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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by JanSam View Post
    Thanks Sky for allowing Mandy and I to have loads of fun with Ann with this one!!!! rofl
    Oh sure make fun of the poor shipper girl who is staying away from spoilers...I guessed the
    entire cast including McKay & Pete and not once did I come up with Lorne... Who would have thought?

    Trust me shippers stay away! lol Not as bad as I was imagining...
    Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 24 January 2007, 08:00 AM.


      Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
      okay just a little question for those who saw the last few eps (especially TRNT as I guess my question emanates mostly from what I have "read" about it since I have not been able to see it yet)

      from what I have been able to gleen from the spoilers I have read I am making an assumption that it seems that they have effectively put a larger arc in place for Carter with the fact that while in AU she was able to get the device to work to cloak earth and effectively save the planet. It seems that this newfound knowledge on her part will allow them to put the character more squarely into the Ori fight - is this just my ignorant musings and idyllic hopes getting too high for the rest of S10 or do those that have seen the 3 eps for second half of S10 feel there is a distinct turn in effort to bring Carter back into the central arc and theme of the show in a more substantive way than has been done since season 7?

      Thanks to anyone who wishes to theorize, agree or disagree and provide alternate speculation on the future of Carter in S10.
      I am not sure about the rest of S10, but I agree with you it looks hopeful.

      Even beyond S10, I think it is very encouraging for Sam and for AT overall - I think her character seems to be important to the franchise as a whole - 14 eps of SGA, both movies, and hopefully beyond!

      At least for as long as the franchise continues - which may be awhile, since recent episodes seem to be hitting the mark.

      I am happy for AT that the character she worked so hard to develope now has some meaty episodes. It must be hard to be wallpapered, still do a good job, and still have a good attitude. I think I read an interview that mentioned Amanda decided if her character was only given a few lines, so be it, no complaining, and she would make those lines the best she could... or something close to that.

      Exciting year - for Sam and AT with all the SG changes and new projects...

      This is all my take on it but I definitely do not know anything about the TV business... it is probably a very fluid situation and I presume future SGA episodes could be rewritten depending on the ratings for current Sam-centric episodes?
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        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        TRNT spoilers
        only a little

        Sam and Evan sitting in a tree


        hey, i LOVE my lorney-porney. he's so gorgous and, imho, the best character on atlantis. It's just hit me that i'll get sam and lorne together next season

        oh, and i'm also getting a kick out of yet another fic idea of mine seeing the light of day --- Mirror, Mirror pt 1 had sam/lorne ship in it (yes, au sam and au lorne, but still)

        oh, sam/jack folks....dont' click on the link.
        Clever, Sky, put the warning after the spoiler tags! You know we are spoiler sluts. But seriously,
        Lorne needs a woman (not Sam), but I want a love interest for Lorne...and Lorne without his shirt. Actually, I don't care if he gets a love interest. I'll just take a shirtless Lorne please.

        Having said that, if you write a Sam/Lorne then I'll give it a look. I can handle your Sam/Teal'c, and I don't think Sam/Lorne fanfic would bother me as long as on screen is !

        After seeing these caps,
        I have decided that hubby will probably be slapt repeatedly when this episode finally airs in the U.S., and if his 17 year old brother is with us that weekend then I'm watching this one in a seperate room. She is beautiful though, and if I had her figure (translate boobies) I'd own that dress.
        Last edited by Gate gal; 23 January 2007, 07:57 PM.


          Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
          Clever, Sky, put the warning after the spoiler tags! You know we are spoiler sluts. But seriously,
          Lorne needs a woman (not Sam), but I want a love interest for Lorne...and Lorne without his shirt. Actually, I don't care if he gets a love interest. I'll just take a shirtless Lorne please.

          Having said that, if you write a Sam/Lorne then I'll give it a look. I can handle your Sam/Teal'c, and I don't think Sam/Lorne fanfic would bother me as long as on screen is !

          After seeing these caps,
          I have decided that hubby will probably be slapt repeatedly when this episode finally airs in the U.S., and if his 17 year old brother is with us that weekend then I'm watching this one in a seperate room. She is beautiful though, and if I had her figure (translate boobies) I'd own that dress.

          The thing that is so sad is the fact that Amanda has mentioned on numerous occassions that she feels rather awkward with the girly scenes. At AT2, she jokingly mentioned the awards show she hosted this year and how they had her pose for the photographers. I think I have several pictures of her where she was showing us how they asked her to push her shoulders back to emphasize her cleavage and she this really funny look on her face.

          As wonderful as most of us think she looked in that dress, I can't imagine her feeling extremely comfortable during the filming. After seeing the dresses she wore at the FMA and awards show this year, this dressed seemed rather tame for me. I actually thought the back of the dress was more eye popping that the front. She has a really lovely back and shoulders.


            Here are some caps someone took and put on the 'TRNT' episode thread. There's some really nice ones.


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              Here are some caps someone took and put on the 'TRNT' episode thread. There's some really nice ones.
              i know, they were nice.

              i liked this one the most (amanda so purdy) -




                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i know, they were nice.

                i liked this one the most (amanda so purdy) -

                My favorite is the last.
                Sam's gorgeous in that dress, but even in simple BDU's there's an elegance to her.


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  My favorite is the last.
                  Sam's gorgeous in that dress, but even in simple BDU's there's an elegance to her.

                  she's just groovy.




                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    same for me. I'm gonna have a little help seeing a couple of them - gotta love us mail - but most will be unseen.

                    i wish i could remain unspoiled. inevitably someone gets into a fight with someone else in the eps thread and....there goes spoiler free
                    *risks getting Sky and her Noodle of DOOM! all riled up by hugging Sky

                    I hear ya Sky, I hear ya. I wish I could help. It's gotta suck that you have to deal with seeing spoilers when you'd really rather not.
                    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                      I know I joke about the


                      but it actually isn't about that for me...

                      Honestly, at the end of the day, I'd prefer that no one felt a pressure to dress or behave in a particular way simply because of societal norms. I mean to say, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that one dress to a certain minimum standard (i.e., don't wear dirty sackcloth to a formal occassion), but neither do I think it's reasonable to demand (either explicity or implicitly) that a person "flaunt it if s/he's got it."


                        Here's some screen caps from The Road Not Travelled.

                        Last edited by ForeverSg1; 23 January 2007, 10:11 PM.


                          Thanks for the pics, Kat!


                          In this ep, we seemed to get a bunch of different kinds of Sam: Civvies!Sam, BDU!Sam, Formal!Sam and a personal favorite of mine... DressBlues!Sam.

                          On what looks like an interview?

                          This pic: made me laugh. That is such a classic look on her face.


                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

                            In this ep, we seemed to get a bunch of different kinds of Sam: Civvies!Sam, BDU!Sam, Formal!Sam and a personal favorite of mine... DressBlues!Sam.
                            Yup! Good call!
                            We also got both Scientist and Fight-in-the-Parking-Lot!Sam.

                            Also thought it was cool they were able to bring back Julia Donovan. Ah, good times, good times.


                              Originally posted by DEM View Post
                              Yup! Good call!
                              We also got both Scientist and Fight-in-the-Parking-Lot!Sam.

                              Also thought it was cool they were able to bring back Julia Donovan. Ah, good times, good times.
                              Ah yes. Now there's a character you love to roll your eyes at.

                              Seriously though, there are so many screen caps flying around, and I keep finding these priceless expressions amongst them. Here are some more from the Vala/Sam thread.


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                i have no problem with the cleavage stuff, because amanda IS gorgeous and what's wrong with showing what you've got? i mean really.
                                'the road not taken' sounds like another wonderful sam ep to look forward too!
                                still wonder, though, why they
                                didn't mention jack in the ep.

                                I agree...I never used to...but now...I don't care what anyone thinks...I'm sick of hiding em...amd I can't wait to see TRNT...sounds like another awesome Sam ep...yeehaa...go rock!!
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                TRNT spoilers
                                only a little
                                Sam and Evan sitting in a tree
                                hey, i LOVE my lorney-porney. he's so gorgous and, imho, the best character on atlantis. It's just hit me that i'll get sam and lorne together next season
                                oh, and i'm also getting a kick out of yet another fic idea of mine seeing the light of day --- Mirror, Mirror pt 1 had sam/lorne ship in it (yes, au sam and au lorne, but still)

                                oh, sam/jack folks....dont' click on the link.
                                What?..the spoiler link thingy?..too late...already soon as I see spoiler tags I click...but that's ok...I'm not worried...
                                it's all AR anyway!!

                                Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                                I didn't have a problem with that at all. Amanda is a very, very fine woman and well it would be a shame not to show that. I don't think there's anything inherently bad about showing off a beautiful body, and this is TV after all. Besides, I don't recall hearing too many, if any at all, complaints from the ladies when Shanks or Judge appear topless
                                Yes she is absolutely gorgeous...I got no problems with it either!
                                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                                Aw, c'mon, S/J shippers got that whole
                                fishing reference in LitS
                                ... Poor Carter. The gal's gotta have some flexibility for fun, after all. Share the Sam-lurve, people. There's more than enough to go around.

                                ps-> AD, you are way wise beyond your years young padawan.
                                and i'm not referring to your cleavage commentary, either
                                It's frightening how wise AD can be...for one so young!

                                Wow...I knew I'd miss something good when I went to work...D'oH!
                                Thank you everyone for the awesome pics and snipets of the new ep...hope you all had a great day/night...take care, be safe and stay happy...and don't forget to hug your loved ones!

                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

