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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by atlantis_babe34
    i just had to show this pic.. i love the emotion on her face

    it big so i spoilered it but its Season 4- the other side


    i love the look on her face.. i have so close ups maybe i should post those...
    Wasn't that the moment they came back from those high-tech pilot "simulation/robot" machines where Jack figured out they were on the wrong side and changed sides ... without saying anything to Sam or Daniel, but even so the whole team just worked together so tight - they didn't even question it when he started taking their former allies out? I remember watching when Sam just turned on a dime from being a friendly observer and just - off Jack's expression and actions - she doesn't even hesitate, she kicks out the guy behind her, they clear the area [stuff happens] and as they finally re-enter the gateroom on the other side of the Stargate, there's this LOOK ... between Sam and Jack, where she turns around at the top of the gateramp and just stares at him ("Why did we just take out all of our allies??"), and Jack's staring back, totally silent, but you can read EVERY word they don't say to eachother in there. Just ... all of Carter's questions come out right there, after the fact, totally silent. the level of trust and team dynamic it showed was OFF THE SCALE. One of my favorite Stargate scenes of all time, personally. I still adore watching it.
    Last edited by minigeek; 13 June 2006, 05:12 AM.

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      Originally posted by minigeek
      Wasn't that the moment they came back from those high-tech pilot "simulation/robot" machines where Jack figured out they were on the wrong side and changed sides ... without saying anything to Sam or Daniel, but even so the whole team just worked together so tight - they didn't even question it when he started taking their former allies out? I remember watching when Sam just turned on a dime from being a friendly observer and just - off Jack's expression and actions - she doesn't even hesitate, she kicks out the guy behind her, they clear the area [stuff happens] and as they finally re-enter the gateroom on the other side of the Stargate, there's this LOOK ... between Sam and Jack, where she turns around at the top of the gateramp and just stares at him ("Why did we just take out all of our allies??"), and Jack's staring back, totally silent, but you can read EVERY word they don't say to eachother in there. Just ... all of Carter's questions come out right there, after the fact, totally silent. the level of trust and team dynamic it showed was OFF THE SCALE. One of my favorite Stargate scenes of all time, personally. I still adore watching it.
      It wasn't so much that they'd taken out their allies (because I'm pretty sure Carter had her doubts about them long before that). It was more to the fact that Jack had effectively murdered the leader dude who wanted refuge on Earth by ordering the iris closed. Sam was the only one who knew what actually happened. The interesting thing is, I don't think it was so much as an accusation but more a realisation that Sam herself might have done the same thing (at the very least, couldn't fault Jack for doing what he did). Questioning her own morales and wondering when the hell they'd changed so much.


        Originally posted by Nibikko
        Also, I just finished a vid all about Jolinar's Memories and The Devil You Know which are pretty Sam centric episodes. It's called to a song called "Hell" as a special tip of the hat to he fact that Natu was essentially supposed to be Hell. There are some very good Sam/AT secenes (of course!) and I think y'all will love the very very last scene to the vid. *g*
        Go here to see the vid:

        I hope y'all enjoy it! It may be a dark set of eps but I included some funny bits all along the way.
        I loved it... really really loved it... thanx for making the vid.
        It was really funny...didn't fid it dark or anything just funny... maybe cause the song is rather funny


          Originally posted by Agent_Dark
          It wasn't so much that they'd taken out their allies (because I'm pretty sure Carter had her doubts about them long before that). It was more to the fact that Jack had effectively murdered the leader dude who wanted refuge on Earth by ordering the iris closed. Sam was the only one who knew what actually happened. The interesting thing is, I don't think it was so much as an accusation but more a realisation that Sam herself might have done the same thing (at the very least, couldn't fault Jack for doing what he did). Questioning her own morales and wondering when the hell they'd changed so much.
          Yeah, AD, you're so right. It's been over a year since I've watched that particular scene, but you make a really valid point. I didn't see that the first couple of times I watched. I really got caught up in that long, intense look because it was so different (for them). And I also equated it with Sam putting off any and all question or wondering about Jack's motivation until after they followed his lead to the very end. Pure faith in his leadership. So much happened in there, and then at the end of it all, once that leader-guy was dead and they were back, everything she hadn't said until that point came tumbling out in a single look. Now that you put it into the perspective of the life that was lost, I can see it even more powerfully. It's even better. Just a fabulous moment. I need to go watch it again, I think!

          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            -returning to the planet that holds the annual Space Race - and going out and kicking some butt in an upcoming race! (she'd plan her vacation time off to coincide with the race)
            Do you think that Sam ever returned for the next Loop of Kon Garat (or however you spell it)?

            Yay - post 2,500!

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by ReganX
              Do you think that Sam ever returned for the next Loop of Kon Garat (or however you spell it)?

              Yay - post 2,500!
              congrats on your 2500 post

              And yes I do think she will go to the loop again, cause she really liked it and at the end of the episode she says that next time she will win. And now that there is a stargate on that planet she can go without any problem.


                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                congrats on your 2500 post

                And yes I do think she will go to the loop again, cause she really liked it and at the end of the episode she says that next time she will win. And now that there is a stargate on that planet she can go without any problem.
                I'm not sure she did. Remember how much money they said it costs every time a team goes through the gate? Knowing how stingy the government would be with money for this kind of thing, I doubt she'd be cleared for a leisure visit, even if she HAS saved the world a hundred times.

                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                  Originally posted by minigeek
                  I'm not sure she did. Remember how much money they said it costs every time a team goes through the gate? Knowing how stingy the government would be with money for this kind of thing, I doubt she'd be cleared for a leisure visit, even if she HAS saved the world a hundred times.
                  So she engages that genius brain of hers and gates out with the next scheduled team and gates from that planet onwards. See - doesn't cost anything extra!!

                  I mean "What's a girl to do?"


                    Originally posted by minigeek
                    I'm not sure she did. Remember how much money they said it costs every time a team goes through the gate? Knowing how stingy the government would be with money for this kind of thing, I doubt she'd be cleared for a leisure visit, even if she HAS saved the world a hundred times.
                    yeah that is true but still somethimes they do use the gate for going on holliday... Think about Teal'c going off to see Ry'ac. Or when Jack 'retired' he went offworld so... if she ask nicely maybe she can go to it and well if she learns anything of it or win something that would be nice so... there are some advantages of entering the race again.


                      Originally posted by stargate barbie
                      i agree with Kat, i've always thought that sam would love the gumball 3000. but failing that i'd say she might go to the other end of the spectrum and go for a totally relaxing holiday in hawaii. or hey maybe go to vegas for some blackjack. (i'd say she kicks ass at card counting, but it's probably too dishonest for her morals. lousy morals. )

                      (edit, posted the wrong name. duh. there was something a few pages back that i agreed with forever for, can't remember it now (duh again) so i'll have to go and check. )
                      Nope. You had the right name. Just the other Kat (me). I mentioned the Gumball rally. I think Sam would have a blast doing it.


                        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                        yeah that is true but still somethimes they do use the gate for going on holliday... Think about Teal'c going off to see Ry'ac. Or when Jack 'retired' he went offworld so... if she ask nicely maybe she can go to it and well if she learns anything of it or win something that would be nice so... there are some advantages of entering the race again.
                        Teal'c is from offworld and they have to let him go see his family (that'd just be cruel otherwise). Carter's got no reason to go except leisure, so it'd be harder for her to get a green light. She'd only get it on the merit of TPTB deciding that she'd earned the right and granting it to her as a special favor on that basis, but given the amount of red-tape-beurocracy that's involved in all government levels, I doubt even the General could realistically give that to her without a lot of creatively convoluted paperwork. If she gated from another planet, she'd be AWOL, and I doubt Carter would do that for a leisure-activity. When Jack "retired" offworld it was a one way trip, ostensibly for good and he (supposedly) called in a few markers to get a yes (but we all know it was an elaborate military setup anyway so we don't know for sure he'd actually have been given permission if it was 'real').

                        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                          Originally posted by minigeek
                          Teal'c is from offworld and they have to let him go see his family (that'd just be cruel otherwise). Carter's got no reason to go except leisure, so it'd be harder for her to get a green light. She'd only get it on the merit of TPTB deciding that she'd earned the right and granting it to her as a special favor on that basis, but given the amount of red-tape-beurocracy that's involved in all government levels, I doubt even the General could realistically give that to her without a lot of creatively convoluted paperwork. If she gated from another planet, she'd be AWOL, and I doubt Carter would do that for a leisure-activity. When Jack "retired" offworld it was a one way trip, ostensibly for good and he (supposedly) called in a few markers to get a yes (but we all know it was an elaborate military setup anyway so we don't know for sure he'd actually have been given permission if it was 'real').
                          yeah true but if you think of the loop as pleasure... I mean you also can see it as work to get some more things like technologie and stuff... that we don't have... But than again she already did that so... Probably she would never go back to the loop... poor sam cause she really liked it a lot...
                          But what I am wondering can she go to the Tok'ra anytime?? so she can see her dad. Cause that would be like Teal'c of to see his family. And then maybe she can leave from there to the loop... and than the problem would be solved.


                            Originally posted by astrogeologist
                            Here's another question for Samanda:

                            When we were discussing the Best Carter episodes for each season, some folks struggled with whether certain episodes, such as Entity, were more great AT episodes than great Sam episodes... so:

                            What are your favorite AT acting moments or scenes?

                            The most memorable AT acting scene for me is in "Singularity", when Sam takes Cassie down to the bottom of the silo and then has to leave her there... has an emotional venting in the elevator... has an epiphany... goes back down... hugs Cassie. Simply one of the best sequences, and most memorable, of the entire Stargate series for me. AT was phenomenal.
                            Good subject.

                            I loved that scene in Singularity too. In fact, that's when I really fell in love with Sam Carter and realized that AT could act her socks off.

                            Others would be

                            Entity when Sam was communicating with Jack in the isolation room

                            New Order when Fifth had his hand in her head and was torturing her

                            Gemini and Reckoning - her ability to play Replicarter and make her come off as a totally different character was amazing.

                            And all of them had a lot to do with the facial expressions that AT used. She has to have one of the most expressive faces of any actor I've ever seen.


                              Originally posted by KatG

                              New Order when Fifth had his hand in her head and was torturing her
                              ow yeah that is a good scene... I really loved that one. I really could actually feel the pain she was in...


                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                                But what I am wondering can she go to the Tok'ra anytime?? so she can see her dad. Cause that would be like Teal'c of to see his family. And then maybe she can leave from there to the loop... and than the problem would be solved.
                                i think that may be more of a tok'ra end problem than an SGC one. that whole secrecy, we're on the run, "don't call us, we'll call you" thing.
                                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.

