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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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      On the which episode I would like to exchange places with Sam...

      *hmmm, now do I choose one where I get to be kissed by Jack or go for the more high brow answer?*

      Nope. Let's go for the being kissed by Jack option...I'd change places with Geek Sam in Moebius. What's not to like? I get rescued from my dull job, find the Stargate, go on a mission which is the adventure of my lifetime, travel into the past and oh, yes: get kissed by Jack.
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        I think there are any number of ways they could have written Sam out at the beginning of Season 9 for it to be meaningful for the character. I'm glad they didn't go with writing the pregnancy into the storyline but certainly there were a number of options. Even their idea could have been expanded and built upon to be more meaningful. On paper...

        the suggestion Sam had taken a promotion to Head of SG R&D at Area 51 probably looked like a good idea. The character effectively gets a command position in one of her main loves of science and technology, and presumably is commanding more people than just Daniel and Teal'c. She has seemingly moved on from the programme and is exploring other aspects of her life; there is potentially great character development within this decision.

        The problem is that there is no real or believable explanation (the ludicrous notion postulated in EDM that Cassie had a crisis so she needed a job where she could spend time with her is hardly believable given all the things she notes she was doing suggest she barely had time to eat let alone comfort a friend in crisis) put forward to explain why Sam would look to leave SG1 and the programme.

        It's left to the audience to assume a reason based on Sam's vague comments of 'personal reasons' and the, as I've said, ludicrous Cassie notion in EDM.

        I don't think its out of the realms of possibility for the character to have wanted to move on given the rest of the team had moved on (Jack to a new position, Teal'c to Dakara) or intended to move on (Daniel to Atlantis), and her arc at the end of S8 that suggested that she and Jack were going to get together (although I appreciate that some people may not see it that way), not to mention her father's death may have precipitated some life-changing decisions.

        Personally if I had been TPTB I would have wrapped the Sam/Jack arc with the news that they were together which is what prompted both of them to move on from the SGC.

        But without the backstory of why Sam took the decision on screen, its hard for it to fit with the character who loved her job, loved leading SG1 and seemed to be a permanent fixture at the SGC. It feels like a wrong step in the characterisation, a weak excuse to shift the character out of the way for a new SG1 leader to be assigned and a poor decision on the part of TPTB.

        I happen to think the other tragedy was the way she was written back in. I know I've said it before but Beachhead ends up being more about Vala's exit than Sam's return. That may not be what they intended but that's what happens as Vala gets the defining moment of the episode when she saves the galaxy. I wouldn't have minded Beachhead so much if they'd actually then fully addressed Sam's return in EDM, but actually there is no explanation given at all in either episode for why Sam returns to the SGC and agrees to rejoin SG1 as a full member. In Beachhead she's only supposed to be there temporarily as a mission specialist for the Mark 9 bomb yet one of the first scenes in EDM is Sam moving back into the SGC. What the h*** happened to prompt her into reversing the decision she'd obviously made about leaving?

        Again, its left to the audience to assume a reason (Ori threat more substantial with the knowledge they can create a Supergate, Landry begs her to return, etc). Poor storytelling.

        Imagine EDM opening with Sam wrestling with her decision to come back and throughout the episode we follow Sam on her mission and see flashbacks to why she left in the first place, the request for her to transfer back and her making the decision to return, all topped off with at the end of EDM her saving the day (not the actual ending of EDM which is simply idiotic but a new improved ending) and confirming that she is needed and her decision to come back is not a backwards move for her.

        Her continuing struggle with her decision could have made an interesting thread throughout the rest of the Season.

        If they had only spent a little bit of time on providing some backstory to the character's decisions, it wouldn't feel like an afterthought and could have been character development.
        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Ah yes, I can see it now, Vala doing the technobabble for Ripple Effect.

          in spoilers in case it's too naughty

          Vala: You see everyone,it's like this, there is this round hole in space, and with everything that keeps squeezing through it, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Now what we need is a big rod to fit in the round hole, that will expand to fill the hole and oh what's that phrase I'm looking for...oh yea...In flagrante delicto, there problem is solved.

          Daniel, Cam and Landry look at each other, eyes wide with shock and faces red. While Teal'c just raises an eyebrow.

          Landry: Dr. Jackson, as our linguist, I leave it up to you to explain to Vala, why she will no longer be giving technical reports, or anyother reports at briefings.

          Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post

          Sam: (pulling Vala to the side) My quarters tonight. We can conduct some expirements on this problem.

          Vala: I love scientists

          *diez twice*



            Just a random, but concerning, thought I had: If there is no episode with audio commentary by Amanda Tapping and Claudia Black on the season 10 dvd's, I will rage quit Stargate.


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
              *chokes back laughter....tries to hold it in....fails miserably*


              *takes gasping breath*


              Hubby just told me to stop laughing so are trying to sleep...but...but...hehehehehehehehehehehe...oh I'm gonna shut up...the posts are really great today!
              Wow..really quiet in GW...where is everyone??
              Take care all and be safe!
              Last edited by Chelle DB; 15 October 2006, 04:44 AM. Reason: no reason at all!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                On the which episode I would like to exchange places with Sam...

                *hmmm, now do I choose one where I get to be kissed by Jack or go for the more high brow answer?*

                Nope. Let's go for the being kissed by Jack option...I'd change places with Geek Sam in Moebius. What's not to like? I get rescued from my dull job, find the Stargate, go on a mission which is the adventure of my lifetime, travel into the past and oh, yes: get kissed by Jack.
                Oh wow...two great minds think alike...that's what I was thinking of...Moebius was the only one I could come up with where I would change places with Sam...spooky!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                  You'll have to forgive me if this appears rude, but it's been a really bad week and I'm going on my sixth day with little sleep so my patience level is really low...but here goes.

                  I know you are a die hard shipper Sal, but in my opinion, you and many others like yourself are barking up the wrong tree. Does anyone truly believe that Amanda has any control at all over what is written regarding Sam? Did anyone bother to read her comments regarding the lack of development in her character over the past few years? Don't you think if she had any control over the whole ship issue that she would have either a) resolved it or b) ended it a l-o-n-g time ago? Maybe she has such negative viewpoints about ship because after a decade of the tap dance she's as exhausted by the "will they or won't they" situation as everyone else. I mean what do people expect to accomplish by these questions? If she says 'yes I hope Sam & Jack get married and Sam has a baby in the off-season', what will that accomplish? I doesn't mean it will happen. It only means that is her opinion on the subject. So why does it bother so many people if her opinion is different than their own. Is she suppose to be a huge shipper simply because it's an aspect of her job. I seriously doubt there is anyone on this thread who enjoys every aspect of their job. I'm sure there are one or two things that everyone wishes they could change, so why should Amanda be any different. Regardless of how she may or may not feel about Sam & Jack, portraying Sam in this relationship with Jack is simply a part of her job in which she has very little control.

                  I guess my irritation lies in the fact that I don't understand why people keep harping on the issue when it's obvious she really has no clue why it hasn't been resolved or if it ever willl be. If people want answers or if they want to see resolution then they really need to stop hounding Amanda and start talking/writing to the writers and producers of the show because they are the ones who could make it happen.

                  I, for one, feel extremely sorry for Amanda for being forced into this irritating situation for the past decade. I don't claim to know what she is thinking or how she feels about this subject, but I know as a fan who has read numerous interviews over the past few years as well as gone to numerous cons, I'm tired of the question and if I were Amanda I think I'd probably have started dreaming about strangling the next fan or journalist who asked me a question about Sam & Jack.

                  But then again, I feel the same way about several other hot topics as well.


                  Yup, yup, aaaand... yuppers! Tried to green ya, but you're just too danged popular.

                  A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                  "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                  One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                  resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                  confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                  A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                  The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                    episode to switch places with sam in? hmmm....prodigy would be interesting. or meeting the nox. 1969. decent. allegiance. foothold. space race . but i think i've been convinced into moebius.
                    "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                    Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                      the cynic in me has to wonder how much of a coincidence it is that when the BOYS take time off, coop comes up with an explanation, but when it's the girls they don't even bother
                      Now, now, be fair.

                      They explained guest star Vala's absense. They even showed it by letting her sacrifice herself in the supergate and save SG-1 and the whole galaxy.

                      I'm very happy for the Vala character that they did that, but I'm bitter that Sam, an integral part of the show all these years, a real workhorse of an actor who can deliver her lines without multiple takes, who seems to take her co-stars and guest stars under her wing, - in other words, a huge asset behind the scenes as well as on screen, got nothin' .

                      A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                      "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                      One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                      resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                      confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                      A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                      The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        Ah yes, I can see it now, Vala doing the technobabble for Ripple Effect.

                        in spoilers in case it's too naughty

                        Vala: You see everyone,it's like this, there is this round hole in space, and with everything that keeps squeezing through it, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Now what we need is a big rod to fit in the round hole, that will expand to fill the hole and oh what's that phrase I'm looking for...oh yea...In flagrante delicto, there problem is solved.

                        Daniel, Cam and Landry look at each other, eyes wide with shock and faces red. While Teal'c just raises an eyebrow.

                        Landry: Dr. Jackson, as our linguist, I leave it up to you to explain to Vala, why she will no longer be giving technical reports, or anyother reports at briefings.

                        OMG! ROFLMAO!...

                        But, true....


                          Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess View Post
                          I'm bitter that Sam, an integral part of the show all these years, a real workhorse of an actor who can deliver her lines without multiple takes, who seems to take her co-stars and guest stars under her wing, - in other words, a huge asset behind the scenes as well as on screen, got nothin' .
                          But isn't that the way it usually works. If you're reliable, show up for work even when you don't feel good, are a team player, and are not known for making waves, then people just assume that you'll take whatever crap they throw at you and work with it. If you don't speak up and say something and demand better, then it keeps happening over and over and over. It's a shame, but it's what happens, and I think that it's what has happened with AT.

                          She's the "go to girl", the one they rely on, the one who "sucks it up" and does what's needed for the greater good of the rest of the group. She doesn't complain much, she knows her lines, she delivers them with no problem, she makes the "newbies" feel welcome and at ease, and I've never read one single interview that paints her in a bad light. She's not a "squeaky wheel", she's not a prima donna or a diva. Because of that she inspires absolute loyalty among her friends and fans, but gets pushed to the side by her employers.

                          From reading the comments in this thread, I'm willing to bet that the huge majority of us here have experienced something similar. Maybe that's why we're so outraged and why we identify so much with Sam/AT.


                            More icons

                            ever beloved Janet and soldier!Sam:

                            played with textures, light and shadows:

                            whumpy moments from Jolinar's Memories:

                            ps. feel free to snag any and use
                            Last edited by scarimor; 15 October 2006, 01:01 PM.


                              Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post

                              FK YEAH! For anyone that doesn't know, the G36 is that assault rifle that Mitchell was using in Off The Grid (while everyone else got the MP7's...). Sam + Big Gun = Way Hot
                              Oh oh oh oh oh yeah! images of beastie here


                                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                                Oh oh oh oh oh yeah! images of beastie here
                                Oh, and I hear it has a real kick to it too

                                my fanfic

