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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

    Sam: "Who the hell keeps taking all the blue jello from the commissary? Don't they know it's my favourite?"


      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

      Sam: "Who the hell keeps taking all the blue jello from the commissary? Don't they know it's my favourite?"


      Well that explains it

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
        DEM, Scari's accent struck me as being a quite proper British accent.
        Strix, I was trying to articulate what I thought Scari's accent was like, and that's exactly it! Good call. Scari and TJ were both easy to understand, even though it was sometimes hard to hear each other amongst the noise. We were a bit of a rowdy bunch.

        Golfbooy, in regards to what you said earlier about things that were said (yikes) four or five pages earlier... Yeah, I totally know what you mean. Personally, I watch Atlantis, and will probably continue to watch it after SG-1. My expectations of the show have declined since S1, but I still dig the actors (probably for their personalities), so I'll support them when and where I can.

        So, by virtue of I guess the same kind of morals that drove me to detest S9, I really don't want AT to be used, as you said, like some sort of writing crutch when it suits TPTB at the expense of the other actors who work very hard to bring so much to their characters.

        For one thing, she can do so much more than the drivel they've continued to create for a year and a half or so - give or take - and I'd much rather see her devote her time and energy to a brand, new project over which SHE has creative control. It's quite obvious that, despite how long the actors have dedicated their time to the show, there are only a select few who are actually listened to by TPTB...

        For another, yes, it's not a good environment to walk into - and though Atlantis fans seem more docile than certain SG-1 fans, I don't think that will be the case should characters like Sheppard, Weir or even Teyla and Ronon seem remotely "threatened" by Sam Carter's presence - and I don't think Rodney's status will ever be threatened.

        And again, I have issues with BW not because he didn't write opportunities for the characters to develop, but because as an EP he didn't deem it necessary to expect it or ask it of his writing staff. BW made excuses not only for RCC's work on SG-1, but his own work on Atlantis. He allowed the same characters to be brought to the forefront, most likely because it was easier to pull off, so in my mind he's not much better than RCC. I think he took the easy way out in many situations, so whether he, M&M or RCC are EPs of Atlantis, I don't expect Carter to be used in a way that doesn't tick off a whole lot of people - myself included. His whinging in his last GW interview months ago didn't help his case either... But again, we'll see how TPTB (whoever they may be) deal with Atlantis as a whole.

        And they haven't wasted any time, if the rumors of cast changes is any indication...
        It's beginning to look as if Jewel Staite is to CB/BB as Paul McGillion is to AT - she's the actor who'll simply be doing her job, but whose presence is clearly a ploy to maintain ratings in the absence of the stronger SG-1 cast. It's unfortunate, but someone at GABIT, who's spoken with Paul, pretty much confirmed that it's a done deal, so poor Staite will surely be bearing the brunt of his fans' anger.

        ETA: 40 viewers on the thread, eh?


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
          Ok, here's my guess on the video clips. Im sure I missed a ton as well as got many wrong, but...


          Children of the Gods
          Sam - Crusade, ?, ITLOD
          Death Knell
          Teal'c - ?, Reckoning Pt. I, Children of the Gods
          Arthur's Mantle
          New Order Pt. 1
          Vala - Memento Mori, The Powers That Be, Prometheus Unbound
          Memento Mori
          The Powers That Be
          Jack - Paradise Lost, ?, Window of Opportunity
          New Order Pt 2
          Daniel - Absolute Power, Momento Mori, Reckoning I
          Crystal Skull
          Full Circle
          Mitchell - Ethon, Collateral Damage, Avalon Pt. 1
          Landry - ?
          Hammond - ?
          Fraiser - Heroes Pt. I
          Heroes Pt. II
          Lost City Pt. II
          Paradise Lost
          The Powers That Be
          Avalon Pt. I
          Full Circle
          Avalon Pt. I
          Reckoning Pt. II
          Lost City Pt. II
          Heroes Pt. II
          Reckoning Pt. 2
          Pegasus Project
're good. And yet, you missed so many. Not really but I wanted to tease you.

          BTW...the quality for the one on YouTube really crashed and burned. So I uploaded it to my server. If you'd like to see it, feel free to download it from here (it's only 5.72MB):

          My Video

          Okay as for the episodes, here they are:
          Season 1:
          Children of the Gods

          Season 2:
          In the Line of Duty

          Season 3:
          Crystal Skull

          Season 4:
          Window of Opportunity

          Season 5:
          The Fifth Man

          Season 6:
          Paradise Lost
          Full Circle

          Season 7:
          Death Knell
          Lost City 1 and 2
          Avenger 2.0
          Heroes 2

          Season 8:
          Reckoning 2
          New Order 1 and 2
          Prometheus Unbound

          Season 9:
          Ripple Effect
          Off the Grid
          Arthur's Mantle
          The Powers that Be
          Collateral Damage
          Avalon 1 and 2

          Season 10:
          Flesh and Blood
          Memento Mori
          Pegasus Project
          Counter Strike
          We'll find out tomorrow who the top 10 videos are. I'd love to hope that I made it there but I have no idea as to what was produced by the other contestants nor how many there are and therefore can't even begin to guess my odds.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
            Sam: "Who the hell keeps taking all the blue jello from the commissary? Don't they know it's my favourite?"
            Oh my goodness! I forgot quite how excited I was! I had actually been crying with excitement over the fact that I had blue jello (I'm easy to please)

            Great caption as well, CG.
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              i can't reply to foreversg1's post (pictures of amanda crying over total made for charity), so i'm 'quick replying'...

              WOW! those pics of amanda... ((((((((((((amanda))))))))))))

              and that total! (in US dollars, that's $41,513.49)

              thanks for sharing, FS!!




                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                I think a lot of us are just starting to come out of the clouds and process our experience but do know that what majorsal is talking about is very important to Amanda.

                So ... here's the question again, Samandans. Do take time to answer honestly. I do believe that AT spends time on fan threads and values our support ...

                If Sam Carter will be spending more time on Atlantis, what would you like to see? What role should Sam play? Commander of the Odyssey? Co-scientist with McKay? Fellow warrior with Teyla on a mission?

                What would be your concerns about Sam moving over to Atlantis? Do you think she will fit in with the veteran cast? How will she contribute to the Atlantis arc?

                Put your thinking caps on and be imaginative! If you were writing Atlantis and incorporating Sam ... where would you take her?!

                Let's all play with this a bit. I think it's important to Amanda.

                Peace, CG

                my number one concern/worry is about ship. something that started off just fun *has* become an issue with me because it become an issue with others (this includes and is especially with the ppl making the show).

                one way or the other, i want the sam/jack issue resolved. for me, i'd like to see sam and jack married, but i know that's not what some others want or feel. but i'm not trying to start a discussion, just voicing what my concerns/feelings are on sam coming over to atlantis, amongst other things. but if they're married, i will finally be able to ENJOY the s/j ship turning into a relationship, and i won't have to worry about them shipping sam off with anyone else (like mckay).

                this s/j storyline needs to be resolved. if it's resolved the way i want (marriage), i might be able to actually enjoy sam's time on atlantis (without dread).

                my hopes and desires for sam go beyond this issue (obviously, or i wouldn't be here), but it's went on too long to ignore or sweep under the rug. or by trivializing it into it a one-night stand.

                sorry nonshippers/anti shippers for living up to your expectations, but this storyline (and this fan) has been beaten up for too long. this is *my* biggest concern.




                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                  my hopes and desires for sam go beyond this issue (obviously, or i wouldn't be here), but it's went on too long to ignore or sweep under the rug. or by trivializing it into it a one-night stand.

                  Talking of ship, that reminds me of a couple of hilarious moments from Gabit.

                  Everytime a kiss came on in the music vids at the beginning of her Q&A panels, there would be cheers from the crowd. So Amanda started asking about Sam/Jack shippers, Sam/Pete shippers and so on and then asked if there were any other shippers out there.

                  I yelled out "Sam/Janet!" (Scari has said repeatedly how much she loves me for that, LOL). So, anyway. After a few whoops and cheers, Amanda tips her head to one side and goes "Sam/Janet? Hmmmm. Hmmmmm. Yeah, that could work. It would be a nice alternate reality. Hey, I should phone Teryl" and proceeds to act out phoning Teryl.

                  Someone then shouts "Sam/Thor" to which she replied "SICKO! There's always one! Have you seen Thor up close? I mean, he's one of those guys that has to overcompensate with a really big car. Good job he has a great personality, if you know what I mean."

                  Later on in the session, she talked about the Sam/Jack ship and said that she just wish they'd jump into bed together for one night and get the whole thing out their system and go "Yeah, that was good" then get on with things.

                  I think. Did I report all that right?
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                    I got the impression she was concerned about the potential fan reaction to her being used on Atlantis. I may be in the minority, but I've said all along that I wouldn't mind seeing Sam on Atlantis since I'm such a huge fan of the character. I like the Sam/McKay chemistry, and I think the writers do, too, but I also think it could grow old quickly, if that's ALL that they focused on.
                    it'll be weird for me to watch *sam* on another show (i don't watch atlantis), but i'll watch amanda do a constipation commercial, that's how much i like this woman.

                    i can understand her fear, since she's seen how mitchell and vala have been received by fans that have had their fave character(s) swept to the side for them. and the sad fact is, sam (and teal'c) HAVE been swept to the side. from the bit i've read from atlantis fans, they're afraid of this happening with their fave characters.

                    I think having Sam command the Odyssey would be the best role for her. It would be a command position, one in which she wouldn't be stealing a role from someone else. And yet, she would still have to opportunity to work with McKay, although not necessarily in "competition" for the scientist role. I would love to watch her interaction with Weir in that role.
                    but doesn't skinner (the actor from x-files) command that ship? or some ship. would fans of this character be mad?

                    this is just another reflection of poor series leadership, if the fans only cry fear when a new character is introduced.




                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      Ha. Ha. Ha.

                      Right. Sure. Yeah.
                      Well, can they really make him less tolerable?

                      On second thoughts, I wouldn't put it past them.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        *Gets ready to catch Sally as she faints*

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          OK. Until I can figure out the privacy details, what I've decided to do is post a 'smaller' version of the poster we presented to Amanda so that everyone can see generally what it looked like. It's impossible to get the impact of it no matter how large I post it as a JPG anyway I'm afraid (live, it was very large and every signature was clear - it's not the same virtually). But it'll at least give you a notion. Picture it 30 inches by 36 inches, it took two of us to hold it up (thank you Sky!! and Sky - who is the sweetest, loveliest person you could ever meet, by the way - she actually DID have to drag me out in front of Amanda by the arm! I was a real deer in headlights!)

                          Please also note ChopinGal's lovely poetic introduction at the top right...


                          Simply amazing, minigeek. Chopingal---nice intro!


                            You know, I don't think the ship issue between Sam and Jack will ever be resolved. And I don't mean resolved PROPERLY, or resolved for the good of all... I mean, I don't think it'll be resolved. And, I hate to say it, but I've never been so happy that ship was so ignored at the convention. There were a couple of questions, but for the most part, there were no questions in regards to how it's going to work out between Sam and Jack in the end... And ya know what, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm kinda glad.

                            My main concerns are how Sam is going to be used on the team, how AT will be utilized within the franchise, and how the SG-1 team will work together in the end. As much as I'd like for it to be hinted that Sam and Jack get together between the series finale and the TV movie, if it doesn't happen, I'm thinking it's for the best - especially if Sam is the only SG-1 character who will live on in Atlantis.

                            ETA: 4300 posts. Whooot.

                            Here's one more full-sized pic...

                            Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 21 November 2006, 04:33 PM.


                              Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                              I think having Sam command the Odyssey would be the best role for her. It would be a command position, one in which she wouldn't be stealing a role from someone else. And yet, she would still have to opportunity to work with McKay, although not necessarily in "competition" for the scientist role. I would love to watch her interaction with Weir in that role.
                              It's also a role that can be made as big or as small as it is needed to be and one that would allow Sam to participate in the Atlantis adventures without taking away from another character's role. I don't see Sam trying to wrest control of Atlantis away from Weir, or insisting that she should be Atlantis' military commander - unless it was some kind of freaky bizarro-verse where McKay is humility and modesty personified and Vala has taken a vow of chastity (that she intends to keep) - and the role would give her plenty of scope to interact with the other characters.

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                                You know, I don't think the ship issue between Sam and Jack will ever be resolved. And I don't mean resolved PROPERLY, or resolved for the good of all... I mean, I don't think it'll be resolved. And, I hate to say it, but I've never been so happy that ship was so ignored at the convention. There were a couple of questions, but for the most part, there were no questions in regards to how it's going to work out between Sam and Jack in the end... And ya know what, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm kinda glad.

                                My main concerns are how Sam is going to be used on the team, how AT will be utilized within the franchise, and how the SG-1 team will work together in the end. As much as I'd like for it to be hinted that Sam and Jack get together between the series finale and the TV movie, if it doesn't happen, I'm thinking it's for the best - especially if Sam is the only SG-1 character who will live on in Atlantis.
                                I want a happy ending ship-wise, but I'm also afraid of what TPTB will do with it if they do try to resolve it. As fun as a wedding on the ramp with all the trimmings could be, I don't think I actually want to see it on the show.

                                I don't want to see TPTB ruin ship.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

