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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ChopinGal
    Couldn't agree more - this is what I love about our thread! Intelligent and thoughtful and honest posts ... the magnificent three just spelled it all out for us: When is being nice being too nice?! And is our favorite actress getting treated fairly?

    Being too nice is often a socialization process that begins in childhood for many girls ... be the good girl; don't make waves; make everyone happy. It is still a man's world in many ways - in the boardroom and on the golf course, for example. And, no, I'm not launching a feminist diatribe but Coley raises another troublesome question: Why are some women happy with the overt sexualization of Vala and the non-leadership of Sam? What message does that send to girls? Not a message I'd want to give my daughter or granddaughters!

    We want for Amanda what we want for ourselves: respect.
    I read some great posts from you dear Samandans, but there's something that hasn't been brought in my opinion as a reason why people, and women are happier with Vala than Sam.

    I asked one of my friends who happens to like Vala and dispises overt sexualization why she liked Vala. Her answer was: she's fun and I'm putting too much thoughts on the matter.

    Well, it made me think more and more. And I came to this conclusion. People like Vala because she's portrayed as a fun woman in opposite to Sam who's portrayed as the smart one.

    Smart is boring. It's even worse then you're smarter than the average.
    Why ? Because people are jealous, because they can't reach your level, because being different is a defect.

    I don't think all women who like Vala are appealed by the cleavage. I think they live with it but they're drawn to her because she's of their level. I'm not saying that Vala isn't smart. I'm saying that when you're asked to define her with only one word, many say first: funny. It's a fact, people identify easily with fun persons.

    How many of you had this experience back in school when the most popular one in the class was the fun one, the rebel one and not the smart of the class ? I had it. And being in the position of the smart one is not something I'd wish to anyone. You're the scape goat, you're befriended only because you can be of good use.

    In my opinion, Vala is the rebel and fun child of the Stargate universe, while Sam is the smart one. It has nothing or little to do with sexualization. If it had to do so much with it, Vala would have the same fate as Anise who was a sexualized and very smart character, she wouldn't last long.
    Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


      As ChopinGal and Coley will attest, I've been struggling with how to deal with this message for several days. I have bad news, but I had to work through an ethical dilemma before sharing it with you. When the three of us reached a concensus on what constituted good judgment in this situation, we decided I should move forward.

      Last week, I got this e-mail from Atteria's husband.

      I'm sorry I haven't answered you sooner, but I've been unable too. Nikki is no longer with us. I'm sorry to have to bring you such bad news, but she did fight, right until the end.

      Please thank everyone in Samanda for their prayers and best wishes. She loved you all.

      Take care and please, don't announce this in the site. I don't think she would have wanted anything like this to mar the good feelings on the thread.


      As you see, John asked me to let you know how much your prayers and good wishes were appreciated, but didn't want the news announced on the thread, because of the chance it would mar the good feelings here. I didn't know how to tell you one thing without telling you the other. But once ChopinGal, Coley and I realized that John's concern was for us, and not for his privacy, we agreed that knowing you as we do, we should use the thread.

      I don't have John's address or any other details on what ailment claimed Nikki's life. I don't even know for sure exactly when she died, but I received his e-mail on November 2nd. I propose that today, as we discuss Sam and AT and enjoy the fellowship that is Samanda, that we also remember our friend Atteria, and the fun she brought to our little family.

      I find it very strange to be mourning someone I never met in person, but I am. That's the nature of our internet friendships, I guess. Although some of us will meet in person, others never will. But many of us have become friends, nonetheless. And I know we will share a collective sorrow in this loss. Let's also celebrate the fun Nikki brought us, and remember her as the cheerful, caring and brave citizen of Samanda that she was.

      That's my final post for tonight. I will rejoin you later in the day. Love to all.


        Chocdoc, this is a great post back and left me questioning myself - always a good thing!!

        So a little post questioning musing in red!!

        Originally posted by chocdoc
        You know, it is really difficult for me to speculate about AT's decisions or how she really feels.
        You are right we all are just speculating and none of us really knows whats going on or what the people involved are really thinking!
        In her message on her website, she does mention being happy about returning. But I did not read her saying anything about being thrilled about the changing role of Carter. I can't really tell from her statement much except that she seems very willing to return to Stargate.
        Quote from Amanda
        Yes, I have been offered the possibility of working o*n both SG-1 and Atlantis. To what extent still remains to be seen, but I will be doing a total of 20 shows or a full season. Am I happy about it? You betcha!
        I read the message as implying she's not got any concerns at all about the facts she stated and is happy with the contract.
        At GABIT we all agreed that it sounded like she was surprised at the turn of events. At no point did she say she was happy about it or that it was an opportunity for a change in direction. She did say that when she approached Rob Coop she asked why she hadn't been asked back yet and if there was a problem. Rob Coop replied "No problem we just don't know what to do with Sam" To which Amanda said to the GABIT audience "Well I thought that sure sounds like a problem to me"

        I'm not an actor and I don't know a thing about the show business. Maybe in AT's mind, the producers/writers of Stargate have been very good to her in general over the years and she is grateful for the opportunity she has had to be in this show for so long. And if she thinks that, I can see why in the general sense because she has been able to play such a great role for so long. Like I said, I obviously don't know her, but from what people have said and what she has said in interviews, she seems the grateful type and one who may have some doubt in her own abilties (like most of us from time to time). Because she seems to be so thankful, I think that is why she is returning. And I can see why she says she is thankful because the world of show business is so difficult. You can be doing well one day, and then have no opportunities for a long long time.

        Yes I can understand this totally - however Amanda has worked her butt of with the material the writers have given her. She's worked the cons and has been the best Ambassador for a show that a production team could wish for. She has also had to fight the writers on a number of issues. Inlcluding telling them Just write me as you would a man and I'll fill in for the female slant. Amanda doesn't owe anybody anything. Though maybe she thinks she does? The whole production can be so very proud of themselves for the show they delivered certainly seasons 1 to 6. Wherupon the feel of the show and in my opinion the direction went sadly astray.
        And we don't really know how much AT will stick up for herself. We just aren't behind the scenes. I think she will fight for her character as much as she can---she has tried--but unfortunately actors are not in a very good bargaining position about the writing.

        Yes I agree - and I don't know what is going on behind the scenes
        It is true that she has other offers, but I would imagine it would be REALLY difficult to give up something that you have loved for so long. It would be difficult to just walk away when you know that you are historically part of a success story of a really good show. And I say, why should she walk away--she is a big part of its success.
        I see where you are coming from, and I agree she will find it hard - we all do when faced with change from something that we are happy with. But there comes a time when you have to accept that a change in direction is inevitable and move on positively. It is my opinion that professionally it would be better for her to quit on a high, than to start looking for other work when the show either folds, or she is reduced to such a level she feels compelled to leave. If she doesn't show any confidence in herself to be able to move on, maybe casting directors will think twice about considering her for a role? Just my slant from a knowing nothing at all about showbuisness perspective.
        Part of me does want her to just take the other offer and say forget you--but I don't know what's really happening behind the scenes--and I don't think she should have to leave a show that she is in part responsible for making a hit for all these years.
        No but the fact is she is being eased out of being a main character in the show "We don't know what to do with Carter" just doesn't bode well. I don't see why it is her character which is being diminished when she has put so much effort into the show and when Sam is such a great character. That is what shouldn't be happening (in rant mode again - sorry)
        My guess is that AT knows what's going on in terms of gender issues, but it must be difficult for an actress to know how to deal with these issues at the risk of losing a job you love.
        So well put

        Thanks for these thoughts Chocdoc. None of us know what is really happening. But I remain astounded that after 8 years on a sucessful show playing one of the main lead characters, learning and delivering the vital aspects of science technobabble to perfection and working the cons, being the first and last on set, that she is happy with the turn of events - in the main how RCooper has chosen to deal with her. That is my main miff. The total disregard she has been shown. Given this disregard and RC's sickening oozing over CB (who has contributed to a mere 6 shows) I just would have though Amanda would think - Time to jump ship!!!

        Even if TPTB believe that the show has got to change direction to survive and that in order to do that Sam must make way for Vala - there's no reason why is can't be done honestly and respectfully. Not by Amanda finding out that CB and the other main cast have got their contract and she hasn't and having to go and ask RC what is happening. That is not the way it should be done. To my mind they just don't deserve to have Amanda on the show after that. But she will sign and they will get away with their appalling behaviour.


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
          As ChopinGal and Coley will attest, I've been struggling with how to deal with this message for several days. I have bad news, but I had to work through an ethical dilemma before sharing it with you. When the three of us reached a concensus on what constituted good judgment in this situation, we decided I should move forward.

          Last week, I got this e-mail from Atteria's husband.

          I'm sorry I haven't answered you sooner, but I've been unable too. Nikki is no longer with us. I'm sorry to have to bring you such bad news, but she did fight, right until the end.

          Please thank everyone in Samanda for their prayers and best wishes. She loved you all.

          Take care and please, don't announce this in the site. I don't think she would have wanted anything like this to mar the good feelings on the thread.


          As you see, John asked me to let you know how much your prayers and good wishes were appreciated, but didn't want the news announced on the thread, because of the chance it would mar the good feelings here. I didn't know how to tell you one thing without telling you the other. But once ChopinGal, Coley and I realized that John's concern was for us, and not for his privacy, we agreed that knowing you as we do, we should use the thread.

          I don't have John's address or any other details on what ailment claimed Nikki's life. I don't even know for sure exactly when she died, but I received his e-mail on November 2nd. I propose that today, as we discuss Sam and AT and enjoy the fellowship that is Samanda, that we also remember our friend Atteria, and the fun she brought to our little family.

          I find it very strange to be mourning someone I never met in person, but I am. That's the nature of our internet friendships, I guess. Although some of us will meet in person, others never will. But many of us have become friends, nonetheless. And I know we will share a collective sorrow in this loss. Let's also celebrate the fun Nikki brought us, and remember her as the cheerful, caring and brave citizen of Samanda that she was.

          That's my final post for tonight. I will rejoin you later in the day. Love to all.
          ChopinGal and I have shared out thoughts and fears for Atteria a number of times over the past months. Hoping that she was okay.

          I can't tell you how saddened I was to hear this news. Especially as circumstance has meant we couldn't do anything tangible to send out best wishes to her and her family - apart from via posting on the thread.

          If we knew a posting address we could send flowers and messages from those who were around when she was posting. Is there anything we can do to find an address without being too prying or forward?

          I'm just lost with what else to say. I'm just so saddened. Thanks for posting this sg_1


            Originally posted by Lys
            I read some great posts from you dear Samandans, but there's something that hasn't been brought in my opinion as a reason why people, and women are happier with Vala than Sam.

            I asked one of my friends who happens to like Vala and dispises overt sexualization why she liked Vala. Her answer was: she's fun and I'm putting too much thoughts on the matter.

            Well, it made me think more and more. And I came to this conclusion. People like Vala because she's portrayed as a fun woman in opposite to Sam who's portrayed as the smart one.

            Smart is boring. It's even worse then you're smarter than the average.
            Why ? Because people are jealous, because they can't reach your level, because being different is a defect.

            I don't think all women who like Vala are appealed by the cleavage. I think they live with it but they're drawn to her because she's of their level. I'm not saying that Vala isn't smart. I'm saying that when you're asked to define her with only one word, many say first: funny. It's a fact, people identify easily with fun persons.

            How many of you had this experience back in school when the most popular one in the class was the fun one, the rebel one and not the smart of the class ? I had it. And being in the position of the smart one is not something I'd wish to anyone. You're the scape goat, you're befriended only because you can be of good use.

            In my opinion, Vala is the rebel and fun child of the Stargate universe, while Sam is the smart one. It has nothing or little to do with sexualization. If it had to do so much with it, Vala would have the same fate as Anise who was a sexualized and very smart character, she wouldn't last long.

            I see where you are coming from. Guess the gals may think she's fun and the guys sexy.

            However I don't think she's fun. I think she is cringeworthy. I admit I chuckled a little at 2 lines - but thats it. I don't think high camp is my sort of humour. I like smart humour and the writers have delivered this in the past.

            Sam boring? If the writers would just put her back as being kick a$$ Carter, riding her motorbike and yes giving her some witty lines now RDA has gone (If she was in charge of SG1 she would be able to be a bit more snarky - we know she has it in her) she wouldn't be seen as boring.

            I like humour myself. I don't like being serious out of work, work is serious enough, I am drawn to people who have a sense of fun. I don't see overt sex tease and sexual innuendo as fun though.

            Serious Sam to me is also fascinating. Her curiosity, her bravery, her determination, her amusement at O'Neill - laughing at his deliberate misquotes - "Nintendo's" instead of "Neutrino's" was one of my fave's. I also find her seriousness quite endearing.

            To be perfectly honest I would love to be Sam season's 1 to 6. What a life!!!

            I was dispointed in Grace when Jacob made a big play about her not being happy - because she is not in a relationship. That really annoyed me - You can't be really happy or fulfilled if you are not in a romantic relationship? Mmm well I can tell you I now for a fact I'm happier and more fulfilled that a number of married women I know. It just depends on the person. I always saw Sam as someone who loved her life, loved her friends and would find love when the time was right - either with O'Neill or someone esle.

            Sam season 1 to 6 - I loved her - with the added lightness of humour recently - she's just about got everything as far as I'm concerned!!


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              When the execs and suits start telling the creative types what to do to the detriment of the franchise and the logic of the show, the creative types should tell the execs and suits to shove it where the sun doesn't shine and close shop.

              When is it no longer worth it to continue a show if you can't do what you know you need to do to be a quality show?
              Im right with you 100% on this Uber.

              I'm afraid that Rob Cooper is too busy brown nosing the suits to see the light - any light at all!!!

              Cutting, Moi?!!


                Originally posted by smurf
                Great posts all 'round on here. Can't list the names, just too many.

                Just de-lurking because the question of why some girls think Vala is great and even a role model brought this to mind.
                A few months ago there was a careers survey that hit the news in the UK, accompanied by much head-desking by (mainly) female journalists. In it around 20% of girls said what they wanted to be when they grew up was famous. Famous for what? Just famous. A celebrity.
                Role models referenced included a lady who is best known for showing her (plastic) assets, and one who came to fame because of who she was dating at the time (who then proceeded to show her "assets" ).
                Some young people see being celebrated for being good at something as too much hard work.
                Sam is time consuming to emulate, when you can get what you want (except respect) by being Vala.
                This is a really pertinent post - thanks for posting this info

                Now you see in my opinion this sort of attitude is inspired by the media. The instant stars from reality tv, the overlauding of celebrities instead of good deeds. This is what the younger generation get bombarded with.

                That is why characters like Sam are so important - to keep a little it of perspective - albeit it in a small corner of Sci Fi.

                I think it so sad that so many youngsters just want to be a celebrity. There are so many other things that will deliver a so much more rewarding life. By the amount of celebs who have much reported personal trauma's and have not found happiness - I'd say - what idiot would want to be a celeb?



                  Our dear Royal Chef
                  We did not know you for long
                  Your stay with us, brief

                  You burst on the scene
                  Ready to play as Baker
                  “Cake, we must have cake”

                  And so you added
                  To the summer merriment
                  Brightening our mood

                  Your “bunny slippers”
                  And housebound isolation
                  Should have been the clue

                  All was not so well
                  You kept your pain a secret
                  Instead you chose joy

                  Good days on the thread
                  Brought some small comfort your way
                  Laughter eased the hurt

                  We teased of laptops
                  And royal galas and stoves
                  You were a good sport

                  You wanted to share
                  And were so glad to feed us
                  With words and spirit

                  Besides talk of food
                  You helped research the Latin
                  For the thread’s motto

                  All too soon you left
                  “Surgery pending” you said
                  Still, there’s always hope

                  Several months passed
                  We waited for your return
                  Hopes turned to despair

                  We tried to find you
                  Searching beyond Samanda
                  But to no avail

                  Finally, contact
                  Your grieving husband tells us
                  Of your last brave days

                  Your life touched our lives
                  And we were richer for it
                  Kind soul, rest in peace

                  Atteria's Cakes

                  Last edited by ChopinGal; 13 November 2005, 04:16 AM.


                    Originally posted by Coley
                    ChopinGal and I have shared out thoughts and fears for Atteria a number of times over the past months. Hoping that she was okay.

                    I can't tell you how saddened I was to hear this news. Especially as circumstance has meant we couldn't do anything tangible to send out best wishes to her and her family - apart from via posting on the thread.

                    If we knew a posting address we could send flowers and messages from those who were around when she was posting. Is there anything we can do to find an address without being too prying or forward?

                    I'm just lost with what else to say. I'm just so saddened. Thanks for posting this sg_1
                    I am so sad to hear those news.
                    I can't say I knew Atteria, but I remember a caring and lovely person.
                    I want to remember the fests she brought us on this thread.
                    I'm going to miss you Atteria.
                    Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                      Originally posted by Coley
                      ChopinGal and I have shared out thoughts and fears for Atteria a number of times over the past months. Hoping that she was okay.

                      I can't tell you how saddened I was to hear this news. Especially as circumstance has meant we couldn't do anything tangible to send out best wishes to her and her family - apart from via posting on the thread.

                      If we knew a posting address we could send flowers and messages from those who were around when she was posting. Is there anything we can do to find an address without being too prying or forward?

                      I'm just lost with what else to say. I'm just so saddened. Thanks for posting this sg_1
                      Coley, I've added a poem too. The closest we got to contact with Nikki was last summer when Strix came to the area. At that time, Nikki was preparing to go back to hospital and somehow missed my PM to her, telling her that Strix and I wanted to visit since we didn't seem to be far from where she lived. It didn't work out; she felt bad later that she missed us. And then I heard nothing more. Her husband did write a few times to Sg-1 telling her how happy the SaGC thread activity made Nikki - that she had something fun to look forward to while she was ill. I'm glad we were a part of that.

                      I believe that Sg-1 gave my name and location to husband as I wanted to visit her in hospital, but he did not respond. The little we know, they were very close and he must be shattered over losing her. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever be able to go beyond this, unless her husband reveals more info. So we must respect his privacy and let it go at that. He knows that we cared about her. Sometimes people just come into your life ever so briefly and flame out like the bright autumn leaves. We felt her presence here and that was good. She will be remembered.

                      Peace, CG


                        Originally posted by Coley
                        I see where you are coming from. Guess the gals may think she's fun and the guys sexy.

                        However I don't think she's fun. I think she is cringeworthy. I admit I chuckled a little at 2 lines - but thats it. I don't think high camp is my sort of humour. I like smart humour and the writers have delivered this in the past.

                        Sam boring? If the writers would just put her back as being kick a$$ Carter, riding her motorbike and yes giving her some witty lines now RDA has gone (If she was in charge of SG1 she would be able to be a bit more snarky - we know she has it in her) she wouldn't be seen as boring.

                        I like humour myself. I don't like being serious out of work, work is serious enough, I am drawn to people who have a sense of fun. I don't see overt sex tease and sexual innuendo as fun though.

                        Serious Sam to me is also fascinating. Her curiosity, her bravery, her determination, her amusement at O'Neill - laughing at his deliberate misquotes - "Nintendo's" instead of "Neutrino's" was one of my fave's. I also find her seriousness quite endearing.

                        To be perfectly honest I would love to be Sam season's 1 to 6. What a life!!!

                        I was dispointed in Grace when Jacob made a big play about her not being happy - because she is not in a relationship. That really annoyed me - You can't be really happy or fulfilled if you are not in a romantic relationship? Mmm well I can tell you I now for a fact I'm happier and more fulfilled that a number of married women I know. It just depends on the person. I always saw Sam as someone who loved her life, loved her friends and would find love when the time was right - either with O'Neill or someone esle.

                        Sam season 1 to 6 - I loved her - with the added lightness of humour recently - she's just about got everything as far as I'm concerned!!
                        I don't want you to misunderstand me Coley. I'm only reporting what I noticed about Sam and Vala. Those are not my opinions but some shared by many people.

                        I've never found Sam being boring, never. And I agree with you that living her life would be a fantastic dream. However, I know that there are people who find her boring because she's the scientist, the one spouting all the technobabble. I'm going to take an example. Everyone knows this picture of Einstein sticking his tongue. Why do you think this picture is famous ? Because it's Einstein ? No, because it's Einstein sticking his tongue, because it's a funny picture. I don't think a picture of Eistein in his lab would be as famous as this one. Sadly, that's how our society is now. Is it wrong ? Sure it is. But it nevertheless is how it is.

                        Like you, I was desappointed by Jacob's words in Grace, especially knowing that they were not coming from Jacob but from Sam in an hallucination of her father. I'm too single, very happy with my life and don't consider myself not fulfilled because I'm not in a relationship. I was even more disappointed in Threads when it was implied by the succession of the scenes that Sam needed advice from both Jacob and Jack to make up her mind. She's an adult and perfectly able to take decisions herself, especially when it comes to her private life.

                        But, Sam from season 1 to 6, yeah ! I want more of her. She rocks !
                        Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                          As ChopinGal and Coley will attest, I've been struggling with how to deal with this message for several days. I have bad news, but I had to work through an ethical dilemma before sharing it with you. When the three of us reached a concensus on what constituted good judgment in this situation, we decided I should move forward.

                          Last week, I got this e-mail from Atteria's husband.

                          I'm sorry I haven't answered you sooner, but I've been unable too. Nikki is no longer with us. I'm sorry to have to bring you such bad news, but she did fight, right until the end.

                          Please thank everyone in Samanda for their prayers and best wishes. She loved you all.

                          Take care and please, don't announce this in the site. I don't think she would have wanted anything like this to mar the good feelings on the thread.


                          As you see, John asked me to let you know how much your prayers and good wishes were appreciated, but didn't want the news announced on the thread, because of the chance it would mar the good feelings here. I didn't know how to tell you one thing without telling you the other. But once ChopinGal, Coley and I realized that John's concern was for us, and not for his privacy, we agreed that knowing you as we do, we should use the thread.

                          I don't have John's address or any other details on what ailment claimed Nikki's life. I don't even know for sure exactly when she died, but I received his e-mail on November 2nd. I propose that today, as we discuss Sam and AT and enjoy the fellowship that is Samanda, that we also remember our friend Atteria, and the fun she brought to our little family.

                          I find it very strange to be mourning someone I never met in person, but I am. That's the nature of our internet friendships, I guess. Although some of us will meet in person, others never will. But many of us have become friends, nonetheless. And I know we will share a collective sorrow in this loss. Let's also celebrate the fun Nikki brought us, and remember her as the cheerful, caring and brave citizen of Samanda that she was.

                          That's my final post for tonight. I will rejoin you later in the day. Love to all.

                          My thoughts are with Nikki's family and so sorry to read this news, i like to think that she is with us still in spirit and love never dies wether we meet in person or just think of them fondly.


                            Originally posted by Lys
                            I read some great posts from you dear Samandans, but there's something that hasn't been brought in my opinion as a reason why people, and women are happier with Vala than Sam.

                            I asked one of my friends who happens to like Vala and dispises overt sexualization why she liked Vala. Her answer was: she's fun and I'm putting too much thoughts on the matter.

                            Well, it made me think more and more. And I came to this conclusion. People like Vala because she's portrayed as a fun woman in opposite to Sam who's portrayed as the smart one.

                            Smart is boring. It's even worse then you're smarter than the average.
                            Why ? Because people are jealous, because they can't reach your level, because being different is a defect.

                            I don't think all women who like Vala are appealed by the cleavage. I think they live with it but they're drawn to her because she's of their level. I'm not saying that Vala isn't smart. I'm saying that when you're asked to define her with only one word, many say first: funny. It's a fact, people identify easily with fun persons.

                            How many of you had this experience back in school when the most popular one in the class was the fun one, the rebel one and not the smart of the class ? I had it. And being in the position of the smart one is not something I'd wish to anyone. You're the scape goat, you're befriended only because you can be of good use.

                            In my opinion, Vala is the rebel and fun child of the Stargate universe, while Sam is the smart one. It has nothing or little to do with sexualization. If it had to do so much with it, Vala would have the same fate as Anise who was a sexualized and very smart character, she wouldn't last long.
                            Lys, this was an excellent post and makes me pause and look at Vala from a different point of view: she is, indeed, outrageous and feisty and fun (although the "over the top" could be toned down to "manageable mayhem"). I was so busy being upset over the sexual exploitation that I hadn't stopped to think about that part of her - Vala is outspoken and you definitely want to rein her in. AT, herself, said that Sam Carter may be seen as "boring" (forget where - but I'm sure you've read it too) ... so that gets me to thinking: AT is a natural comedienne and finally had her own, albeit more clumsy, moment at playing "geeky" Sam in Moebius. It was wonderful! But now, can they lighten Carter up a bit more in S10? She is a scientist and has to stay true to character but she could deliver some dry wit along the way ... even observations about Vala that could be funny.

                            AT wanted Carter to "get a life" and she did in S7 and S8. Be careful of what you wish for! Instead of lightening her up, though, they made her too "over the top" angsty! And this may have hurt her in the long run.

                            So maybe it comes down to a matter of balance for both Vala and Sam: both women could portray the humor and the pathos so, so well ... and thereby be seen as, what we've been talking about, the real thing, three-dimensional women. This takes some solid and insightful character-driven writing and there's the rub. Is there a team of writers in place now who can deliver?

                            I just backed up and read Coley's reply to your post, Lys. It seems that RA and I are of different opinions. Coley seems totally offended by Vala's outrageous behavior and I'm of the mind to cut her a little slack. I think I can accept the fact that she has the potential to be quite funny because of her pushy personality and incessant stammering (cough, it may even sound like me at my worst!) ... so, yes, there will be many of us on this thread who will either want to throw the baby out with the bathwater (like Coley) or freshen the baby up and let her stay and play (CG) ...

                            Coley, I love you! And totally respect your opinion!!
                            Last edited by ChopinGal; 13 November 2005, 06:37 AM.


                              Originally posted by ChopinGal

                              Our dear Royal Chef
                              We did not know you for long
                              Your stay with us, brief

                              You burst on the scene
                              Ready to play as Baker
                              “Cake, we must have cake”

                              And so you added
                              To the summer merriment
                              Brightening our mood

                              Your “bunny slippers”
                              And housebound isolation
                              Should have been the clue

                              All was not so well
                              You kept your pain a secret
                              Instead you chose joy

                              Good days on the thread
                              Brought some small comfort your way
                              Laughter eased the hurt

                              We teased of laptops
                              And royal galas and stoves
                              You were a good sport

                              You wanted to share
                              And were so glad to feed us
                              With words and spirit

                              Besides talk of food
                              You helped research the Latin
                              For the thread’s motto

                              All too soon you left
                              “Surgery pending” you said
                              Still, there’s always hope

                              Several months passed
                              We waited for your return
                              Hopes turned to despair

                              We tried to find you
                              Searching beyond Samanda
                              But to no avail

                              Finally, contact
                              Your grieving husband tells us
                              Of your last brave days

                              Your life touched our lives
                              And we were richer for it
                              Kind soul, rest in peace

                              Atteria's Cakes

                              What a lovely fitting tribute to Atteria and so moving.


                                Originally posted by Coley
                                I see where you are coming from. Guess the gals may think she's fun and the guys sexy.

                                However I don't think she's fun. I think she is cringeworthy. I admit I chuckled a little at 2 lines - but thats it. I don't think high camp is my sort of humour. I like smart humour and the writers have delivered this in the past.

                                Sam boring? If the writers would just put her back as being kick a$$ Carter, riding her motorbike and yes giving her some witty lines now RDA has gone (If she was in charge of SG1 she would be able to be a bit more snarky - we know she has it in her) she wouldn't be seen as boring.

                                I like humour myself. I don't like being serious out of work, work is serious enough, I am drawn to people who have a sense of fun. I don't see overt sex tease and sexual innuendo as fun though.

                                Serious Sam to me is also fascinating. Her curiosity, her bravery, her determination, her amusement at O'Neill - laughing at his deliberate misquotes - "Nintendo's" instead of "Neutrino's" was one of my fave's. I also find her seriousness quite endearing.

                                To be perfectly honest I would love to be Sam season's 1 to 6. What a life!!!

                                I was dispointed in Grace when Jacob made a big play about her not being happy - because she is not in a relationship. That really annoyed me - You can't be really happy or fulfilled if you are not in a romantic relationship? Mmm well I can tell you I now for a fact I'm happier and more fulfilled that a number of married women I know. It just depends on the person. I always saw Sam as someone who loved her life, loved her friends and would find love when the time was right - either with O'Neill or someone esle.

                                Sam season 1 to 6 - I loved her - with the added lightness of humour recently - she's just about got everything as far as I'm concerned!!
                                Coley, just like Amanda, you are, indeed, the real thing! And that's the realism we want to see in Sam and Vala too. Everything you say about the early Sam rings true.

                                The myth of romantic love in our society is that a woman cannot be complete/fulfilled unless she finds her other half! As many of us know, we are fully functioning human beings when we find our own selves and whatever makes us whole, healthy. The male writers may have been using their own projections when writing some of those "daddy knows best" lines ...

                                I wish we could get you a job on the writing team! Can you picture the RA sitting down at table with RC and PDL and JM?! They wouldn't know what hit them!! This is one time when letting a woman "clean house" would be a welcomed event!

