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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    I got a 35 out of 51. I'm a good neighbor to Canada . Were any of those curling people? Of the 35, probably only really knew about 10. The others were easy to guess by process of elimination.
    What cup?????
    The one the boys wear to play baseball?
    Me too...and I didn't have a clue who half of them were...lucky guesses on sime and not so ;lucky on tohers...yert there were a few that I did know.

    I had a dream last night and Amanda & Robin were in it...Amanda told me off for not paying attention...she actually called me by my full name...kinda like what we mums do when we're growling at our kids. Anyhoo, I couldn't help but being distracted as there were these little nuts all over the fall that we were sitting on...very uncomfortable. But still, Amanda growled at me and all I could do was defensive reaction to getting told off.

    Still no Tapping thinks Amanda is working way too hard.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Very the pink...suits her very well.
      I saw a pic of Amanda directing One Night and she was wearing a red cardigan...I have one exactly the same but I just can't wear anything near half as good as Amanda...gonna hide that cardi away.
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
        I got a 35 out of 51. I'm a good neighbor to Canada . Were any of those curling people? Of the 35, probably only really knew about 10. The others were easy to guess by process of elimination.

        What cup?????

        The one the boys wear to play baseball?
        You're a good neighbour.

        No, none were curlers but there was a female hockey player.

        I knew them without the multiple choice, except for the 1 BC politician (although I had seen him in the paper when I was there in April and should have recognized him)

        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
        The Bruins. That's all I got to say.
        (or as they say in Boston "da brewins"
        I have lost all respect for you.

        Originally posted by ames View Post
        Hmmm ... only 41 for me, but in fairness, one of them was I got mixed up on two of the 2010 mascots, and two were kick-in-the-butt for missing b/c I *did* actually know the correct answer, but the other 7 I honestly have no clue as to who they are!

        And yes, I may not be good at winter sports, but I AM really a Canadian, I swear!!!
        I am beginning to have my doubts. First the whole can't curl thing, now this. I will insist on seeing your passport at our next meeting.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          You're a good neighbour.

          No, none were curlers but there was a female hockey player.

          I knew them without the multiple choice, except for the 1 BC politician (although I had seen him in the paper when I was there in April and should have recognized him)

          I have lost all respect for you.

          I am beginning to have my doubts. First the whole can't curl thing, now this. I will insist on seeing your passport at our next meeting.
          Aw. I live in New England. I have no choice. It's either that or a New York team.
          Of course, all of my family on both sides is from Canada so I could have a good argument for changing teams.

          Does anyone know when we'll get Tapping Tuesday?


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            You're a good neighbour.

            No, none were curlers but there was a female hockey player.

            I knew them without the multiple choice, except for the 1 BC politician (although I had seen him in the paper when I was there in April and should have recognized him)

            I have lost all respect for you.

            I am beginning to have my doubts. First the whole can't curl thing, now this. I will insist on seeing your passport at our next meeting.
            Yes ma'am -and at least I tried!!! And had fun - that's gotta count for sommat! LOL
            I just ... don't have the best balance in the world, is all. Let's face it, most winter sports involve balancing on slippery surfaces ... I do enjoy tobagganing immensely though Inner-tubing is good fun too ... as is sliding down on my bottom if it's slippery enough - otherwise, I do a mean log-roll! (What? MUCH less to drag back up the hill that way. *nods enthusiastically*)

            Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
            Aw. I live in New England. I have no choice. It's either that or a New York team.
            Of course, all of my family on both sides is from Canada so I could have a good argument for changing teams.

            Does anyone know when we'll get Tapping Tuesday?
            Hey, I come from a multi-team family. It makes for tense times around the telly occassionally, but it IS possible!
            My Dad and his Dad = die-hard Leafs fans.
            My Mom's Dad is a hardcore Habs fan.
            Mom stays out of it. She told me it was the safest way to survive hockey season once she started dating my Dad
            I went to school in Kingston, so you became a Sens fan by default - again, it was safer that way. Although I have to admit, I have switched camps to the Canucks since then...
            My sis and her hubby are RedWings and Flames, although I can't remember which is yeah, totally possible to be a multi-team household!

            Now Cdn football and baseball, those are different stories. Since the Expos got moved, we've been a one-team family in both of those sports (TyCats and Jays, respectively)!

            ...and Amanda totally rocks, regardless of which team's colours she favours! (Okay, so not the most elegant segue in the history of this thread, but hey - I'm trying! )
            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
            ames on facebook
            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


              Just had the pleasure in finding out that Amanda will be heading down under again this those of you who are looking for an excuse to visit Melbourne, here's a good one!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                ^ my thought pattern upon finding out was reduced to OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! then i started texting, lol
                "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                  This week's Tapping Tuesday

                  Thanks everyone for waiting, AGAIN! (#TappingTues) We've been shooting exteriors in the pouring rain and cold.....and me in a sun dress.....

                  Q1 - Annette Oert - Who is in charge of costuming and do you get to keep any of the awesome outfits?

                  A1 a - Christina McQuarrie is our costume designer and was the costume designer on Stargate. She's awesome and truly family.

                  A1 b - ....I have kept a couple of items.

                  Q2 a - Andrea Beyer - How do you learn your lines? Just by reading them or do you record them & listen to them?

                  Q2 b - Do u have a routine that might help remember uni stuff?

                  A2 - Repetition, repetition, repetition, get the idea....

                  Q3 - Sylvia Jahans - Do you decide what show you will direct, or are you asked to direct a certain show. I would love to know.

                  A3 a - It's usually a Magnus light episode. And it depends on the writing schedule and the production schedule because I need prep time...

                  A3 b - This season was easy because I directed the first episode we shot and had lots of prep without having to act.

                  Q4 - @ValouCOLLET - U weR at the Canadian Breast Cancer found. lunch on 5th.WeR U still nervous? How was it? Tks xoxo

                  A4 a- I was very nervous but it was an incredible group and I just spoke from the heart about my dear friend Cynthia...

                  A4 b - The speech practically wrote itself. I felt very supported. xo

                  Q5 - @puffandruffle - Looking forward to next week's Tesla episode. Anything you can tease besides how fabulous Jonathon Young is?

                  A5 - NO!! Geez...... Oh yeah, he's fabulous!

                  Q6 - @TxZodiac - How was it working with William Shatner on Zenoids?

                  A6-Hilarious. I had a blast. We were surrounded by some incredible voice talents & we laughed a lot!! He was very sweet & very generous.

                  Thanks everyone!! xox

                  12 hours ago
                  No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                  It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                    Tonight I told my best friend that Amanda was going to be in NZ and she just pouted and said "actually, this time?" Aw, I think she has had to cancel her NZ trip one too many times.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      wait just a minute....over 24 hours since we've had a reply????


                      is sam off world?
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        wait just a minute....over 24 hours since we've had a reply????


                        is sam off world?
                        I think she might be playing around with her doohickey

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          I think she might be playing around with her doohickey
                          Or someone else is letting her play with their doohickey.
                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            is that a doohickey in your pocket......
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              I think she might be playing around with her doohickey
                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              Or someone else is letting her play with their doohickey.
                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              is that a doohickey in your pocket......
                              Man, I miss all y'all!
                              Thanks for making my morning!!!
                              *bounces off, still giggling*
                              ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                              SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                              ames on facebook
                              ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                                I think Sam was out enjoying the weekend like the rest of us.

                                It's another Magnus Monday... this one looks like it'll be our Sanctuary of legend, as opposed the Sanctuary of bad date nights.

                                Do you guys have any kind of ritual for new episode watching? I usually grab a cup of tea, for two reasons: I giggle at least once while putting it on because I think of Helen in Kush - "Rule, Britannia" - and also because it's usually all I can do to keep my eyes open by the time we're half-way into the show. If only it came on at nine... eastern time zone, really makes me miss central. I'm zonked at ten!
                                Grammar / Spelling / Punctuation Discussion and Appreciation (questions welcome!) | Plot Bunny Adoption
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