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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    As for the Sam-Ellis scene & then what Sam says to McKay. I haven't watched that ep in a while, but IIRC she reprimanded him in front of Sheppard, but not Rodney. She sent Rodney out to work on his project with a stern look. Then she addressed Ellis.
    But that could be my imagination too.
    That's how I remember the scene too, she waited until McKay left before addressing Ellis.

    Now that I think about it, that scene with Sam trying to stop McKay and Ellis from bickering reminds me a lot of Revelations with Helen having to handle Druitt, Tesla, and Watson.

    I think Sam may have learned her command style from Hammond. He trusted his people and let them do their work. Thoughts?
    I think so too, she did have the most experience with him as base commander as opposed to O'Neill or Landry. And I think it would be hard to argue that Hammond's command style wasn't effective, so he would be a very good role model in that regard.



      Great pic becky preen. (But I notice it seems to be too big and stretches the thread)

      It reminds me of us here at Samanda, happily partying along. The seals look a bit forlorn, though, looking on.


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        Great pic becky preen. (But I notice it seems to be too big and stretches the thread)

        It reminds me of us here at Samanda, happily partying along. The seals look a bit forlorn, though, looking on.
        I think I fixed the size issue... sorry

        And that's what I thought when I saw it. Try explaining to a tired hubby who doesn't get it why you need him to rummage in your back pack for the camera...

        And Julia S, yes UK (england scotland and wales) in one bag and Non UK in another.



          Great idea and great cause Sky; count me in.

          I'm not positive but I could have sworn there was a scene as described when Sam next speaks with Rodney.


            Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
            yup... with postmarks and attatched to bits of envelopes or not.

            hugs becks who attaches something her husband thought was crazy when I stopped in the middle of Calgary airport and insisted on taking a picture:

            Oh, look. Samanda group photo. That's me on the right.

            I've been saving stamps since Mumsy mentioned it in the fall. Great idea to open the contest to others.

            Regarding the Sam discussion. Interesting to read the opinions. We also had a discussion on the Team Thread about the shippiness or not of this episode.

            In PL Sam works hard to find Jack. In 48 Hours she works hard to save Teal'c. In PL she gets snippy with Dr. Lee. In 48 Hours she gets snippy with MacKay. True in PL that Sam breaks down and cries (in that fabulous locker room scene with Teal'c) but it is interpreted by some as shippy while others view it as happening solely because they just lost Daniel (and Sam mentions this) and it is the thought of losing another team member and not necessarily Jack that causes her to cry.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              Oh, look. Samanda group photo. That's me on the right.

              I've been saving stamps since Mumsy mentioned it in the fall. Great idea to open the contest to others.

              Regarding the Sam discussion. Interesting to read the opinions. We also had a discussion on the Team Thread about the shippiness or not of this episode.

              In PL Sam works hard to find Jack. In 48 Hours she works hard to save Teal'c. In PL she gets snippy with Dr. Lee. In 48 Hours she gets snippy with MacKay. True in PL that Sam breaks down and cries (in that fabulous locker room scene with Teal'c) but it is interpreted by some as shippy while others view it as happening solely because they just lost Daniel (and Sam mentions this) and it is the thought of losing another team member and not necessarily Jack that causes her to cry.
              I'll start saving stamps, I get quite a lot of letters from all over the place.

              I'm on board with the bolded above I felt for Sam, loosing one team mate on top of another.



       your idea! Count me in!!!

                Just dropped by to post an invitation to an upcoming event on another, related thread. It is in spoilers in deference to those who may not be interested.


                Gorgeous artwork by Rachel-Kree!
                Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 21 January 2009, 02:15 PM.


                  Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                  Just dropped by to post an invitation to an upcoming event on another, related thread. It is in spoilers in deference to those who may not be interested.
                  I can totally guess why. Those penguins are always having events.
                  Perhaps we Polar Bears are not so ambitious. We do look pretty relaxed in becky's photo.


                    I've never heard of this collecting stamps thing? Is there a web site for this group so I can read up with what they do with the stamps?
                    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                      Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                      I've never heard of this collecting stamps thing? Is there a web site for this group so I can read up with what they do with the stamps?

                      This is the page with the info. please note that we will collect all the stamps in at AT4... closer to the date we will give you the collection address for your entries in the competition/ donations if you are not able to attend so we can hand the stamps over enmass. PLEASE do not phone the hearing dogs office and ask about any GABIT related fundrasing, we have a specific person whom we liase with and having other people call causes the office confusion. Any questions ask here or send an e-mail to [email protected]

                      Thanks becks


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Regarding the Sam discussion. Interesting to read the opinions. We also had a discussion on the Team Thread about the shippiness or not of this episode.

                        In PL Sam works hard to find Jack. In 48 Hours she works hard to save Teal'c. In PL she gets snippy with Dr. Lee. In 48 Hours she gets snippy with MacKay. True in PL that Sam breaks down and cries (in that fabulous locker room scene with Teal'c) but it is interpreted by some as shippy while others view it as happening solely because they just lost Daniel (and Sam mentions this) and it is the thought of losing another team member and not necessarily Jack that causes her to cry.
                        I've been lurking on the Team thread for a while and really liked your guys' discussion on this episode, but can't really participate since the only DVDs I have right now are season 1.

                        As a non-shipper, I personally find it kinda odd when moments of caring or concern between characters get labled as 'shippy' even when there doesn't seem to be romantic overtones to the moment. I guess I just don't really comprehend the concept of shipping, because I see those moments as expressions of friendship and camaraderie, while for something to be considered 'shippy' to me, I think it needs to have a definite romantic tone. It's why I consider the Sam/Jack scene in Beneath the Surface to be shippy, but not the similar scenes in Metamorphisis or Death Knell.

                        And it's why I see that Sam/Teal'c scene in PL as Sam's angst at losing another teammate soon after she lost Daniel, not necessarily just for the loss of Jack the man she has feelings for. It's a moment that I think highlights the friendship and closeness of SG-1, that even months later Sam is still distressed about Daniel's death, which is now compounded by Jack's absence, and Teal'c, the only teammate she has left, is there to support and commiserate with her.

                        EDIT: Just to clarify, I mean no offense at all to any shippers, it's just a concept I still personally have a hard time getting my head around.
                        Last edited by EvenstarSRV; 21 January 2009, 05:02 PM.



                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                          I think Sam may have learned her command style from Hammond. He trusted his people and let them do their work. Thoughts?
                          hmm, good question.

                          i'm thinking hammond, but more o'neill. she lived and breathed his command style, which i can't help thinking slipped into her consciousness more than anyone else's. but she definitely has more 'control' over her mouth than jack.



                            Originally posted by becky_preen View Post

                            This is the page with the info. please note that we will collect all the stamps in at AT4... closer to the date we will give you the collection address for your entries in the competition/ donations if you are not able to attend so we can hand the stamps over enmass. PLEASE do not phone the hearing dogs office and ask about any GABIT related fundrasing, we have a specific person whom we liase with and having other people call causes the office confusion. Any questions ask here or send an e-mail to [email protected]

                            Thanks becks
                            No worries. I just wanted to read about the organization myself. I don't even know what GABIT is. I've got friends who work in animal rescue and they'll love what this group is doing.
                            Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                              Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                              No worries. I just wanted to read about the organization myself. I don't even know what GABIT is. I've got friends who work in animal rescue and they'll love what this gDevonroup is doing.
                              for information on GABIT which stands for Get Amanda Back In Town, you need to go to our own website

                              There is a section about who we are and what we are all about, and we also have a section for the charity which has pictures of the GABIT sponsored Hearing dogs. Gabbie, Iris, Ives, Mia, Comet, Lewis and Devon.

                              At AT3 we also raised money for the waterkeepers alliance.

                              Happy reading!



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                I loved it when sam knocked ellis down a peg. he deserved it. then again, if i'm remembering right, she turned to mckay (or was it later...or my fanfic mind?) and told him that she didn't defend him to ellis because he was right, but because, right or wrong, ellis had no right to talk to him that way......or maybe that was just fanon
                                It's canon, not fanon. She takes Rodney down a peg too, after the fact.

                                In memory of Deejay.
                                May we all be so well loved.

