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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
    Was playing around in Photoshop before, and came up with this:

    LOL, that's great!!! Just goes to show that Amanda would be great as a Jedi Knight!!


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      Staff weapon? I don't need no stinkin staff weapon!!!

      (did you know that sam is the only character who's never fired a staff weapon?)
      I think it's because they are really heavy. I recall reading an interview that the real ones weight something like 50+ lbs and CJ kept breaking them.


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        Staff weapon? I don't need no stinkin staff weapon!!!

        (did you know that sam is the only character who's never fired a staff weapon?)
        Or been sarc-ed.

        A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
        "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
        One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
        resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
        confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
        A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
        The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


          Originally posted by SamFan31
          Go Sam Go!!! She looks good wielding just about every type of weapon, doesn't she???
          Last edited by ForeverSg1; 28 May 2005, 12:22 PM.


            Jonas: What'cha got there Sam?
            Sam: I'm not sure. Some type of weapon, I'd assume. It's really sharp around the edges.

            Edit: I'd like to apologize to everyone for my poor editing skills on this photo. I hope I didn't upset too many people *coughubercough* with my lack of proper shading. I promise to do better in the future.

            Forever Humbled Kat
            Last edited by ForeverSg1; 28 May 2005, 03:16 PM.


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              Go Sam Go!!! She looks good wielding just about every type of weapon, doesn't she???

              what DOESN'T sam look good doing???
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Wow. 3 hours and no posts!!! Yikes...

                Here's an Orlin update from Joe M. himself...

                Originally posted by lonely_star
                re-hi joe
                a quick little one
                do you know yet if Sean Patrick Flanery will play Orlin again? any idea when you'll know ?
                thanks for your time
                Originally posted by JMallozzi
                We know now that Sean Patrick Flannery will not be playing Orlin again in The Fourth Horseman I and II. Instead, the part will be played by the terrific Cameron Bright. How is this possible, you're no doubt asking. Well, there's a very good reason Orlin's appearance has changed...
                I think I may have figured out the "very good reason" if I have found the correct Cameron Bright...

                Last edited by Uber; 28 May 2005, 04:29 PM.

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                  Wow. 3 hours and no posts!!! Yikes...

                  Here's an Orlin update from Joe M. himself...

                  I think I may have figured out the "very good reason" if I have found the correct Cameron Bright...


                  Thats a bit freaky. I take it they're not going to pursue the romantic angle between them anymore either...


                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark

                    Thats a bit freaky. I take it they're not going to pursue the romantic angle between them anymore either...

                    ya think????
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark

                      Thats a bit freaky. I take it they're not going to pursue the romantic angle between them anymore either...


                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        Hi All:

                        Just to let you know I am really getting miffed at TPTB regarding the lack of info of any kind on Carter except the few meager bits they keep repeating like she returns in Beachhead, she is in the Forth Horseman and so is Orlin, and she has something to do with Barrett in one ep (that's about the extent of it as far as I recall) so I posted a question on AJM asking: "Why the lack of information on Carter? Will she be rejoining SG1 - the Team to be specific." I resorted to this partly because of the total lack of info from anyone in interviews, at cons, on the AJM thread, etc., and I noticed that Mallozzi either skips the questions about Carter or, if he does answer, he gives no further info beyond his "she is far, far away" (which has recently been contradicted by Cooper who made reference to Area 51) and that her return is in Beachead - which JM has said at least twice if not more, and that's about the extent of it.

                        If anyone else feels the need . . . perhaps if he gets a few more questions about Carter from different people maybe he'll at least give the fans something to hold out hope for but that may just be me hoping we get something to indicate that this character will be back in force and that she will rejoin the team as opposed to just returning to the SGC. Just a suggestion though - if you think it's a dumb, useless, waste of time based on Mallozzi's lack of substantive replies and his often flip responses, that's fine too. (I should know better but I am getting tired of being yanked by them - I know, I know, I should just ignore them. Now I know how the J/S shippers must feel with the way they get jerked around.)

                        I know some of you have indicated that you are trying to be patient because they may all be feeling their way through ATs return and how much time she can put in on set, etc., but I am sure that by now (3-4 weeks into ATs return) they have several episodes with Carter either filmed, in process or in final script and I am sure they also have ideas for the second half of the season that include Carter so it would not be a stretch to expect even a few small bits of info about some of her storylines to let the fans know that she does, indeed exist in S9, other than to look pretty and be wallpaper.
                        Last edited by binkpmmc; 28 May 2005, 05:44 PM.


                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark

                          Thats a bit freaky. I take it they're not going to pursue the romantic angle between them anymore either...
                          No romantic interest for Sam this year, at least no new ones that I would guess. I have a strong suspicion that TPTB have realized that they have ran that plot into the ground. On to bigger and better things for Sam. Like going on a little flying excursion with Cameron in the X-302, you know showing him the ropes around the solar system.

                          JM said Cameron would be showing off his flying skills this season... he never said Sam wouldn't be doing the same.


                            Let's hope she gets to fly it and he is second seat to her. Based on another post by JM he said Mitchell would be doing some flying in S9 - that's fine as long as Carter is NOT second seat to him and of they do fly together she is piloting. I would hate to see them pout Carter second to Mitchell in everything, especially if she does not get lead of SG1 back.


                              Originally posted by binkpmmc
                              Hi All:

                              Just to let you know I am really getting miffed at TPTB regarding the lack of info of any kind on Carter except the few meager bits they keep repeating like she returns in Beachhead, she is in the Forth Horseman and so is Orlin, and she has something to do with Barrett in one ep (that's about the extent of it as far as I recall) so I posted a question on AJM asking: "Why the lack of information on Carter? Will she be rejoining SG1 - the Team to be specific." I resorted to this partly because of the total lack of info from anyone in interviews, at cons, on the AJM thread, etc., and I noticed that Mallozzi either skips the questions about Carter or, if he does answer, he gives no further info beyond his "she is far, far away" (which has recently been contradicted by Cooper who made reference to Area 51) and that her return is in Beachead - which JM has said at least twice if not more, and that's about the extent of it.

                              If anyone else feels the need . . . perhaps if he gets a few more questions about Carter from different people maybe he'll at least give the fans something to hold out hope for but that may just be me hoping we get something to indicate that this character will be back in force and that she will rejoin the team as opposed to just returning to the SGC. Just a suggestion though - if you think it's a dumb, useless, waste of time based on Mallozzi's lack of substantive replies and his often flip responses, that's fine too. (I should know better but I am getting tired of being yanked by them - I know, I know, I should just ignore them. Now I know how the J/S shippers must feel with the way they get jerked around.)

                              I know some of you have indicated that you are trying to be patient because they may all be feeling their way through ATs return and how much time she can put in on set, etc., but I am sure that by now (3-4 weeks into ATs return) they have several episodes with Carter either filmed, in process or in final script and I am sure they also have ideas for the second half of the season that include Carter so it would not be a stretch to expect even a few small bits of info about some of her storylines to let the fans know that she does, indeed exist in S9, other than to look pretty and be wallpaper.
                              Read the question I posted...I'm already ducking because I KNOW someone is going to go after me for "ranting" at Joe...

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Originally posted by binkpmmc
                                Let's hope she gets to fly it and he is second seat to her. Based on another post by JM he said Mitchell would be doing some flying in S9 - that's fine as long as Carter is NOT second seat to him and of they do fly together she is piloting. I would hate to see them pout Carter second to Mitchell in everything, especially if she does not get lead of SG1 back.
                                Considering that Mitchell is an actual 302 pilot I doubt we'd see Sam get to take front seat over him. However, that doesn't mean Carter can't fly on his wing

