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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    But it's still there who posted the magic post then?? According to everyone elses computers that is.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Hey...I have a know our new ranks we does that work?? My impression is that it is largely based on time served in that correct or is it time served and post count?
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
        Hey...I have a know our new ranks we does that work?? My impression is that it is largely based on time served in that correct or is it time served and post count?
        Comparing a few people on this page, I would say it's purely post count.

        As for the magic post, I think it now has it as Sky for everyone. Is that right, guys?
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          I dont even eat chocolate or sweets and I might just turn up for the chocolate party..soooo EVERYONE has to go! If only to see a bunch of women with silly choccie grins and a sudden sugar rush.

          Happy Belated Birthday too Becks! Hope it was a good one full of being lazy and having peeps wait on you hand and foot all day.

          ...and my favorite Sam relationship? I liked her and Daniel. Nice comraderie without the mushiness of too much closeness getting in the way.

          Oh and Yay I did two hours overtime today...cha-ching!


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            One little thing....i seem to recall 2-3 people that volunteered to play hostess at AT4. Do those folks still want to be 'in charge' so to speak?

            If so, speak up please and then maybe things will be a bit more calm with a person to be the boss. You can either do it on list or PM me and we'll get things settled
            I think Ames and Eve volunteered to be hostesses and I volunteered to take care of the leftovers (you can trust with me it ... really ). But I don't think we will have to worry about the chocofest (I so like that name) for quite some time.

            And thank you to the person who greened me for my "sweet" sig ... hehehe.


              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              OK, just had cake and ice cream at the office. That and all the chocolate talk is killing me! So, to get back to topic, what is your favourite Sam relationship? By that I mean more than just what we have come to consider "ship". It includes the father/daughter one with Jacob or the friendship with Daniel, etc. What do you think?
              Others have said it, but I agree my absolute favorite is actually the relationship between Sam and Jacob (not, in fact, the one between Sam and that other J though I do believe they're interconnected). OK. Not exactly a shock to those who know me .

              And that holds true not only for Stargate, but I find the relationship between Sam and Jacob to be one of the most interesting and realistic on TV bar none.

              And, only ever so slightly OT, but someone here might know, has anyone ever heard exactly what parts of Threads were 'excerpts written by Damian Kindler?' Which isn't really OT at all in my mind



                My granddad is in hospital, in the same ward my grandma died in 6 weeks ago. He has been sick and got really dehydrated so they have him on IV fluids for a couple of days. They say he will be fine... but I just can't handle the idea of him being in there when the last time he was there, he was sleeping in a chair next to my grandma's hospital bed for 14 days.

                Granddad can count the number of times in his life he has vomited on one hand... his immune system just has to be impaired by grief.
                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                  You were threatening people that were admiring the BDU you got at the auction.........before leaving for fish and chips that is
                  Ah, yes, now that you mention it I vaguely seem to remember having fish and chips with a couple of guys. Not sure who they were though...memory is fading...
                  Last edited by Fresh_Horse; 06 February 2009, 02:48 AM.


                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                    My granddad is in hospital, in the same ward my grandma died in 6 weeks ago. He has been sick and got really dehydrated so they have him on IV fluids for a couple of days. They say he will be fine... but I just can't handle the idea of him being in there when the last time he was there, he was sleeping in a chair next to my grandma's hospital bed for 14 days.

                    Granddad can count the number of times in his life he has vomited on one hand... his immune system just has to be impaired by grief.

                    Best wishes to your grandfather to a healthy recovery.

                    Hopefully you're near by so that you can visit daily, and keep his spirits up.

                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      Hi Guys,

                      I finally made it back to play! I missed you all *hugs* RL has been busy with assessments and stuff.

                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      Apologies for the double post but I was about to post elsewhere when I realised I was at 2000. Thought it was appropriate that the milestone post be here where it all started. Nothing profound to say (as usual) so I'll just take the opportunity to say thanks. Thanks to Darren and David for bringing us all together through the internet. Thanks to MajorSal for creating the thread and thanks to all the Samandans past and present for making this such a nice place to be.

                      Sometimes we get carried away in fandom. Stargate is not the answer to global warming. Amanda has not found a cure for cancer. However, the show is wonderful fun. Amanda is a role model to be admired and fandom can connect people from diverse backgrounds and from all over the world. The more connected we are, the less we see each other as different. The more we talk, the more we understand. That's not such a bad thing. So thanks.
                      Belated congrats EH-T great post! I think it was very profound too, tried to green you but GW wouldn't let me.

                      Originally posted by antoa View Post
                      Congrats on 100,000 Samandans! What a wonderfully wacky thread that I am so happy to be a part of.



                      And Happy Birthday to Jansam


                      Errrrr almost... the numbers keep changing!
                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      In honor of our milestone:

                      S SAM--our reason for being here
                      A AMANDA--our other reason for being here
                      M MAJORSAL--our lovely founder
                      A AMAZING--a word for Amanda Tapping
                      N NOBLE--is our Sam
                      D DELIGHTFUL--is our Amanda
                      A ASTONISHING--is the community we have here
                      Da*n I missed the party, ah well *licks everyone anyway* (especially Mandy b/c she loves it so much )
                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                      Once you've seen the amount of chocolate people take to Gabit, you may well understand the concept. At first it seems like heresy, but it's a necessity.

                      The first time I went, I took a huge tin of Cadbury's Heroes and we couldn't get through them together. Last time we literally had a table FULL of chocolate.
                      It was definitely a sight worth seeing! I can't wait to do it again.
                      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                      Yes please most definitely on the chocolate penguins

                      Like I was gonna say no to edible penguins!
                      Oooh yeah they were great! I'd love them again *bats puppy dog eyes at chelle*

                      And Happy Birthday to everyone I missed!

                      ((((Neep)))) my thoughts and prayers are with all your family, hope your Granddad gets better soon.

                      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                        Favorite relationship? Hmmmm.............

                        I would have to go with Janet. I loved how there was no animosity between them (aka Sci Fi 'catfights' for entertainment value). Both were professional women who got along just like professional women all over the world. Plus, after Janet died, Sam seemed kind of lost.


                          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                          But it's still there who posted the magic post then?? According to everyone elses computers that is.
                          I can't recall. It was a birthday wish and i quoted it and congratulated them on being post 100000, then, a few minutes later, it was someone else. Then it was me, but i wasn't. I only was after a couple of posts disappeared. I even went in and looked at the deleted posts and didn't see anything so i don't know what happened.

                          So i think, the thread owns post 100,000. something odd happened that's for sure.

                          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                          Hey...I have a know our new ranks we does that work?? My impression is that it is largely based on time served in that correct or is it time served and post count?
                          its' based on post count. Post to the magic number and you get promoted.

                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                          My granddad is in hospital, in the same ward my grandma died in 6 weeks ago. He has been sick and got really dehydrated so they have him on IV fluids for a couple of days. They say he will be fine... but I just can't handle the idea of him being in there when the last time he was there, he was sleeping in a chair next to my grandma's hospital bed for 14 days.

                          Granddad can count the number of times in his life he has vomited on one hand... his immune system just has to be impaired by grief.

                          Grief and the stress of losing a loved one does take a physical toll. I hope your granddad does well and I guess the one thing i'd suggest is just let him grieve and let him know that it's okay to be sad so that he feels like he has the freedom to express it and work through it
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            my favorite sam has to be Jonas

                            That was one thing i loved about season six. Jonas changed things up so much and i throughly enjoyed it.

                            It seemed to me that, during season five, the characters were just going through the 'ok, got 19 more adventures, let's get them done so we can go home' kind or burned out and tiredness.

                            then comes daniel's death and then jonas and it seems that, for season six, the show was reenergized. 'standard' relationships were shaken up and all of a sudden teal'c wasn't the token alien, he was a mentor to another and allowed to be a big brother of a sorts. he got to be the 'this is what you need to do' instead of simply doing as he was told.

                            jack's relationship with jonas was prickly at best and we got to watch the, what became a friendship, develop over months as jonas earned jack's respect.

                            and sam...sam got to be a big sister. she got to relax and mellow a bit.

                            with daniel, it seemed that there was always a 'he's the colonel's longest friend' tension and distance. It wasn't bad by any sort. and i loved the 'wonder twins' aspect of sam and daniel. but it always seemed like sam was more distant and more proper with jack in seasons 1-5, aware that she was his subordinant and well aware of the pressure that, first and foremost, she was his second in command.

                            then, with jonas, there was more friendship. she teased him, and we rarely if ever saw her tease daniel. she got to mentor him and there wasn't a 'ok, he's the colonel's friend so gotta treat him that way' tension

                            I really, really enjoyed season six. It's, by and large, my favorite of all the seasons. And, for me, it was the first time we saw anything on the screen that even came close to the 'friendly camraderie' that so many fic writers write.

                            fanfic writers have made the 4 team members fast adn lifetime friends, while the show hasn't always shown that. but with jonas they came the closest that they ever have.

                            so i love the sam/jonas friendship

                            Sam/teal'c comes second or ties (because it's more long lasting than sam/jonas)

                            I think, with teal'c, he's the one that she can be truly honest with. With jack, he's her boss, so there's always that distance. that tension and pressure. with daniel, he's the colonel's friend and, someone that sam respects but also someone she's in charge of, so there's that 'yeah, i'm your boss' tension between them.

                            but with teal'c, sure she's his boss. but he has about 5 times the experience that she has and there isnt' that 'omg, the colonel will kill me if i get his friend hurt' pressure. t-man can take care of himself, so sam doesn't need to worry about doing it.

                            i think he's the one that she can confide in. about a lot of stuff. I think, with Jolinar, he's probably the only one that she talked to. she coudn't talk to daniel, it'd be mean after Shau'ri to talk to him about that and there'd be the tension of 'did jolinar really know where she is and why don't you remember?'. with jack....he hates the goa'uld. and there would be a part of sam that would always wonder if he hated that part of her. not to mention the feeling that he's keeping an eye open for any sign that she's been compromised, so she wouldn't bring up the topic unless she absolutely had to

                            teal'c, however, wouldn't judge her as much as she'd feel the others would. I think he was her confidante during that time and there's this deep friendship that superceeds the others.

                            there is also the fact that, daniel keeps dying, jack vanishes and sam has lost both of htem. teal'c is her rock. the one that she can depend on. and i thikn he's more than a little in love with her - shippy or not - and i think he'd do about anything for her.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                Interesting. I make a comment and have words put in my mouth.

                                I never made a joke about Amanda attending the chocolate party. Actually, that's the last thing I'd do. Antoa and Julia know the story behind that one *Dramatic eye roll*

                                In fact, I don't remember making a joke of any kind. I have a notoriously bad sense of humour.

                                Anyway, I'm exhausted. Went for coffee and ended up working a shift at the café.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

