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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ChopinGal
    You know who impresses me? The new young woman Jaffa on the Council ... she has screen presence, something about her. I wouldn't mind Teal'c getting more scenes with her.
    We're on the same wavelength here, ChopinGal. She impressed me too---she does have screen presence---sounds funny, but I really liked her voice. Very commanding and strong. Yes, Teal'c needs more scenes with her. And hey, I could go for some scenes with her and Sam working together to help out Teal'c. I'd love to see these two women working together. I wonder if this character is on again later in the season?


      Originally posted by chocdoc
      We're on the same wavelength here, ChopinGal. She impressed me too---she does have screen presence---sounds funny, but I really liked her voice. Very commanding and strong. Yes, Teal'c needs more scenes with her. And hey, I could go for some scenes with her and Sam working together to help out Teal'c. I'd love to see these two women working together. I wonder if this character is on again later in the season?
      I third this. I really like this character. Which is odd since she is such a minor character and hasnt really done much except play interferance for Teal'c. Shes in a tough spot seeminly working to help Teal'c without bringing about Gareks wrath. I say seemingly because somone in one of the show threads thought she stabbed tealc in the back by not telling him somthing... I will leave that for that thread though so as not to be too spoilery.

      Not sure what it is, but maybe its a strong jaffa women whos actually well dressed and apparently very intelligent. I like this character and would like to see more.
      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


        Originally posted by chocdoc
        We're on the same wavelength here, ChopinGal. She impressed me too---she does have screen presence---sounds funny, but I really liked her voice. Very commanding and strong. Yes, Teal'c needs more scenes with her. And hey, I could go for some scenes with her and Sam working together to help out Teal'c. I'd love to see these two women working together. I wonder if this character is on again later in the season?
        And more Novak! If they aren't going to use her on Atlantis, bring her over to the SGC!

        My LJ


          i think her name is kal'el, and yes, i like her too. she's kinda like sam in a way...a tiny little drop of estrogen in that sea of testerone

          she's also very level headed

          if someone wants to write an 'amazon' episode....we need sam, vala, kal'el and novak on an adventure
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by chocdoc
            We're on the same wavelength here, ChopinGal. She impressed me too---she does have screen presence---sounds funny, but I really liked her voice. Very commanding and strong. Yes, Teal'c needs more scenes with her. And hey, I could go for some scenes with her and Sam working together to help out Teal'c. I'd love to see these two women working together. I wonder if this character is on again later in the season?
            I'm pretty sure she was in the Season 8 episode 'Sacrifices' as well
            And I'm betting we will see her again this season. I'm sure there will be more stories dealing with the Free Jaffa Nation


              See? There are some female characters on the sidelines that are making an impression on other women because of, possibly, a "blink" reaction ... has anyone read that book? The author's premise is that sometimes we automatically and very intuitively are right with our sudden first impressions. I had that "blink" experience with the new young Jaffa. As we've said, she's intelligent, well spoken, and has a presence about her ... she stands out for some reason. TPTB may be looking for low-cut bustiers and leather, but I'm looking for s-u-b-s-t-a-n-c-e. Let's hope they bring her back and I love what was just said: let Sam and the new woman have some scenes together around a Teal'c situation ...
              I think I know the "stab-in-the-back" scene but we have yet to see if her heart is really into the final position of the Jaffa Council ... that has not yet been revealed. I'm willing to cut her some slack; I think she's still on Teal'c's side.

              What does this tell us? Do you see how hungry we are for some good heavyweight acting between females on the show?!!
              At least we're getting Janet back briefly for Ripple Effect!

              Dux femina facti = "the leader of the deed was a woman". Unfortunately, I can't remember where, in my high-school Latin literature, that line appeared. I hope it was in a favorable context.


                Dear Samandans, please know that Kat has been in touch with me and forwarded the list of questions for AT that you had been sending her via PMs. Added to that are some of the more recent questions that I've copied from our thread too ... it seems that many of you had really good things to ask, including the controversial questions about the role of leadership for Sam. Know that I will compile everything and I've also sent the list on to Coley and 1speed too so that we can discuss who wants to take which questions and raise them if given a chance during the four Q&A panels Amanda is scheduled to do.

                Thanks, guys - great job! Will try to make sure that Samanda is brought up in AT's presence ... and, if by God's good grace, I or Coley or 1speed or dips actually get close enough to hug the lady, you'll all be there in spirit!

                Kat, ever gracious, sends her love and I think all we can do for her right now is say some heartfelt prayers and really be mindful that she is hurting.



                  Originally posted by Coley
                  I'm with you on that.

                  I'm afraid I disliked Vala from the start. The scantily dressed sex tease really turned me off. The script was nearly 90% innuendo.

                  I myself wouldn't watch the show if she became a regular. Women and women actors deserve better.

                  I have never seen Claudia Black before and I can say she has got presence. She deserved a much better character. Keep the sex out of it and develop a back story, make her a serious kick ass outcast getting by on her wits and she would grab my attention.

                  I think CB played the role spot on. I understand Rob Cooper gave her a free reign in how she played the role. Well she didn't play it camp, she didn't play it high camp she actually played it higher than high camp which, to me, gives an insight into what she thought of the script and character.

                  As it stands Vala is the opposite of Sam and pretty much a lot of what I diplore in society today.

                  If Vala was to return in any great quantity I would hope the writers change her quite a lot, which to me means they should have written her differently to start with.

                  I agree with Sky that I think the writers are under pressure to sex things up. I'm just thankful Sam hasn't copped for it the same way Vala did.
                  I tend to agree with you, Coley. However, I think Vala is TPTB's hedge against AT following RDA out the door. And, if she became a series regular, I believe she'd become a different character very quickly. I'm sure she'd have some sort of epiphany about living her life a different way. Unless she bacame a little more serious, she couldn't be a regular part of the team. I think we already saw a hint of that when
                  she took off and saved everyone in her Beach Head departure.


                    Originally posted by ChopinGal
                    I do like that they seem to be writing more lines for Walter, our loyal Technician. These familiar faces help to balance out the many changes for S9. Nothing like mom's apple pie and Walter at the controls, locking the Chevrons! Comfort food for the Gater soul!
                    Well, you know, in his thread (before I left there), JM did say that they were calling S9, "the season of Walter."


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                      I tend to agree with you, Coley. However, I think Vala is TPTB's hedge against AT following RDA out the door. And, if she became a series regular, I believe she'd become a different character very quickly. I'm sure she'd have some sort of epiphany about living her life a different way. Unless she bacame a little more serious, she couldn't be a regular part of the team. I think we already saw a hint of that when
                      she took off and saved everyone in her Beach Head departure.
                      I see what you are saying, but I think if Vala does become more "serious", she'll lose what is appealing --- she's brash, and a pain in the butt, and says whatever she wants to say, etc.. And this is a large part of what some fans like about her. If she becomes incorporated into the SG1 scene too much, I think she'd lose what is unique about her. She needs to be a bit upredictable, a bit wild. I can't see her actually as a team member of an Air Force run team.

                      I think TPTB hoped and expected AT to come back in season 9 (or they would not have made accomodations for her), but because they really liked writing for Vala in PU, brought her back in season 9 as well while AT was out. Now I think they hope and expect AT to come back for season 10 (if there is one), but also hope and expect to bring Vala back too (for how much I don't know). (and now with CB's family situation they can't just bank entirely on CB either).


                        Originally posted by chocdoc
                        I see what you are saying, but I think if Vala does become more "serious", she'll lose what is appealing --- she's brash, and a pain in the butt, and says whatever she wants to say, etc.. And this is a large part of what some fans like about her. If she becomes incorporated into the SG1 scene too much, I think she'd lose what is unique about her. She needs to be a bit upredictable, a bit wild. I can't see her actually as a team member of the Air Force.

                        I think TPTB hoped and expected AT to come back in season 9 (or they would not have made accomodations for her), but because they really liked writing for Vala in PU, brought her back in season 9 as well while AT was out. Now I think they hope and expect AT to come back for season 10 (if there is one), but also hope and expect to bring Vala back too (for how much I don't know). (and now with CB's family situation they can't just bank entirely on CB either).
                        Oh, I don't think she would become a clone of Sam. I think she'd still retain some of that wildness and brashness. But they would have to tone her down from her "big splash" appearance, to make her more palatable on a regular basis. I believe in the first few weeks, they were just trying to keep us amazed enough to stop us from tuning out until AT returned. Just a thought.....from my very tired mind......


                          Originally posted by ChopinGal
                          Dear Samandans, please know that Kat has been in touch with me and forwarded the list of questions for AT that you had been sending her via PMs. Added to that are some of the more recent questions that I've copied from our thread too ... it seems that many of you had really good things to ask, including the controversial questions about the role of leadership for Sam. Know that I will compile everything and I've also sent the list on to Coley and 1speed too so that we can discuss who wants to take which questions and raise them if given a chance during the four Q&A panels Amanda is scheduled to do.

                          Thanks, guys - great job! Will try to make sure that Samanda is brought up in AT's presence ... and, if by God's good grace, I or Coley or 1speed or dips actually get close enough to hug the lady, you'll all be there in spirit!

                          Kat, ever gracious, sends her love and I think all we can do for her right now is say some heartfelt prayers and really be mindful that she is hurting.


                          Thanks for letting us know about Kat. I hope things get better soon.


                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                            Oh, I don't think she would become a clone of Sam. I think she'd still retain some of that wildness and brashness. But they would have to tone her down from her "big splash" appearance, to make her more palatable on a regular basis. I believe in the first few weeks, they were just trying to keep us amazed enough to stop us from tuning out until AT returned. Just a thought.....from my very tired mind......

                            Yeah, I see what you are saying and I agree. I'm having a difficult time imagining seeing her on a regular basis on Stargate SG1, but if that were to happen at some point---yes they would need to tone her down.


                              Originally posted by ChopinGal
                              Kat, ever gracious, sends her love and I think all we can do for her right now is say some heartfelt prayers and really be mindful that she is hurting.
                              Thanks CG, please pass this virtual hug on to Kat for me. ((((((Kat)))))))) Still sending her good thoughts and vibes as well!
                              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                                Originally posted by chocdoc
                                Yeah, I see what you are saying and I agree. I'm having a difficult time imagining seeing her on a regular basis on Stargate SG1, but if that were to happen at some point---yes they would need to tone her down.
                                As much as I like Vala, I wouldn't want her to become a regular, even I would get tired of her. Besides, I wouldn't want her to loose too much of what makes her, her, the "kid who says what everyone is thinking". LOL Do I think she needs to tone down, eh, maybe, but I think if/when she comes back, her experience in the Ori system/where ever she is now, will help with that.
                                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.

