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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I just saw the commercial advertising S10 here, and the opening shot was of AT
    in the space suit and her voice,
    the other clips had everyone else also, but AT stood out the most

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1
      I just saw the commercial advertising S10 here, and the opening shot was of AT
      in the space suit and her voice,
      the other clips had everyone else also, but AT stood out the most
      AT always stands out from the rest.
      On fighting:
      Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
      Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


        Just in case anyone is interested, I found a blog for FMA.

        FMA Blog

        I found this little tidbit in the blog,

        Arc2 TV PodCast

        Arc2 TV Programs join up with iPods Podcasting Network. Distributed to millions of iPod users, the Network features Localmotion, Fashion Rocks Vancouver, Stripped Concert Series as well as other Arc2 special events.

        What does this mean? Well FMA used to be called Fashion Rocks Vancouver, but they changed the name so that it wouldn't be confused with Fashion Rocks - London. So, I was thinking maybe someone with access to I-tunes could check out the podcast section to see if there is anything for tonight's event.

        The actual concert doesn't begin until 8pm PST/11pm EST tonight, which is still a few hours away. Hopefully someone will find some more information.


          a question for strix (or anyone that has the answer):

          i want the addy for the ultimate sam whumping fics. i know strix put together a list of the best sam whumpers. i want to read some fics, since there's nothing else to do now. :/




            hey fellow samfans
            whats the buzz?
            how is everyone going to cope till March??
            i m adding Amanda to my website project as one of the influential women of my world!
            have a great day/night
            i m hoping that Amanda will be at some Cons when i travel overseas next year! it would be sweet
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

            sig by RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by majorsal
              a question for strix (or anyone that has the answer):

              i want the addy for the ultimate sam whumping fics. i know strix put together a list of the best sam whumpers. i want to read some fics, since there's nothing else to do now. :/

              Here's Strix's site, at the bottom is a link to all the Sam whump stories
              Have you already read the stories from the Carter ficathon, there are some whump stories there too

              and I think I know a few other Sam whump stories
              \ /
              Last edited by Mandysg1; 30 September 2006, 06:57 PM.

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by majorsal
                a question for strix (or anyone that has the answer):

                i want the addy for the ultimate sam whumping fics. i know strix put together a list of the best sam whumpers. i want to read some fics, since there's nothing else to do now. :/

                In addition to the above links, may I suggest some of Kimberly's fanfic as well. On she's known as Veep. She loves Sam whumping as much as S/J shipping, so they're usually a combination of the two. Plenty-o-whump though. *g*

                edited to add... I checked out the list as well and noticed that two of hers are on there already. But I'll leave the link anyway since she's got plenty more.

                Oh and if you haven't read Seven Days by dietcokechic (also on the list).... I highly recommend it. It is one of my favorites and is the story that first got me hooked on fanfic.


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  Here's Strix's site, at the bottom is a link to all the Sam whump stories
                  Have you already read the stories from the Carter ficathon, there are some whump stories there too

                  and I think I know a few other Sam whump stories
                  \ /
                  Not meant for me, but I'm taking it anyways.

                  Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


                    i saved some eps to rewatch when the hiatis came. and since it's rather boring (for me) in fandom world right now, i watched two of them tonight.

                    spoilers for s10's 'insiders' and 'uninvited'


                    i enjoyed myself rewatching these eps. now, grant you, i fastforwarded through things i didn't really want to see again (that's everything that's not sam ), but still...

                    'insiders' -
                    this is the multiple baals coming to earth episode. the sam-vala interactions were good. this is also the episode where sam gave baal the addies from the sgc hard drive, but just like the first time i watched this ep, it didn't seem out of character to me. she was just trying to prevent him from murdering the hostages and trying to stall for time so her side could stop him.

                    'uninvited' -
                    this is the monster in the woods with landry and mitchell ep. this is also the SAM IN CHARGE OF THE SGC ep.

                    and that sam in charge stuff is what i enjoyed so much. like i stated above, i fastforwarded through things, and boy howdy, how fun an ep can be when it all comes down to seeing just what you want to see.

                    and again, i enjoyed the sam-vala interactions. but that ending scene, where the group is playing poker and sam tries to stare down teal'c... wonderful!

                    and someone's got to get a cap of that sam stare. besides teaching teal'c a lesson, she's so dang beautiful while doing it. (wonders if plastic surgery could make her look like amanda... plus some stretching to be that tall.... hmm, i say hmm..... )

                    these were two eps in a row minus daniel. i should have missed him lots, but i didn't. i guess i just needed my sam. but without the daniel-vala relationship to fall back on, it gave vala the opp to interact with the others, and the others to interact with her. it shouldn't require daniel being gone to happen, though.





                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      find out all the samandans that are going. find out the ones that want to participate. send me the names and i'll write them down. then i'll put the names in a hat and pull one out. i can be fair because i really don't like anyone on this thread.

                      no really, i can just pick out a name without bias.

                      LOL, well, we appreciate your honesty MajorSal!

                      I just can't wait for you guys to send us some reports from AT2. I want lots and lots of details!


                        Originally posted by SunKrux
                        Going OT for a moment:

                        I found out yesterday that my cousin Nina was in a car accident on Thrusday afternoon and is now the proud owner of a rod in one leg and a broken pelvis. Sadly for her, she'll more than likely get blammed for the accident, even though she was trying to get out of the way of an ambulance.

                        I'd just like Samandans to add her to any prayer list/rolls and send good vibes that she'll not only heal well, but that some how she'll be able to pay the bills of, she's uninsured (gotta love America, no? Insurance is so high that most can't afford to have it) and will wind up footing all the hospital bills and probably the bills from the accident herself.

                        That is all. Thank you.

                        I now return you to your regularly scheduled Samandan play time.
                        So sorry to hear about your cousin sunkrux...hope she's feeling better soon... she is in our thoughts and prayers today...thankfully she will father inlaw was not so lucky...driving home from my hubby's nanna's funeral 2 years ago, a car did a u-turn in front of him without looking...he died the following day from the injuries he sustained.
                        (((sunkrux and Nina)))
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by Lida
                          OK, you're bringing brewski's, Mandy is bringing Tequilla and Deejay is bringing blue jello.....mind if I bring rum for Mojitos? Blue ones, of course. I had my first one in Vancouver last week, and they are yummy.
                          Hey is anybody invited??? Or is this a private party??
                          I could bring some Ouzo and raspberry lemonade for jelly beans!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Someone posted this cite at the AT Club. It has news.videos for different celebrities and AT is one of them:


                            They have news for several of the other SG-1 actors as well.

                            There is an interesting article about Colonel Emerson, and this article also refers to AT. This article does contain spoilers though, so for those who don't want to be spoiled for season 10, skip this one.

                            Some of you have probably seen this cite before, but I thought I would post for those who haven't seen it.
                            Last edited by chocdoc; 01 October 2006, 06:19 AM.


                              Originally posted by chocdoc
                              Someone posted this cite at the AT Club. It has news.videos for different celebrities and AT is one of them:


                              They have news for several of the other SG-1 actors as well.

                              There is an interesting article about Colonel Emerson, and this article also refers to AT. This article does contain spoilers though, so for those who don't want to be spoiled for season 10, skip this one.

                              Some of you have probably seen this cite before, but I thought I would post for those who haven't seen it.
                              Thanks for posting the link chocdoc, I haven't seen it before

                              my fanfic


                                Hi. I've been lurking here for awhile, and haven't had anything useful to add, but I just have to say:

                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                i enjoyed myself rewatching these eps. now, grant you, i fastforwarded through things i didn't really want to see again (that's everything that's not sam ), but still...
                                That's how I record the episodes on video tape. Just the good AT and RDA for a lot of the episodes that are otherwise ho-hum. Like the Insiders (liked Uninvited, though, whole).

                                'uninvited' -

                                this is the monster in the woods with landry and mitchell ep. this is also the SAM IN CHARGE OF THE SGC ep.

                                and that sam in charge stuff is what i enjoyed so much. like i stated above, i fastforwarded through things, and boy howdy, how fun an ep can be when it all comes down to seeing just what you want to see.

                                There is something wonderful about seeing Sam with the info from Agent Barrett and Area 51, in charge of the SGC and sort of in charge of SG-1 too. Talk about cutting out the middle man! I think she was actually answering her own questions at one point... Wonderful stuff! And those scenes moved along so quickly. They should take a hint...


