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    sg1 Poz no problem don't forget pm me if you need to chat,we'll always be here whenever.....................................................




      Originally posted by wynter

      I too understand event though i lost my father, i think somehow don't get me wrong but there is a different love for your soulpartner.I hope in time you treasure the memories you had together and know that we are here if you need usxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      You guys are amazing you really are, i find it really wierd to be surrounded by people who actually care. And are willing to help others the way you guys do, i'm going through the crying stage *again* and as much as I hate it it's something I think I have to do otherwise I'll never be ok. SG1Poz you are great, and brave and everyother posative thing I can think of right now.

      Wynter- Thanks for sharing your experiences and everyone else who has too, I know other people go through this but actually reading it makes it a little bit easier to deal with. Thank you all.


        HALLELUIA! It's FRIDAY and the end of my work day! Bring on the weekend!!! But before I sign off and go home here is STARFURY'S SHIPPY MOMENT OF THE DAY!!!

        This one comes from Fire and Water and I have to admit that I...uhh...borrowed it from somebody but I can't be bothered to go back through the archive to find out who...anyway you know who you are, and your mention of this scene is possibly the only thing that could have gotten me to rewatch this episode, because otherwise I really don't like it! Although I realized this time through that there's undercurrents of shippiness throughout the episode...anyway on to the SHIPPY MOMENT:

        Sam is undergoing hypnotherapy to find out what happened on the planet when they thought Daniel died. As she realizes that he didn't die, and they left him behind, she jumps up and cries out in anguish for Colonel O'Neill. Jack grabs her and hugs her tight in reassurance and comfort.

        That's all for now, folks...till next time, Happy Shipping!
        Sam & Jack 'Ship...


          Originally posted by Major Fischer
          Sam and Jack? I'd like to see them acknowledge that there are feelings there, and that even if they don't follow them completely that they talk about what they should do about them with each other. I'd like to see TPTB stop throwing love interests that them, or at least have them stop biting. Hell, have them break the regs descretely. They don't need to flaunt it all over the base. THey are smart people.

          But I'd really like the stupid angst to stop.

          If you mean John and Elizabeth.... well, this is what I think is going on there.
          <snipped for space>
          Nicely put, Major! I've been trying to put my thoughts together on Sheppard/Weir for a while, and you've done it quite well here.

          When I started getting those vibes from Atlantis, I really tried to ignore it — I knew they'd said there wasn't going to be overt ship in the series, and I tend not to care for ship that isn't canon. But then half the people I know who are watching the show had reached the same conclusions, but, like me, couldn't quite explain why. This, however, sums it up quite well.

          And you're right, the War and Peace conversation reminded me a lot of the early Sam/Jack stuff — little flirty moments that we haven't seen much lately.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by Starfury
            I still like my idea for the opening scene in Moebius Pt. 1 (not really a spoiler or even speculation, 'cause I made it up but I'll use the tag anyway)

            We get an establishing shot of Jack's cabin, the lake, the boat tied up at the dock, birds chirping, it looks like a very peaceful and lovely morning. Suddenly the quiet is broken by the sound of a helicopter, which we see landing in the clearing near the lake.

            We then see Jack come stomping out of the cabin, looking disheveled and still in the process of pulling his shirt on, which is somewhat difficult since the chopper blades are still spinning down, and the resulting wind is blowing his shirt around (that's for the gutter gals!). "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" he yells, as Major Davis jumps out of the chopper, "What on earth do you think you're doing here?"

            Major Davis says "I'm sorry, General, we tried to call you but you didn't answer your phone or any of our pages. We can't reach Colonel Carter, either...uh..." Davis peters out as he sees Sam come out of the front door (fully clothed but wearing what looks like one of Jack's shirts), shielding her eyes from the bright sun.

            Jack sees his look, smirks. "Yeah, I'm afraid our phones had a little boating accident." Major Davis looks nonplussed, and Jack rolls his eyes. "Can't you people take a hint? I'm retired!"

            "I'm sorry, sir," Major Davis pauses again as Sam joins them and nods to her "Uh, and Colonel...I'm sorry, but it's an emergency."

            "It's always an emergency with you people," Jack complains.

            Sam slips her hand around Jack's elbow and gives him a look that means "give the man a break, ok?" then says to Davis: "What is it, Major?"

            At this point we get a lot of exposition leading us into the huge convoluted plot of "Moebius."

            Of course this version is a lot more detailed than the last one, but it's the same basic plot.
            LOVE this!!!! Even a cute little nod to the gutter girls!! (and being a good gutter girl I know *I* want to see Jack shirtless ) I wish that this would be what we get for Moebius!
            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              And you're right, the War and Peace conversation reminded me a lot of the early Sam/Jack stuff — little flirty moments that we haven't seen much lately.
              Your welcome. Careful though, I got dinged for being off topic in my post. Even though I did talk about Sam and Jack for more than a paragraph and related my Atlantis discussion back to Sam and Jack.
              Last edited by Major Fischer; 05 November 2004, 02:53 PM.


                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                nah, she's too old for him, he's just a wee boy!
                Ya think? His actor (hot stuff there) is 37...
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by marimba26
                  Well said! You've gotten right to the heart of the issue. If he knows then why hasn't he done something about it?
                  HERE HERE! So much said in so few words That should have been my post LOL! All said is true! See, they are meant for each other, they both need counseling



                    Originally posted by auralan
                    If it turns out he was stalking Daniel all along, I'll apologize and send roses to their commitment ceremony.
                    ...and I'll chip in for those roses! In fact, I might chip in for an extra dozen!
                    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                      Originally posted by marimba26
                      Ya think? His actor (hot stuff there) is 37...
                      And the character bio of Weir says she's 35.


                        Originally posted by Major Fischer
                        Sam and Jack? I'd like to see them acknowledge that there are feelings there, and that even if they don't follow them completely that they talk about what they should do about them with each other. I'd like to see TPTB stop throwing love interests that them, or at least have them stop biting. Hell, have them break the regs descretely. They don't need to flaunt it all over the base. THey are smart people.

                        But I'd really like the stupid angst to stop.
                        You sure you're not a shipper?

                        If you mean John and Elizabeth.... well, this is what I think is going on there.

                        Atlantis Speculation and
                        I don't think back on earth either one of them would even think of the other as their 'type'. Weir seems the type who likes her men a little bookish and romantic. Simon seems like the only time he gets his hands dirty is when he sees it as an intellectual challenge.

                        I'd even argue that she imagined that she'd come home to him fixing his car has less to do with what Simon would actually be doing and more to do with what she's finding herself attracted to now.

                        She's much more mature than Sheppard and has put herself in a world where people are deadly serious all the time. After all if they aren't there is an international incident in the making. But she's on the other side of the universe now, and she's feeling alone. Just the look on her face when she hugs myst-Simon in Home says it. She hasn't told anyone about her personal life. She hasn't made friends. She's afraid to make friends because she isn't quite sure how to be a leader yet.

                        And there is Sheppard. Sheppard, though he's a major and a military officer, never was cut out to be a leader. He's used to being a pilot and to having an air crew but he's never had to be so serious that he couldn't kick back and have a beer at the end of the day. My bet is that he's been attracted to women a bit like Teyla before. Busty, beautiful, and beyond his reach. He's having trouble realizing that he needs some distance from the details to see the bigger picture. They're two people who are starting from opposite places trying to find the same middle ground.

                        On the way there they're seeing something in each other. At least it's clear Weir sees something in him if not the other way around. I don't see how the bit in 38 Minutes has any other explaination. Sure they're saying they aren't writing overt ship into the series, but what else was he going to say that he wouldn't say after he was safe?

                        She's made some efforts to reach out to him. The seen where they discuss War and Peace in Home comes to mind. To me this screams of very early Sam/Jack shippyness. Perhaps not something they will ever go as far as they did with Sam and Jack, but certainly it's there.

                        EDIT: So I got red from someone for the Atlantis speculation/discussion even though I talked about Sam and Jack as well in the post. Someone needs a life. Hon, I have 994 more rep, if you want to red me, go ahead.
                        Interesting thoughts. I agree about that bit in 38 minutes and I also thought that bit at the end of "The Storm" part 1 was shippy bc
                        he specifically said 'her' not them when she and Rodney were being held by the Genai (sp?). He was also willing to trade for her--pretty shippy if you ask me! I nearly jumped out of my chair at that scene!

                        And you're right, they do act like early Jack and Sam. I remember reading somewher that once the AF said no to the original Jack and Sam ship rumblings that they dropped it. Of course it came back later so no matter what TPTB are saying right now, we could wind up with some ship in Atlantis too.
                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          Originally posted by Kri
                          Hey Amber, where did you get your quote in your signature? I love it!
                          Hey Kri, not only am I a bigtime Sam/Jack shipper but I'm also a Babylon 5 Sheridan/Delenn shipper.

                          It's an Egyptian (how coincidential, eh?) blessing which Capt John Sheridan would say before sending his troops into battle.

                          I always loved it too!

                          -- AmberMoon


                            Originally posted by marimba26
                            You sure you're not a shipper?
                            Yes, quite.

                            Originally posted by marimba26
                            Interesting thoughts. I agree about that bit in 38 minutes and I also thought that bit at the end of "The Storm" part 1 was shippy bc
                            he specifically said 'her' not them when she and Rodney were being held by the Genai (sp?). He was also willing to trade for her--pretty shippy if you ask me! I nearly jumped out of my chair at that scene!
                            I've still resisted the urge to see the Storm, I have it on tape but hate being cliffhangered.


                              Originally posted by SG1Poz
                              HERE HERE! So much said in so few words That should have been my post LOL! All said is true! See, they are meant for each other, they both need counseling

                              Yep, they definitely need their heads examined! Why they didn't get together in season 4 is still a mystery to me! They had the perfect opportunity to get together in BTS--or at least discuss it, FCOL!!! But alas, a missed opportunity!
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                (((((((Shipper Family)))))))

                                You guys post too much.
                                I'm serious.
                                Now that I finally managed to catch up with you, I don't have the time to post or reply anymore....
                                I guess I need a new method!

