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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
    I think a lot of us are just starting to come out of the clouds and process our experience but do know that what majorsal is talking about is very important to Amanda.

    So ... here's the question again, Samandans. Do take time to answer honestly. I do believe that AT spends time on fan threads and values our support ...

    If Sam Carter will be spending more time on Atlantis, what would you like to see? What role should Sam play? Commander of the Odyssey? Co-scientist with McKay? Fellow warrior with Teyla on a mission?

    What would be your concerns about Sam moving over to Atlantis? Do you think she would fit in with the veteran cast? How would she contribute around the Atlantis arc?

    Put your thinking caps on and be imaginative! If you writing Atlantis and incorporating Sam ... where would you take her?!

    Maybe Sky can play with this question with the other GW mods and create a poll/survey for all the many fanbases to weigh in on how they'd like to see Sam in Atlantis? Or whether they even want to see Sam go there? Will having Sam on Atlantis be a welcomed turn of events or not?!

    Let's all play with this a bit. I think it's important to Amanda.

    Peace, CG
    I got the impression she was concerned about the potential fan reaction to her being used on Atlantis. I may be in the minority, but I've said all along that I wouldn't mind seeing Sam on Atlantis since I'm such a huge fan of the character. I like the Sam/McKay chemistry, and I think the writers do, too, but I also think it could grow old quickly, if that's ALL that they focused on.

    I think having Sam command the Odyssey would be the best role for her. It would be a command position, one in which she wouldn't be stealing a role from someone else. And yet, she would still have to opportunity to work with McKay, although not necessarily in "competition" for the scientist role. I would love to watch her interaction with Weir in that role.

    My LJ


      Originally posted by scarimor View Post
      Would you look at that total!

      See, AT didn't have to steal AmberMoon's credit card and run away with it, did she?

      (was it Amber's she nicked? Oh boy, I'm still so high I can't think straight )
      Ahaha! Yes, AmberMoon's credit card was the one that was swiped in the heat of the moment - from MINIGEEK'S hands, I think! AT just snatched it and I think cried out some sort of mock-bid like, "Five thousand pounds!" Hee. Very funny.


        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
        First of all, as many of you know ... I was not expecting to be in London at all this year ... no finances ... major transitions ... new life, new location, new job, yadda, yadda ... and then, miracle of miracles, a Fairy Godmother (who wishes to remain anonymous) flew into my life and GIFTED ME with this magical weekend with Amanda and my GW friends!!! How awesome is that, folks?! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity from someone who could not go herself. Needless to say, may she live long and prosper and I will be forever in her debt. I booked a last-minute plane ticket and GABIT tickets and soon karma expanded and other beneficial moments opened up ... I got to attend the cocktail party and, unbelievably, WON THE TEA WITH AMANDA RAFFLE with three other lucky fans, including Bev!!

        My Dinner with Andre, oops, My Tea with Amanda

        Amanda kept the hat on for our tea (which turned into a round of French champagne instead - we polished off the pricey bottle of bubbly and didn't even get to the tea!). She told us that she came to the hotel that morning (Sunday) and stood in front of Julia (G4) and Thomasina and kept putting hat on and taking hat off, trying to get a group consensus of which way to go but I think she finally made up her own mind to go with the hat. It was a very neat look, chic ... I told her it reminded me of Charlie's Angels' Farrah Fawcett and she smiled.

        The half-hour tea with Amanda was fabulous. She was as bubbly as the champagne, warm and quite interested in her fans' opinions. We all had something to contribute and she was eager to get feedback about her character and the show. But she was also interested in each one of us personally and showed that by her attention to what we had to say. It was like having lunch with a favorite girlfriend! Honestly! I can't speak for the others, but I was relaxed and savoring every blessed minute. The dainty tea sandwiches and sweets were delicious. We all got up and went over to a special table to pick whatever we wanted. I even went back for seconds! And how posh is it to have your own personal waiter popping the cork and pouring the champagne?! Amanda lifted her glass and we all clinked and toasted to her future success.

        We had a group photo taken at the end by John (GABIT photographer extraordinaire) and Amanda really seemed reluctant to leave. I think she was enjoying this quiet break around a long and hectic public weekend. We got to follow her out of the tea room and she kept turning around and smiling. I was secretly pinching myself and showering karmic blessings on my fairy godmother thinking "it doesn't get much better than this"!

        Once I can figure out how to best post my GABIT photos (photobucket account is misbehaving), I will share some cute piccies of my fellow Samandans at play! Lord, this crowd sure knows how to party hard ... the aforementioned posts about tsaxlady's stamina is right on the money!

        The jet lag is slowly fading but I'm still in the clouds in many ways. From what I experienced this weekend - fellow fans, my Samandans, the hard-working GABIT staff and Amanda herself - I saw that kindness played a big part in the whole event. And, of course, the kindness and benevolence of my fairy godmother ...

        Dreams really do come true. Hic comitas regit.

        Peace, CG
        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
        I managed to eat my sandwich and drink my champagne without spilling a drop! I think it's a first for me.
        Wow!!!! That's truly awesome CG!! What a great person(fairy godmother) fan of Amanda that blessed you with such a gift!!

        I'm glad you got the chance to not only go, but have tea with Amanda! It sounds like you had a great time. +

        I'm sure many of us are envious, but still ecstatic that not one but two samandans got to have tea with Amanda! Thanks for sharing your experience!! Bev and CG I am thrilled you both got the experience to spend a little extra time with Amanda to just chat!!

        I'll have to think about the Atlantis question...


          Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
          If Sam Carter will be spending more time on Atlantis, what would you like to see? What role should Sam play? Commander of the Odyssey? Co-scientist with McKay? Fellow warrior with Teyla on a mission?

          What would be your concerns about Sam moving over to Atlantis? Do you think she will fit in with the veteran cast? How will she contribute to the Atlantis arc?
          Well, I dare out myself and say that at the moment I like Atlantis more than SG-1 (even though Sam remains my favourite character out of both casts), so this is an important one for me. I'm so delighted that AT's going to be doing some Atlantis eps (big w00t!). I enjoyed Sam's interaction with Rodney very much (and with Jeannie too) so great Sam and Rodney moments might be expected... But, more important now I feel are some good scenes with the other women on Atlantis. Sam and Weir, and definitely Sam with Teyla in the soldier dept. Teyla has been neglected (and to some extent Weir has too), and if Sam's presence could give all the writing for the female characters a shot in the arm, that would be ideal. So that's what I'm really hoping for.


            Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
            I got the impression she was concerned about the potential fan reaction to her being used on Atlantis. I may be in the minority, but I've said all along that I wouldn't mind seeing Sam on Atlantis since I'm such a huge fan of the character. I like the Sam/McKay chemistry, and I think the writers do, too, but I also think it could grow old quickly, if that's ALL that they focused on.

            I think having Sam command the Odyssey would be the best role for her. It would be a command position, one in which she wouldn't be stealing a role from someone else. And yet, she would still have to opportunity to work with McKay, although not necessarily in "competition" for the scientist role. I would love to watch her interaction with Weir in that role.
            Now that would be awesome Strix! I too enjoy the Sam/McKay banter. They play off one another very well with the snarky humor. I agree it would get old if it was the only focus for every episode, but occasionally it would be a blast!!!

            As far as Sam commanding her own ship ... I think that's would be a fabulous idea!!

            I don't watch Atlantis. I have only seen the very first one or two episodes and then the episodes with Amanda guest starring. So I'm afraid my limited knowledge of the show prevents me form adding to much. I haven't really connected to any of the characters on Atlantis like I have SG-1. I think there are so many characters that you don't get to see the same characters with each episode. Besides McKay who I've seen plenty of times. I like the Scottish doctor, sorry don't know his name. I think I could just listen to him all day.
            Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 21 November 2006, 08:32 AM.


              Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
              I got the impression she was concerned about the potential fan reaction to her being used on Atlantis. I may be in the minority, but I've said all along that I wouldn't mind seeing Sam on Atlantis since I'm such a huge fan of the character. I like the Sam/McKay chemistry, and I think the writers do, too, but I also think it could grow old quickly, if that's ALL that they focused on.
              I absolutely agree. AT and DH have an obvious chemistry, without a doubt. And it certainly explains why the writers continue to lean towards that (in a way it's less work for them, I'm assuming - kinda like with MS and CB's characters). However, as much as I'd like to see the same snark between Sam and McKay, if AT's going to be on more than 2 or 3 episodes, I'd really like to see her character interact with TH's, RL's, DNykl's, (*crosses fingers*) PMcGillion's and JF's.

              I think that the writers are running the risk of AT's presence on the show being a constant patsy for fans to blame when the team isn't together and gelling. Atlantis, for all of DH's talents and abilities, DOES focus too much on McKay, in my opinion. And it's that focus on McKay that takes away from the team moments as it is. And if, whenever AT comes on board for an episode, that happens even more, well... yes, I think she has every right to be wary of that arrangement. Sam, because of the character's depth, history and popularity, needs to be a point of unity for the Atlantis team when she's around; not a point of further division.

              This is Brad Wright's chance to show that he really is miles ahead of RCC in the character development department (and I'm sorry, I don't think he is anymore), and this is his chance to take a risk, to break away from the status quo and do something avant garde. We'll see.

              I think having Sam command the Odyssey would be the best role for her. It would be a command position, one in which she wouldn't be stealing a role from someone else. And yet, she would still have to opportunity to work with McKay, although not necessarily in "competition" for the scientist role. I would love to watch her interaction with Weir in that role.
              I think that's a great idea as well. They weren't willing to do it for S9, but I think it'd be an awesome opportunity for AT/Sam to come in and out , and it would be a nice lead into Sam's involvement (if any) in the television movie.

              Also... Atlantis spoilers, I think...
              Aren't they kinda leaning towards axing Mitch Pileggi's character by season's end anyway?


                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                Well, I dare out myself and say that at the moment I like Atlantis more than SG-1 (even though Sam remains my favourite character out of both casts), so this is an important one for me. I'm so delighted that AT's going to be doing some Atlantis eps (big w00t!). I enjoyed Sam's interaction with Rodney very much (and with Jeannie too) so great Sam and Rodney moments might be expected... But, more important now I feel are some good scenes with the other women on Atlantis. Sam and Weir, and definitely Sam with Teyla in the soldier dept. Teyla has been neglected (and to some extent Weir has too), and if Sam's presence could give all the writing for the female characters a shot in the arm, that would be ideal. So that's what I'm really hoping for.
                Really... Well this is good to hear! Maybe I should give Atlantis another try ... huh?

                Thanks for sharing you stories about your weekend in London as well!!!!


                  Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                  Yeah, Bev, I was watching you and you were a very proper lady!

                  Still LOL though ... do you realize if you had brought your banjo and I my accordion we could have entertained Amanda!? Heck, now that she's officially sung in public, she could have jumped right in!

                  Enjoyed sharing that special time with you, dips!
                  LOL at the edit, Mick.

                  It was a wonderful moment in a weekend full of wonderful moments. I had such a great time and feel so lucky that I had those extra few minutes (and even more hugs!) with Amanda at the tea.
                  It was also great to meet so many Gateworld people. Amanda has a smashing group of fans.


                    Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                    I got the impression she was concerned about the potential fan reaction to her being used on Atlantis. I may be in the minority, but I've said all along that I wouldn't mind seeing Sam on Atlantis since I'm such a huge fan of the character. I like the Sam/McKay chemistry, and I think the writers do, too, but I also think it could grow old quickly, if that's ALL that they focused on.

                    I think having Sam command the Odyssey would be the best role for her. It would be a command position, one in which she wouldn't be stealing a role from someone else. And yet, she would still have to opportunity to work with McKay, although not necessarily in "competition" for the scientist role. I would love to watch her interaction with Weir in that role.
                    That's how I'm seeing it too, Strix. Actually, I got to tell Amanda that I do want to see her on Atlantis because I'll be seeing Sam Carter again and would welcome that.

                    But how does Sam Carter fit into a returning role with an already established cast? They have such a large ensemble already and what about the other women's roles? Shouldn't Tori and Rachel get to add more dimension to their characters? Amanda did touch on the fact that there are no women writers at the top any more ... haven't been for years now. We talked about whether that impacted some of the later seasons regarding how the women are portrayed.

                    I like your idea of making Sam a commander of a ship. She then has her very own space and the freedom to come and go around what the main cast is doing.

                    Besides, we all know that Sam should be a commander of something!!

                    Anyone else have any ideas of how Sam can operate as in independent entity around the established command and team on Atlantis?


                      Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                      Hey dips, where have you been?! Yep, I'm sure you were a great ambassador
                      It was an honour to serve.


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                        I absolutely agree. AT and DH have an obvious chemistry, without a doubt. And it certainly explains why the writers continue to lean towards that (in a way it's less work for them, I'm assuming - kinda like with MS and CB's characters). However, as much as I'd like to see the same snark between Sam and McKay, if AT's going to be on more than 2 or 3 episodes, I'd really like to see her character interact with TH's, RL's, DNykl's, (*crosses fingers*) PMcGillion's and JF's.

                        I think that the writers are running the risk of AT's presence on the show being a constant patsy for fans to blame when the team isn't together and gelling.
                        Atlantis, for all of DH's talents and abilities, DOES focus too much on McKay, in my opinion. And it's that focus on McKay that takes away from the team moments as it is. And if, whenever AT comes on board for an episode, that happens even more, well... yes, I think she has every right to be wary of that arrangement. Sam, because of the character's depth, history and popularity, needs to be a point of unity for the Atlantis team when she's around; not a point of further division.

                        This is Brad Wright's chance to show that he really is miles ahead of RCC in the character development department (and I'm sorry, I don't think he is anymore), and this is his chance to take a risk, to break away from the status quo and do something avant garde. We'll see.

                        I think that's a great idea as well. They weren't willing to do it for S9, but I think it'd be an awesome opportunity for AT/Sam to come in and out , and it would be a nice lead into Sam's involvement (if any) in the television movie.

                        Also... Atlantis spoilers, I think...
                        Aren't they kinda leaning towards axing Mitch Pileggi's character by season's end anyway?
                        Great post oh ye younger Samandan who got worn out by the elders like tsaxlady and Strix and roommate mini ... cough.

                        Seriously, you've brought up some key points:

                        1) Creating an independent Sam who is not seen as intruding on the original show's history.

                        2) Developing other points of cast interaction beyond the Rodney-Carter dance which may get too old too quick, unless the kid sister adds to the mix and makes it even more fun. If she's a scientist, then having Sam work with her in some way would be great to watch too.

                        3) I loved the idea of Sam as a point of unity rather than dissension. Absolutely on the mark! TPTB should listen up on that one and then they'll have a winning combination.

                        4) Sam supporting the growth of Weir and Teyla somehow ... again, Brad finding a way for the strong women of Stargate to be better portrayed. Amanda knows that Sam Carter has been a role model for women since the first season and I'm sure she wants to continue to model this even on Atlantis. Let's hope the writers give her the chance!

                        5) This is my contribution: think "Fireman Sam" - Sam as a ship commander, leading a mission to rescue some of the Atlantis team trapped by the Wraith. Oh yeah, I would watch that!

                        Spazzie, you are giving us some terrific ideas. Thanks!


                          Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                          I think a lot of us are just starting to come out of the clouds and process our experience but do know that what majorsal is talking about is very important to Amanda.

                          So ... here's the question again, Samandans. Do take time to answer honestly. I do believe that AT spends time on fan threads and values our support ...

                          If Sam Carter will be spending more time on Atlantis, what would you like to see? What role should Sam play? Commander of the Odyssey? Co-scientist with McKay? Fellow warrior with Teyla on a mission?

                          What would be your concerns about Sam moving over to Atlantis? Do you think she will fit in with the veteran cast? How will she contribute to the Atlantis arc?

                          Put your thinking caps on and be imaginative! If you were writing Atlantis and incorporating Sam ... where would you take her?!

                          Maybe Sky can play with this question with the other GW mods and create a poll/survey for all the many fanbases to weigh in on how they'd like to see Sam in Atlantis? Or whether they even want to see Sam go there? Will having Sam on Atlantis be a welcomed turn of events or not?!

                          Let's all play with this a bit. I think it's important to Amanda.

                          Peace, CG
                          (i've totally been meaning to answer this's just so darn easy to get sidetracked with all these pictures and wonderful stories.)

                          I'd love to see her as a full Colonel in command of one of the Earth ships. (Whether it's the Odyssey or not, I'm not picky.)

                          Also, there's something that tells me that Sam and Colonel Caldwell would have great scenes together. Not like what she and Colonel Ronson had during the opening minutes of Grace, but more intense. So, I'd love to see something there. Perhaps arguing about the merits of putting the Daedalus in danger for a particularly risky scheme he doesn't see as being able to work in order to save Atlantis or something. The risky scheme being Sam's idea, of course. (She wins the argument, the risky scheme is performed, and it works)

                          And then, I'd love to see her back with Weir. Back in Lost City/New Order I really couldn't put a word on the kind of working relationship they had. Scenes like this made it hard to put a finger on it.

                          (From New Order, Part 1)--This kind of means nothing without screencaps to see their faces, but I was up half the night doing research and feel too lazy to dig out my DVD's and cap.
                          Carter: I want you to reconsider my request.
                          Weir: I'm sorry
                          Carter: That cargo ship was modified using the knowledge of the Ancients. Now, there is no guarantee that anyone will ever be able to figure out how it was done.
                          Weir: And as the most likely person on the planet to figure it out, are you saying that if I don't let you attempt to contact the Asgard, you won't even try?
                          Carter: I would never say that

                          I'd love to see Sam and Elizabeth have some kind of conversation. Better yet would be a Ethon-like scene where they're both in the control room, working together to diffuse the latest crisis.

                          I'd love for her to meet Ronon and Teyla, too. I just think that that would be intersting. Maybe some friendly moments between her and Sheppard, being the same rank and all, I'm sure they had to have met up at some point. Probably at the Academy.

                          And of course, Sam-McKay. They're so snarky with each other...It's hilarious to watch!

                          But yeah, that's what I'd like to see. (Full) Colonel in command of an Earth ship, fighting with Caldwell, saving Atlantis with Weir, meeting the rest of the Atlantis team, and being smarter than McKay. That pretty much sums that up.

                          OT...I got my Daughtry CD today, and I am totally loving it!!!

                          Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
                          My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
                          My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
                          My Stargate Videos
                          It's meant to be!


                            Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                            Spazzie, you are giving us some terrific ideas. Thanks!
                            Yeah, what you all said!

                            Hey, I need a North American to describe scarimor's accent for me, please. She said I could ask, honest! feel free to PM.


                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                              I've been trying to read the thread and catch up on what was said and what wasn't said. I knew that many of us would have the bases covered, so I didn't worry about it. But I'm surprised that very few have replied about AT's new project and her role in it - I guess it doesn't matter until it's completely off the ground, but I'm curious to see what it is.

                              She (and Thomasina Gibson) pretty much gave these clues:

                              1.) It's a sci-fi series
                              2.) She'll be an EP and most likely will star in it (though I think that was a definite, I'm not sure)
                              3.) The series is one of the reasons why her hair is longer
                              4.) Some aspect of it will take place at Bridge Studios, at some point

                              Now that she's made it kinda public, this will be a nice opportunity for all of us to keep our eyes peeled for any kinds of developments after Avalon, including imdb, the various casting sites, etc. We may not be able to find anything about it until everything is set in stone and she formally announces it, but it couldn't hurt if we're all aware of it...

                              Spaz--thanks for this info! I've been wondering about this for awhile. In an interview this summer on AOL, when asked what AT would like to do in the future, she answered---she wouldn't be opposed to another series. I hope this comes through, and it sounds like it would be filmed in Vancouver, so she wouldn't need to move? Did she sound optimistic about it?

                              Kat also reported that AT said that she would be an EP and also star in it.

                              If this series comes through, how can she do a number of episodes on Atlantis and the movies as well? Or is it that she would only do a few episodes on Atlantis. I realize she won't be a regular, but might she have a solid recurring role on Atlantis?

                              I am very happy that Sam will be on Atlantis from time to time. Like Scarimor, I would love to see a much stronger relationship develop with the women on the show. I think Teyla and Weir are woefully underwritten and underdeveloped. AT was fortunate with good solid writing of Sam Carter early in SG-1, thank goodness.

                              I think a big mistake TPTB made in season 9, and somewhat in season 10 so far, was to focus way too much on Vala/Daniel at the expense of the other characters. The show became way too narrow. I don't want that to happen to Atlantis, where when Sam is on, she is only with Mckay. I actually love the Sam/Mckay scientists dynamic, but I don't want that at the expense of the other characters on SGA.

                              I love the idea of her commanding the Odyssey on SGA, but I want it to be a substantive role where Sam matters in the show---not just in the background---yet not taking away, but complementing, the other characters.


                                Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
                                If this series comes through, how can she do a number of episodes on Atlantis and the movies as well?

