


            Sam: I swear to God, we're gonna super glue his trousers on.


            Daniel: Mmhm, is THAT where my sock went?????
            Teal'c: I beleive so, Daniel Jackson
            Daniel: Repeat to myself, barefoot is good, barefoot is good
            Sock? More like PAIR of socks! Either that or the Asgard have been doing experiments again
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
              Hugs to all of our Samandans and our Queen. Poz, I hope you get the chance to visit your mom, but please don't risk your own health. She wouldn't want you to do that.

              I had a neat experience at the mall today. I had gift certificates to spend, so obviously it was time to buy a new season of SG1 (could have bought two, but I had to have those sexy black boots ). Hubby had bought the last SG1 DVD (season 5) at Circuit City a few days before Christmas, so daughter and I went straight to the service desk to special order season 4. Lucky me, one of the guys (college age) at the counter was from the DVD section and he had just gotten in a bunch of SG1 DVDs. He walks us over and while Daughter looks for the season 4, he asks if SG1 is any good. Any good? I tell him its a great show in its 10th and final season and he needs to check it out. Then we go back to the service desk to pay and an older gentleman checks us out. "Stargate," he says, "that's one of my favorite shows. I really like Amanda." He then asked if we watched SGA too, and I informed him that SG1 hadn't been renewed. We said our goodbyes and rushed home to watche D & C.

              Point of my story: SG1 has been catering to the 18-25 year old males for the past few seasons, but many of them don't even know the show exists. It is sad, but true. If they had kept catering to the original audience then we would all be much happier. And the other point of my story, the man behind the counter didn't mention RDA, MS, or CJ...he said Amanda. Amanda totally rocks, doesn't she?

              I figured I'd share my little Stargate story as well. Normally, I'm rather private about my interest in Stargate. It's not that I'm embarrassed to say I watch it, but I've never really had much of an interest in a televison show before [or an actor/actress for that matter] that I would want to go to a convention to meet them in person. So for me, I really never knew what to say to people when the show was mentioned. Anyway...

              Last March, I went to Vancouver for the Creation Stargate Convention. I'd just spent four days there and I was on a high I suppose and I was trying to take my mind off the plane flight home when a nice older gentleman sat down next to me. Come to find out he was a flight instructor and was heading home after a month of teaching up in Vancouver. Anyway, after a few minutes we began to chit chat and he asked me what had brought me to Vancouver. I told him I had come to attend a Convention and he curiously asked what kind of convention. I told him it was a convention for a science fiction television show and he smiled and asked if I was a Trekkie to which just laughed and said "Naw, you've probably never heard of's was for another sci-fi show called Stargate." And suddenly he got this lighbulb look on his face and said "Oh Stargate! I used to watch that show. It's the one with the hot little blond on it who walks through the round circle thing to different worlds. I don't get to watch much televion anymore but I used to love watching that.' At this point my chin was sitting in my lap from shock. So then I mention to him that I had gone to the convention to meet that hot little blonde and he starts asking me questions about Amanda. Was she nice? Was she as attractive and smart in person? Anyway, I spent the next twenty minutes sitting there talking about Amanda and Stargate to a complete stranger. It was a nice ice breaker and it helped to ease my anxiety about flying home, so now I preach the word of Amanda whereever I go.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                Sam: Thank GOD it wasnt' Commando Friday.


                Sam: I swear to God, we're gonna super glue his trousers on.


                Daniel: Mmhm, is THAT where my sock went?????
                Teal'c: I beleive so, Daniel Jackson
                Daniel: Repeat to myself, barefoot is good, barefoot is good
                the last one i my people are so good with this...i can't think of something at all*stupid me*


                  Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                  I was capping somethings for somebody tonight and caught this one - that it would be fun to Caption:

                  Amanda: *sigh* First Rick, then Chris, now Ben...can none of these guys keep their trousers on?


                  Sam: Cam, did you know that in Scotland the men wear a sporran to hold their loose change?


                    Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                    I was capping somethings for somebody tonight and caught this one - that it would be fun to Caption:

                    Sam: Really Cam, this is getting old. Do you have to christen every new ship?

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                      Sam: Cam, did you know that in Scotland the men wear a sporran to hold their loose change?
                      Well being a Scot myself I'm at this moment LMAO

                      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                        Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                        I figured I'd share my little Stargate story as well. Normally, I'm rather private about my interest in Stargate. It's not that I'm embarrassed to say I watch it, but I've never really had much of an interest in a televison show before [or an actor/actress for that matter] that I would want to go to a convention to meet them in person. So for me, I really never knew what to say to people when the show was mentioned. Anyway...

                        Last March, I went to Vancouver for the Creation Stargate Convention. I'd just spent four days there and I was on a high I suppose and I was trying to take my mind off the plane flight home when a nice older gentleman sat down next to me. Come to find out he was a flight instructor and was heading home after a month of teaching up in Vancouver. Anyway, after a few minutes we began to chit chat and he asked me what had brought me to Vancouver. I told him I had come to attend a Convention and he curiously asked what kind of convention. I told him it was a convention for a science fiction television show and he smiled and asked if I was a Trekkie to which just laughed and said "Naw, you've probably never heard of's was for another sci-fi show called Stargate." And suddenly he got this lighbulb look on his face and said "Oh Stargate! I used to watch that show. It's the one with the hot little blond on it who walks through the round circle thing to different worlds. I don't get to watch much televion anymore but I used to love watching that.' At this point my chin was sitting in my lap from shock. So then I mention to him that I had gone to the convention to meet that hot little blonde and he starts asking me questions about Amanda. Was she nice? Was she as attractive and smart in person? Anyway, I spent the next twenty minutes sitting there talking about Amanda and Stargate to a complete stranger. It was a nice ice breaker and it helped to ease my anxiety about flying home, so now I preach the word of Amanda whereever I go.

                        This was so much fun to read, Kat. And Gate gal's experience while shopping for her DVDs. Which gives me an idea ...

                        Samandans, have you come out of the wormhole closet?! Do your friends and family know about your (choose one):

                        a) strong interest in
                        b) obsession with
                        c) devotion to
                        d) willingness to travel great distances for
                        e) all of the above

                        Stargate SG1 and all things Amanda

                        How did you break the news to the outer world? Or, are you still hiding your Stargate magazines under your bed? Stashing your boxed sets of DVDs in back of your husband's video library?

                        Come out, come out wherever you are ... fellow Samandans, how did you first get hooked on the show and especially Sam Carter? How long have you been watching? Have you ever attended a con? Whose autographs have you managed to get? What do you plan to do once Season 10 comes to an end?


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post

                          What is your favorite trait about Amanda?
                          One more trait I appreciate about Amanda is her excellent work ethic. She works hard, doesn't fuss, is prepared, and does a great job! Any time I see another professional handling work and motherhood, I get inspired. If she can handle 16 hour days, what am I whining about? hehe!
                          Last edited by tagger; 27 December 2006, 07:07 AM. Reason: typo
                          Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                          Quint Studer


                            Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                            This was so much fun to read, Kat. And Gate gal's experience while shopping for her DVDs. Which gives me an idea ...

                            What do you plan to do once Season 10 comes to an end? [/B][/COLOR]
                            Remain, happily and comfortably in denial. Cancellation? What cancellation?

                            When reality bites/ hits:

                            Buy the movies hehe

                            Re, re, re, re-watch the season 1 -8 DVD's,

                            Continue to brainwash my daughter into believing she can do whatever she wants and math and science are cool.
                            Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                            Quint Studer


                              Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                              <snip> Personally I think she may be a bit hurt if she goes back and sees very few condolences from fans. As far as privacy, she unbelievably posted on-line herself about the ordeal. She wanted to share with us what happened so unless we hear specifically that she doesn't want us to share in her grief and offer support, I think folks should feel free to announce their feelings. I for one, know it helps me to release and vice versa, seeing all the support and caring shown towards me helps enormously and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support I've been shown here and off-line.
                              i agree, Poz. i know many people want to show their support and, from what I know of Amanda, she may very well want it. Granted, i am not the world's foremost expert on Amanda Tapping, but from what I've seen, she's one very intelligent lady that readily understands the consequences of her actions. and while that may sound callus given the circumstances, i think her posting on-line may be a call--conscious or not--for at least some type support. or, if not a call, she at least expects it now and if she does not see it, it may depress her further. which, again, probably sounds callus and stupid, so i'll stop talking now. my thoughts, if rather jumbled and badly worded.
                              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                                Originally posted by tagger
                                Poz, you have such a kind heart, I understand what you are saying, but I also think these circumstances were forced on Amanda at an extremely difficult time. Very hard. I wish she hadn’t had to post anything – what if the press finds it? Too horrible to think about. For that reason alone, I would minimize talk about this in a public forum. This is overwhelming enough, without having to deal with the public. We all love Amanda and by extension her family, so we all grieve. I still feel like a freight train hit me, and I still feel the pain in the pit of my stomach. I agree with needing to vent our grief and that is why I PMd a few people -such as you. Talking to several people helped. Tracy Jane helped me focus my prayers more for Amanda, her parents, and her siblings and family, you cheered me up, and others knew what I was feeling, so it made me feel better. I guess the frustration is not being able to do something to help, but we can help her by praying, by respecting her privacy, by protecting her and her family. Your heart is so sweet, you have been through so much recently, I know what you are saying, but I think we should protect Amanda completely. We can continue to support each other privately.

                                How is your Mom and how are you? I hope your fever is gone.

                                I just deleted the posted response I made to this just seconds ago after reading the many positive responses to my post concerning this matter.
                                I wish the others that so willingly support and agree with my stance on this matter would publicy post here as well. I thought I was the shy one
                                Tagger, it would be one thing to discuss the intimate details or lack of her brothers untimely death but I'm speaking of supporting Amanda with our sympathies and condolences.
                                As one of the supporters of this, sent privately to me, "It isn't correct to try to control one's responses to grief by donating whether they should openly send condolences or not (paraphrasing)." I totally agree. I also understand that there are nut cases out there but that's why we have Sky and company to delete any off color posts.
                                This hopefully is the last post from me on this matter as I really don't want to upset anyone. It does help to release but let those that want to... do it in their own way, whether it be in the privacy of prayers or in a public manner. Of course I mean in a positive way.

                                My mom is still with us. I'm about to leave for the hospital. I'll need to just take my time but I feel I can make it today. Thanks for asking.

