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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    A little observation to get us off p. 2.

    I watched Paradise Lost recently for the "Team Thread". Sam is so uncomfortable saying to Dr. Lee "I say when we are done here". Compare that with Sam saying to Col. Ellis in BAMSR "Speak like that again to someone under my command and you will no longer be welcome on this base, is that clear?" (or words to that effect). Wonderful growth of her command skills.

    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


      ^ you're so right, EHT. We really see the growth in Sam over time. As much as I was disappointed in some things about Sam in Atlantis, I think there was no question of her authority.


        ok finally i have watched EaTG... and here are some of my thoughts...

        AT were great in that episode, wich makes me very happy to see how the character grow all over these years like Alan said but i don't think she is ready to become a General even with all those years on SGC she is still 'young' to become one but I'M NOT saing that she is not capable enough for the job or that she can't handle it ... i just think that she is better beign Colonel... looks like AT lost weight... she was very skinny on those military clothes.. Carter;AT were beautiful in that episode ... was so good to see her again ... you have no ideia how much i miss SG-1 ...

        Rocky i Love the Pics


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          they are very good friends. And i think that's why we saw so much friendship between sam and jack on the show....the chemistry between the actors spilled over to what we saw on camera.

          personally? i think amanda has kinda enjoyed introducing rick to doing cons. I think they spent several years where he - one with more experience in the entertainment industry - was a mentor to her and the others. And now she gets to be the experienced one to him being the 'newbie'

          I think it's gotten their friendship to a much more even level, more give and take.

          when i was at GC2008, and she came on the stage, he visibly relaxed because he had someone to interact with
          I noticed that immediately--he looked like she had thrown him a lifesaver when she showed up. It was so cute! And it made me remember how uneasy he was at first at Avalon. I'm so glad that his first foray into cons was with Gabit. Thanks, G4!!!


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            A little observation to get us off p. 2.

            I watched Paradise Lost recently for the "Team Thread". Sam is so uncomfortable saying to Dr. Lee "I say when we are done here". Compare that with Sam saying to Col. Ellis in BAMSR "Speak like that again to someone under my command and you will no longer be welcome on this base, is that clear?" (or words to that effect). Wonderful growth of her command skills.
            Hadn't thought about that, but you're right. She definitely had a tough time asserting her authority in that episode.
            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
            William Shakespeare

            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              A little observation to get us off p. 2.

              I watched Paradise Lost recently for the "Team Thread". Sam is so uncomfortable saying to Dr. Lee "I say when we are done here". Compare that with Sam saying to Col. Ellis in BAMSR "Speak like that again to someone under my command and you will no longer be welcome on this base, is that clear?" (or words to that effect). Wonderful growth of her command skills.
              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              Hadn't thought about that, but you're right. She definitely had a tough time asserting her authority in that episode.
              I have to disagree here... I don't think the problem was asserting her command, it was coming from a different place in her heart. The conflict in paradise lost was personal not professional and the emotion of the personal connection and desperation/ guilt is what showed there.

              I loved sam taking elis down a peg In my currently going nowhere plot bunny elis has had to be removed from command because he broke a leg, and his replacement ( one of my own OCs) has learned his crew didn't like him much

              Oh an yes, I was the one who asked the question at Gatecon... Ricks look of surprise ( horror/confusion) is because he could see it was me on the front row and wondered what zatark programming had overcome me.... It was Amanda's fault fun though wasn't it? I love it when a plan comes together!



                Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                I have to disagree here... I don't think the problem was asserting her command, it was coming from a different place in her heart. The conflict in paradise lost was personal not professional and the emotion of the personal connection and desperation/ guilt is what showed there.
                i see it this way too. it's interesting to see the more 'emotional' sam sometimes, when logic and mind are a bit overshadowed by heart.

                and thank you (and amanda) for asking that question!



                  Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                  I have to disagree here... I don't think the problem was asserting her command, it was coming from a different place in her heart. The conflict in paradise lost was personal not professional and the emotion of the personal connection and desperation/ guilt is what showed there.
                  I loved sam taking elis down a peg In my currently going nowhere plot bunny elis has had to be removed from command because he broke a leg, and his replacement ( one of my own OCs) has learned his crew didn't like him much
                  Oh an yes, I was the one who asked the question at Gatecon... Ricks look of surprise ( horror/confusion) is because he could see it was me on the front row and wondered what zatark programming had overcome me.... It was Amanda's fault fun though wasn't it? I love it when a plan comes together!
                  I wasn't gonna say anything in case you all thought it was my shipper mind clouding my judgment...but I too thought that her unease at Dr Lee was mainly due to her personal conflict on the situation. Although I do agree that Sam has certainly grown over the years and I have no doubt that in Paradise Lost, she was having to deal with her personal feelings as well as professional judgment...and lets not forget about that zat blast...that was point blank range when Harry shot her...that would have to have an effect on her. I'm surprised that she was allowed to get right back to work after that zat hit.
                  As for Sam taking Ellis down...this was her command...her people so it didn't surprise me...I mean she learned from the best. But in Paradise Lost, it wasn't her command....and it was her zat that Harry took that allowed him to escape through the window...with Jack.
                  So maybe she was also feeling guilty over what happened...add that to her frazzled head from the effects of the zat and her feelings for a certain gray haired colonel...she was pretty much not in any form of control over the whole situation.

                  Sam's tough but she's not much as we would like that to be the case...but she's like the rest of us when it comes right down to the nitty gritty! I love that about the allows for vulnerability to be shown in our heroes...that's really cool.

                  So what was Ricks answer? I wasn't there and I really really want to know!!!

                  We need another challenge/game to keep this thread busier...any ideas??
                  Gotta go cool down...the mercury hit 40C (104F) yesterday and I'm still feeling it. Night all...have fun! (I'm guessing everyone is off watching the inauguration of Barack Obama...I really hope this new era in politics is going to make a positive change for everyone.)
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    i think in PL we not only had sam's personal/professional conflict but also her guilt.

                    In fact, i seem to recall amanda having a bit of an issue iwth maybourne getting her zat. her opinion was that sam was smart enough not to permit a 'bad guy' from stealing her weapon. but...well the show woulda ended really early so sam 'took one for the show'

                    teh one scene i didn't like was her apologizing to hammond in public about it. it drew too much attention to it for my taste

                    I loved it when sam knocked ellis down a peg. he deserved it. then again, if i'm remembering right, she turned to mckay (or was it later...or my fanfic mind?) and told him that she didn't defend him to ellis because he was right, but because, right or wrong, ellis had no right to talk to him that way......or maybe that was just fanon
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Wasn't that in your "Five Conversations Sheppard Never Knew About"?


                        I have an idea for a contest.

                        Ok, so we know that some of us get to go to AT4, and others don't. But I thought of a way everyone can take part in the fund raising, and it's really very simple.

                        The Hearing Dog people collect used postage stamps. they then sell them and use them to raise funds.

                        how about if we have a competition?

                        Everyone that wants to can collect their used postage stamps. It's really very easy, all you have to do is cut them off the envelopes before you toss them.

                        We'll then send them in (those that aren't going as opposed to those that are who can simply bring their stamps with them) and see which group collects the 'most'

                        (ok, so this isn't going to be an exact contest, no one is gonna be counting the little beggers, but you get my meaning, all in the name of fun)

                        Are you guys up for that?

                        I'll work out a mailing address to send them to the con later on in the year...or you can even send them to me and i'll send the package onto the G4 in early november.

                        All this will really consist of is save your stamps throughout the year. Mid to late october, you send them into me or into Gabit, they get collected and roughly sorted and we can see how many we can get.

                        Let's see if we can hand the hearing dog people a few hundred, maybe even a thousand stamps.

                        I've been collecting mine from cards and the such and i have about 40 or so in the past couple of months. so...if everyone on samanda can collect something like 100 between now and October and send them in, we can give the hearing dog folks a thousand or maybe more stamps for their program.

                        Sound like fun?
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                          Wasn't that in your "Five Conversations Sheppard Never Knew About"?
                          yeah, i'm wondering if i only made that up.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            I have been collecting stamps since November Told you I was excited about this con
                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              yeah, i'm wondering if i only made that up.
                              Nope, I remember it too. She wasn't defending McKay cause he was right, but because he was hers Which is brilliant leadership, btw...


                                Do'h..I forgot about the collecting. I have unopened mail sitting around here somewhere so I'll get to the cutting and saving of the stamps now. Thanks for the reminder.

