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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
    Hey this sounds like a great idea Gate gal! I can see that happening and it would be a blast for Amanda to play!
    so sam but not really so that would explain how Sam is in two different galaxies... I like it!
    Oh, and, of course, at some point
    SG1 plus Sam could come to SGA for an episode and Sam could do hand to hand combat with Replicarter. I love the whole good vs. evil thing, especially when good and evil have the same face.


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
      My Results:

      Samantha Carter - 90%
      Jack O'Neill - 74%
      Thor - 62%
      Daniel Jackson - 59%
      General Hammond - 45%
      Teal'c - 42%
      Dr. Frasier - 30%
      A Goa'uld - 18%
      Yours is similar to mine--where did all the Goa'uld come from?!!

      Your results:
      You are Samantha Carter
      Samantha Carter
      Jack O'Neill
      Daniel Jackson
      General Hammond
      Dr. Frasier
      A Goa'uld
      You are highly intelligent and
      enjoy scientific challenges,
      but you also obey the rules.



        Thanks for the birthday wishes!

        Now, someone needs to locate my twin and bring her over here before the day is over!

        ETA: And Gate gal, I'm so lovin' that idea.


          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
          I haven't found a similar quiz yet but here's one where you can find your Atlantis buddy
          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
          Hey, I just found a simliar quiz for Atlantis
          Well, my Atlantis buddy is Beckett: "Hope a little bit of blood and guts doesn't bother you. If you lived on Atlantis, you'd be spending most of your time in the infirmary alongside Dr Carson Beckett, where you'll face many weird diseases... and Rodney McKay's bad temper."

          Which is quite fitting as I'm apparently 83% Rodney.


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
            You don't like Sam/Rodney scenes?

            Oh I do.

            But I don't want the writers to waste all of her time there pairing them together...and I mean that both figuratively and literally.

            I'm scared they'll fall back on them like a crutch though...because allowing characters to develop non-typical/non-cliche'd friendships takes too much work.
            I liked them at first on SG1 and actually enjoyed Grace Under Pressure, but Atlantis spends so much time w/Rodney that he bugs me. And I think it would be a waste of Sam to *only* have her interact w/ Rodney.


              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
              And for my 900th post...
              900! Holy Hannah! Congratulations on your milestone! Actually, Congratulations to everyone who achieved a milestone today!



                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                I liked them at first on SG1 and actually enjoyed Grace Under Pressure, but Atlantis spends so much time w/Rodney that he bugs me. And I think it would be a waste of Sam to *only* have her interact w/ Rodney.
                I agree. As much as I enjoy Rodney and Sheppard, I've grown to resent them thanks to the constant focus on them. I enjoy them apart, and I can even ignore the fact that the show has become "Stargate: McShep" for me. But I don't think I'll like the series anymore if, instead of Sheppard and Rodney taking up the spotlight, it was Sam and Rodney.

                I'm still looking forward to AT's contribution to the series. I just hope they don't make the same mistakes they've made in the past.


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post

                  (((((NZBG)))))) I hope you feel better soon...

                  well ann_sgcfan and I came up with 3 funny ones of season 1:
                  *Hathor: has some funny lines in it and it has Sam in command and lots of Janet...and great friendship and Sam and Jack ship has it all
                  *the nox: just funny lines and all...
                  *tin man: well just cause it is funny to see 2 of each
                  In The Nox, I love it when they're killed & revived & Daniel's checking Sam's (now nonexistent) wound & she wakes up and says: "Hey, what are you looking at?"


                    Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                    Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GALS!


                      Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                      900! Holy Hannah! Congratulations on your milestone! Actually, Congratulations to everyone who achieved a milestone today!

                      Hey MegYn you have your own milestone today too! Congrats on 100 posts!


                        Happy Birthday Dancer and Major Sam!!!


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          I liked them at first on SG1 and actually enjoyed Grace Under Pressure, but Atlantis spends so much time w/Rodney that he bugs me. And I think it would be a waste of Sam to *only* have her interact w/ Rodney.
                          Okay then I think we're on the same page.

                          As long as she does more than banter with McKay, I'm fine with her having scenes with him. I do enjoy their banter but I'd really love it if they used her to make use of and develop other people than either one of the Chosen Two that they spend the bulk of their time on.

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Happy Birthday Ladies!!!

                            Congrats on the 100 and 900 posts!


                            I'm most like Shep in the Atlantis Quiz

                            Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX
                              Samantha Carter ..... 77%
                              Daniel Jackson ........ 64%
                              A Goa'uld ............... 53%
                              Thor ..................... 47%
                              Jack O'Neill ............. 46%
                              Teal'c .................... 32%
                              Janet Frasier ........... 30%
                              General Hammond ..... 25%


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                                Okay then I think we're on the same page.

                                As long as she does more than banter with McKay, I'm fine with her having scenes with him. I do enjoy their banter but I'd really love it if they used her to make use of and develop other people than either one of the Chosen Two that they spend the bulk of their time on.
                                Yep, same page Über. I'm looking forward to the SG women ficathon b/c it will be interesting to see how our people see Sam w/ other characters such as Weir & Teyla. Anyone know if that's actually still on?

