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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    my views on 'author's mantle'


    sam was fun and funny!

    i loved her sam-mitchell punching of arms scene, *mainly* because they did NOT make it shippy in any way between them!

    i liked her reactions to things in this ep. when she was trying to communicate with chevron guy and the scientist in the control room. exasperated sam is fun!

    i wish ben browder would stop trying to be as funny as richard dean anderson. (no one can master what that master of quip did. so please stop trying)

    cute scenes between sam and daniel. cute punching of arms scene too.

    one could 'almost' get a shippy-i'm-worried-about-you vibe when sam didn't want mitchell to go after teal'c, but... i'm just hyper sensitive to sam and any man being within one foot of sam these days.

    i wish they'd stop making teal'c come off as superbadmutherfighterteal'c. please let him use one gun again.

    i like daniel when he's his old self (investigatey and smart).

    why are they making dr lee more idiotic every ep?

    landry. yes, i like him.

    why did they kill off the sudan!? why can't we have one ally that doesn't bite the dust? at least we didn't see the sodan leader die... i think?

    i saw the previews for the next ep... *takes deep breaths... starts hyperventilating... oops *

    over all, sam rocks! sam rules! sam's da bomb! sam's great.




      Overall I liked "Arthur's Mantle" - Yes it had plenty of plot holes. But it also had some nice character moments.

      Like several others have said I also enjoyed the moments between
      Sam and Cam after Sam activates the device. The little scene with them push each other was good. Then to see that echoed between Sam and Daniel later. There were a couple of mice Sam and Daniel moments that reminded me of the things I love about Stargate.

      I can remember were I read this recently but someone was making a comparison between Stargate and other SciFi genre shows like Farscape, Battlestar, etc and they said that one of the main differences is taht Stargate is a team driven show and the others are individual character driven. It is the team aspect that I have always enjoyed. The last couple of weeks we have seen more of these team moments than we saw in the first half of the season.

      While there are things I do fear about what could happen in S10 these team moments the last few weeks have left me feeling like maybe they are getting a bit closer to being on track with the show I feel in love with.
      My View From The Peanut Gallery


        Wow it has been quite here tonight.

        I was home sick today so I thought I would work on some Season 2 caps to continue the tread Lys started with her Season 1 in caps.

        Well the first big moment of S2 for Sam came early in the season when she was taken over by the Tokra "In The Line Of Duty"

        In Prisoners she put up a fighting spirit

        Gamekeeper showed her care for her friends

        In Thor's Chariot she learned she can use Goa'uld technology

        We see her fascination with alien technology before things go bad

        In Secrets we meet Dad (Don't they look great together)

        The two parter Tokra was big for Sam -



        Jacob/Selmak the new Tokra
        My View From The Peanut Gallery


          Since the last post was getting long I figured I had better start a new one

          so S2 Part 2

          In Spirits Sam leads for the first time

          and talks to a Wolf?!

          A Matter of Time well lots of Donuts for that episode

          Fifth Race Math

          and a burnt Sam with the best Doc SG-1 has had

          Some Serpent Song action Sam

          Yes sir, she did figure out how to make the switch with the alien technology in Holiday

          In One False Step we found out she talks to plants

          1969 Flower Power

          We end Season 2 with Out Of Mind were Sam stands her ground with Hathor

          My View From The Peanut Gallery


            Thanks, Tsaxlady, for those great pictures of Sam!!

            On Authur's Mantle:
            AT/Sam was great---some very funny moments between Sam and Mitchell, Sam and technicians, and Sam and Daniel. These character moments made the show worth watching. Mitchell was okay, but I'm just not caring for him that much. Teal'c needs to get rid of the two-gun hold--it looks a bit ridiculous to me. The main thing that was a bit bothersome was that the seriousness of losing the Sodan was not really felt. That's where I had trouble with Mitchell. The loss was great, and I didn't sense he really felt that loss (although I definitely will give him the benefit of the doubt). The ending just happened without much feeling--it was very abrupt. And it felt a little off to go from comedy, to seriousness, to comedy, to seriousness during the show. But, overall I thought it was a good episode. Not like RE and Ethon, but a good one. Loved Sam and Daniel in this one particularly. I miss them interacting--and we got this in Authur's Mantle. More of this please!
            Last edited by chocdoc; 25 February 2006, 07:56 AM.


              Originally posted by NearlyCircular
              Arthur's Mantle - all in all, I enjoyed it.
              I thought there was too much of Sam standing around again, but at least they let her have some funny moments. The scenes where she and Cam and then she and Daniel push each other to see if they're solid with respect to each other made me laugh. It didn't even feel too 3 stoogy. Watching her try to help the gate technicians figure out the problem was great. And Bill Lee is turning into a more of a comic foil every episode. "miniaturization" I even liked Mitchell's recognition of the similarity of their situation to Ghost. "General, we need a Whoopi." And there was a scene when she and Daniel looked at each other and grinned that reminded me of the scene when Ryac announced he was getting married at the SGC. To me, the humor felt right in this one, not the frat boy or burlesque variety that we've seen in some episodes this year.

              NC--you've hit most of the bases I would have.
              I laughed at miniaturization" but is Lee becoming too comic? I liked that he and Sam are on a first name basis, though. I liked the way Sam really hit Cam that last time & the look on her face--like enough already! LOL. Also loved that grin you mentioned & I thought of the same thing re: Ryac's wedding. I was hoping for more Sam & Daniel, but at least they felt more like their old selves together. Also the gate tech scene really pointed out how much Sam's figuring things out quickly is usually taken for granted. She catches things so quickly compared to others. Yay Sam!


                Originally posted by chocdoc
                Thanks, Tsaxlady, for those great pictures of Sam!!

                On Authur's Mantle:
                AT/Sam was great---some very funny moments between Sam and Mitchell, Sam and technicians, and Sam and Daniel. These character moments made the show worth watching. Mitchell was okay, but I'm just not caring for him that much. Teal'c needs to get rid of the two-gun hold--it looks a bit ridiculous to me. The main thing that was a bit bothersome was that the seriousness of losing the Sodan was not really felt. That's where I had trouble with Mitchell. The loss was great, and I didn't sense he really felt that loss (although I definitely will give him the benefit of the doubt). The ending just happened without much feeling. And it felt a little off to go from comedy, to seriousness, to comedy, to seriousness during the show. But, overall I thought it was a good episode. Not like RE and Ethon, but a good one. Loved Sam and Daniel in this one particularly. I miss them interacting--and we got this in Authur's Mantle. More of this please!
                Yes, I don't know what's going on with Teal'c and his guns.


                  Almost forgot--did you notice 2 blue jello references last night--one in SG1 and one in Atlantis? Is Sam converting people?


                    Great pictures Tsaxlady! I just love Sam.

                    Almost forgot--did you notice 2 blue jello references last night--one in SG1 and one in Atlantis? Is Sam converting people?
                    I did! My thought was that
                    Dr. Lee was bringing the blue Jello to Sam, because he knew she'd be there working. And I loved McKay's desire for the blue as well. Sam's influence goes a long way.


                      Originally posted by Deejay435
                      Great pictures Tsaxlady! I just love Sam.

                      I did! My thought was that
                      Dr. Lee was bringing the blue Jello to Sam, because he knew she'd be there working. And I loved McKay's desire for the blue as well. Sam's influence goes a long way.
                      That's what I thought at first, but
                      he seemed surprised to find Sam's laptop there. Maybe he was just surprised her computer was there and she wasn't.


                        Originally posted by jckfan55
                        That's what I thought at first, but
                        he seemed surprised to find Sam's laptop there. Maybe he was just surprised her computer was there and she wasn't.
                        That's what I'm going with.


                          Originally posted by tsaxlady

                          Wow that's one great pic of AT, that smile just makes her shine

                          my fanfic


                            Hey Samandans, great posts on last night's episode. I was also pleased to experience the team dynamic once again ... everyone got screen time and some lovely moments between the vets and even between Sam and Cam. You all have mostly outlined them in your spoilers so I'm not going to rehash.

                            Blue jello does seem to be becoming a major food source across the galaxies and it's fun to have that as a running joke now. Sam's influence is being felt.

                            Yes, enjoyed my scifi Friday completely, SG1, SA, and the heavy hitter, BSG. This was the first Friday in ages where I could say that. (Psst, Strix and Sky, maybe it was the rum and diet coke!)

                            Tsaxlady, wonderful job on the Season 2 photo caps - kudos to you and Lys for both seasons. Samanda is such a great place to exhibit stuff like that.

                            Peace, CG


                              A few thoughts on Arthur's Mantle

                              I have to say I agree with a lot of what's already been said.
                              We have seen episodes with Scientist Sam, Soldier Sam, Smart Sam, even Super Smart Soldier Sam, but this episode I loved Snarky Sam

                              I loved the scenes at the gate room, we actually see Sam losing her temper or is it just the frustration getting to her. After 8 years of keeping her cool, it's nice to see how she reacts to this situation. The punching scenes were so funny, but AT's expressions were just as funny as the actual punching. I loved the Sam/Daniel moments, they were right on the money, those two actually reminded me of two siblings
                              Cam was bearable, and I did actually enjoy seeing Sam hit him a little harder.

                              I enjoyed seeing Teal'c have more to do than walk behind Cam and give one-liners. However the two guns looks a little silly. Must be a guy thing.
                              1staffweapon=2guns, do the math

                              Plot hole warning: If Merlin did this to hide his work from the ancients, then it shouldn't be so easy for the Sodan gadget to make Cam seen by Teal'c.

                              Also was there a wardrobe malfunction? Don't the green cammo outfits always go with the black boots, not the desert cammo boots. I mean every woman knows how you must have the right boots (shoes) to match your outfit

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                                A few thoughts on Arthur's Mantle

                                I have to say I agree with a lot of what's already been said.
                                We have seen episodes with Scientist Sam, Soldier Sam, Smart Sam, even Super Smart Soldier Sam, but this episode I loved Snarky Sam

                                I loved the scenes at the gate room, we actually see Sam losing her temper or is it just the frustration getting to her. After 8 years of keeping her cool, it's nice to see how she reacts to this situation. The punching scenes were so funny, but AT's expressions were just as funny as the actual punching. I loved the Sam/Daniel moments, they were right on the money, those two actually reminded me of two siblings
                                Cam was bearable, and I did actually enjoy seeing Sam hit him a little harder.

                                I enjoyed seeing Teal'c have more to do than walk behind Cam and give one-liners. However the two guns looks a little silly. Must be a guy thing.
                                1staffweapon=2guns, do the math

                                Plot hole warning: If Merlin did this to hide his work from the ancients, then it shouldn't be so easy for the Sodan gadget to make Cam seen by Teal'c.

                                Also was there a wardrobe malfunction? Don't the green cammo outfits always go with the black boots, not the desert cammo boots. I mean every woman knows how you must have the right boots (shoes) to match your outfit

                                Ah yes.
                                I loved Sam in the control room. Reminded me of how I yell at the tv to get the characters to do what I want them to do. I also loved Sam and Daniel's annoyance with Mitchell for running off. Good to see some more evidence that the others aren't always thrilled with Maverick!Cam.

                                I loved Teacher!Daniel.

                                Did anyone else see the out-of-phasing being 'cured' just in time to put Cam in danger coming ten miles away?

                                And the boots: Those bugged me. I kept thinking they were barefooted, and it just bothered. How petty, I know. But it just bugged me.

                                Cam didn't annoy me till 34 minutes in. And I didn't really want to punch him till he stopped just before he got to the Claymores to taunt Zombie Valnek. What was the point of that Cam? He was following you, and would have kept following you and gotten himself blown up nicely. But instead, you had to indulge in your desire to be witty and make yourself laugh, thus putting yourself in danger, and Teal'c as well. Hmph.

                                I don't think anyone has mentioned this part yet: When Cam was talking to Teal'c, not thinking that Teal'c could hear him. Teal'c just answered him so calmly.

                                Teal'c: You worry too much Colonel Mitchell.
                                Cam: You can hear me?
                                Teal'c: And see you.

                                CJ's delivery of those lines was AWESOME! Seriously. I loved that scene.

                                I loved every scene Sam was in. I especially loved AT's delivery of "Daniel!" When he went out of phase as well.

                                All in all, I liked it pretty well. 3 out of 5. Maybe 2.5 because I didn't think it was as good as Ethon.

