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    Originally posted by samisjacksgal
    for some reason i can only think of divide and conquer, but then again odd moments like when jack gets flustered in full circle after skaras wedding invite tells me she knows his feelings

    on a seperate note i think if you want to know how they feel you just have to look into their eyes....they tell a whole different story

    that's all I could come up with as well. but I definitely agree about the looks!!
    guess I'm just trying to figure out why in the world she would've decided not to wait for him or to TRY and figure out a way around the regs?!
    unless it was just an evil ploy by TPTB to shake us up a bit! OK - so I don't really believe that. I do however like the theory that this relationship can only HELP things when she does FINALLY END UP WITH JACK!!! (Wasn't it AT who said that herself in an interview?)
    again - sorry for rehashing stuff that has most likely been looked at from every angle!

    back to the tossing of the pengiuns...


      Originally posted by Mala50
      Yes, bev, you stole it from me (and the one in the gateroom from Evol2, but who's counting?), but since I love you and you've confessed, you are forgiven. You may kiss my mouse now.
      When I see something nice, I just grab it and run...hence my rather large collection of Jack clones!!!


        Originally posted by jennsatt
        QUESTION - when would you guys say was the last time she could've been sure that Jack still has feelings for her??
        Originally posted by samisjacksgal
        for some reason i can only think of divide and conquer, but then again odd moments like when jack gets flustered in full circle after skaras wedding invite tells me she knows his feelings

        on a seperate note i think if you want to know how they feel you just have to look into their eyes....they tell a whole different story
        If she didn't get it from this, I don't know what to say:



          Originally posted by Mala50
          Btw, it's quality posts like this one that have earned me my 3 green jello squares of love.
          ROFL!! (and yes, I'm sucking up after stealing all your nice piccies!)


            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
            ROFL!! (and yes, I'm sucking up after stealing all your nice piccies!)
            OOO BEV!!! post one more time! (and you'll get a new piccie!)


              Originally posted by Major Fischer
              Should we now wait for the time when there will be mobs of shippers outside of Bridge with flaming torches
              I think they're already there!


                Originally posted by jennsatt
                abydosorphan - I like your train of thought. I do agree that seeing Jack "under those circumstances" should definitely shake something loose inside her head.
                but wouldn't you say that she did admit that she has feelings for him in "Grace"? Granted - running off into 's arms was not quite the way I would've gone after that.
                It's really hard to separate that scene and remember that Jack was not really talking to her. It was just what SHE thought Jack would say.
                SO - (and I'm sure it was discussed ad naseum months ago - but I wasn't here then ) I guess what I'm getting at here is this:
                QUESTION - when would you guys say was the last time she could've been sure that Jack still has feelings for her??
                FOR SURE?????

                spoilers for The Episode I refuse to Name Season 7 starts with a *C*/ Heros

                Jack was pretty clear in the elevator that it was akward talking to Sam about and he got all fidgity. I realize that while that in itself is not a *cleacr* signal it is a sign that *something* is still up and discussion maybe should have come up. ESPECIALLY after the Heros hug. irregardless of how sure Sam was about Jack's feelings if TPTB *are* going to keep using the regs as the obstacle Sam really has to make the first move. Jack makes any moves and it can be misconstrued. Sam is the ONLY one that can do or say anything that can NOT be misconstrued as her harrassing herself

                So once they had the elevator moment and then the hug... a conversation SHOULD have taken place.......BUT since it didn't I don't think it is fair to put Jack in the role of the bad guy *feeling wise* based on what I said above Sam has all the power and she is the one that has to make a decision.

                I think everyone forgets that part - Sam is the ONLY one that can make any of the moves until Jack is out of the military.
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  I think they're already there!
                  With the people carrying signs saying "No More Potato Head!"


                    Wanna imagine different ways Spud-u-like to vanish?

                    58 Ways to kill Pete Shanahan!
                    This is the same link I put in earlier.
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by jennsatt
                      abydosorphan -
                      QUESTION - when would you guys say was the last time she could've been sure that Jack still has feelings for her??
                      That is a good question. I would say D & C and Beneath the Surface are the only time Jack actually talks about his feelings for Sam. That was a while back. He has given her looks, but it is hard to tell if someone love you by just a look.
                      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        I think they're already there!

                        HOORAY FOR DIPSOFJAZZ/BEV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        1,000 POSTS WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT!!!!
                        (while posting, that is... what she does with her Jack clone is her OWN business!!)

                        Sam and Jack in Descent

                        (and Jack with wet, sticky-up hair!)


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          I always thought it was a wet trout we used! Did I miss a memo????
                          LOL...No the trout still works

                          why do you think all of these guys are going along with the *Flaming Penguins* Its the trout thing
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            Since you are my friend, I may save some for you.
                            You are too too kind

                            MF you thought you were talking about trouts and Clubs when you said this
                            Originally posted by Major Fischer
                            Desperate times call for desperate measures...
                            little did you know it applies to all things Shipper AND gutter when it comes to Bev
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              Wanna imagine different ways Spud-u-like to vanish?

                              58 Ways to kill Pete Shanahan!
                              This is the same link I put in earlier.
                              notice i have about ten in there? this is from a list both sue and i are on, and we've been working a few more. we should be up to 100 by the time affinity airs here....we've also been working on 100 ways to undress jack (no idea who started with that one...are any of you fooled by my innocent face?)
                              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                                Congrats Bev!!!!!!
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

