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I quickly made a simple wallpaper of Sam/AT
Hope you like it.
very nice!
I like these simple, pure wallpapers most. That way you can still see the shortcuts etc. on the desctop, don't mess your hole desktop and got a really great wallpaper too. I got a pic of Sam with white background and "Amanda Tapping" written on it...hey I could post it too! But now I'll have a new one
Last edited by MickSpeed; 01 October 2006, 10:10 AM.
Thank you SO much Amanda!(Icons by various great artists)
That WP is awsome...I think I am going to use this one for a while on my desktop...ok again I will need to move all my icons to the other side...but it is worth it with such a nice pic
That tears it: You're wearing the moose head when we play pin the tail on the moose
Originally posted by RepliCartertje
ooh DEM you know what Mandy loves...if you just throw a moose at her
Really she loves it
Note to self: Remember to spike DEM's beer with copious amounts of tequilla. Then when RepliCartertje arrives quickly put moose head on her head (make sure it's a snug fit, so she won't be able to get it off) Then watch as a drunken DEM chases RepliCartertje around the room with the tail. Yep that sounds about right
That WP is awsome...I think I am going to use this one for a while on my desktop...ok again I will need to move all my icons to the other side...but it is worth it with such a nice pic