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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by MajorSam

    Yes, I'm ALIVE!

    HOW HAVE YOU ALL BEEN!?!??!?! I've missed you all so terribly... im' sorry i've seemed practically dead lately, i'm just SOOOOO busy I still can't find the time to get some of my summer's training course stories down... but I'm doing something huge next weekend, so hopefully i'll get THAT down!!!!

    Last nite... (Well, this morning at 3 am) I finished a fic!!!!! Lol, it's a shameless bit of sillyness... Ah well, it was funny to write... check it out!!!! - Go to "Death By Tea Mug" the third story down!!!!!!
    and REVIEW!!!!!!! If I get enough reviews I mite be encouraged to come back a bit more! Lol

    I'm seriously trying to find more time to get on... I swear the last time I was here was at about 7000 posts... now weve, what, a million!?!?!??!


    I'll try to be back!


    (Review!!!!! )

    It's about time you showed up! How have you been?!?!


      Originally posted by MajorSam

      Yes, I'm ALIVE!

      HOW HAVE YOU ALL BEEN!?!??!?! I've missed you all so terribly... im' sorry i've seemed practically dead lately, i'm just SOOOOO busy I still can't find the time to get some of my summer's training course stories down... but I'm doing something huge next weekend, so hopefully i'll get THAT down!!!!

      Last nite... (Well, this morning at 3 am) I finished a fic!!!!! Lol, it's a shameless bit of sillyness... Ah well, it was funny to write... check it out!!!! - Go to "Death By Tea Mug" the third story down!!!!!!
      and REVIEW!!!!!!! If I get enough reviews I mite be encouraged to come back a bit more! Lol

      I'm seriously trying to find more time to get on... I swear the last time I was here was at about 7000 posts... now weve, what, a million!?!?!??!


      I'll try to be back!


      (Review!!!!! )
      What a delightful surprise ... Madam President IS IN THE HOUSE (now if we can only get Keeper back too)!

      I just read your latest fanfic and LOL - it was a steamy cup of tea for sure!

      Hope you behaved yourself in the acting worship with Maybourne! Tell us what you can when you can ... we've missed you immensely! Lots of newbies that you must get to know!

      Are you going to GABIT?! Some of us are representing Samanda and hoping to spend some time with the Queen in London ... you know which Queen I mean ... we must keep our priorities straight!

      Welcome back and don't be a stranger! Coley and deepspace and lots of us will be waiting to hear all about your summer military maneuvers too.




        Just wanted to say hi...


          Originally posted by IncessantBabbler

          Just wanted to say hi...
          Howdy! I love your name. I can relate to it just a little too much...

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            Howdy! I love your name. I can relate to it just a little too much...
            Same here!


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              Ooh...I just read over on the GABIT attendees thread that Kat's having back issues...

              This might preclude her from going to GABIT and she was going to hand deliver something for me there.

              Who else is going to be attending from Samanda just in case Kat's laid up?

              BTW...huggles to Kat...I know what it's like to have back issues...

              Quoting myself here... (as, well, my brilliance is sometimes ignored and I must remind you of things I've said)...

              Is there any chance that I could find out which Samandans will be attending GABIT and could you PM me PLEEEEASE? If no one responds this time I..I'll start to really WHINE...

              Thank ya...

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

                Excuse me while I clean the soda off of my boss' computer screen...


                  Originally posted by jerin
                  especially adorable Qasim, who's a little younger than me.
                  LOL - I have a different stereotype on every thread
                  gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                  so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                  love Torri


                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    Quoting myself here... (as, well, my brilliance is sometimes ignored and I must remind you of things I've said)...
                    Rodney!! How ya been buddy?? LOL!!

                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    Oh rats, no green-ness to pass along, locked up tight as a drum, darn it!! That's frickin' brilliant, Über! Can I add a small version of that to my sig?!?!?!

                    mini(wait a sec - are there two 'n's in unappreciated?)geek

                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                      on the Big 300, Dani76!
                      Let's share some beans ...

                      Happy 300th to 1speed too, and whoop-de-doo, I just posted #1600 when welcoming MajorSam back to the thread!


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal
                        I just posted #1600 when welcoming MajorSam back to the thread!
                        200 to go
                        gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                        so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                        love Torri


                          Originally posted by IncessantBabbler

                          Just wanted to say hi...
                          Welcome to Samanda, IB! Any friend of Sam's, is a friend of ours!


                            Originally posted by minigeek
                            Hey, speaking of science fiction...........

                            This is totally non Sam related, but I have a couple of sci-fi wallpapers to share, if anyone likes that sort of thing. Among my many GEEKdoms, I'm personally a bit of a COSMOLOGYgeek, I frequently download the latest stellar cartography material (whatever I can find) and anything high res I can get my hands on from Hubble and the like as inspiration. It was nebulae last month!

                            Implausible Planetoids II (Horsehead, with heavy license - and no horsehead! lol)
                            Size 1024
                            Size 1280
                            Or, if you're an insane fx geek (artist! I meant artist! d'oh!) like me and have the uberMONITOR setup:
                            Size 1920

                            Implausible Planetoids III (Orion, with heavy license)
                            Size 1024
                            Size 1280
                            Size 1920

                            Cheers Samandans!
                            mini(the 3D)geek
                            These are fantastic! Thanks, mini geek ... obviously, there are more heavenly bodies out there than just Sam and Janet (and Vala ... in deference to our newbie, SunKrux)!


                              Originally posted by Strix varia

                              Re: What episode would you like to see be written ...

                              It would involve Sam spontaneously throwing herself in front of a staff blast (or similar threat) aimed at Daniel, thereby saving his life. Sam, of course, would be seriously injured, but not killed.

                              Just watching the fandom fallout from such an act would be enormously entertaining.
                              ROTFLOL ... brilliant! A delicious paradox that would stop fans in their tracks!


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                Isn't she the most gracious person on God's green earth????

                                And like the only person I've seen say she misses Rick. I mean the only person from the show. All of us have been saying it for ages...

                                No kidding about AT being the only one with a positive comment and show of respect for RDA! She mentioned missing him in another interview when she first started this season. I wish some of the other writers/actors would show the same courtesy. It just goes to show what a sweet friendly person AT must be in real life. From numerous reports she is always making people (new actors or fans) that come on the set feel right at home. It boggles the mind why a select group would choose to continue to bad mouth such a person when they have never met her.

