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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1
    Sky, I think it's time for an intervention; I definitely see you beeing conflicted between your shipper and non-shipper sides. Or could it be multiple personalities with your dominant personality being a non-shipper but you are unable to keep your other personality the shipper in check.

    I think all the shippers on the thread will help you realize your shippiness and help you cross over to their side. It maybe painful at first, but I'm sure Sally will help you all she can.
    i'm not sure sky would like my 'treatments'... anal probes are involved.




      Originally posted by minigeek

      I'm the first person to admit that I gravitate towards fanfic that's either good team!fic, or good Sam/Jack (or both). Those are my personal reading preferences. Beyond that, I tend not to care to go looking for a lot of other "variety". I'm usually not in much of a mood to read stories that are Sam/other or Jack/other (within the realm of SG-1), because, well, it's my own little personal fantasy world, and that's simply where my headspace is at.

      But I certainly respect the huge diversity that's out there in this massive fandom, that's for sure.
      *that's* the only type of fic i don't read! i forgot... since i don't read it. also HATE death fics




        Originally posted by majorsal
        i'm not sure sky would like my 'treatments'... anal probes are involved.

        Darn it I can't green ya

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          hey, don't EVER be ashamed of plugging your stuff.

          strix and i started out with one fic and the only way you can learn is to do it.

          so don't stop, and don't stop plugging it either
          I agree. I haven't had the inspiration for any SG stuff, or I'd be pimping my mediocre fic here too. I plan on reading Shattered when you're done Tracy.


            Originally posted by Simhavaktra
            I have a theory about Sam’s past admirers who’ve paraded across the screen this season. (and I advise you all to run for it while still you may ) The theory is [...]

            sim, you sooooo rock!!




              Originally posted by stargate barbie
              gotta say, i totally disagree. i can't see them in a relationship in canon, but i think that in a lot of ways sam and teal'c have a connection that is actually very deep. i think that she is possibly closer to teal'c than she is to daniel. i don't think that he is alien to her at all in that way, and i certainly don't think she would be lonely if she were marooned with teal'c. and its mostly in the way the actors play it, and in the obvious chemistry that they have. while they do occasionally write it into the show (space race, threshold, paradise lost), its mostly in how they play it. IMO.
              how i see it...teal'c is the only one sam can be totall relaxed with.

              jack is her boss. (ignoring the ship angle) and she always sees him as her boss. so she will always be on her guard around him, aware of propriety

              with daniel? she's his boss. yes, they are scientists but she bosses daniel around

              jonas, she's his superior, but i think she also sees him as a little brother

              but with tealc? yeah, sure she's his boss, but we've allseen that he does what he wants. i think she can relax around teal'c. tell him that she has a headache, tell him that she can't sleep. etc.

              i also think that he ws teh only one she could talk to about jolinar. obviously she wouldn't with Jack. Not how he hates the goa'uld. And it'd be cruel to talk to daniel after Shau'ri. and that topic won't even come up with jonas

              But she can with Teal'c. Teal'c is likely who she asked to translate for her, or explain things

              and i think that teal'c adores her. i think that he loves her, even if it's a platonic thing. She's his little sister.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by majorsal
                i'm not sure sky would like my 'treatments'... anal probes are involved.

                yeah, well my s/t treatment involves staff weapons
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Coley
                  You have said exactly what I have been thinking far more articulately than I ever could.

                  I'm not very pleased with Stargate at the moment it had degenerated from the fine series it once was and now merely seems to serve that section of the viewing public highlighted in red (IMO)
                  it's become Stargate: MTV

                  i 'had' to use capitals... almost got sick doin' it




                    Originally posted by Mandysg1
                    Fifth: Hum-ma-nah-hum-ma-nah-hum-ma-nah


                      tsax, i have to ask you a question. what exactly IS your avatar? (i'm seeing a golden duck or something )




                        Sorry to change the topic but if anyone is going to the Con and sees this perhaps you can ask the questions, or some variation thereof that you are comfortable with:

                        To AT - how do you see the co-leadership thing playing out in S10? Do you have any insight for the Carter fans, as well as the hundreds of other fans as witnessed on the Who Should Lead Poll, as to how Carter's leadership of SG1 will play out?

                        and for any of them:

                        Have you all heard about the growing criticisms of the show in S9 and what, if anything will be seen that could be construed as addressing those criticisms and concerns? How about the drop in ratings - has that had any effect on S10 to your knowledge, including budgets?

                        and finally:

                        do any of you have any thoughts on the Xena-type storyline to be played out in S10?

                        I truly wish I were going if only to ask one or all of these questions if I had the opportunity.


                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          yeah, well my s/t treatment involves staff weapons
                          Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!!!!
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                            Meaning there was probably a mirror on the wall he was facing so he could get a nice view




                              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                              Found this meta on Sam and the whole ship thing the other day. It's pretty much how I see Sam as well, so it was a good read for me

                              my, what a lovely unbiased article. maybe i should give a spin on writing up a pete shanahan bio (you know, seeing as i'm *so* unbiased in that area )


                              ps - what's a 'meta'?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                how i see it...teal'c is the only one sam can be totall relaxed with.

                                jack is her boss. (ignoring the ship angle) and she always sees him as her boss. so she will always be on her guard around him, aware of propriety

                                with daniel? she's his boss. yes, they are scientists but she bosses daniel around

                                jonas, she's his superior, but i think she also sees him as a little brother

                                but with tealc? yeah, sure she's his boss, but we've allseen that he does what he wants. i think she can relax around teal'c. tell him that she has a headache, tell him that she can't sleep. etc.

                                i also think that he ws teh only one she could talk to about jolinar. obviously she wouldn't with Jack. Not how he hates the goa'uld. And it'd be cruel to talk to daniel after Shau'ri. and that topic won't even come up with jonas

                                But she can with Teal'c. Teal'c is likely who she asked to translate for her, or explain things

                                and i think that teal'c adores her. i think that he loves her, even if it's a platonic thing. She's his little sister.
                                yup. i actually think that the jolinar incident was a very important point in their relationship. knowing how teal'c feels about the goa'uld, sam would most likely have had some fear as to how teal'c would see her and treat her following this. i think that this was probably a huge step forward in how they acted around each other, and that they each would have gained a much greater understanding of one another after this. i'd say they probably bonded a lot after it.

                                there was no guarantee that teal'c would differentiate between goa'uld and tok'ra. and i'd say even sam had some trouble reconciling the difference. i'd even go so far as to say that teal'c learned a lot from sam. i don't think they had many female warrior/scholars on chulak. and his complete acceptance of sam and respect for her is a great thing that i think really should have been explored more within the show, as should the development of their friendship after jolinar.

