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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by DEM View Post
    Who can guess what DEM blurted out at the monitor?


      Originally posted by scarimor View Post
      Dang! I think scari won the prize

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by scarimor View Post
        y'know what's really scary? DEM is a very bad influence, because thats exactly what i said when i saw it.


          Originally posted by stargate barbie View Post
          y'know what's really scary? DEM is a very bad influence, because thats exactly what i said when i saw it.
          Heh heh heh heh heh




            It sounds like an awesome episode. Unfortunately I will be a way for a few days and I won't see it until at least next Tuesday! I mean, it's unfortunate that I won't see it, not that I'm going away. Because that part is good.

            Have fun everyone! Go hug some loved ones.
            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


              The Road Not Taken
              Holy frak, that was the best episode in like forever. I'm going to put that one above even episodes from seasons 1-3 (arguably Stargate's prime) it was that good.
              Quick points:
              • Major Lorne! Though I dunno if he was actually a Major, but anyway he was leading Alt!SG1 And it seems like Lorne and Alt!Carter were quite close, first name basis, pics of them hugging etc.
              • General Hammond! Whooo. Back in charge of the SGC It almost felt like old times
              • Billionaire Stock Broker McKay! Ex-husband of Alt!Sam Hahahaha. "OMG, you're a lesbian" - BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
              • The evening dress! The skirt, jacket and leather boots! SAM BEATING UP TWO GOONS IN SAID SKIRT, JACKET AND BOOTS!!!
              • Disabled War Veteran Mitchell! Browder did an awesome job there, with the wheel chair, whisky in the coffee, smoking etc. The only thing that took me slightly out of that scene was the wig he had.... I swear that's the same wig that Geek!Daniel had in Moebius...
              • The real SG1 taking shifts sitting in the room for two weeks to keep Sam company because they thought she was stuck out of phase
              • The Sam/Vala hug!

              Very awesome episode. And not just awesome because of the shallow parts I listed above - it had a very good plot too. Also, some very interesting character moments for Sam and possibly more to come in future episodes, based on what happened here too. Her refusal to let democracy and freedom and justice slide in the name of planetary defence. Her protest at Earth basically cutting off ties with the rest of the galaxy and leaving them high and dry. Her willingness to speak out against the actions of the government in an attempt to incite public opposition. The point President Landry made to her, about the road that her reality's government could take when they realise they could use her device to retreat into isolation.
              It definitely makes my top10 Stargate episodes of all time, and easily top1 episode from season 9 and 10.


                Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                Sites like Youtube have shown the validity of the Internet as a distribution medium.
                There's a mockumentry made by a couple of Canadian gamers called 'Pure Pwnage' that has been distributed free of charge through bittorrent. It averages about 3 million downloads per episode (very rough estimate, since its hard to accurately determine the actual amount of people downloading through peer to peer protocols. It's probably higher than that.). 3 million viewers is more than most Canadian shows broadcast on tv. 3 million viewers is probably more than the ratings Stargate gets for its US audience. And this is a show that was filmed on a camera borrowed from their university. TV networks would kill for those kind of ratings
                Except that YouTube is commercial free.

                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Question for you Kat

                Do you know how the direct to internet shows work? Do you need iTunes?
                There is a huge problem, apparently, with iTunes's being incompatible with other companies' systems. As things stand now, they're the biggest player on the playground, but they may soon be beaten by some of the littler players who get along better with others. (OK, overblown metaphor ends here.)

                Originally posted by TheNarims View Post
                If it is really going to be shown on the internet, then it is hopefully going to be open for all the people who want to watch it. Because now that almost all have credit cards, it should be easy for them to make the series for example a pay per view series.
                I can't see them getting the initial distribution they need if they distribute it solely for purchase on the internet because most folks aren't willing to pay for a show sight unseen. It seems that shows that don't make a huge splash initially get cancelled quickly. I wonder if SG-1 would make it as a new series now. That initial two year commitment from Showtime seemed to make SG-1 more viable than it otherwise would have been.

                Now, after all the naysaying has been gotten out of the way, I have to say I'm psyched. I mean, it's Amanda and Martin Wood. I can't think of a better combination.

                *bounces with glee*

                In memory of Deejay.
                May we all be so well loved.


                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  Except that YouTube is commercial free.
                  Not really. Alot of big networks are using it now. I know NBC was a fairly big presence on it.

                  But what I meant is that YouTube has shown the validity of viral marketing. If you can make something that people want to watch (the first big step), the Internet can take care of the other big step (getting it out to the people who do want to watch it).


                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                    Not really. Alot of big networks are using it now. I know NBC was a fairly big presence on it.

                    But what I meant is that YouTube has shown the validity of viral marketing. If you can make something that people want to watch (the first big step), the Internet can take care of the other big step (getting it out to the people who do want to watch it).
                    What I've seen of viral marketing, though, has been limited to short stand-alones. How big of a presence can NBC be when the longest video that can be posted is less than ten minutes?

                    You're right when you point out how much penetration into the potential market the site has made. The problem is that more money has to be found after the pilot is aired, and I don't know how much revenue this type of site can generate to support a show like the one Amanda and her partners are trying to get off the ground.

                    In memory of Deejay.
                    May we all be so well loved.


                      Originally posted by DEM View Post
                      Who can guess what DEM blurted out at the monitor?
                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                      I would guess something that rhymes with "duck pee"?
                      Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                      I knew exactly what DEM would say before she asked us what she said!
                      Last edited by scifithinker; 23 January 2007, 05:16 PM. Reason: deleted for lack of spoiler tags

                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        What I've seen of viral marketing, though, has been limited to short stand-alones. How big of a presence can NBC be when the longest video that can be posted is less than ten minutes?
                        I've seen many videos longer than 10 minutes? If you can get people watching your videos on YouTube, and have a link to your website in the description, that's all you really need. BitTorrent can take care of the high quality, lengthy videos if your popularity takes off - BitTorrent is perfect for that.

                        You're right when you point out how much penetration into the potential market the site has made. The problem is that more money has to be found after the pilot is aired, and I don't know how much revenue this type of site can generate to support a show like the one Amanda and her partners are trying to get off the ground.
                        Financing is the biggest issue for sure. The internet has been a major kick in the pants to the networks and their advertisers, because it's showing that the old systems doesn't work anymore. I don't think it will be too long before they companies that are willing to pioneer will come up with a viable business solution to Internet television though. There's lots of money to be made, and where there's money to be made, there is innovation.


                          Here are a few screen caps from Road Not Taken. Spoilers


                          click for bigger


                            Some more caps from Road Not Taken. Spoilers


                            click for bigger


                              I had to delete this from my last post because I couldn't figure out how to add spoiler tags on an edit, so I'll try again.

                              A little subtlety would have been nice. I don't need to see half of AT's breasts on TV to know that she's an attractive woman. (Nor do I want to see half of AT's breasts on SG-1.) Some cleavage is perfectly fine, but there's a little overkill going on here.

                              In memory of Deejay.
                              May we all be so well loved.


                                well, like she said at shore leave
                                'since i had olivia, it's all about the boobs'

                                it's a fashion that i'm not fond of. I'm probably a stick in the mud, but i was raised to keep them under cover and under control - ie ya don't run around bra-less...and mine aren't even that big

                                but that's not the fashion now so....i wear what works for me and let others do what they want. ain't my boobies anyway
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


