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    Okay, I don't remember who said this, but this is in response to the suggestion that Moebius might erase everything over the last eight years. And I'm not putting this in spoiler space because none of it is really spoilerific.

    IT'S REALLY, REALLY, REALLY UNLIKELY. Remember SciFi's new darling, Atlantis? If they erase all of SG-1, they erase Atlantis too. And that just ain't gonna happen!

    Think positive, folks. Our ship is coming in.

    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      BTW, who's the ship family?
      ya know who's the mom, dad,grams, gramps, sis, bro, aunts, and uncles, ect....

      I've always wondered???? Just thought i'd ask
      Random Thought of the day:

      -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
      -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

      heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


        Originally posted by lostelf
        Sorry to interrupt, shipper family t-shirt list again. Let me know if you want different capitalization, etc. If you're not on the list, and would like your name listed on the shirt, email or PM me. [email protected]

        *hugs* (please pardon the long spammy list) :\

        Ship Nana
        Mei Mei
        Angel of Fire SG1
        Caty SG1 aka ShipDiva
        Mishy Mo
        Mad Gater
        eye of botox

        geeze, the peer pressure!! I guess since everyone else is doing it i'll do it too!! Just don't go jumping off any bridges or anything! sign me up!

        oh, im supposed to PM you. ok i'll do that too
        Random Thought of the day:

        -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
        -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

        heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


          Hey everyone!

          Just wanted to add my congratulations to Amanda and Alan!!! I am so excited for them!!! Best wishes and luck to them!

 I was going through some blank tapes with my sister (who although isn't a huge fan of stargate like I am, she watches stargate sometimes with me and is also a S/J shipper ) because we wanted to record something on tv. So we come accross Affinity (guess I didn't mark that one tape, I wonder why?!) and I press play and come across
          the scene where Sam says yes to Pete! uggh! I hurry and pressed stop as fast as I could! And apparently my sister hadn't seen that episode and she was like.."She said yes?! What the hell was she thinking?" lol! So just so you know...we're not the only one's that disapprove of Sam's answer!!

          OH, and Caty, I just watched your lastest videos!! I espcially love "May it Be". And Marimba, I'm off to watch your lastest one too..I'm excited!



            Originally posted by estelle
            OMG! Just here to tell everyone the great news: Amanda and Alan are expecting a baby!!! Kamil just published a message from her on her official homepage. That's so great!!!

            Estelle xxx

            PS: Wanna be on the T-shirt too please.
            (((((((((((((((Amanda and Alan)))))))))))))))))

            Congrtas to you two!!


              Originally posted by Major Fischer
              I think they were overtly shipping in Affinity. But I don't give them credit for that. I think that shippyness was placed there either to keep the shipping community quiet, or justfy the entire plot. I think the entire Pete buisness has been handled badly both from a story point of view and from a fan relations point of view.

              They are better than than. Almost all of Affinity seemed more like writing on a page than characters talking. It seemed... false.
              Totally agree. A lot of the lines sounded very self-conscious and not at all like the characters talking. If TPTB have something to say, they have a lot of ways to say it without puting an awkward clunker of a line in Sam's mouth.

              This whole thing has made almost nobody particularly happy. Shippers hate third party love interest plots even when they're handled well -- and this one has more problems than just being an impediment to ship. Nevermind all the pro-Pete press that went over like an anthrax-laden lead balloon. And even all the ship we've gotten is rather soured by Pete being in the picture for it. Noromo types got a great big love-triangle plot that took attention away from the sci-fi/action. And I can only imagine they loved all that pro-Pete and Sam/Jack press that overshadowed the rest of the show's changes for season 8. They really got the biggest lump of coal in their stocking. Anti-Sam/Jack types have gotten a lot of angsty ship stuff, frequent mentions of Sam/Jack in the press, and no end in sight for Sam/Jack side of the triangle. As much as I'm sure they liked the idea of a boyfriend for Sam to end the ship, it didn't end the ship. We've had more than ever. Many Sam fans are baffled at the characterization issues and miffed her stories have been romance instead of seeing her adjusting to being in command. And I'm sure people with no real opinion on ship are just sick to death of it -- and the various fan reactions to it -- by now. I'm sure there are a few people out there who are enjoying this story, but it doesn't feel like anywhere near a majority to me.
              *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                I'm going to say that I fit into the catagoy of non. I'm not a norom, or a shipper, or an antishipper. I honestly don't have an opinion on ship. But this reminds me a little of one of the more unpleasent aspects of X-Files fandom. That TPTB are forcing their fans to take a stand, find a place, within those catagories.

                But what I do demand is that when romance is done in a show, that it be done in keeping with the characters and not in a way that violates my suspension of disbelief. I don't think that there was a big outcry against Narim or Martouf. Because Narim and Martouf were important to the stories that they were in. Even Ambassador Joe. The romance aspect was an aspect of the Tollan and Tok'ra arcs. It wasn't the entire point of those arcs.

                There is no point to the Pete arc. They have missed the point of their own television show. The reasons why there were such a backlash against Pete (besides the many and previously stated problems with the character) is that no fan felt like they could enjoy the arc without enjoying the romance.

                I think the second and perhaps greater sin here though was dismissing a horrible reaction from your fanbase. Maybe they think they are addressing our concerns over three or four episodes, but to me that misses the point entirely. When you make a mistake it shouldn't take you three or four episodes to fix it.

                What I still haven't figured out is why they did it.


                  Originally posted by Major Fischer
                  I'm going to say that I fit into the catagoy of non. I'm not a norom, or a shipper, or an antishipper. I honestly don't have an opinion on ship. But this reminds me a little of one of the more unpleasent aspects of X-Files fandom. That TPTB are forcing their fans to take a stand, find a place, within those catagories.

                  But what I do demand is that when romance is done in a show, that it be done in keeping with the characters and not in a way that violates my suspension of disbelief. I don't think that there was a big outcry against Narim or Martouf. Because Narim and Martouf were important to the stories that they were in. Even Ambassador Joe. The romance aspect was an aspect of the Tollan and Tok'ra arcs. It wasn't the entire point of those arcs.

                  There is no point to the Pete arc. They have missed the point of their own television show. The reasons why there were such a backlash against Pete (besides the many and previously stated problems with the character) is that no fan felt like they could enjoy the arc without enjoying the romance.

                  I think the second and perhaps greater sin here though was dismissing a horrible reaction from your fanbase. Maybe they think they are addressing our concerns over three or four episodes, but to me that misses the point entirely. When you make a mistake it shouldn't take you three or four episodes to fix it.

                  What I still haven't figured out is why they did it.

                  It's kind of like the interview where what's-his-name had to answer a question about how Pete actually found out where this stakeout was, since he wouldn't necessarily have been able to see Sam get into the van to know which van to follow. If you have to explain a major, major plot point in something other than THE EPISODE, you've got a writing problem here.

                  A friend of mine refers to Pete as the Blatant Boyfriend. Narim and Martouf were clearly meant to be romantic interests for Sam, but they were also meant to be the other side of the coin where the Tollan and the Tok'ra are concerned. I'd even go so far as to say that Barrett does the same thing for the NID. But Pete? He's a plot device. And not even a very good one at that.

                  As Jack would say, he's a cliché, and you know how I feel about those.

                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Wow, congratulations to Alan and Amanda! I hope everything goes well.

                    ...maybe we should send the baby a stuffed penguin.

                    *dons party hat and brings in a boat load of non-alcoholic versions of his drinks*

                    WOOHOO!! YAY AT and Alan! Time for a party!


                      Originally posted by Sam fan
                      Hey everyone! I am sooo yper after finding out about the baby! I am sooooo unvbelieveably happy for her and I just really really hope everything goes well for her!! And I actually now wouldn't mind season 8 being the end although she does state that they don't know if it's over or not- but yeah good luck Amanda! I'm so happy for her! *bounces off the walls*
                      *ducks bouncing object*

                      What the heck was that?!?!?!

                      Oh. It was just Sam fan in hyperdrive!


                        Originally posted by Major Fischer
                        But what I do demand is that when romance is done in a show, that it be done in keeping with the characters and not in a way that violates my suspension of disbelief. I don't think that there was a big outcry against Narim or Martouf. Because Narim and Martouf were important to the stories that they were in. Even Ambassador Joe. The romance aspect was an aspect of the Tollan and Tok'ra arcs. It wasn't the entire point of those arcs.
                        You make a very good point here. I didn't mind Narim. He was interesting. I rather liked Martouf. He was cute and had a lot of good backstory. Also a pretty cool conflict with the whole Jolinar thing. Ambassador Joe was played by an actor I always disliked, so there's no way I can give a fair opinion on him. They were all part of something a lot bigger than Sam's love life. They had a point. They were well integrated into the show. They had motives and purposes of their own that were unrelated to the romance issue. You didn't have to like the romance to find them and their story interesting.

                        There is no point to the Pete arc. They have missed the point of their own television show. The reasons why there were such a backlash against Pete (besides the many and previously stated problems with the character) is that no fan felt like they could enjoy the arc without enjoying the romance.
                        Yup, when all there is to the character is romance, there's really no escape valve. Wiht Martouf, even if you are a sci-fi purist, the romance itself had a sci-fi twist. Sam was kinda his dead ex and kinda not. That's at least gets creativity points and creates a conflict that goes way past somebody's clock ticking.

                        I do think some of the point was to give Sam the choice of a normal life. It's something that made sense for the character to explore as part of this questioning her choices thing. If Pete were a brief and mostly off-screen entity, it probably would have worked out okay. The idea wasn't inherently bad. Unfortunately it was rather poorly executed. Then Pete got a lot of rather defensive promotion going into season 8 that made his minimal presence seem much bigger. Also, the time and seriousness of the relationship has gone way too far. There was a kernel of an okay idea in there, but it never should have been this big. Sam's (or any of the team's) love life should be a tiny tangent at most. It shouldn't be a character's major "development" for the season. Getting used to a first command and making the touch choices has the potential for a good character arc that's actually show-related. Having to choose between being the leader/officer she could be or the hot-shot scientist she was without all the additional responsibility is real internal conflict that we could see develop within the basic framework of the show.

                        I think the second and perhaps greater sin here though was dismissing a horrible reaction from your fanbase. Maybe they think they are addressing our concerns over three or four episodes, but to me that misses the point entirely. When you make a mistake it shouldn't take you three or four episodes to fix it.
                        I really think they didn't believe the reaction was that bad until after they brought Pete back this season. Some people sent a lot of positive feedback on Pete because they really, really wanted the Sam/Jack thing ended and saw Pete as a route to that. Some also just liked the episode (opinions do vary). They got fan feedback on both sides. If you read the message boards after Chimera, the reaction was wildly mixed. People hated it with a passion and others were equally passionately favorable. Letters were also sent on both sides -- some rather crazy sounding on both sides, too. Whatever the motives, it looked like a mixed response. Heated mixed responses are often considered good in that 'all publicity is good publicity' way. At that point it is easy to write it off as shippers freaking out -- especially when the actor worked out well, is friend/family and was promised more work. Toss in a little denial and how insulated a production can be when it's in full swing, it's not a huge stretch to figure you can ride it out and finish the arc you had in mind.

                        I don't think the level of the backlash became obvious to TPTB until this season. By the time they figured it out, it was too late to stop the train. They'd said too much. Future episodes were already in the can and the arc promoted. They did re-edit the Lowdown for overseas. That's telling. Amanda and TPTB have stopped with all the pro-Pete interviews. Also telling. He hasn't shown up in episodes he said he was in. Interesting, but not conclusive. JM posted here to calm us down. Again, telling. They're doing about all they can without losing face -- which is shutting down the Pete PR machine and minimizing the damage. And for all the Pete we've heard about, we really haven't seen him all that much. DDL may have a big mouth and talk up his role a lot, but he's an actor. That's kinda what they do. We've seen a heck of a lot less than we've heard. There may very well be a reason for that. I'd bet a few years from now some interesting stories will emerge about this whole mess.
                        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                          Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                          After many scheduling conflicts with the cable company and problems with the cable line resulting in many rescheduled appointments I finally have internet access at home again. Woo hoo! I'm home! <kisses ground of ship thread> That was the longest month and a half of my life. I think that it's probably not a good sign that I'm almost unable to cope without internet access but I'm so happy to be on the forum right now that I don't really care.

                          I've not even begun to catch up yet so I have much reading ahead of me but I did catch the news that AT is pregnant and due in March. Yay for her and her hubby. I don't know that what the shooting schedule is but I wonder if they'll write the pregnancy into the show or if they'll cover it up or if they wrapped shooting before she started showing? This has probably been gone over already but, as I said, it's going to take me about a month just to catch up with all of the reading. Goodness I can't wait until January.
                          *dances for joy*

                          *crushes Ship Mum's lungs with a giant bear hug*

                          You're home!!!!!!!!

                          We've missed you!! *sniff* Don't worry! Those are tears of joy!


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            Hi Athena

                            How was your trip to thailand ..? Post that in the chatter room ..I'll read that later..tell us about pics ...visits ..ect...???!!!

                            Here ..we've been relatively happy..until The DD interview ..but it's a red hearing saying he may be in Mobius ...I think he just got the episodes mixed up and he wants to move to Atlantis ..Good ..don't care as long as he is not Sam's boyfriend anymore ...he's planning to be in season 9 if there is one ...I think the possibility of him being in there is slim unless he lets sam go with her true love like a real gentleman to redeem his character then andonly then he may be liked by the fandom

                            I made quite a few videos while you were gone ..Can't remeber the last one I posted when you were around ...but roughly:

                            -caught in a moment (Sugarbabes)
                            -Lost without you (Dleta Goodrem)
                            -I believe in you ( Evanescence) ACTION S&J
                            -First day of my life ( The rasmus) action S&J
                            -UK lowdown "Someone like you" Atomic kitten ..RDA & AT
                            -UK lowdown RDA & AT Frame by frame montage " The promise" Enya.

                            and I just started an Halloween project ...Posted my First video last night my "OTHER SG1 VIDEOS" mostly Sam and Jack but with others too..

                            video "Thriller" Michael Jackson .....SCARYYYYYY..SPOOKYYYYYYYYY

                            and no other spoilers regarding the show by the way .

                            I know i'm like a week behind on replying to you Caty.

                            But just wanted to say a quick thanks for the update Caty. I'll definately check out your new Vids as soon as i get back home and get use my computer again.

                            back on topic....I read the DD interview a while back too. I had a feeling that interview was gonna get some sort of reaction. then again just the thought or mention of any more possibility of spudman still being around just irks a lot of people.

                            anyways 3 more days and i'll be flying back home and can finally have a decent/ semi-decent convos with you guys.

                            *huggles shipper family*


                              Originally posted by auralan
                              I don't think the level of the backlash became obvious to TPTB until this season. By the time they figured it out, it was too late to stop the train. They'd said too much. Future episodes were already in the can and the arc promoted. They did re-edit the Lowdown for overseas. That's telling. Amanda and TPTB have stopped with all the pro-Pete interviews. Also telling. He hasn't shown up in episodes he said he was in. Interesting, but not conclusive. JM posted here to calm us down. Again, telling. They're doing about all they can without losing face -- which is shutting down the Pete PR machine and minimizing the damage. And for all the Pete we've heard about, we really haven't seen him all that much. DDL may have a big mouth and talk up his role a lot, but he's an actor. That's kinda what they do. We've seen a heck of a lot less than we've heard. There may very well be a reason for that. I'd bet a few years from now some interesting stories will emerge about this whole mess.
                              The problem is that it still divides the fandom. It still leaves the noroms and the pro-Pete people with a horrible resolution. And it makes me wonder what TPTB are really thinking about the reaction. Are the adjustments to the PR really them understanding? Or is this just more patronizing? Because I'm sorry, I feel like I was being patronized to by TPTB both in the US Lowdown and in Affinity. It's made me suspicious of them.

                              And on balance I liked Chimera. For the Osiris stuff entirely. Too bad they didnt' spend more time on it, and on Sarah Gardner's recovery.


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                A couple more screencaps from the UK Lowdown:

                                I've got the perfect caps for the first pic since it looks like he's giving somebody off-screen a playfully nasty look:

                                (for the show) Jack: Yeah Pete! I've got your woman now! What'cha gonna do about it, punk?!?!

                                (behind-the-scenes version)

                                RDA: Yeah Alan! You're wife's mine now! You wanna piece o' me, punk?

