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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    first, i do ignore AD (except when i flirting with him).
    You and me both. I hope he can handle the both of us flirting with him and biting him all the time.

    Wait...that...didn't come out right; did it???

    Originally posted by majorsal
    second, i still don't see where sam said 'it's complicated' to barrett.

    She doesn't. Joe forgot what he wrote but then he writes a lot.

    Actually now that I think of it, I believe that line is courtesy of RCC. The line to which he's referring is "Not exactly."

    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
      You and me both. I hope he can handle the both of us flirting with him and biting him all the time.
      Hey, if Sam's cool with it then I got no problem with it


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        Whoops...we lost Sam episode Entity in the Best Episode Tournament...

        We have to be more diligent!!!


        I'm DANG depressed right now. Entity was really low on the list before the hiatus.

        Not cool.

        Someone cheer me up, please?!?!


          Originally posted by tsaxlady
          Dani - creation has said that cover may change - I'm not sure if that is the final cover or not. That being said, having been to several of their cons in the last few years I can tell you that AT's stuff sells for more than anyone elses on SG-1 during the auctions at their cons. Last year I was surprised when MS banner went for $600 signed by him at the con - then when AT's went up for sale it went for $850 signed by her. This year even though she was not there at the con they sold a couple of banners with out her sign and they still went as high as MS signed banner. The signed pictures of AT they had all took top dollar as well.
          Those are some nice tidbits!

          Nevertheless, I'd find it a bit unnerving that people are so willing to spend so much money on pictures of me with my john hancock on them... Yipes.


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            Those are some nice tidbits!

            Nevertheless, I'd find it a bit unnerving that people are so willing to spend so much money on pictures of me with my john hancock on them... Yipes.
            And telling.

            AMANDA IS LOVED.

            And if that doesn't cheer you up, nothing will.

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              And telling.

              AMANDA IS LOVED.

              And if that doesn't cheer you up, nothing will.

              It's getting there...

              Hey, you know that thing we talked about before? I see you've been busy...


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                It's getting there...

                Hey, you know that thing we talked about before? I see you've been busy...
                Way. Too. Much.

                I sooooooo need to get a life.

                Maybe I will.


                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                  Way. Too. Much.

                  I sooooooo need to get a life.

                  Maybe I will.


                  Way to set a 4-day goal. Nice.

                  Hey... Weren't we supposed to be going to bed, like, 10 minutes ago?!?!?


                  ^ Also needs to get a life. On Tuesday.


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    Way to set a 4-day goal. Nice.

                    Hey... Weren't we supposed to be going to bed, like, 10 minutes ago?!?!?


                    ^ Also needs to get a life. On Tuesday.

                    See, tragically and pathetically, I actually alluded to one of my favorite SG-1 episodes in my previous post. (Jack to Walter? 2010???? "I'll bring everything back I promise. Thursday.")

                    Sadly, I think that alone proves my know the "I need to get a life" point.

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                      That's a great point. I kinda compare the idea of Vala with Felger.

                      Don't stone me yet...see if you agree.

                      Both of them are outlandish and funny (Vala's humor softened near the end of her stay)...but way over the top most of the time.

                      I remember the Avenger 2.0 commentary when Martin and Amanda were talking about the fact that because of Felger's over-the-toppedness...his character would not be sustainable as a weekly regular. Why? Because his act would get old. Fast.

                      Now many didn't appreciate my beloved Jay. I adored him...but that's because I saw him twice...The Other Guys and Avenger 2.0. And as MUCH as I love him, I'd get sick of Jay wigging out every single week. It would be a one-punchline theme playing over and over again in my head.

                      So if theoretically they were to make Felger a series regular, they'd HAVE to tone him down. But then in doing so, he's no longer Felger (who I'd love to see at least one more time).

                      Are you with me here Samandans?

                      They could (in theory) keep her as an outlandish character early season 9 BECAUSE she was only there temporarily. In order to be a sustainable series regular, she'd have to really REALLY sand off the rough spots...but then she wouldn't be the snarky, over-the-top Vala we saw early season 9...the one they adore and I barely tolerated.

                      I'm hoping for occasional appearances from her. That'd be fine.

                      Plus regardless of her "interest" in joining SG-1, she's too much of a lone wolf to take orders all the time. And again, if she became that kind of "take orders" gal, she wouldn't BE the Vala they love.

                      There's the rub in their "Vala should Join the SG-1 Team" fantasy. If they get Vala as a team member (may it never be), she really wouldn't be Vala anymore.

                      Excellent post! You have made a carefully reasoned argument about the ramifications of bringing Vala on as a regular. The original act would get pretty tiring, pretty fast.

                      LOL ... thinking of the Vala Fan Club, "Be careful of what you wish for ... you may get it!" but it may not be what you expected.


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        Re: photocap of Jack and Sam from Out of Mind ...

                        .... i ccan't.... i'm in a lusty trance..... *sighs*

                        ROTFLOL I knew that was gonna happen!

                        Once you recover, please add a caption (that won't be censored! Unfortunately, my one-liner isn't printable ...)


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          ... I like what a fellow Samandan said to seems to help me when I try to be too nice to people who are sans clue:

                          "Nice is overrated in the face of overwhelming stupidity."

                          This might have to be our standby motto when dealing with people who wouldn't know a Hic Comitas Regit if it came up and bit them...
                          ROTFLOL again, oh Royal Defender of the Faith!


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

                            J/K. You know Walter will always be first in her heart.

                            ...hey i'm a sam/jack shipper...honest...just trying to crack a joke!!! you know, a...joke???

                            Hey folks...I just have to can there be anyone in the world that doesn't just ADORE this woman????

                            I ask ya...
                            You just reminded me of the very first fanfic I ever wrote ... check out Man of the Hour at

                            What's not to love?!


                              for many of the folks who hate sam - and i do have to emphasize that this is broad generalizations - they just HAVE to hate a character

                              in s6, it was jonas. many of them started jonas death sites and wrote jonas death fic. they made cartoons where jonas died and were anti-jonas

                              then jonas was off the show and what to do???? who could they bag on???

                              wasn't fair to pick on teal'c. poor dude barely has any lines and really isn't a threat to daniel.

                              some picked on jack. others turned thier attention to sam.

                              sam became evil. sam became spam. any line she had was a line that daniel SHOULD have had. she was a threat to their preferred character. they wrote fic that bashed her (and yes, there is a fic that purports that, in going tojack's assistance, sam let the jaffa through that killed janet....that's where that piece of BS came from)

                              to many of them, it's daniel OR.....not Daniel AND.

                              and right now sam is who they want to get rid of because sam is a threat to the preferred character of many.

                              what's sad, i've been to cons and seen these very same folks who bash the stuffins out of sam and amanda suck up to her, get her auto, do everything they can to get close to the actress....then go home and pick on her

                              yeah, whatever.

                              I gotta wonder, if amanda ever leaves who they will turn their attention to next. for the past 3 years, for many of them, it's been Daniel OR.....well, pretty soon there will be no show because theykeep getting rid of every single supporting actor, pretty soon there will be no one on the show and they will have killed it

                              as to vala, yes, she is like felger. best in small doses. her level of absurdity is not sustainable on a weekly basis. she's already picked on and torn apart for being so OTT, if she becomes a regular, the critics will tear her and the show apart

                              teh only way she can become a regular is if she tones down and, GASP becomes more like sam.

                              becareful what you wish for, you just might get it.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                for many of the folks who hate sam - and i do have to emphasize that this is broad generalizations - they just HAVE to hate a character

                                in s6, it was jonas. many of them started jonas death sites and wrote jonas death fic. they made cartoons where jonas died and were anti-jonas

                                then jonas was off the show and what to do???? who could they bag on???

                                wasn't fair to pick on teal'c. poor dude barely has any lines and really isn't a threat to daniel.

                                some picked on jack. others turned thier attention to sam.

                                sam became evil. sam became spam. any line she had was a line that daniel SHOULD have had. she was a threat to their preferred character. they wrote fic that bashed her (and yes, there is a fic that purports that, in going tojack's assistance, sam let the jaffa through that killed janet....that's where that piece of BS came from)

                                to many of them, it's daniel OR.....not Daniel AND.

                                and right now sam is who they want to get rid of because sam is a threat to the preferred character of many.

                                what's sad, i've been to cons and seen these very same folks who bash the stuffins out of sam and amanda suck up to her, get her auto, do everything they can to get close to the actress....then go home and pick on her

                                yeah, whatever.

                                I gotta wonder, if amanda ever leaves who they will turn their attention to next. for the past 3 years, for many of them, it's been Daniel OR.....well, pretty soon there will be no show because theykeep getting rid of every single supporting actor, pretty soon there will be no one on the show and they will have killed it

                                as to vala, yes, she is like felger. best in small doses. her level of absurdity is not sustainable on a weekly basis. she's already picked on and torn apart for being so OTT, if she becomes a regular, the critics will tear her and the show apart

                                teh only way she can become a regular is if she tones down and, GASP becomes more like sam.

                                becareful what you wish for, you just might get it.

                                Good points, Skydiver. There are so many bizarre things about this. Season 9 really is everything this small minority of sam slammers wants, and yet the sam slamming from them seems just as vicious and even more so because now they can use Vala for their cause (CB would be appalled). I guess it will never go away.

                                Also, they seem to delude themselves into thinking that Sam and Amanda Tapping have no fanbase---or a very little one. People come on to their site and say, gee I look around at other forums on the internet and Sam/AT seem popular. Of course, they rarely answer these posters. They WANT to believe that she has no support---but look around. Why for example has there been such a strong fan outcry about the Mitchell/Sam leadership if no one cared about Carter! Why would AT be popular at cons and merchandise that promotes her? Why would some fans actually take the time to organize a convention just with her!! Why are there international sites just for AT/Sam? I think they can't stand the fact that she really is popular. They read constructive criticism of how Sam is written to mean fans now dislike her. They want to believe this--I really don't know why.

                                An example of this--I read a post from someone who says that if Amanda Tapping were "dismissed" from the show, there would not even be a ripple in fandom. Wow. Right. So, if AT wanted to come back to the show and the producers said, sorry---fandom would just sit around and have no response. This is delusional.

                                Yes, Sam is a threat to them because she is also a main character, much to their dismay. She is a very important part of why SG1 has been successful so far. And she will continue to be (no matter how much they moan) as long as AT wants to be there.

