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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    Now, I've seen that episode alot (you in the corner, stop laughing!)

    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    same for me, with only fam and friends knowing my sam/amanda, jack/rda, and ship obsession. ~it used to be 'show' obsession, but that changed in season 9~ (a fam member made me a shirt for christmas that said, 'i'm mrs richard dean anderson', with a hunky picture of rda/jack on the front )

    i've been watching since the first ep of the first season, and was a sam from right off too. and officially became a shipper in ep four (the broca divide).

    It's such a nice shirt too, Sally!!

    Yep, Sam kicking butt really caught my attention. It was!


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      i think, had solitudes happened later in the show, sam's response woulda been different.

      look at her. t his is her, oh less than 2-3 dozen trip through the gate. she only knew a bare handful of addresses they coulda have dialed - and with jack's injuries, none of the planets theyu'd met thus far coulda helped him. they were all too primitive for thoracic surgery, he'd have just died in a warmer place is all

      to this point, they had NEVER seen or heard of a planet with two gates. one planet, one gate. heck, they hadn't even learned that ships could have gates on them yet.

      she had one focus, get jack to earth. earth had the meds to save him. and that was her goal. Get jack home.

      which is most likely why she never tried to dial another planet. none of them coulda helped him anyway and even considering that she was on earth was simply beyond her logic.

      also, ya gotta remember that sam herself was injured. she likely had a concussion from getting tossed out of the gate. she was hungry, cold, hypothermic and scared to death
      I agree with your assessment Sky. While Sam is portrayed brilliantly to be a super genius, obviously her emotions took precedence over the situation. I think that if her CO wasn't injured, the story would have been written differently.


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        It's about 40 minutes into Lost City. Don't own that DVD or I'd get you the exact quote.

        EDIT: Did you know SG-1 looks and sounds real good on a PSP. But I'm not obsessed.
        ROTFLOL See?!! This is what I absolutely love about Samanda! The fact that someone here will know exactly where to find some hidden piece of SG trivia!

        We are all addicted. I should have added that to my "closet quiz"!

        Love the anwers that are coming back at us! I was never into sci-fi on a regular basis although I grew up with Twilight Zone and Star Trek yadda yadda. I found SG1 while surfing through my cable channels a couple years ago ... I think it was S6. I paused to watch this unusual group of people ... a tall black guy who looked like a football player, RDA whom I recognized and then thinking "what is this blonde woman doing with them and wearing army fatigues?" So I kept coming back for a couple weeks and then bought the S1-2 boxed sets of DVDs to do some research and catch up on just what this show was about. Once I saw Carter kick butt at end of Emancipation and slide down the ice in Solitudes and lose it in the elevator in Singularity, I was hooked. I eventually bought all 8 seasons (I would not spend $$ on S9) and started reading magazines about the cast, especially Amanda. She just amazed me. By that time, I had struck up an email friendship with JuliaR G4 and she told me about the first GABIT event. I signed on and then found this thread through another Samfic writer, Astrogeologist. I also co-authored a parody called "As The Stargate Turns" at a small private forum for a year and that was a hoot. From there, I started writing some fanfic. My grown kids don't quite know what to make of their momma and her trips to London to see Amanda (although I got to take my daughter last year) and her Samandan friends. If it weren't for Sam/Amanda, I'd never have met and made some of the most wonderful friendships of past couple years. It's been a great ride so far!

        I will definitely start watching SA again if Sam Carter is appearing. And I will always follow Amanda's career as I consider her a one-of-a-kind talent and personality. She deserves all life's best and even more success beyond Stargate.

        Cons? Just the Amanda gigs: GABIT and AT2 in London. Autographs? From Amanda only on several different photos. Oops, an AT and RDA wedding pic with their autographs on it. That's my humble collection.

        Thanks, everyone, for sharing your SG1 experiences here at Samanda! It is fun to see how all of us got hooked on the show and on Amanda.


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post

          Yep, Sam kicking butt really caught my attention. It was!

          sam's different. she's soldier, scientist, humanitarian, and woman all rolled into a believable and endearing person.

          i've ALWAYS been attracted to stong women in shows and movies, because it's what i've wanted to be like. they do and say the things i've wanted to do. and because amanda's done such a wonderful job and is *so likeable*... how could one not fall for this character?

          on a side note: it's nice to see this thread talking sam/amanda again. and i'm talking about debating and discussing eps and such. i've even considered inviting peeps over to discuss things with us, but the vast majority of ppl i know are shippers and we already *do* discuss sam/amanda on the shipper thread. i wish we could get 'lurkers' to delurk and discuss sam (their love of the character, not the 'i used to love sam, until bla bla bla). but anyways, it's nice to see this thread doing what we do best; discussing sam, with a side dish of amanda.




            I smell like blue jello. My sister got me a set of shower gel, bath crystals, scrub and lotion for my birthday and they are blueberry flavoured. I just used the last of my shower gel, so I dug out the blueberry set and now I smell like blue jello.

            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

              Cons? Just the Amanda gigs: GABIT and AT2 in London. Autographs? From Amanda only on several different photos. Oops, an AT and RDA wedding pic with their autographs on it. That's my humble collection.
              a close friend of mine that went to 'avalon' got me an autographed photo of amanda and rick together. this was her last hurrah with this show (she's so disillusioned) but she knew what this photo would mean to me.

              other than that, i have a auto photo of amanda from the one con i went to that took place in season 7 (comic con, in san diego).

              i'll always treasure my photos and WONDERFUL memories of meeting amanda (and don).




                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                on a side note: it's nice to see this thread talking sam/amanda again. and i'm talking about debating and discussing eps and such. i've even considered inviting peeps over to discuss things with us, but the vast majority of ppl i know are shippers and we already *do* discuss sam/amanda on the shipper thread. i wish we could get 'lurkers' to delurk and discuss sam
                Modified from the Shipper version

                Operation Delurk is a non-profit organization dedicated to making Sam fans from all over the world happy. The goal of Operation Delurk is to get lurkers to come out and play. Once delurked, new members will receive:
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                The Sam's a Great Character Thread is the best place to talk about Sam and/or Amanda. The people here are friendly and often times crazy...but in a good way! Feel free to post lots. That’s what the forum is for. Any questions you may have, just ask or PM someone. This service is free of charge.

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                Thank you.


                  Since I see many are taking the 'plunge of confession', I guess I'll open up to how I came upon Stargate Sg-1.
                  I too was not a super Sci-Fi fan. Sure I watched Trek , THe Outer Limits and the Twilight Zone once in a while but don't ask me the episode titles, I wouldn't know. I did however become addicted to Buffy The Vampire Slayer due to watching one of their comedic episodes as the first. I became hooked on the ship between a vampire and slayer for crying out loud. How's that for an embarassing statement? I recall the day my hubby, who was watching TV in the living room while I was glued to the kitchen TV watching Buffy, yelled in to me, "Hey Babe, I think you ought to take a look at this show, I think you'll like it." The show being Stargate of course. So what did I do? I said, "Not right now, I'm in the middle of Buffy." I did say, "I like the music theme!" Maybe 6 months later we had new neighbors move in and we hit it off swell. Buffy was finished it's sereis and I began a Friday night ritual of going over my neighbors to play scrabble. Ruth's hubby would sit and watch SG-1. I'd again listen to the opening theme and say, I love that theme song but still never sat and watched an episode. Her hubby was hooked. He (Thank Goodness) taped every episode. I forget how it happened but I was finally talked into watching a taped episode which happened to be W.O.O. I thought it was hilarious and loved the idea of the team having a beautiful woman yet soldier part of the team. I grew up with boys and was a major tomboy so I related to her part a bit. I immediatly begged for his entire taped episodes to watch plus I bought the original movie off ebay. I caught up in record time which by then the show was aired by the SCIFI channel. I owe thanks to my neighbors obsession which soon became mine.
                  I knew there had to be posting boards (what we called the forums back then)for the show since they had them for Buffy so I went to the SCI-FI channel's forum which seemed a bit violent for my taste. I happily found the many Stargate Sg-1 yahoo groups which of many I still belong and also where I heard of GateWorld. I started lurking just after the forum was moved from the delphia? site.
                  I love this place! I love this thread... and I love you guys and mostly..gals. Oh yea, and there's that actress we all gather here for.............


                    On the other hand, knowing that lots and lots of people wish her to know they care (Kamil's list) may be comforting.

                    I remember one of the commentaries--maybe for season 4 or 5--the director (probably MW) commented on how he could tell that AT brought a bit of her own personality into Sam over the years--the way she cares about people for example. I think Sam did change a bit over the first few years--looking at some of those earlier episodes she seemed more like she had to prove she was a tough soldier (or airman for the AF I guess.) I think one of the appealing things about Solitudes is that we see how determined and strong Sam can be, but also that she's only human. Despite the fact that Sam's a hero, she's still very likeable.
                    Last edited by jckfan55; 27 December 2006, 05:10 PM. Reason: spelling


                      Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                      Since I see many are taking the 'plunge of confession', I guess I'll open up to how I came upon Stargate Sg-1.
                      I too was not a super Sci-Fi fan. Sure I watched Trek , THe Outer Limits and the Twilight Zone once in a while but don't ask me the episode titles, I wouldn't know. I did however become addicted to Buffy The Vampire Slayer due to watching one of their comedic episodes as the first. I became hooked on the ship between a vampire and slayer for crying out loud. How's that for an embarassing statement? I recall the day my hubby, who was watching TV in the living room while I was glued to the kitchen TV watching Buffy, yelled in to me, "Hey Babe, I think you ought to take a look at this show, I think you'll like it." The show being Stargate of course. So what did I do? I said, "Not right now, I'm in the middle of Buffy." I did say, "I like the music theme!" Maybe 6 months later we had new neighbors move in and we hit it off swell. Buffy was finished it's sereis and I began a Friday night ritual of going over my neighbors to play scrabble. Ruth's hubby would sit and watch SG-1. I'd again listen to the opening theme and say, I love that theme song but still never sat and watched an episode. Her hubby was hooked. He (Thank Goodness) taped every episode. I forget how it happened but I was finally talked into watching a taped episode which happened to be W.O.O. I thought it was hilarious and loved the idea of the team having a beautiful woman yet soldier part of the team.
                      Ah...Window of Opportunity.

                      What a great episode in which to become acquainted with SG-1. One of if not my very favorite episodes of the series.

                      There's one Sam moment in there that's so subtle, but I really love it. Jack draws his gun on Malikai...and Sam immediately pulls hers up into position. She swings around, covering Malikai from the side...never lowering her weapon even though she's not altogether certain why Jack sees him as a threat. It's just a brief moment where she slides to the side with her gun held's just cool.
                      Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                      I grew up with boys and was a major tomboy so I related to her part a bit. I immediatly begged for his entire taped episodes to watch plus I bought the original movie off ebay. I caught up in record time which by then the show was aired by the SCIFI channel. I owe thanks to my neighbors obsession which soon became mine.
                      I knew there had to be posting boards (what we called the forums back then)for the show since they had them for Buffy so I went to the SCI-FI channel's forum which seemed a bit violent for my taste. I happily found the many Stargate Sg-1 yahoo groups which of many I still belong and also where I heard of GateWorld. I started lurking just after the forum was moved from the delphia? site.
                      I found Gateworld a few months before I started posting. I was overwhelmed by the forum itself and it took a bit before I decided to just jump in and test the waters.
                      Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                      I love this place! I love this thread... and I love you guys and mostly..gals.
                      And we love you too.
                      Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                      Oh yea, and there's that actress we all gather here for.............
                      Yeah...of course.

                      What's her name again???
                      Last edited by Uber; 27 December 2006, 05:23 PM.

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        i remember that. jack is ticked, sam doesn't quite know why he's ticked at malichai, but as soon as he raises his gun, she does. no questions, no hesitation.

                        if jack's on guard, she is

                        wonderful moment of shared consciousness
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          i remember that. jack is ticked, sam doesn't quite know why he's ticked at malichai, but as soon as he raises his gun, she does. no questions, no hesitation.

                          if jack's on guard, she is

                          wonderful moment of shared consciousness
                          I just love moments like that...when you can really see how well they work together; how deep their friendship goes. I really like in "Enemies", I believe, when they take turns firing upon the replicators-even Daniel! One fires off a few shots, then another takes their place. No words...they just know what to do.

                          This team gives me warm fuzzies!


                            Ok, I'm going to have a shot at this. I'm trying to get out of this funk I'm in....


                            Mitchell: SAAAAAM?? Just remember, it's not the size that counts, it's how well it fits.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              i remember that. jack is ticked, sam doesn't quite know why he's ticked at malichai, but as soon as he raises his gun, she does. no questions, no hesitation.

                              if jack's on guard, she is

                              wonderful moment of shared consciousness
                              Just goes to show what an excellent 2IC she is.


                                Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post


                                Mitch: Who hid my pants?
                                Sam : (thinking) and i'm not gonna tell you where they are
                                Teal'c : Colonel CArter has successfully duped colonel Mitchell
                                Daniel : and now we finally know who wears the pants in this team
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


