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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    horizons is still there. However using it becomes a bit problematic. first, it's in north vancouver, so it can be a bit of a drive to get there. It's also - the last time i was there - minimum 30-50 dollar dinner. (I recall entrees being in the 20 dollar range)

    might make it inaccessible to some.

    I was kind of thinking someplace within walking distance of the hotel, or a short bus ride or something more easily accessible.

    Horizons would be cool, but i think the distance and price might make it inconvenient for some
    You are probably right. I knew it was expensive but I forgot that it's quite a distance away from where everyone is staying.
    Ah, well, I am sure we will find a nice place to have a meal together.

    Originally posted by Celandine View Post
    For Gatecon, we met in the lobby of the Wall Centre the night before the con was to begin and then walked en masse the few blocks to Red Robin to eat. We had to split up into two huge groups even though they had obviously pushed tables together to accomodate us, but we were still next to each other so it wasnt a problem chatting with everyone. The food was your standard burger/fries fare, but it wasn't about the food, at least for me. It was meeting people we only knew by screen names and/or meeting up with friends we hadn't seen in quite a long time. I loved the dinner, frankly, and took many pictures that night.

    I was wondering how we might choreograph a dinner though what with there being two cons. Having it the week between the cons seems the best bet too. The very slightest problem with this though would be how some people might only be going to one or the other, so planning it too soon (for those arriving for MTM soley) or too late (for those leaving home soon after TSE) would exclude people who might have joined us.
    It's always about meeting the people.
    I'll be in Vancouver next month (Olympics, baby!) and I'm going to check out some places.
    I am sure that if they can stomach a bunch of drunk German hockeyfans that they will have no problems with harmless, unicycling, nubbin-tossing AT fans who ask for blue jello for dessert.


      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
      I watched Sanctuary before SG1 (Sanctuary introduced me to AT) and then immediately went and bought all 10 seasons of SG1. When I watched my first ep I was looking for AT and it took me a bit to realize that the cute blond with no accent was the same actress that was playing the very British Helen Magnus.
      I love hearing this & I'm sure AT does too. People watch Sanctuary in its own right, not just b/c they're following AT.

      Originally posted by Celandine View Post
      I have to admit though, that even through the changes with the show and her new dark hair back then, I still saw Sam through it all. This was oddly comforting given my love for Sg1, but in no way distracted me from moving on to something new.
      Very rarely I see mannerisms that I think are AT's, but except for once in the first ep, I didn't see Sam.

      I said this once before, but it always comes back to hair, boobs and chocolate here.
      Isn't that spazzie's cue? : D


        Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
        A colleague of mine borrowed my S1 of Sanctuary over New Year and watched them all. She enjoyed it and commented that she was very pleased to see a female executive producer and a female lead....when I mentioned it was the first show she'd executived produced on and that she'd been directing stuff as well she was even more impressed and asked what other stuff AT had done. She didn't believe me when I said she'd played Sam Carter in Stargate and had to go check that they are indeed the same woman.

        Tickled me.

        AT directing SG1


          Originally posted by Celandine View Post

          Hmm, and how well do you think she knows you?
          She probably knows more about me than she really cares to.

          Best bet would be to just take a picture from your camera and upload it to a photosharing site. When you need to 'flash' your badge (as I'm sure it will be happening over and over again given this thread ) then you could just link the image here without typing a single thing. It's all about the c/p. *nod*
          You didn't see my camera at AT4, did you?

          Actually, I think a few of the regular "offenders" who saw a lot of the button took pictures of it. Neep, were you one of those? If so, please print it out and carry it with you at all times.

          EDIT: Uh oh, I see rderoch lurking. I'm sure she'll have acomment on my behaviour!

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            I love hearing this & I'm sure AT does too. People watch Sanctuary in its own right, not just b/c they're following AT.

            Very rarely I see mannerisms that I think are AT's, but except for once in the first ep, I didn't see Sam.

            Isn't that spazzie's cue? : D
            Having watched nearly all Sanctuary episodes, there have only been a couple of times that I "saw" Sam Carter in AT's portrayal of Magnus. But it was only for a second or two and passed so quickly I pretty much forgot about it right away. I don't think it can be helped when she's portrayed one character for so many years, that a few fleeting mannerisms might seep into the newer character.

            But she deserves high praise for portraying a character that is so different from her previous one that many people don't even know it's the same actress in a new role.


              Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
              It's always about meeting the people.
              I'll be in Vancouver next month (Olympics, baby!) and I'm going to check out some places.
              I am sure that if they can stomach a bunch of drunk German hockeyfans that they will have no problems with harmless, unicycling, nubbin-tossing AT fans who ask for blue jello for dessert.
              *is quietly jealous* Have a blast at the Olympics!

              Isnt that unicycling, nubbin-juggling AT fans instead? Besides, we could never, er...purposely toss our nubbins, right?

              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Always loved this pic, but never really focused on the guy behind her. What the heck is he doing with his hand? Reminds me of 'I Spy'.

              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              She probably knows more about me than she really cares to.
              Ahh, probably very true. You did make quite an impression on everyone via the first auction at AT3.

              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              You didn't see my camera at AT4, did you?
              Nope, meaning that you er...didnt have one??


                i think red robin, or something along that line, is a good place. affordable food, relaxed atmosphere, close distance.

                we could even have a couple of get togethers, one geared around MTM, one SE and people are welcome to do either or both, as their schedule permits

                it'll be something to think about
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Celandine;11079285

                  Nope, meaning that you er...[I
                  didnt have one[/I]??
                  Had one but it was an ancient film camera.

                  Re: the discussion on AT in Sanctuary/Stargate. One of my worries in watching Sanctuary was that I would see Carter in Helen especially since Carter is one of my all time favourite TV characters. I've said before and I will say it again, it is a tribute to AT's talent as an actress that I have never seen Carter in Helen. Even this weekend I was watching Sanctuary DVDs and AOT and Continuum were on TV and I still saw them as two completely different characters.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    Over my holiday break I've been watching some SG1 & Sanctuary eps. At one point, I watched an ep of SG1 immediately followed by Sanctuary. I wasn't trying to test whether I could see Sam in Helen or vice versa, but really--even back to back, they are so different that there really was no connection at all in my mind.

                    I don't think I could say the same watching the same actor in 2 roles back to back in some other cases.

                    Way to go, AT.
                    Originally posted by katjoy View Post
                    kudos to amanda's immense talent... because ive watched movies with tv actors and all i could see was their tv character... ive seen movie actors play the same role over and over and over with little distinction... and yet like you ive never seen sam in helen or vice versa...

                    doesnt she just... and all variations of sam are believeable and unique...
                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    Having watched nearly all Sanctuary episodes, there have only been a couple of times that I "saw" Sam Carter in AT's portrayal of Magnus. But it was only for a second or two and passed so quickly I pretty much forgot about it right away. I don't think it can be helped when she's portrayed one character for so many years, that a few fleeting mannerisms might seep into the newer character.

                    But she deserves high praise for portraying a character that is so different from her previous one that many people don't even know it's the same actress in a new role.
                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Re: the discussion on AT in Sanctuary/Stargate. One of my worries in watching Sanctuary was that I would see Carter in Helen especially since Carter is one of my all time favourite TV characters. I've said before and I will say it again, it is a tribute to AT's talent as an actress that I have never seen Carter in Helen. Even this weekend I was watching Sanctuary DVDs and AOT and Continuum were on TV and I still saw them as two completely different characters.
                    I'll admit the first time I saw Helen on TV I thought a little bit of Sam, but as time went by I saw less of Sam and of Helen, then I didn't see Sam when I look at Helen. Here and there Helen does something that reminds me of Sam, but like Hedwig said it's only because Amanda played her for many years and it's hard to see past that.

                    But I agree with all of you, Amanda does an amazing job portraying two different characters, you see one and only one, and the thing they have in common is the actress playing them. As you know I've been having my own Stargate marathon for a while now, and I was watching Sanctuary at the same time, and I still saw them as different characters, and I think Amanda does a great job with Sam and Helen.

                    Btw, last night I saw S&R and most of the time I was watching the episode, I couldn't help but think of what's coming up. It was a good episode, but hated the ending, the look on Sam's face was enough to crash a car. I'm not disappointed she chose Sanctuary, I'm so happy she did, but there are those times I wonder what would have been if she had stayed.

                    Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                    Hi guys! Hope you all had a lovely start on the new year! I'm home on Åland and enjoying the snowy and cold and beautiful winter!
                    I made an attempt to stay offline for a while over the holidays, that lasted bout a whole of two days of not logging on at all! Lol! (I know self discipline is so not up my alley ) Bur managed to stay in lurking mode for a week or so, that warrants some kind of prize right?

                    And a little note to all you attempting to bring unicycling, nubbin juggling madness upon the gabits, please be mindful of the nerves of the G4, we want them to be (in)sane enough to bring together a AT5 you know?

                    In regards of not seeing Carter in Helen and vice versa. Even though I intellectually know that’s Amanda Tapping, my brain does not. Lol! It’s like Sam, Helen and Amanda is three completely different individuals. When I think about it, my brain doesn’t even get that Carter with long hair and Carter with short hair is the same person. (But then again that probably has to do with the lack of Sameness in s4 of SGA that we talked about earlier)
                    But I have this one cap from Sanctuary of Helen that for some reason reminds me of a very young Carter. I think it’s in the smile:

                    Wow, thanks for the pics, and you're right, the smiles look alike.

                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Works for me!

                    Wha... what things? Who's been talking?

                    Actually, it was AT herself who said I was well-behaved.

                    I think it's a great idea. As I'm visiting friends and family in between events, for me it would have to be on a Friday or Sunday just before or after one of the events.

                    I leave to go to the art gallery and all heck breaks loose. Please consider the source of this story ladies and gentlemen. Soooooo not true. I don't even drink alcohol! Oh, and Neep "THAT'S QUITE ENOUGH OF THAT!"

                    Well, I am cute and Canadian but the rest is not true.

                    Yes, good thing for her. Perhaps I should just send her the badge. Might save a lot of typing.

                    This is way AT said the internet was bad (as well as good). Evil rumours!

                    I give up.
                    We're just kidding EH-T, we love you. *Gives stern looks*

                    Oh and that thing you said about AoT and Continuum being on TV, check out the descriptions my Cogeco gave the movies-


                    I can't believe the movies only got 2 stars.


                      OT- Well, tragedy has struck me today, something that threatens to totally ruin my year and all my plans. OMG, it may even keep me from going to AT5. Guys I'm going to need your prays for this one.

                      I start college Monday.

                      I read my timetable for college and I almost passed out from confusion. I have different classes on different days, I don't have any classes on Tuesday though, but still come on. As if my life wasn't hard enough, along with my SG marathon, my job, cleaning my house and all that other stuff, how am I going to handle college? Since I don't have classes on Tuesday, I'll have to clean my house on Tuesday, and work on the weekends. Oh and I have to get my drivers license. I HATE driving with a passion, as much as Sky hates Facebook. What's worse is that I'll have to take the bus early in the morning.

                      The only good thing I suppose is that I'm only taking one course and it's for 1 year, so I'll be done next April. This is going to be another hard year for me, but I'm used to life hitting me hard. I'll be going by the school Wednesday for orientation, but after just seeing the timetable, I have so much my respect for Julia now. I always knew she was tough, but I've heard her college stories, and I'm amazed she does as well as she does, I'll be lucky if I do have as good.

                      It's been like a year and a half since I was an actual student at a school, so I'm a bit rusty, but that also means I won't be on here as often. One things for sure, I'm not letting it take me away from my Friday Sanctuary nights.


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        EDIT: Uh oh, I see rderoch lurking. I'm sure she'll have acomment on my behaviour!
                        I'd be more interested in her comments regarding her Skype chat.


                          giggles as i drop off a find off

                          if you don't 'get it', check out and listen to Dr Demento's 'startrekking across the universe'
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            giggles as i drop off a find off

                            if you don't 'get it', check out and listen to Dr Demento's 'startrekking across the universe'
                            ROFL now I've got that song stuck in my head

                            *Mum always said I should share*



                              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                              I would have to agree wholeheartedly.

                              I watched several episodes of Sanctuary with my mother, who has also sat and watched SG1 with me. At first, she didn't believe Sam and Helen were the same person. Then after showing her photos from the DVDs she didn't believe AT was a natural blonde, despite 10 years of photographic evidence from the DVD boxes. She thought she looked more natural with the darker hair.

                              I can't get away from it I guess. It is always about the hair! Even with my own Mother .....grumble, grumble.....
                              Heh, kinda the opposite happened with my mom. I was watching Sleepers with my sister and about halfway through my mom asks 'hey, isn't that woman also on that Stargate show?' And it was especially surprising considering she hardly ever watched Stargate, I guess AT is just that memorable.

                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                              OT- Well, tragedy has struck me today, something that threatens to totally ruin my year and all my plans. OMG, it may even keep me from going to AT5. Guys I'm going to need your prays for this one.

                              I start college Monday.

                              I read my timetable for college and I almost passed out from confusion. I have different classes on different days, I don't have any classes on Tuesday though, but still come on. As if my life wasn't hard enough, along with my SG marathon, my job, cleaning my house and all that other stuff, how am I going to handle college? Since I don't have classes on Tuesday, I'll have to clean my house on Tuesday, and work on the weekends. Oh and I have to get my drivers license. I HATE driving with a passion, as much as Sky hates Facebook. What's worse is that I'll have to take the bus early in the morning.

                              The only good thing I suppose is that I'm only taking one course and it's for 1 year, so I'll be done next April. This is going to be another hard year for me, but I'm used to life hitting me hard. I'll be going by the school Wednesday for orientation, but after just seeing the timetable, I have so much my respect for Julia now. I always knew she was tough, but I've heard her college stories, and I'm amazed she does as well as she does, I'll be lucky if I do have as good.

                              It's been like a year and a half since I was an actual student at a school, so I'm a bit rusty, but that also means I won't be on here as often. One things for sure, I'm not letting it take me away from my Friday Sanctuary nights.
                              ((hugs)) Don't worry Rocky, you'll get into the swing of college life in no time. It can actually be a lot of fun.



                                Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                                Heh, kinda the opposite happened with my mom. I was watching Sleepers with my sister and about halfway through my mom asks 'hey, isn't that woman also on that Stargate show?' And it was especially surprising considering she hardly ever watched Stargate, I guess AT is just that memorable.

                                ((hugs)) Don't worry Rocky, you'll get into the swing of college life in no time. It can actually be a lot of fun.
                                Can you back that up with examples?

