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    Originally posted by LtLisa
    oooohhhh! we should send her a stuffed pengiun wearing a shipper shirt!

    //Yer..... wot if they did have to tie that into the story scary *shudders//
    if she's due in March, highly unlikely...she's just recently entered her second trimester, so she probably wasn't showing much at all when they were filming the other sister in law didn't really show till her third trimester

    Great idea about the shipper shirt on the penguin.

    Wait, do they make shirts that small?!!!
    Ship Nana


      Originally posted by ses110
      Caty I'll be gone for good as well if Sam
      marries Pete.I will also be gone if Sam and Jack are not together after Season 8.I do not care if RDA returns for a season 9 or JM comes on the forum and promises non stop Sam and Jack Ship in Season 9.After 8 Years you have to draw the line and I will except no excuses from TPTB in putting Sam and Jack together.I also want to offer congratulations and Best Wishes to Amanda and Alan.

      I'm still confident
      Pete is a plot device to put Sam and Jack together but enough is enough ..It's time to end the UST ship and have them like normal people who can talk to each other 'bout their feelings .

      There is no time to play around the bush ..they should have done that in season 5.

      Now Jack needs to be with sam and Sam needs to be with jack ..They are both suffering from the forbidden love due to military regulations...They need to love each other and find happiness together

      and Pete is a real sucker if the spoilers about the house are true's very sickly acually that somebody can be so determined to have his own way about doing things on his own .

      He sucks if he does just that in threads

      Jack is so the right man for Sam ..At least he 'll never walk on her freedom and will always ask her if they both need to do something because thie is the way he is ..A real gentle man ..a funny one that Sam loves ..but nonetheless a real man



        Originally posted by Ship Nana
        Great idea about the shipper shirt on the penguin.

        Wait, do they make shirts that small?!!!

        Why not? There should be a children/baby - collection and a penguin-collection.
        Penguins are very fashionable.


          A couple more screencaps from the UK Lowdown:



            Originally posted by ses110
            Caty I'll be gone for good as well if Sam
            marries Pete.I will also be gone if Sam and Jack are not together after Season 8.I do not care if RDA returns for a season 9 or JM comes on the forum and promises non stop Sam and Jack Ship in Season 9.
            Whatever about the rest of it, I honestly don't believe that
            Sam will marry Pete. There's no way they could justify it, especially not if the spoilers we've heard about him ge
            tting the house etc, are true.

            It would be a complete and utter waste of time and effort for them building up the S&J relationship over the last eight years if they just let it drop, I really don't think they'll do that. Even in the Pete eps, there were deliberate shippy moments; the elevator scene,
            the ring scene.

            In fact, they were probably more deliberate in those eps than they are otherwise.


              Originally posted by shelsfc
              In fact, they were probably more deliberate in those eps than they are otherwise.
              I think they were overtly shipping in Affinity. But I don't give them credit for that. I think that shippyness was placed there either to keep the shipping community quiet, or justfy the entire plot. I think the entire Pete buisness has been handled badly both from a story point of view and from a fan relations point of view.

              They are better than than. Almost all of Affinity seemed more like writing on a page than characters talking. It seemed... false.


                Originally posted by Mala50
                A couple more screencaps from the UK Lowdown:


                ROTFL!! Ask and ye shall receive!! (At least from the Shipper Fairy) Mala, you are the BEST!! Those are wonderful!! I want to see the UK Lowdown!!

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  A couple more screencaps from the UK Lowdown:

                  Wow, he looks great in that shirt (No, I'm not in the wrong thread. I'm speaking of the penguin. )

                  But the pics are great too, of course!!!


                    hi guys,

                    YES YES YES i have just watched the lowdown i really that it was cool,esp the RDA and AT scenes why can't we have those moments on the show as well.

                    AT said in her statement before she released her very happy news about just wrapping up the end of season 8 not even knowing there will be a season 9!!!

                    So the big question is how ARE they wrapping the end up continuing into film finale or just saying here we are sg1 keeps going even though there aren't any more episodes.
                    With this mobieus episode
                    i think some-one mentioned them going back to COTG where it all started how could they do that so much could have changed, sam might still be a doctor,so they could get together then but what would the last 8 years mean ????i don't know i'm moaning about nothing i suppose.

                    I just want them together as the end is near.




                      I have a question, so I'm gonna ask my shipper family, cuz you guys are the smartest, most creative people I know!!(kiss, kiss )

                      If you go back and change the past, but you remember the original ending, is it Alternate Reality????????

                      Take for example, Back to the Future. Marty McFly goes back to 1955 and changes things, then has to put things right again, well sorta.
                      When he gets back, things are the same, but better.
                      So is it an Alternate Reality??

                      My question stems from "spoilers" for upcoming eps.
                      My speculation for "Citizen Joe and Mobius" is
                      that whatever the gadget "Joe" finds at the yard sale is of Ancient design and he unknowingly has the Ancient gene and can use it, he not only sees the past, he's actually there!!
                      Hence all the special effects of trying to put Joe into past episodes.
                      My speculation is that it's some sort of time-travel device and he went back and changed something that SG-1 has to go "fix" in Mobius.
                      So if you're messing with the past, ANYTHING is possible!!!
                      (hint to TPTB, erase "Pete" )



                        first, WELCOME BACK ((((((((((Ship Mom))))))))))

                        second, I never EVER want to see again on this ANY way, even if Sam and Jack are having HWMS and have a bunch of kids...I want G-O-N-E

                        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                          Thanks for all of the warm fuzzies little shiplets! It's good to be back finally. I'm still catching up a bit but I'm still feeing optimistic about there being a lot of S/J ship the second half of the season.

                          Possible spoilers for second half of season 8
                          Even reading the DDL interview with the possibility that Pete is going to be back at the end of the season didn't really deter me. If they're going to end the Sam/Pete angle then it stands to reason that he'll have to come back .

                          I do wish that there was just a tad bit more out there in the way of spoilers though. They're being extremely tight-lipped for the second half of the season. I'm hoping that's because there's some truly good stuff coming up.

                          It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                            Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                            After many scheduling conflicts with the cable company and problems with the cable line resulting in many rescheduled appointments I finally have internet access at home again. Woo hoo! I'm home! <kisses ground of ship thread>
                            Woohoo! You're back! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!



                              Originally posted by wynter
                              hi guys,

                              YES YES YES i have just watched the lowdown i really that it was cool,esp the RDA and AT scenes why can't we have those moments on the show as well.

                              AT said in her statement before she released her very happy news about just wrapping up the end of season 8 not even knowing there will be a season 9!!!

                              So the big question is how ARE they wrapping the end up continuing into film finale or just saying here we are sg1 keeps going even though there aren't any more episodes.
                              With this mobieus episode
                              i think some-one mentioned them going back to COTG where it all started how could they do that so much could have changed, sam might still be a doctor,so they could get together then but what would the last 8 years mean ????i don't know i'm moaning about nothing i suppose.

                              I just want them together as the end is near.

                              No no no WYNTER ..They are only travelling back in time not
                              erasing 8 years of the show ..They may alter a few things along the way their personal lives ..all the best when they come back to 2005....and they would have destroyed the Go'aoulds but for the team the last past 8 years would have happened ...I think it's great and Staragte is a sci-fi show ...and this kind of story should please a lot of fans . Time travel is fun specially if you have to be careful how to handle things in case of alterations ..and we could see a few slip ups from Sam and Jack in 1997 so that back in 2005 ..they are engaged or married for good...when they hear it from other people from SGC and and and ....Pete is going out wit Kerry ..heheheheheheh.he never ever met Sam (well .... for him he didn't )



                                Originally posted by waterfall
                                I have a question, so I'm gonna ask my shipper family, cuz you guys are the smartest, most creative people I know!!(kiss, kiss )

                                If you go back and change the past, but you remember the original ending, is it Alternate Reality????????

                                Take for example, Back to the Future. Marty McFly goes back to 1955 and changes things, then has to put things right again, well sorta.
                                When he gets back, things are the same, but better.
                                So is it an Alternate Reality??

                                My question stems from "spoilers" for upcoming eps.
                                My speculation for "Citizen Joe and Mobius" is
                                that whatever the gadget "Joe" finds at the yard sale is of Ancient design and he unknowingly has the Ancient gene and can use it, he not only sees the past, he's actually there!!
                                Hence all the special effects of trying to put Joe into past episodes.
                                My speculation is that it's some sort of time-travel device and he went back and changed something that SG-1 has to go "fix" in Mobius.
                                So if you're messing with the past, ANYTHING is possible!!!
                                (hint to TPTB, erase "Pete" )


                                I think it's just called "new destiny"

                                and about Erase pete ..
                                just imagine Pete looking at one on his pictures and he sees himself disappearing slowly on that pic first and then real while talking to Sam ..HAHAHAHAHA like Marty in back to the future.


