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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Dani76
    Well, there was actually an earthquake very close to where you live: check it out.

    Yeah, she played Grace in The Void.
    I guess I have to rewatch the movie, I can't remember Grace but I do remember the blind girl.

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by ChopinGal
      Gosh, I'll have to re-watch the movie. I only remember Kirsten Robek who played the blind neighbor and she was Lt. Astor on Stargate (Divide and Conquer). There was a sister to Amanda too?
      I dunno, I've never seen it. All my info has come from MajorSam (who was telling me about the pr0ness of it... but that's another story )
      But I'm pretty sure it was a sister, or best friend or something like that


        Originally posted by Dani76
        Well, there was actually an earthquake very close to where you live: check it out.
        WOW! *whimpers*

        i'm even more scared now...

        it felt like two stages, which is what made me think it could have been an explosion somewhere.

        thanks for looking that up!




          Originally posted by NearlyCircular
          Or maybe there's a battle going on in space above California right now, and tomorrow we'll be told that the light show in the sky was just a meteor shower, and the sounds were just war games being played on the coastline.

          Oops, I guess I've been watching a certain tv show too much.

          There is no such thing as watching too much of this certain tv show

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by majorsal
            WOW! *whimpers*

            i'm even more scared now...

            it felt like two stages, which is what made me think it could have been an explosion somewhere.

            thanks for looking that up!

            Don't be scared, we are here for you, and after all you got post 28000 on page 1400.

            Here is to Amanda and her great character, Sam Carter.

            Thank you, Skydiver


              Originally posted by Dani76
              Don't be scared, we are here for you, and after all you got post 28000 on page 1400.

              Here is to Amanda and her great character, Sam Carter.
              I'll Drink to that

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                i wonder if a jet went super sonic and you heard the sonic boom?

                those can be pretty scary
                Or pretty cool, depending on one's, er, outlook. (Says the woman who esteems those little commuter prop jobs far beyond any passenger jet (though Dash 8's are worthy of something of an honorable mention ) solely for the incredible acceleration that any cowbow of a pilot can produce with them. :dreamy smile

                One suspects that if it were a sonic boom, either some jet jockey's self-beloved butt is gonna get blistered, or there's something... interesting... afoot. They're not allowed to go supersonic over populated areas of the continental US without permission or immediate military cause, and doing it in the Terminal Control Area of a major airport like LAX without that permission or cause would get the pilot in truly major trouble.
                ...a very cranky blog:


                  Hey Simha, I have a question for ya.

                  Are most physicists (astro or otherwise) also computer programmers? Or is that skillset of Sam's more in line with her mechanical engineering background? I've wondered that for a while, and then the other day you posted about wanting to know what language Sam programmed the SGC's computerized DHD in, and I decided you might be a good person to ask, since you are a physicist!

                  Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                  ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                    Originally posted by Dani76
                    Don't be scared, we are here for you, and after all you got post 28000 on page 1400.

                    (and thanks for being here for me)

                    Here is to Amanda and her great character, Sam Carter.

                    hear, hear!!




                      Originally posted by ChopinGal
                      Gosh, I'll have to re-watch the movie. I only remember Kirsten Robek who played the blind neighbor and she was Lt. Astor on Stargate (Divide and Conquer). There was a sister to Amanda too?
                      Hmm I don't recall Eva having a sister in The Void. I'm not positive but wasn't Grace, Dr. Abernathy's assistant?


                        Originally posted by minigeek
                        Hey Simha, I have a question for ya.

                        Are most physicists (astro or otherwise) also computer programmers? Or is that skillset of Sam's more in line with her mechanical engineering background? I've wondered that for a while, and then the other day you posted about wanting to know what language Sam programmed the SGC's computerized DHD in, and I decided you might be a good person to ask, since you are a physicist!
                        Well she is a theoratical astrophysicist, so she'd be dealing alot with computer simulations. Makes sense that she's picked up how to program them.
                        At any rate, computer programming isn't really that hard to do. You could teach yourself with relative ease.


                          Originally posted by minigeek
                          Hey Simha, I have a question for ya.

                          Are most physicists (astro or otherwise) also computer programmers? Or is that skillset of Sam's more in line with her mechanical engineering background? I've wondered that for a while, and then the other day you posted about wanting to know what language Sam programmed the SGC's computerized DHD in, and I decided you might be a good person to ask, since you are a physicist!
                          Degreed, but lapsed physicist! When I discovered that lab politics put corporate politics to shame (the professors went around sabotaging 300 level lab experiments literally, in some cases, in the dead of night, just to 'teach the undergrads what lab work is really like), I changed my career path.

                          But yes, to the best of my knowledge, it's pretty common, if not universal, that theoretical physicists, at least, can program in one or more languages. They're not going to be writing the next generation of code for SAP - or Rockstar - but whatever their field is, they usually acquire at least some skill in programming the computer systems / simulations / analysis that they need. I suspect it's a case of computer self-defense - or, at least, low budgets and geek-honor, among physicists. Most research is not well funded, even in government labs, unless its end product is meant to be a giant explosion so there's generally not an army - or even a platoon - of programmers there to do the code on the physicist's behalf. Also, physics seems to produce more than its fair share of people with, ah, control issues, if you will. :innocent expression: Something about knowing how "it" all works leading to an irresistable urge to tinker, at least, with better ways to measure or model "it", one suspects. And therefore, if one can't at least read the code accurately, one will never know how closely the simulation one is looking at really conforms to the behavior of the phenomena being simulated, or how the form and means of analysis itself is itself altering the perceptible shape of the data. And after that, of course, it's a short step from "Let me read that myself, okay?" to "Just give me the keyboard, and I'll do it myself, okay?"
                          ...a very cranky blog:


                            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                            Well she is a theoratical astrophysicist, so she'd be dealing alot with computer simulations. Makes sense that she's picked up how to program them.
                            At any rate, computer programming isn't really that hard to do. You could teach yourself with relative ease.
                            Basically, my question was more in line with whether being a physicist (of any sort) means programming as well. There's a difference between utliizing simulation software and writing it. I was just wondering. Do all (astro)physicists (theoretical or otherwise) write their own programs? And if so, which language(s) would be used?


                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                              Degreed, but lapsed physicist! When I discovered that lab politics put corporate politics to shame (the professors went around sabotaging 300 level lab experiments literally, in some cases, in the dead of night, just to 'teach the undergrads what lab work is really like), I changed my career path.

                              But yes, to the best of my knowledge, it's pretty common, if not universal, that theoretical physicists, at least, can program in one or more languages. They're not going to be writing the next generation of code for SAP - or Rockstar - but whatever their field is, they usually acquire at least some skill in programming the computer systems / simulations / analysis that they need. I suspect it's a case of computer self-defense - or, at least, low budgets and geek-honor, among physicists. Most research is not well funded, even in government labs, unless its end product is meant to be a giant explosion so there's generally not an army - or even a platoon - of programmers there to do the code on the physicist's behalf. Also, physics seems to produce more than its fair share of people with, ah, control issues, if you will. :innocent expression: Something about knowing how "it" all works leading to an irresistable urge to tinker, at least, with better ways to measure or model "it", one suspects. And therefore, if one can't at least read the code accurately, one will never know how closely the simulation one is looking at really conforms to the behavior of the phenomena being simulated, or how the form and means of analysis itself is itself altering the perceptible shape of the data. And after that, of course, it's a short step from "Let me read that myself, okay?" to "Just give me the keyboard, and I'll do it myself, okay?"
                              Thanks Simha! That's very cool. I guess it really does fall into line with the kind of mind that would go into a field of theoretical physics, you make a good point there. If you're asking the question: "I wonder if..." all day long, you'd probably get really frustrated with waiting for answers if you DIDN'T try and do it all yourself, just to get there faster. *g*

                              So, we've heard on Atlantis that McKay has two PhDs, one in pure Physics and one in Mech. Engineering. Do we believe Sam also has one in Mech. Engineering? I've always thought she must, given she builds reactors and fixes complicated robotic "things" all the time. Helps design space craft, that kind of thing. Has it ever been mentioned in canon though? Or do we just assume?

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

