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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Sky. We were given a lot of promising information about Sam last season and it turned out to be worthless in my opinion. We were told how Sam had several episodes where she would play a key role and yet what did we get? Babysitter Sam. Forgive me, but they had an entire year to show me that they really hadn't forgotten how to write for Sam and from the spoilers I have seen so far for S10... it's looking like a repeat of Season 9 to me. Lots of Vala with Daniel playing her sidekick, a new added twist of Adria, and very little Sam or Teal'c.

    So unless the writers pull a rabbit out of their hat, I seriously doubt their is much they could do to make me utterly excited. In fact the only thing at this point in time that I'm even looking forward to is the return of RDA, but sadly Origin already proved to me that TPTB are more than capable of destroying that for me as well.

    Is there a possibility for great interaction for Sam/Vala? Yes. Do I expect to see any? NO! Honestly, I have a feeling that the reason RCC feels that they did a good job keeping a balance between all of the characters in season nine is because they may have actually written some decent scenes for Sam, but they are all still lying on the cutting room floor in order to toss in more boring crap with the ORI, CGI fight scenes or Mitchell showing us how cool he is and I really don't see this changing next season with Vala becoming a member of the team.

    Sadly, I don't really believe you would be disappointed if Sam's screen time was cut in order to allow for more scenes of Vala, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. In fact should a miracle actually occur and I am wrong in my assumption that Vala/Mitchell will once again monopolize the season, then I will make a public apology to you and TPTB. However, until that time you will have to forgive me if I don't seem the least bit interested in all the great things RCC has to say about Vala and S10, because at this point in time his opinion means very little to me.
    Great POst Forever and I agree 100%.


      Originally posted by majorsal
      i think it does too, and that's something that i'm *immensely* grateful for!

      (i'm also *extremely* grateful for s/j ship for season 10! )

      whatever's going on behind the scenes right now, i'm very glad for. if they're realizing how important sam/amanda is to not only the fans, but the franchise, then YAY! no snarky comebacks or told you so's, just... gratefulness that it's happening.

      Here's hoping.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by ReganX
        Here's hoping.
        Jumping on the bandwagon of hope (as small as it may be for me right now perhaps it will grow if we get some positive Carter spoilers going on).


          Originally posted by binkpmmc
          Jumping on the bandwagon of hope (as small as it may be for me right now perhaps it will grow if we get some positive Carter spoilers going on).
          If all else fails, we can make up our own episodes.

          If you want something done right...

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by DEM
            BTW, did it strike anyone else that RCC's comment about the number of 'leads' seemed rather passive -- as if all these 'leads' were not exactly his choice?
            Hail Anubis, I was beginning to think I was the only one. You're not nuts, he definitely said that, even if he didn't actually come right out and say it. Of course, that's the biggest downer for me. I completely believe that both Rob and Brad are fully aware of where people are having problems with SG-1. I just don't think they can do anything about it. Since RDA and Mike Greenburg left, it seems as though TPTB have lost a staggering amount of control over their product. Skiffy has been running roughshod over them.

            A large part of that is due to Atlantis' weak numbers, which (if I'm reading things right) is the biggest concern at Bridge these days. If SG-1 takes a nose dive in the ratings, it's no big deal. The show is ten years old and has been majorly retooled in the last year. If SG-1 were to be cancelled tomorrow NO ONE would consider it a failure. Atlantis is a different story. Despite the fact that it's entering only its third season, Atlantis has been relatively soft in ratings, lacking in acclaim, and high on criticism. I'm not at all convinced that SGA gets renewed each year without the scales of economy that producing both shows concurrently bring. I largely believe that's the reason there was any SG-1 after RDA's departure to begin with.

            Originally Posted by the dancer of spaz
            I know I wasn't here when all of these posts were taking place, but I've gotta say that, after catching up on the last 5+ pages, I can't help but feel that the nastiness could be toned down a bit (it could be because I have dial-up, though ).
            Yeah, that was a load. "The denizens will riot", eh? Now, I know I'm not the most pleasant soul in existence, and despite any joviality, humor, and false humility I exhibit, believe me when I say that I could totally doom and gloom you all out of existence. And, despite the sentiments that follow, I do agree with much of "mewling and puking" that's gone on. Jacques would be proud.

            That said, this last bit seems a bit over the top. (Bit.....bit....bit, what the hell kind of writing is that, golfbooy?) And though I agree that RCC shoulders much of the blame for the shortcomings of recent history, he also shoulders much of the acclaim and success that the show has seen previously. I think he's one of the two best writers on the show (with BW), and that those two are miles ahead of the rest of the staff. As I've said before, SG-1's best days were when Cooper and Wright were penning ten or eleven out of the twenty-two episodes in a given season.

            Of course, far be it for me to tell anyone what to post. I think everyone should just say what they feel (um, within reason, I guess) and to hell with anyone whose delicate sensibilities are offended in the process. But damn, that's some good hatin'.

            Ah, yes, that's enough hypocrisy from me for tonight.

            /contemplates scuffling off to anti- thread to drive mack truck through plot holes in Collateral Damage


              I was watching Paradise Lost and something funny occured to me during one scene.
              Black= actual dialogue
              Red= added my own dialogue

              Tokra (off screen): To whom am I speaking with
              Hammond: I'm General Hammond with me are Major Carter, Teal'c and Jonas Quinn
              Chevron Guy: Hey! I'm here too, what am I invisible? No one ever sees me around here.

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                Why don't you draw from all 9 seasons, and make your own list of "THE BEST" Sam episodes, and tell us why you like each one?

                There are no officially sanctioned requirements that any given ep must be regarded as 'the best Sam ep' or the second best, or the worst, or the 83rd best, or whatever, on this thread, y'know.
                but, but, but....there's no vala in those first eight seasons.

                it MUST mean that the show isn't worth watching. After all, vala is the end all, be all and culmonation of the WHOLE universe!!!!!!!!!
                my GOD, how HAS the show survived for EIGHT YEARS without her?????????????? [sarcasm off]
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by ReganX
                  If Season Nine was a "pretty good job" of balancing the limelight, his definition of a bad job must be truly horrifying.
                  no kidding.

                  season 9 was about as balanced as a big mac value meal is a 'good for you balanced, nutritious meal'
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Mandysg1
                    Wow it took me a while to catch up, had to take a pee break (see I can do RCC humour too )

                    I have to say I saw part of an interview on The View, with Gina Davis (to para phrase) she said TV needed more good, strong female lead characters. Now SG1 was a head of its time, it had/had one of the most intelligent, strongest female lead characters on TV for about 8 seasons, then took 1 hugestep backwards to take this character away from us and put her in the back ground. We need Sam in the forefront again to show how strong and intelligent women characters can and should be portrayed.

                    Oh yea and please send some of that Tequilla and tissues this way
                    and the proud owner of post 36,000 is.........

                    Miss Mandy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      but, but, but....there's no vala in those first eight seasons.

                      it MUST mean that the show isn't worth watching. After all, vala is the end all, be all and culmonation of the WHOLE universe!!!!!!!!!
                      my GOD, how HAS the show survived for EIGHT YEARS without her?????????????? [sarcasm off]
                      easy there.

                      and besides. it didn't. vala was in an episode in season 8 you know.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        but, but, but....there's no vala in those first eight seasons.

                        it MUST mean that the show isn't worth watching. After all, vala is the end all, be all and culmonation of the WHOLE universe!!!!!!!!!
                        my GOD, how HAS the show survived for EIGHT YEARS without her?????????????? [sarcasm off]
                        Perhaps they were setting the scene for the Vala Show.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                          I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Sky. We were given a lot of promising information about Sam last season and it turned out to be worthless in my opinion. We were told how Sam had several episodes where she would play a key role and yet what did we get? Babysitter Sam. Forgive me, but they had an entire year to show me that they really hadn't forgotten how to write for Sam and from the spoilers I have seen so far for S10... it's looking like a repeat of Season 9 to me. Lots of Vala with Daniel playing her sidekick, a new added twist of Adria, and very little Sam or Teal'c.

                          So unless the writers pull a rabbit out of their hat, I seriously doubt their is much they could do to make me utterly excited. In fact the only thing at this point in time that I'm even looking forward to is the return of RDA, but sadly Origin already proved to me that TPTB are more than capable of destroying that for me as well.

                          Is there a possibility for great interaction for Sam/Vala? Yes. Do I expect to see any? NO! Honestly, I have a feeling that the reason RCC feels that they did a good job keeping a balance between all of the characters in season nine is because they may have actually written some decent scenes for Sam, but they are all still lying on the cutting room floor in order to toss in more boring crap with the ORI, CGI fight scenes or Mitchell showing us how cool he is and I really don't see this changing next season with Vala becoming a member of the team.

                          Sadly, I don't really believe you would be disappointed if Sam's screen time was cut in order to allow for more scenes of Vala, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. In fact should a miracle actually occur and I am wrong in my assumption that Vala/Mitchell will once again monopolize the season, then I will make a public apology to you and TPTB. However, until that time you will have to forgive me if I don't seem the least bit interested in all the great things RCC has to say about Vala and S10, because at this point in time his opinion means very little to me.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            I was watching Paradise Lost and something funny occured to me during one scene.
                            Black= actual dialogue
                            Red= added my own dialogue

                            Tokra (off screen): To whom am I speaking with
                            Hammond: I'm General Hammond with me are Major Carter, Teal'c and Jonas Quinn
                            Tok'ra: Ummm..... who?

                            I was tempted to rename them all: General Landry, Colonel Mitchell, Doctor Lam and Vala Maldoran.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by ReganX
                              Perhaps they were setting the scene for the Vala Show.
                              i think that's exactly what they're doing.

                              good for FH anyway, she can enjoy it all she wants...although it's doubtful that there'll be many folks left to talk to once all the sam fans, daniel fans, teal'c fans are driven away

                              but that's ok, they were no fun anyway
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                Shanks is being told that the franchise is bigger than any one actor/character....yet the whole franchise now seems to be vala. screw everyone else but the lying thief because she's fun and witty and fun and silly and fun and fills out a busiter and fun and fun and fun and fun

                                vala is freedom to them. she has no history, except what they wrote. they don't have to follow seasons pasts to write her. she can say whatever she (they) wants, and do whatever she (they) wants. they don't have to look up things on the internet to make sure what's coming out of her mouth is legit. they don't have to worry about 'fitting' her in (she doesn't. they don't want her to. easier to write.).

                                what writer wouldn't want to write for a 'no rules' character?

                                VAla IN the show is ok, but vala AS the show is silly and just one more step on the road to cancellation
                                and when it's not vala, it's mitchell.

                                maybe the show will end at season 10, then 'stargate: command' will premier with mitchell and vala as their stars. the REAL sg1 (sam, jack, daniel, teal'c) can continue with movies.



