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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Frostfox
    Tried again as greyscale but it's still a bad copy.

    It says -
    Amanda Tapping, 40, plays Captain Samantha Carter in the C4 series Stargate SG-1. Born in Essex, she now lives in Vancouver, where Stargate SG-1 is filmed.

    When did you last cry?
    Yesterday, I went to a convention that was organised in my honour. People said the sweetest things and I was totally overwhelmed. People travelled from all over the world to see me. It blew my mind.

    When did you last laugh?
    My daughter, Oliver, is seven months old and she's just started belly laughing at everything. If I run around the room with my husband, Alan, she laughs so loud and it cracks us up. I am loving being a mum.

    If you could have one super power, what would it be.
    I'm going to be really altruistic here. We have this device on the show which enables us to heal people, I'd love one of those.

    Who would you lie to play you in a movie of your life?
    Someone good looking, young and thin, like Keira Knightly! But it would also be fun to have Dawn French play me. She looks notihing like me, but it would be funny.

    Do you have a fear?
    Dying. Ever since I had Olivia, every serious illness terrifies me. The thought not being there for Olivia is scary.

    How do you keep fit?
    I work out with a trainer three times a week. I'm too lazy to do it alone. We go to a gym, but we live in British Columbia, in Canada, which is mountainous. We take our dog out, we're big walkers.

    Who'd be your ideal dinner guests?
    Matt Lucas and David Wallliams - I'm a huge fan of Little Britain.
    For a discussion I'd have President Bush. I'd also have French and Sauders, I want people who are intelligent and funny who'd ask what Bush is doing.

    Where will you be in five years time?
    Producing and directing. Ive done some and I love it. I've been told by psychics I'll go back to England. I'm a fan of Gillian Anderson who made a new career for herself in Britain, so I'd like to follow.

    Stargate SG-1 Season 9 Volume 2 is out on DVD frome April 24 (£19.99 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

    PM your address and you can have the original (but it might be a couple of days until I can get to the post office again)

    Morning ALL!! Thanks for that Frostfox - we don't get anything like that here in Australia - we get the show but that's it - no extras.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by chocdoc
      Thanks for the recommendation!

      And Strix's Under Fire is fabulous---thanks for recommending it, AstroG, and thanks for writing it, Strix!

      I often just skim through fanfic but this one I printed it out-- which is high praise from me.
      Hmm, Strix, that reminds me--how's the new one coming?


        Are there any pictures of Amanda and her husband and Olivia? I know that Alan was in the episode The Changling but which one was he?

        HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEL!! Hope you have a great day!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by chelle db
          Are there any pictures of Amanda and her husband and Olivia? I know that Alan was in the episode The Changling but which one was he?

          HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEL!! Hope you have a great day!!
          I don't think there are any official pictures of Olivia. I know someone managed to get a couple of cute pics of Olivia at the Banff event, but not press release type things. There are quite a few of Amanda and Alan, though.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by chelle db
            Are there any pictures of Amanda and her husband and Olivia? I know that Alan was in the episode The Changling but which one was he?

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEL!! Hope you have a great day!!
            I think he was the fireman who slid down the fire pole. I think b/c Chris Judge's family members were invited to appear, AT asked her husband if he'd like to be on. I love Firefighter Sam. Even as briefly as we saw her in that persona, I thought she was very believable as a firefighter--or at least as a tv firefighter. Maybe those in the know could say how believable she seemed.


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              I think someone said that's a BBC production? It think they show BBC shows on PBS, but I'm not sure. At any rate, I want AT to stay in the limelight because she deserves it! I think she'd make wonderful feature films. She's got such talent,a lot more than some of these big name actresses! I want everyone to see how great she is!
              it was aired as part of Masterpiece Theater on PBS

              but i didnt know that it was gillian anderson until i'd missed a couple of eps, so i didn't watch it.

              i'm hoping that it re-runs at some point
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                I don't think there are any official pictures of Olivia. I know someone managed to get a couple of cute pics of Olivia at the Banff event, but not press release type things. There are quite a few of Amanda and Alan, though.
                Thanks - but how do we get to see them??
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by jckfan55
                  I love Firefighter Sam. Even as briefly as we saw her in that persona, I thought she was very believable as a firefighter--or at least as a tv firefighter. Maybe those in the know could say how believable she seemed.
                  I think that all comes down to what a brilliant actress she truly is. I totally admire AT and only wish her the best in all her endeavours.
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by jckfan55
                    I think he was the fireman who slid down the fire pole. I think b/c Chris Judge's family members were invited to appear, AT asked her husband if he'd like to be on. I love Firefighter Sam.
                    Here's some pics of Alan....and a couple of Firefighter Sam.



                      Originally posted by JanSam

                      "That's Captain to you, Probie"


                        Originally posted by JanSam
                        Here's some pics of Alan....and a couple of Firefighter Sam.

                        How sweet!


                          Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                          and anti-bush? (((hugs))) <happy dance>
                          LOL Joins PR in <happy dance>

                          Darn it wouldn't let me green ya for that!!!


                            Originally posted by stargate barbie
                            ok, i lied, i didn't have one of those...

                            so i made one:


                            What other actors, actresses would you all like to see Amanda work with in the future?

                            With her mentioning going back to England, I'd like to see her do something with Robson Green. I totally heart Robson Green.


                              Originally posted by JanSam
                              ... Firefighter Sam.

                              Yummy yum. Want to take Fireman Sam home to play.


                                Originally posted by JanSam
                                Here's some pics of Alan....and a couple of Firefighter Sam.

                                Thanks for those!! They're great - a bit dark but then again that could just be my computer. Love the firefighter ones - AT is just amazing.
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

