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    Originally posted by Majorsal
    Here's a question I'd like to ask a power that be: why did Sam and PS get engaged?
    I'm obviously not a PTB... but since you asked the question... just an idea… not necessarily how I feel, but something to throw out there for discussion... perhaps in the male PTB’s eyes Sam is the most expendable character in terms of they think that she's the easiest one to throw a relationship at & to use her to make all the points it would have been more interesting to see one of the male characters go through?
    How in the heck is Sam going to get out of this without looking like a b*tch for dumping PS? Or if PS ends up a jerk or bad, how is this going to look for Sam? She's either the victim or the victimizer...
    Unless the writers did some miraculous writing (which I don't hold out hopes for), they're going to make one of them come off looking really bad. I don't want it to be Sam... so unless Pete gets some really great off-planet job offer that makes him want to leave Sam for...
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Originally posted by mad_gater
      hmm...haven't seen Nirrti (the experimanting b----) on this thread. Last we saw she got her neck broken in S6, so unless she's got a sarc we shouldn't be sseing her again for awhile.
      Haven't met Shadow have you?


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Ok here is the get the car.....someone else get the paint
        I have the HUGE piece of plywood.

        swing by pick everyone up and we off to Bridge studios...........if we hurry we may get there in time to see away
        darn it...aren't they done filming SG1????

        Ok NEW PLAN!!! all of the above BUT we go to RCC's HOUSE we CUT UP the plywood into signs and we march out front in a circle chanting "Save a Penguin-Make Sam & Jack Kiss"
        RCC will be SO CONFUSED he will come out and ask what the HECK penguins have to do with Sam & Jack that we can explain The report given by Melyanna and the Plight of the penguins and all that and we can explain how they are going to be sacrificing themselves soon as *Tuxedo Rockets*

        Ok so anyway RCC will be DESPERATE to SHUT US UP and want us to leave that he will promise us ANYTHING at this point and then we spring all of our GREAT IDEAS on him

        See simple call me when you are on the road
        Wow, Tame, I don't know what to say. Except that I'm almost to the point of physical pain from laughing too much!
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
          We'll need snacks!
          You are SO RIGHT BEV!!!!!! you and charge of Snacks!!! ... FHB has a pineapple thing that is to DIE FOR!!!!!
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            You are a *Beacon of Hope* how cool is that !!!!!
            Yes, but I'm NOT ready to take on a human host


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              see I knew you would try to experiment on have an evil side now that you had that *incident* last week
              Okay, the "incident" as you call it was confined to the Thunk Thread. Okay, well, maybe an ep thread, and maybe one or two off topic threads... Whatever!

              It had nothing to do with the Shipper thread!! Please do not start maligning Mei Mei in the Shipper thread as everyone here knows that Mei Mei is sweet and innocent and would never be part of an "incident"!

              *Tame whispers something to Mei Mei*

              Okay, since they may have read some of Mei Mei's fics, she would like to retract the "sweet and innocent" comment. But she would still never be part of an "incident" so please Shipper Family don't believe any rumors started by the Gutter Gals!


                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                You are SO RIGHT BEV!!!!!! you and charge of Snacks!!! ... FHB has a pineapple thing that is to DIE FOR!!!!!
                Yes Ma'am ....Pineapple and cream cheesecake,actually.
                Or ....Sherry and Pernod trifle.Guaranteed to knock lower Mr Cooper's willpower and resistance,ASAP.

                Originally posted by Major Fischer
                Yes, but I'm NOT ready to take on a human host
                I'm not sure I'm even human,so that's me out of any box-chasing ,lol !
                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                  Originally posted by LtLisa
                  oh, for crying out loud! Men really need to get over that issue! Yes, I'm a woman and I get a period every I really think men would be easier to deal with if they could somehow experience our little monthly visitor a couple times...

                  yes, exactly...there was no need to look and point, or be surprised: she was just Carter and she was doing her thing. The fact that she was a woman was NOT the point.

                  no, if Sam had been male she would have a wife and 2.5 kids. Just look at the one episode wonder male characters home lives. In Heroes we have
                  Janet and Sam basically saying they have no personal life, while two male team members are talking about their wives and families

                  Talk about a skewed perception...the men can have a family, but not the women?

                  Agreed...if you're in love with someone, they should love you for why on Earth should you be changing?
                  Agreed! If anything, during THAT time of the month women become even MORE formidable as warriors. The enemy would never know what hit them then. I remember reading a fic once where Sam got captured by natives when she was entering THAT time of month. The guys broke her out but the natives surrounded them at the gate. Sam just brought out her P-90 and said: I've got PMS and a P-90! Any questions?!?!?! Needless to say the natives backed off!


                    Originally posted by meimei
                    Okay, since they may have read some of Mei Mei's fics, she would like to retract the "sweet and innocent" comment. But she would still never be part of an "incident" so please Shipper Family don't believe any rumors started by the Gutter Gals!
                    Oh yah, I buy that. Innocent and pure as driven snow. I believe everyone in the entire Ship thread is innocent and pure and sweet...


                      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                      I'm obviously not a PTB... but since you asked the question... just an idea… not necessarily how I feel, but something to throw out there for discussion... perhaps in the male PTB’s eyes Sam is the most expendable character in terms of they think that she's the easiest one to throw a relationship at & to use her to make all the points it would have been more interesting to see one of the male characters go through?
                      Unless the writers did some miraculous writing (which I don't hold out hopes for), they're going to make one of them come off looking really bad. I don't want it to be Sam... so unless Pete gets some really great off-planet job offer that makes him want to leave Sam for...
                      I answered this in an earlier post but I am going to hope against hope....that TPTB allow Sam & Pete to just admit that they both moved to fast and they both were having rebound feelings of a sort.

                      For Sam - she was *just trying to have a life outside of the SGC and Pete is just a really nice guy* He was in the right place at the right time when she needed to reach out. But she is *in-love* with her life and her job. But she loves that Pete accepted her for a while but he seems to be moving things to a place that she isn't sure she is ready for. But she does want those things BUT she isn't feeling the PULL to BE THERE like she feels she should for her to be getting married.

                      For Pete - Sam was a woman who understood secrets and she wasn't demanding of his time and that made her even more attractive - but in the end he really does want a woman that is home each night. Sam is such a wonderful sexy exciting woman, but he can't compete with the universe. He doesn't want to. His ex was to controlling and Sam is not controlling enough if he can find a woman that is a combination of the two he would be estatic. He thinks that Sam is incredible but he knows that down the road he will hold on too tight. So maybe it would be better to let go now.

                      Now see I don't think either one of them comes off looking to bad is honest and while it may hurt a the end they each feel good that the other will move on and be happy
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        I've seen the end...and it's going to be shippy....

                        Right on!!

                        I have seen the future and it has ship, lots and lots of sam/jack ship and kissing and fishing and penguins and other stuff that im not allowed to mention in this thread!!!!!
                        Random Thought of the day:

                        -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                        -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                        heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          Wow, Tame, I don't know what to say. Except that I'm almost to the point of physical pain from laughing too much!
                          ((mel)))) Thank you...once a year I get to be funny
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by Major Fischer
                            Oh yah, I buy that. Innocent and pure as driven snow. I believe everyone in the entire Ship thread is innocent and pure and sweet...
                            Like good old Mae West. She said once she was Snow White,but she drifted !
                            The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                              (OK I’ve snipped & maneuvered your posts around… please forgive me FHB… but I didn’t want to quote everything in all of them! )
                              Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                              I hope no-one minds me de-lurking at last (Got the Red Cookie....for once,I didn't scoff everything,lol ! ) Tame,Caty,Bev,and quite a few others among your family,can vouch for me as a fully paid-up "Forum-Friendshipper".
                              I will vouch for you too FHB. You’ve always played fun & fair in the threads I’ve visited.
                              I used to think a Ship solution wasn't possible,due to the AF regs,but I have a very Shippy Gatelet daughter,and some very warm feelings for all of you.
                              We regularly watch Caty's vids and read some of the PG Ship fics.
                              To stamp on Gatelet's feelings,and those of my Shipper friends just isn't in me.
                              My Gatelet isn't even 13 yet,but she asked me why I'd never posted here, the other day.(We were watching "P.O.V" sue us,Shipper-Haters ! )
                              I told her that I like to be considerate,and that I didn't want to butt in and look stupid,after all this time as a "neutral".
                              Her answer : "Mum,you'll look even more stupid if you don't !"
                              Kinda said it all,didn't she ? !

                              I wish I'd come in sooner,really,but I'm a notorious on-looker and tend towards tardiness in jumping into established threads.
                              Wish you would have “butted” in before… but am very happy you did now.
                              I really want a happy ending for Sam and Jack.(Not forgetting the rest of the team...I love Daniel,Teal'c,and also Jonas too.) I won't curl up and die,if resolution of J/S doesn't happen,but I will feel cheated.Badly !
                              I know the real AF won't allow too much rule-breaking,but I just want Sam and Jack to TALK to each other,and clear the air for progress,....I know all about the need for dramatic tension,the need now to consider Pete,and how to write him out with dignity for all concerned,and all that jazz.
                              The military has a whole lot to do with both their attitudes,as they're both career Officers with presumably plenty "distasteful things" to cloud their perspectives.
                              The Military life is not a soft career option in the first place,as there are life and death issues at stake in times of conflict,and a great deal of non-disclosure involved at all times.
                              There must have been many times,in his marriage to Sara,when Jack kept schtum,and many times when Jacob would have kept quiet to Sam about his AF career.
                              When Sam decided to folow in Jacob's footsteps,she also signed up for the "Don't ask,don't tell" policy.
                              All the backstory leads to two people who are afraid to be open and honest...even (or especially !)with each other.
                              The Stargate program is the biggest secret they have in common,as officers,and it's going to be their biggest obstacle too,if they want to move on from the friendship stage......
                              I freely admit that I'd plonk them down in nice comfy chairs and mediate if they were real people.It's "what I do" in RL....seriously !
                              I hear ya. You do the mediation duty… I'll guard the door so they can’t get out. Very good thoughts BTW on why they’re so afraid to be open & honest w/each other.
                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                Ok here is the get the car.....someone else get the paint
                                I have the HUGE piece of plywood.

                                swing by pick everyone up and we off to Bridge studios...........if we hurry we may get there in time to see away
                                darn it...aren't they done filming SG1????

                                Ok NEW PLAN!!! all of the above BUT we go to RCC's HOUSE we CUT UP the plywood into signs and we march out front in a circle chanting "Save a Penguin-Make Sam & Jack Kiss"
                                RCC will be SO CONFUSED he will come out and ask what the HECK penguins have to do with Sam & Jack that we can explain The report given by Melyanna and the Plight of the penguins and all that and we can explain how they are going to be sacrificing themselves soon as *Tuxedo Rockets*

                                Ok so anyway RCC will be DESPERATE to SHUT US UP and want us to leave that he will promise us ANYTHING at this point and then we spring all of our GREAT IDEAS on him

                                See simple call me when you are on the road
                                On my way!!!

