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Im a bit worried about bringing the Farscape cast in, i'm not against it, but my main concern is they will make Browders character the CO of SG1 and Sam would get bumped down. If that was to happen i would never forgive them for it. SG1 is hers now. I remember Reading an interview with Amanda Tapping and she said if there was a season 9 she is hoping there would be Episodes dealing with sam in command, making tough choices, and doing Things leaders do. So she seems to be enjoying sam in charge and is looking forward to more of it. It would be a slap in the face to her and her fans (and Sam) to do that. I dont see a reason to anyway - because Lt Col M.M was offered a SPOT on any team for great work if he recovered from an injury, not command, there would be no logical reason for a pilot to take charge permanately over a experienced field officer. Just like it would not make sense for sam to lead a F302 Squadron, She can fly, and im sure M.M can be a field officer but that isn't there strengths.
A poster in the shipper thread said that Joe Mallozzi said that whoever's been a Lt. Colonel the longest would be the one in charge (not exact words). I wasn't able to find where Joe said that, so I'm not sure what to believe.
Sally, hoping that SAM'S been a Colonel the longest!
This just popped into my head. *rubs head* I'd like to know what happened when the guys realized Amanda was 'really' knocked out in the elevator scene in The Enemy Within. How long was she out? Did she wake up on her own? Did they take her to the hospital? In the scene where they open the elevator up and we see Sam and Charlie in there; notice how they don't show Sam's face? I'm thinking it's because that wasn't Amanda. They had to let Amanda rest after they brokeded her.
I remember reading an interview with Amanda that she was saying that the scene in the lift where she gets thrown against the wall and falls to the ground knocked out was really Amanda falling into a heap on the floor and not
Sam, so if i understand it right it looked like
they kept "the Amanda knocked out bit" in the final film that went on tv.
I hav'nt watched the episode in a while but i do remember thinking at the time that she really looked like she had hit her head hard!
I thought i'd share this with you about SAMANDA
I've just rememered something from my daughters
childhood, my daugters name is Samantha and her
teachers wanted to know if we mind if they called her Sam, we said we would prefer her to be called by her full name, well she came home and told us that they started calling her Sammyantha! which to this day it's a nickname that has stuck
What has stuck in my mind about SAMANDA is would'nt it be great if this ended up as a girls name in the future?!
I know what you mean here, but I think there is only a very small part of fandom that is this negative (it is there I know and they can be vicious to Sam and quite vocal!). I think that a majority of fans who criticize Sam's behavior or character at times do this mainly because they really like the character and don't want her to be written in a way that they see untrue to the character. Personally, I'd rather that the Sam character get alot of attention (with praise and constructive criticism) than little attention. Seems like most fans like her but Sam (as the female lead) gets caught between so many factions (ship with Jack to anti-ship with Jack or Pete; the female who can't be too "girly" or too "butch", being too much of a scientist to not being enough of a soldier/leader; being too smart/supersam to be being too stupid; etc). With all the expectations thrust on this one female character, I think she is holding up remarkably well! (Hey, I wonder if my first ever smilie worked?)
When reading the Gemini posts, of those who didn't like it, most I think are not bashing Sam--they are bashing the writers for the characterization of Sam in this episode. I actually liked the potential here for Sam (thanks to the refreshing insight from posters on this thread about Sam's potential character development from this episode).
Nicely stated chocdoc!
(and your smilie worked great! )
And, of course, most of us know that she did, indeed, sustain a concussion when Kawalsky threw her back against the side of the elevator in the early SG1 episode, The Enemy Within.
I believe that she said it was one of the first big stunts she asked to do. At the time they filmed the elevator scene, Dan Shea (Siler), the stunt coordinator, was not on the set. And Amanda actually did get knocked unconscious during the filming. She says as much - that when you see her lying there out cold, she really *is* lying there out cold. It was from then on that Dan Shea kept telling her she really should use her double. Go watch that scene again on DVD and you will see how forceful a hit she took - Jay Acavone really roughed her up. It probably helped that she had three brothers growing up!
Originally posted by jckfan55
I had heard about this some time ago and went back to watch that scene. Maybe it's knowing what to look for, but she seems to go down like the proverbial ton of bricks in that scene--not the graceful, dramatic fall we often see when someone is supposed to be knocked unconscious. Yow! I cringe in sympathy when I see that scene now.
Originally posted by Skydiver
what happened in enemy within is that Jay was supposed to 'throw' sam towards the back of the elevator. Amanda knew this, but when the time came, she threw herself back at the same time he pushed her back so, with the force of two people, she whacked her head on the wall. now i THINK the next scene she taped was the briefing room scene and if you watch really close, you see rda/jack reaching out to touch her arm in a bit of a 'you ok?' move
Originally posted by majorsal
This just popped into my head. *rubs head* I'd like to know what happened when the guys realized Amanda was 'really' knocked out in the elevator scene in The Enemy Within. How long was she out? Did she wake up on her own? Did they take her to the hospital? In the scene where they open the elevator up and we see Sam and Charlie in there; notice how they don't show Sam's face? I'm thinking it's because that wasn't Amanda. They had to let Amanda rest after they brokeded her.
jckfan55 - I just went back and watched that scene in the elevator too ... and now that I know that AT really got clocked against the wall...ouch ...she really did fall like a ton of bricks.
skydiver - I scanned forward to the briefing room scene and caught the little gesture that you mentioned.
majorsal - I was thinking the exact same questions! How long was she out - and how did everyone else react?
All in all -- I think AT should get a purple heart... an SG-1 purple heart!
I think amanda talked about really scraping up her wrists in Desperate Measures when she was fighting against the cuffs
and i would imagine that she has bruises from time to time, such as in TDYK, because if you look, those guys were really holding her arms tight
as to enemy within, i would imagine as soon as they yelled cut and she didn't get up, they knew something was wrong. I'm guessing she at least got checked out at a hospital since there would be insurance issues.
i know she's talked about them having to have annual physicals to make sure that they're physically fit to do the show
What about the way Sam was man-handled in the scene where she was brought to face Apophis in s3's The Devil You Know. That scene, whether Amanda was treated roughly or not, looked hard to do. I wonder if she 'was' roughed up? Or, just in theory, was it an uncomfortable scene for her to do?
Please forgive me if I repeat myself a lot... my memories not what they used to be.... what was I saying?
Sally, who's betting Amanda's baby is a girl!
I often wondered about how many times she had to go through the ordeal of having that "blood of Sokar" poured down her throat and how the heck she kept from choking. That was a nasty scene. And it looked very real.
I found another Amanda quote (on whacking herself with her weapon, once again from The Illustrated Companion, Seasons 1/2) ... this is from The First Commandment as she went down to save the worker from one of Jonas' guards:
"It was the first cheery moment I got to play ... I remember doing this punch when I hit the guy and say, 'Well, that was refreshing.' Though when I did it, because of the way I had my gun slung at the time, it swung around and whacked me on the hip and I'm like, 'Wow! That hurts.' So it was kind of like karma. I hit someone, so I got hit back."
And it would be kinda cute if she had a girl! Amanda's so at home in the world of men that this would bring a new challenge. Wonder if she would even consider Samantha as a baby name?!
I know what you mean here, but I think there is only a very small part of fandom that is this negative (it is there I know and they can be vicious to Sam and quite vocal!). I think that a majority of fans who criticize Sam's behavior or character at times do this mainly because they really like the character and don't want her to be written in a way that they see untrue to the character. Personally, I'd rather that the Sam character get alot of attention (with praise and constructive criticism) than little attention. Seems like most fans like her but Sam (as the female lead) gets caught between so many factions (ship with Jack to anti-ship with Jack or Pete; the female who can't be too "girly" or too "butch", being too much of a scientist to not being enough of a soldier/leader; being too smart/supersam to be being too stupid; etc). With all the expectations thrust on this one female character, I think she is holding up remarkably well! (Hey, I wonder if my first ever smilie worked?)
When reading the Gemini posts, of those who didn't like it, most I think are not bashing Sam--they are bashing the writers for the characterization of Sam in this episode. I actually liked the potential here for Sam (thanks to the refreshing insight from posters on this thread about Sam's potential character development from this episode).
Ain't it the truth?! Darned if you do; darned if you don't. All of us brilliant and beautiful and assertive women seem to have that same problem ...
Sam (as the female lead) gets caught between so many factions (ship with Jack to anti-ship with Jack or Pete; the female who can't be too "girly" or too "butch", being too much of a scientist to not being enough of a soldier/leader; being too smart/supersam to be being too stupid; etc). With all the expectations thrust on this one female character, I think she is holding up remarkably well!
That just about sums it up, chocdoc. AT is as much a hero as her character is, for being such a good sport about all this.
A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
"In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."
ok, i won't spoil a lot, but did amanda kick bootie in reck 2 or what??????
spoilers for 1 &2
ok, so she stabbed Yu, really wicked, then tortured daniel and ran him through. damn, she's wicked!!
RC and sam's voices were slightly different, so was her demeanor. and the look on her face when she killed daniel....wow
i soooo can't wait for threads. i have a funny feeling we're gonna have some great sam stuff coming, her and dad, her and jack, and man, how is daniel going to deal with her killing him???
ok, i won't spoil a lot, but did amanda kick bootie in reck 2 or what??????
spoilers for reckoning I&II
I LOVED AT as RC. Her voice was kind of calm and ladylike but her face was very hard-looking. Except for those times when Daniel started pushing back at her. That look on her face at the end when she ran Daniel thru was so evil. I loved ALL the scenes between Daniel and RC. They were great together.
Also loved the scenes between Sam and Jacob and Baal. Baal is so deliciously evil but I swear I think he and Sam had some sparkage there.
Can't wait until Threads airs. Going to be lots of fallout.
Can't wait until Threads airs. Going to be lots of fallout.
threads/reckoning spoilers
and then some. especially after sam's 'god' cracks...up next, walking on water...and i'm willing to bet that that .76 is why jacob is ill. he was too close and is sick/dying
so, in a way, sam's killed her dad (presuming he dies, if not, she certainly didn't do him much good)
ooh, and then, seeing as how MS has signed on for s9, we all know he's gotta resurrect yet again....man how will he like working around sam knowing that her evil twin shishkabobed him??
Gateworld is back! Yay! So did all of you miss this thread as much as I did? Let the Samanda praising resume!
yes, me! I missed this thread. At first I thought I only missed Gateworld, but then I realised it was really this thread I was missing most. Yay for it being back!
But now I am currntly not reading your posts because I've heard Reckoning is really good and I don't want to spoil any of it for myself. And we've only just had Full Alert here.
By the way, did we lose some of the last posts here when Gateworld went down? There were a few that I read just before it went down, and they don't seem to be here anymore? Just wondering if I'm delusional.