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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SunKrux
    I know...I LOVE that eps.

    Back on topic...Sam....can I just say I'm frellin' jealous that people get to meet Amanda this weekend. I'm considering going to the SG1 con in Vancover, B.C. - but it will depend on three people, Amanda, Claudia & Chris. I don't live that far (I think it's like a 5 hour drive from where I live in the states). I'd waste a Friday night driving to be there if they were.
    I'm going back to Vancouver again next year. I do hope AT will be at the con and it would be cool for Claudia to be there as well - Creation just announced that she will be at 3 Stargate cons next year bit she is not listed for Vancouver. Chris has said he will not be doing any cons for a while because of wanting to spend weekends with his family. It's to far out from that con to know for sure who will be in attendance.
    My View From The Peanut Gallery


      Hopefully since they live in Vancouver, all the actors will be there. It won't be like other conventions that they have to fly to and stay at a hotel. They can drive on over, do their thing, then go home again likity-split. I would really like to see Amanda in person too. From what I read she is funny and entertaining.
      sig by PM


        Originally posted by majorsal
        spoilers for s6's unnatural selection and s8's new order


        i was just reading another thread/post talking about what sam went through in new order - (The season's strength is its arc episodes. The opening salvo of "NewOrder" parts 1 and 2—in which the Goa'uld threaten Earth and thehuman-form Replicators capture Carter—are just a warmup to the real
        payoff in the latter quarter of the season.)
        . anyhoo, a thought just popped into my mind. (pop!)

        while sam was alone with fifth, he tortured her. but, what if all his rep brethren had been in that room too? and they took turns torturing her? what i'm getting at is if you visualize it, would it seem even *worse* for sam if they'd all been in on it instead of just fifth? and i'm not really talking about the 'torture' part of it per se, but... it would be this feeling of being totally worthless. just passed from one to the other; a vessel to be used and discarded. i can see it in my mind (specifically the reps from the s6 ep unnatural selection) and it comes off sadder to me.


        That a pretty deep thought for a late Friday night ... But I had two immediate thoughts. Here goes ...

        One - That's just too scary.

        Two - For me I think Fifth's capture and torture in and of itself was scary. Fifth was practicing the human emotion of revenge. Revenge void of all other human emotion is a scary place especially if it's directed at you and you can't defend yourself. I imagined she was knocked unconscious when Fifth beamed her aboard. So she awoke to a never ending nightmare.

        EDIT: I see what you are saying Majorsal and it would be worse, but for me it would take away from Fifth's evilness if you will. Fifth was hurt by Sam's betrayal and probably was tortured himself by his brethens. So by Fifth acting alone it's more Fifth vs. Sam instead of Replicators vs. Humans.
        Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 28 October 2005, 08:01 PM.


          Originally posted by SG1Poz

          Does Gambit actuall begin tonight?

          Save Paradise Lost at the Best Tournament contest! It may be next to be voted away. Sam broke my heart when she sobbed on Teal'c's shoulder in that ep. Just as determined to bring Jack home then as she was when he was stuck on Endora.
          Ever since Entity was voted off (forget about the other Sam-centric eps), I've been too... slightly depressed, yeah... I've been a bit too depressed to make it over there.

          I'll come back when it's down to the big stuff.

          Don't get me wrong, the tournament's so cool, but it totally took the wind out of my sails there. Still, I'm glad that so many views are accepted here. It's nice to know that people of all walks of life can get into the thick of things both here and on GW in general. It kinda shows that the majority will inevitably rule (no matter how it may conflict with my own reasoning), and that fair is fair.

          I *HEART* GW!!


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            Ever since Entity was voted off (forget about the other Sam-centric eps), I've been too... slightly depressed, yeah... I've been a bit too depressed to make it over there.

            I'll come back when it's down to the big stuff.

            Don't get me wrong, the tournament's so cool, but it totally took the wind out of my sails there. Still, I'm glad that so many views are accepted here. It's nice to know that people of all walks of life can get into the thick of things both here and on GW in general. It kinda shows that the majority will inevitably rule (no matter how it may conflict with my own reasoning), and that fair is fair.

            I *HEART* GW!!
            I got depressed when they voted off Urgo.

            I MEAN URGO?!?!?!?!???

            Quite possibly one of the funniest episodes ever next to Window of fact it's a tie in my little world.

            URGO: Wait! I can be dull. Want me to be dull? What a nice shade of grey. How about some white bread with mayonnaise? Wanna watch golf on television?

            SAM: I don't have time to play, Urgo. I don't care if I'm "it". Because I have work to do. No I am not hungry. Look, go eat pie with Colonel O'Neill. I am very busy right now.
            HAMMOND: Major.
            SAM: Hi. I was just talking to Urgo, sir.
            HAMMOND: I see.
            SAM: Oh, I wish you did.

            URGO: Sam. Sammy. You like me. I remind you of your Uncle Irving. Bubelah! [pop] Remember?

            URGO: I wanna live. I wanna experience the universe and I wanna eat pie.
            O'NEILL: Who doesn't?

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Well while I'm sad and wishing I was at GABIT.. I found this amusing little piece of entertainment...



                Urgo WAS funny

                But I also loved the beginning of Gemini:

                Replicarter (on screen): ...there are two of us.

                Jack: If ONLY!


                Oh course, nothing can surpass my loyalty to Window of Opportunity:

                ..three fries short of a HAPPY MEAL!!!

                *thump* *stony Teal'c stare*.

                Sigh. I'd love it if they'd show WOO at least once more...I'll Tivo it
                - Miz

                Proud Samandan (blue jello all the way!! )

                Proud Anti-S9 Forumer (Pro-Original SG-1)

                Not your average world-saving squad!!


                  Originally posted by Miz_Gatez
                  Urgo WAS funny

                  But I also loved the beginning of Gemini:

                  Replicarter (on screen): ...there are two of us.

                  Jack: If ONLY!


                  Oh course, nothing can surpass my loyalty to Window of Opportunity:

                  ..three fries short of a HAPPY MEAL!!!

                  *thump* *stony Teal'c stare*.

                  Sigh. I'd love it if they'd show WOO at least once more...I'll Tivo it
                  Yes I agree Urgo was too funny!! You know it had to be a blast on the set that week. Some thing for WoO! I watched that episode so many times I wore out my tape.


                    OK. I'm dying here.

                    I have to go to work tomorrow (whine, whine, enter official seal of whiney-whiner pants here), and I wanted to get some scoop tonight. Now I have to wait until SUNDAY, after the news is old.

                    Someone give me something. A bite. OK, a nibble.

                    A sliver?

                    Surely someone's communicated with ONE of the lucky ba-GABITEERS this evening?!?!?!?



                    For those of you who don't know me: I'm just kidding...

                    Sort of.


                      I never got to the best episode voting stuff. If the series was less cool I might. But as it is...They're all so good! I mean, I can think of two episode's I didn't like. In like, 8 seasons. There's no other show I can say that about.


                        Well if we are going to hit page 1,000 this weekend the post count had better start going up soon.

                        How about a couple behind the scenes pics?

                        My View From The Peanut Gallery


                          I'd like to thank you guys for Reccing those Gate scenes! (((HUGS)))


                            Originally posted by Lys

                            That's such a wonderful gift. I'm sure our Queen is going to truely appreciate it. And ChopinGal will give us a wonderful report on GABIT.
                            Don't worry about it. Your gift is in safe hands with CG.
                            I only wish I would a little mouse on GABIT to tell you when Amanda gets your letters (the 73 three pages of the first one and the sealed one )
                            and your video.

                            Special Blue Jello for Über !
                            VERY special, Lys! Wow. A letter to be hand delivered to Amanda. Über deserves this special blue jello for a feat well done!

                            !! PAGE 971 - AND WE'RE ROLLING!

                            Just sayin', keep 'em coming, Samandans!
                            MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                            Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                              Originally posted by Lys
                              CAKE ! Who talked about cake ?

                              SG1 found a party on the other side of the gate. Sam is trying a new ice cream flavor.

                              "Sir ! This wormhole ice cream is delicious. Who would imagine the wonders of a frozen kawoosh ! I mean, it melts in the mouth. You should try it. Mmmm !"

                              Come on Samandans ! Let's party !
                              Delicious post, Lys! That's the spirit, more!

                              Just sayin', !
                              MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                              Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                                Originally posted by tsaxlady
                                Well if we are going to hit page 1,000 this weekend the post count had better start going up soon.

                                How about a couple behind the scenes pics?

                                More, please!

