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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    FYI Canadian fans: the Space channel is showing Continuum on January 31st.

    Awesome, thanks a lot EH-T .


      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      That's fantastic, SamJackShipLover! I just adored the Sam in Moebius! She was so cute!

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Y'know this whole spoiler thing makes it *much* easier to catch up on this thread (when you haven't watched the eps in question, of course)
        BTW: I *am* still around, sort of and Amanda still oh so very rocks

        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        nah, easy peasy

        movie spec/eatg spoilage

        they cast Lorne as her second in command, she leaves him in charge, and goes down with her team to fix whatever needs to be fixed

        or it's to techy that it HAS to be her
        Great thought Sky - you make it sound so easy

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        nice interview!

        loooved hearing amanda's voice again. *has a moment of ~The Amanda Effect~*

        anyhoo - spoilers for sanctuary s1-2

        what amanda revealed:

        *amanda will, indeed, direct an ep of sanctuary.
        *more henry.
        *more history helen's friendship with watson.
        *more druit and, i'm assuming, helen/druit.
        *more showing helen's history.

        if i'm remembering right, we'll prob see more tesla. yay on that! and yay if they do more helen and the five!!

        if i've left anything out, please add or correct.

        is it too soon to start a countdown for season 2?
        Oooh -
        I love Henry ...and I'm a not-too-far-in-the-closet Helen/John fan, so more of them would be great
        I was really growing to like Watson too ... actually it would be great to see more of the Five's time at Oxford.

        Ehn, who am I kidding - I just want more Sanctuary!!!
        (and by extension, of course, MORE AMANDA
        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
        ames on facebook
        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


          Originally posted by Alan View Post
          That's fantastic, SamJackShipLover! I just adored the Sam in Moebius! She was so cute!
          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          Now, those who know me know I don't usually fangurl (hence the usual lurkage), but I have to say even after all this time and many, many viewings, I still giggle uncontrollably every instant Geek!Sam is onscreen. She's just so funny and perfect. And I don't usually giggle, either.

          Moreover, looking at Lies's new sig with her Sanctuary sig.. It's hard to believe it's the same person.

          'kay. Back to lurking...

          /fangurl moment

          EDIT: Except MW and DK. I fangurl them. Don't get me started...!


            Flipping through channels... Grace Under Pressure is on NZ tv right now. McKay is trying to apologise... haha.

            Awww... he just admitted she's wiser. You know, intelligence aside.
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              Now, those who know me know I don't usually fangurl (hence the usual lurkage), but I have to say even after all this time and many, many viewings, I still giggle uncontrollably every instant Geek!Sam is onscreen. She's just so funny and perfect. And I don't usually giggle, either.

              Moreover, looking at Lies's new sig with her Sanctuary sig.. It's hard to believe it's the same person.

              'kay. Back to lurking...

              /fangurl moment

              EDIT: Except MW and DK. I fangurl them. Don't get me started...!
              That I put down to Amanda being a fantastic actress! She is just brilliant at her job! She becomes all these different women and makes them different to the one she played before and make us believe in them! She even managed to make alternate Sam's different from the Sam we all know and love! She's so versatile!

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                Hate to feel like I'm spamming all the threads, but I know some of you don't play in the Sanctuary thread and vice versa. So, for anyone who is interested, the first Sanctuary Fanfiction Awards are taking nominations.


                Sanctuary Fiction Awards 2009

                It is almost two years since we were first introduced to the world of Helen Magnus, her talented but arrogant daughter Ashley and her naïve and bewildered protégé, Will Zimmerman.

                In those two years we have seen eight webisodes, thirteen television episodes and over one hundred pieces of fan fiction. Here at, we want to celebrate the talented individuals who contribute so much to our fandom.

                Today we are opening nominations for the Sanctuary Fanfiction Awards 2009, which will culminate in the announcement of winners on 14th May 2009 - exactly two years since the release of Webisode One.

                Nominations will be accepted for the following categories:

                Recurring Character
                Best Original Abnormal
                Webverse Award

                With the exception of the Webverse Award (which applies to fan fiction written prior to October 2008), all English language Sanctuary stories on all websites and journals are eligible for entry in the awards. However, we may ask you to upload your fiction to in time for the voting process.

                To nominate a story for an award, please submit the title, author, category, link to the story and the author’s contact details to [email protected] .

                The provisional timescale for the Sanctuary Fanfiction Awards is as follows:

                February 22nd - Nominations Close
                March 1st - Nominations Announced
                March 16th - Voting Opens
                April 19th - Voting Closes
                May 14th - Winners Announced

                Please nominate your favourite stories and support the authors who give up so much of their time to entertain us all.

                Best Wishes,
                The Sanctuary Fiction Team
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  I was just waxing nostalgic tonight and looking at some of my photos from Amanda's appearance at Shore Leave in 2006. It was my first con, and I had such a good time!

                  She's so great! Just wanted to share...


                    Hiya guys...just quickly jumping in to say thank you to Rocky and NC for the cards I received in the mail. I just love how Amanda and our love of Sam Carter and now Helen Magnus, has bought us all together...especially when times are tough. Thank you!!
                    On Saturday arvo, our telly decided to go to telly heaven but before going it just stopped showing the pictures so all we could do was listen to the telly and not watch...which was good as I listened to the commentaries from Ascension. At first the kids were like..."Mum..what are you doing??"...and gave me these really weird looks like I had just landed from Mars or something. Pretty soon they became hooked and sat down with me to listen to Amanda and Martin was fun!!
           to listen to some music and get to bed early. Night Samandans! *hugs*
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                      Wonderful as always Lies! You know, they kind of remind me of a certain someone we know.

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      I was just waxing nostalgic tonight and looking at some of my photos from Amanda's appearance at Shore Leave in 2006. It was my first con, and I had such a good time!

                      She's so great! Just wanted to share...
                      Thanks for sharing. Any specific memories you want to share?

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                        Hiya guys...just quickly jumping in to say thank you to Rocky and NC for the cards I received in the mail. I just love how Amanda and our love of Sam Carter and now Helen Magnus, has bought us all together...especially when times are tough. Thank you!!
                        On Saturday arvo, our telly decided to go to telly heaven but before going it just stopped showing the pictures so all we could do was listen to the telly and not watch...which was good as I listened to the commentaries from Ascension. At first the kids were like..."Mum..what are you doing??"...and gave me these really weird looks like I had just landed from Mars or something. Pretty soon they became hooked and sat down with me to listen to Amanda and Martin was fun!!
               to listen to some music and get to bed early. Night Samandans! *hugs*
                        You're welcome Chelle , I hope you liked it, and again, sorry about the hand writing .


                          I've just been looking at the thread title and thought "maybe it should be changed to -

                          'Sam's an amazingly brilliant and fantastic character - she spoils us *EVERY* season!'

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Originally posted by Alan View Post
                            I've just been looking at the thread title and thought "maybe it should be changed to -

                            'Sam's an amazingly brilliant and fantastic character - she spoils us *EVERY* season!'


                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              Originally posted by Alan View Post
                              I've just been looking at the thread title and thought "maybe it should be changed to -

                              'Sam's an amazingly brilliant and fantastic character - she spoils us *EVERY* season!'

                              hmmm *thinks* (yeah I can do that on occasion ) I like it


                                Hey Everyone,

                                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                                I've just been looking at the thread title and thought "maybe it should be changed to -

                                'Sam's an amazingly brilliant and fantastic character - she spoils us *EVERY* season!'

                                Hahahaha! that's brilliant Alan and so true, I love it!

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

