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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    I've always loved 'ripple effect' just because of the fact that we get to see Janet again even though imo it turned out so horribly wrong. I remember my first time seeing it and anticipating an awesome moment between her and Sam but it never really came. There's the hug at the end in the gateroom but that's about it. Let's just say I wasn't too happy afterwards.

    Why do you think the relationship wasnt touched upon in this ep?

    *sqeezes Chelle* Take care and I'll be thinking of you today.
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    I can only figure that the writers 'got lost' so to speak. they seemed to think that having her back was enough, and then got distracted by sam's love life and kinda forgot her friendships. I would have loved to have seen janet asking about cassie, sam getting a chance to say goodbye, all that closure that we didn't get to see.

    the sad thing, if you read joe's blog from the day after that aired, he posted allthe lines that had been cut from the show. and, imho, the show was much weaker without those character beats
    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
    Which is exactly why I am anti 'ship' on SG1, the writers didn't seem able to write it without sacrificing all the other relationships between characters on the show.

    I liked the Jacob/Selmek/Sam relationship, I liked how having Selmek changed Jacob for the better and how the relationship was shown to grow and change. I was very sorry that they killed Jacob off, for no good reason (apart from life's random vagaries?) it gave Amanda a chance to show her acting chops but they could have done that without dispatching such and interesting character and such an interesting foil for Sam.
    They seemed hell bent on removing all Sam's interesting sub-plots (bar the laid-on-with-a-trowel S/J) such as her father, her relationship with Janet, her connection with the Tok'ra via both Joliar and Martuf, her relationship with Cassie, who she was willing to give up her career to adopt, if I recall correctly.

    I'm with you on the lost opportunities in Ripple Effect. I loved the Sam/Janet friendship. I agree with comments made by Amanda that it was good to see these women as friends and not enemies or rivals. We need more of that on television. To have Janet, Sam's best friend and mother to Cassie, back and not deal with any of that is a shame.

    Also, the part that was cut out of the Sam/Martouf scene in the cafeteria dealt with how she felt about having killed him in her reality. IMHO that was more important to deal with than hinting that Sam was with "someone else" in his reality.

    FF, I never added up how they cut off all those Sam relationships before. They really did eliminate a lot of her story lines, didn't they?

    I've been pondering my own question and everyone's thoughtful answers and I think I'd have to say my favourite relationship is between Sam and Teal'c.

    I'm a wee penguin so I do like Sam/Jack (largely influenced by my own admiration of RDA ). I was a regular poster on the Sam/Daniel friendship thread and have always loved their initial friendship. However, that went out the window starting with season 9 (sadly). I also like the Sam/Jonas sibling vibe. I think Sam loosened up a lot kidding around with Jonas. I also like the easy going friendship with Cam. I also have a soft spot for the father/daughter relationship with Jacob. Amanda said that introducing Jacob was the best thing TPTB did for the character.

    Having said all of the above, however, I think that, in the end I have come to like the Sam/Teal'c dynamic best. Maybe because it took the longest to develop. Maybe because (IMO) they are so different. All I know is that some of my favourite Stargate scenes involve these two characters. The locker room scene in PL, Teal'c offering Sam his words for Janet's memorial, the reunion in Ethon (Do I have the name right? The episode where they blew up the Prometheus), the scene after Landry died in Unending, the goodbye scene in SGA's Reunion and their last scene together in Midway.

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      I'm with you on the lost opportunities in Ripple Effect. I loved the Sam/Janet friendship. I agree with comments made by Amanda that it was good to see these women as friends and not enemies or rivals. We need more of that on television. To have Janet, Sam's best friend and mother to Cassie, back and not deal with any of that is a shame.

      Also, the part that was cut out of the Sam/Martouf scene in the cafeteria dealt with how she felt about having killed him in her reality. IMHO that was more important to deal with than hinting that Sam was with "someone else" in his reality.

      FF, I never added up how they cut off all those Sam relationships before. They really did eliminate a lot of her story lines, didn't they?

      I've been pondering my own question and everyone's thoughtful answers and I think I'd have to say my favourite relationship is between Sam and Teal'c.

      I'm a wee penguin so I do like Sam/Jack (largely influenced by my own admiration of RDA ). I was a regular poster on the Sam/Daniel friendship thread and have always loved their initial friendship. However, that went out the window starting with season 9 (sadly). I also like the Sam/Jonas sibling vibe. I think Sam loosened up a lot kidding around with Jonas. I also like the easy going friendship with Cam. I also have a soft spot for the father/daughter relationship with Jacob. Amanda said that introducing Jacob was the best thing TPTB did for the character.

      Having said all of the above, however, I think that, in the end I have come to like the Sam/Teal'c dynamic best. Maybe because it took the longest to develop. Maybe because (IMO) they are so different. All I know is that some of my favourite Stargate scenes involve these two characters. The locker room scene in PL, Teal'c offering Sam his words for Janet's memorial, the reunion in Ethon (Do I have the name right? The episode where they blew up the Prometheus), the scene after Landry died in Unending, the goodbye scene in SGA's Reunion and their last scene together in Midway.
      Bechdel's Law:
      1. Scene has to have at least two women in it,
      2. Who talk to each other,
      3. About something besides a man.

      It's absolutely scary how few film/TV shows don't have Bechdel's Law.

      And if you take out women talking to each other about work (say, Sara talking to Katherine in CSI about a case or Kira talking to Dax on DS9 about the station) it gets even scarier. But at least talking about work is a start.
      Because the only thing I ever talk to my female friends about is our men, because they are just so important to every aspect of our life, we wouldn't even exist without them!

      When you have actresses as skillful as AT and TR, it's such a crime to waste them.
      I helped bring up my best friends daughters when she became a single mum. Nothing sexual between us, just the sort of love which goes that extra mile. Through depression, poverty, illness, happiness, fun, holidays on a shoestring, making things together when we couldn't afford to buy things. The girls are now 18 and 21. One is at art college, the other works as a carer, they are beautiful, well rounded, charming intelligent young women and a credit to us.



        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        my fave sam relationships:

        1 - jack. no need to explain that one.

        2 - jacob. i just love child/parent relationships. (build up helen/ashley please!)
        Hi Everyone,

        3 - janet. not enough was done with this friendship for my tastes. (and it was horribly *wrong* to not delve into it in 'ripple effect', but i have my theories why)

        4 - cassie. i *really* wanted to see how they were after janet died.

        i do love her relationships with daniel and teal'c of course, but my own issues with some things have clouded some of my appreciation of them.
        I'm with you on this Sally especially with 3 and 4, I was really disappointed when we didn't see more Sam and Janet interaction in RE. And I wish we'd seen Cassie after Janet's death.
        Also I agree about Jonas being like Sam's little brother, it was a fun thing to see.
        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
        Just popping in to say goodnight.
        Hubby is off fighting the fires at my brothers place about 25 minutes form here...they almost lost the house but at this stage it has been saved. But the house is still under severe threat and the roof has been lost. Thankfully the chickens and dog are also ok!! Unfortunately, there's rumour that all the houses along the road between Yarra Glen and Healesville have been lost. There are so many fires it's not funny. In fact, there's 2 up in the hills behind us and another huge blaze about 10 minutes from here. I'm going to take precautions and start packing photo's and negatives and papers that will be needed.
        It got to 46C(112F) in the city and 48C (118.4F) out's pretty hot!!
        But the cool change has bought strong damaging winds. And there are thunderstorms which will no doubt start new fires again. BUT, thus far loss of life has been minimal and that's the main thing. Ash Wednesday back in 83 was just horrific...this is starting to turn into another Ash Wednesday in terms of the size of the fires.

        Stay safe where ever you are...especially our Aussie Samandans who are either fighting the fires down south or battling the floods up north.
        Oh (((((chelle)))) take care sweetie will be thinking of you and other Aussie Samandans tonight/tomorrow.
        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
        Having a semi-on-off-topic moment. It's cute so I needed to share...

        A lot of you probably know that I spend a lot of my time hanging out with Amanda and her two kids, Jeni and Ellen. They make up three of my RL Sanctuary buds. Actually, I have nothing to do with their conversion; when I first moved to the town, I taught Jeni and Ellen French and my Year 8 class did a project on personal descriptions... As my example, I used a powerpoint with Helen Magnus and a description in French. Jeni's reaction was "Holy Cr*p! Is that Amanda Tapping?!" Yeah, she got stuck in detention for bad language, but I was secretly impressed.

        Anyway... back to the point...

        Ellen was reading over my shoulder last night because the little 11 year old is fascinated by online fandom, but is too little to play herself. So she was reading about the Montessori auction stuff and let out a really pitiful sigh about the fact that she wishes she could go to the set tour, but it will be way too much money and she's too young anyway.

        So then she pipes up "Maybe we could paint Jen's room bright green or hang up some green sheets and put our old furbies in the room and pretend they're nubbins. That'd be the same as a set tour, right? Cos it's all green screen? Ok, so we won't have Amanda Tapping, but we can stick a picture of her on the wall and we have the trollop and our own Amanda."

        I love eleven year olds!
        Awwww Tracy that is soooo cute, they sound like two amazing young ladies.

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          my fave sam relationships:

          1 - jack. no need to explain that one.

          2 - jacob. i just love child/parent relationships. (build up helen/ashley please!)

          3 - janet. not enough was done with this friendship for my tastes. (and it was horribly *wrong* to not delve into it in 'ripple effect', but i have my theories why)

          4 - cassie. i *really* wanted to see how they were after janet died.

          i do love her relationships with daniel and teal'c of course, but my own issues with some things have clouded some of my appreciation of them.
          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          wow, i forgot jonas.

          so jonas is added to my list.

          regarding s6; i felt that was the last great season of the series. after that, starting with season 7, we had some great episodes, but, for me, the generation of great 'seasons' was over.

          (i wish they could have closed up the jonas quinn storyline better than what he got. i don't know the behind the scenes reasons for things, but the *character* deserved better)
          I agree with everything yout said hon, but I really wanted to reply to tell you how much I like the your new avatar and sig . Oh, and even though for you S6 was the "last great season" of the series, of course there were still a LOT of great Sam moments afterwards .

          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          Just popping in to say goodnight.
          Hubby is off fighting the fires at my brothers place about 25 minutes form here...they almost lost the house but at this stage it has been saved. But the house is still under severe threat and the roof has been lost. Thankfully the chickens and dog are also ok!! Unfortunately, there's rumour that all the houses along the road between Yarra Glen and Healesville have been lost. There are so many fires it's not funny. In fact, there's 2 up in the hills behind us and another huge blaze about 10 minutes from here. I'm going to take precautions and start packing photo's and negatives and papers that will be needed.
          It got to 46C(112F) in the city and 48C (118.4F) out's pretty hot!!
          But the cool change has bought strong damaging winds. And there are thunderstorms which will no doubt start new fires again. BUT, thus far loss of life has been minimal and that's the main thing. Ash Wednesday back in 83 was just horrific...this is starting to turn into another Ash Wednesday in terms of the size of the fires.

          Stay safe where ever you are...especially our Aussie Samandans who are either fighting the fires down south or battling the floods up north.
          (((Chelle and family)))

          Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
          i did a new Sam siggie, i don't come here often but i'm feeling like sharing

          Oh wow, great sig .
          Last edited by Rocky89; 07 February 2009, 02:14 PM. Reason: Forgot something :P


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
            Having a semi-on-off-topic moment. It's cute so I needed to share...

            Ellen was reading over my shoulder last night because the little 11 year old is fascinated by online fandom, but is too little to play herself. So she was reading about the Montessori auction stuff and let out a really pitiful sigh about the fact that she wishes she could go to the set tour, but it will be way too much money and she's too young anyway.

            So then she pipes up "Maybe we could paint Jen's room bright green or hang up some green sheets and put our old furbies in the room and pretend they're nubbins. That'd be the same as a set tour, right? Cos it's all green screen? Ok, so we won't have Amanda Tapping, but we can stick a picture of her on the wall and we have the trollop and our own Amanda."

            I love eleven year olds!
            Cute story, thanks for sharing! She sounds like wonderfully creative girl.

            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            They seemed hell bent on removing all Sam's interesting sub-plots (bar the laid-on-with-a-trowel S/J) such as her father, her relationship with Janet, her connection with the Tok'ra via both Joliar and Martuf, her relationship with Cassie, who she was willing to give up her career to adopt, if I recall correctly.
            Looking back, Sam did lose a lot of her sub-plots (including the Sam/Jack relationship at least on-screen IMO) by the beginning of season 9, but I think this happened in part because the producers had tried 'ending' the show 3 seasons in a row. I think the other characters experienced similar losses during season 6-8, though perhaps not quite as many as Sam.

            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            Bechdel's Law:
            1. Scene has to have at least two women in it,
            2. Who talk to each other,
            3. About something besides a man.

            It's absolutely scary how few film/TV shows don't have Bechdel's Law.

            And if you take out women talking to each other about work (say, Sara talking to Katherine in CSI about a case or Kira talking to Dax on DS9 about the station) it gets even scarier. But at least talking about work is a start.
            Because the only thing I ever talk to my female friends about is our men, because they are just so important to every aspect of our life, we wouldn't even exist without them!
            Cool, I hadn't heard about Bechdel's Law before. Thanks!

            On reflection, I think the lack of following this law is why I quickly gave up on Grey's Anatomy despite being intrigued by the premise (I was an aspiring doctor-to-be at the time). Instead of talking about the challenges they faced as med students, the only thing the women on the show seemed to talk to each other about were their hang-ups with their respective boyfriends.

            I also agree with what other's have said about Ripple Effect missing a great opportunity for some Sam/Janet interaction and closure after her sudden death. I also wish they'd left in the scene with Sam and Martouf talking about her killing him in her reality. That was one of the more tragic moments in Stargate for me, and I wished we'd seen more follow-up to it.



              Good morning all. Just thought I'd give you a quick update on the fire situation. Currently our house is safe from threat. The bushfire that was closest to us is now under control as is the fires around my brothers house. Sadly, the loss of life in the fires across the state have reached 25 and is likely to go considerably higher. Several townships have been devastated....totally wiped out....two towns that are completely gone are Kinglake and Marysville. And these are towns I am more than familiar with. The smoke is gradually clearing around here with the cool change now settling in. Unfortunately the change has not bought any rain and the weather wont stay nice for long.
              I have friends and family still under urgent threat...including one GW member...mara-anni. I'm totally stunned. It's just so unreal.
              Anyhoo, if you don't mind, I'll keep you appraised of the situation as it changes.
              I'm just so relieved that my family are safe. Hubby is on his way home to get the portable generator and then head back.
              Stay safe everyone. (((Samandans)))
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                FF, I never added up how they cut off all those Sam relationships before. They really did eliminate a lot of her story lines, didn't they?
                Yeah. and then coop goes 'gee, we don't know what to do with sam'

                well, sir, you and your friends ended all her storylines and didn't bother to start any...if you didn't know what to do with her, look in the mirror. you did it.

                The boys at bridge simply cannot write females in a realistic way. Haven't been able to since they started and i doubt it's a skill they'll ever learn. And it doesn't help that you have studio heads and network consultants pushing the cliches
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  Yeah. and then coop goes 'gee, we don't know what to do with sam'

                  well, sir, you and your friends ended all her storylines and didn't bother to start any...if you didn't know what to do with her, look in the mirror. you did it.

                  The boys at bridge simply cannot write females in a realistic way. Haven't been able to since they started and i doubt it's a skill they'll ever learn. And it doesn't help that you have studio heads and network consultants pushing the cliches
                  the one strong and newish aspect to sam, that they wrote for her, was her commanding sg1. but they dismantled that too.

                  at least sam (and her fans) got to enjoy her commanding in atlantis. writing shortcomings or not, she *commanded* fully. i appreciated it.



                    yep. and i'm seeing things go a different way in sanctuary, so yay for that
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      yep. and i'm seeing things go a different way in sanctuary, so yay for that
                      TOTALLY agree!



                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        Good morning all. Just thought I'd give you a quick update on the fire situation. Currently our house is safe from threat. The bushfire that was closest to us is now under control as is the fires around my brothers house. Sadly, the loss of life in the fires across the state have reached 25 and is likely to go considerably higher. Several townships have been devastated....totally wiped out....two towns that are completely gone are Kinglake and Marysville. And these are towns I am more than familiar with. The smoke is gradually clearing around here with the cool change now settling in. Unfortunately the change has not bought any rain and the weather wont stay nice for long.
                        I have friends and family still under urgent threat...including one GW member...mara-anni. I'm totally stunned. It's just so unreal.
                        Anyhoo, if you don't mind, I'll keep you appraised of the situation as it changes.
                        I'm just so relieved that my family are safe. Hubby is on his way home to get the portable generator and then head back.
                        Stay safe everyone. (((Samandans)))
                        I'm sorry that things haven't been all the great lately Chelle, but I'm happy and glad that you're still in high spirits, and that you're still you're young and cheerful self .


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        the one strong and newish aspect to sam, that they wrote for her, was her commanding sg1. but they dismantled that too.

                        at least sam (and her fans) got to enjoy her commanding in atlantis. writing shortcomings or not, she *commanded* fully. i appreciated it.
                        Do you appreciate *it*, or do you appreciate Sam?

                        Again, I love that new avatar and sig so much .



                          Things have actually been ok Rocky...but thank you all the same. I mean apart from some things we're all pretty lucky.
                          I just got word that hubby is not coming home...he's effectively trapped in Yarra Glen with my brother and his family. BUT they are safe...they are still putting out spot fires and the fences are still burning. I'm going out now to clean out the gutters and some of the bigger debris from last nights strong winds.
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Hey Samandans, I couldn't help but notice that it's gotten quite here all of a sudden-- again . So I came up with a really fun game that I think is pretty cool . Here's how it goes, I first got the idea after jckfan made that Samanda word thing , and how each letter meant a word, but I'm not going to write "Amanda" and then we write a word for each letter of her name, that's been done many times before, I have a more fun idea .

                            I'll write out the alphabet, and we each have to write a word that describes Amanda and why . I'll start .

                            A -- Amazing

                            Because she is in every sense of the word .
                            Last edited by Rocky89; 07 February 2009, 05:39 PM. Reason: It needed more :D


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Things have actually been ok Rocky...but thank you all the same. I mean apart from some things we're all pretty lucky.
                              I just got word that hubby is not coming home...he's effectively trapped in Yarra Glen with my brother and his family. BUT they are safe...they are still putting out spot fires and the fences are still burning. I'm going out now to clean out the gutters and some of the bigger debris from last nights strong winds.
                              Oh I mean things haven't been all that great for you weather-wise . I've read that mother nature has been rough lately . I mean today here in Canada was very windy, papers were flying everywhere . But yeah, I'm glad to hear you're doing well, and I hope that you're hubby and your brother will stay safe .


                                *hugs Chelle*

                                I hope you and your family stay safe!

                                Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                                Bechdel's Law:
                                1. Scene has to have at least two women in it,
                                2. Who talk to each other,
                                3. About something besides a man.

                                It's absolutely scary how few film/TV shows don't have Bechdel's Law.

                                And if you take out women talking to each other about work (say, Sara talking to Katherine in CSI about a case or Kira talking to Dax on DS9 about the station) it gets even scarier. But at least talking about work is a start.
                                Because the only thing I ever talk to my female friends about is our men, because they are just so important to every aspect of our life, we wouldn't even exist without them!

                                When you have actresses as skillful as AT and TR, it's such a crime to waste them.
                                I helped bring up my best friends daughters when she became a single mum. Nothing sexual between us, just the sort of love which goes that extra mile. Through depression, poverty, illness, happiness, fun, holidays on a shoestring, making things together when we couldn't afford to buy things. The girls are now 18 and 21. One is at art college, the other works as a carer, they are beautiful, well rounded, charming intelligent young women and a credit to us.

                                According to TV adverts women spend a lot of time discussing bloating...I spend too much time shouting at/watching TV.

                                I sometimes wish writers, or everyone really, could spend some time observing the opposite sex without being part of the group. There are a lot of misconceptions about normal behaviour for both men and women (and behaviour towards each other) that I wish could be exterminated. I just think we see a lot more of the misconceptions about women because TPTB are mostly men, but they're all annoying.

                                We need more AT's *nods* but then we knew that.
                                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                                My Fanfic~My Femslash

