Originally posted by majorsal
I work for Technicolor in visual effects (post production). My team used to be part of Command Post/TOYBOX until we were bought out. I am (personally) a peon, of the Visual F/X Artist variety. I'm a colleague of (someone on these boards who won't let me mention even her screen name in the public forum on this particular website), except she's a little higher up than me in the food chain (d'oh!).
Basically, I'm a geeky 3D animator with a cool job (who got introduced to the SG-1 fandom obsession by my friggin BOSS, and now spends way too much time in online forums!! lol)
In answer to the unasked:
1. Yes, probably.
2. Um, "Aviator", "National Treasure", "Startrek Enterprise (the TV series)", my specific team is working on post for "The Sentinel" right now. Not the most exciting post project in the world for the moment, but it's a living!